Rune Age Rules Summary v2 0

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Rune Age Rules, Summary, and Reference Cards (version 2.

Created by Nersi

The following rules, summary of play, and reference cards are meant to be used with Rune Age and pro-
vide easy reference for players. Included is a large two-sided complete set of rules and summary of play,
as well as a two-sided half-sheet brief reference card (meant to assist players during the game).

Version 2.0: Includes additional rules from the Oath and Anvil expansion.

Printing Instructions:
Pages 2 and 3 should be printed back-to-back and trimmed down to the edges to create a single two-
sided reference card.

Page 4 should have the cards on the left and right placed back-to-back. This may be done in one of two

1. Print page 4 twice on both sides of a sheet. Then cut out the individual halves to form two two-sided
reference cards.

2. Print page 4 and cut around the edges, folding in the middle and gluing the two halves together to
form a single two-sided reference card.


Please note: The rights to Rune Age and the artwork contained herein are retained by Fantasy Flight Games.
9. Each player draws five “1” Gold cards (from the Central up to five cards if necessary. If there are not enough cards in
Play Area) and three of the Units from his Barracks with a the player’s draw deck, the player should draw the available
value of “1” (in the lower right corner) and shuffles them as his cards, reshuffle the discard deck, and then draw the remainder.
deck. He then draws five as his starting hand.
10. The youngest player begins play and is the first player.
Play begins with the players all taking their turn before the first
A battle is combat between a player and a non-player card
player reveals and completes the first Event card.
(City, Stronghold, Enemy from the Event deck). (Note that a
Play Order Stronghold may be bought for 4 Gold or acquired in battle with
a strength of 2.) Battles proceed in this order:
Rules and Summary of Play The game is played in a series of rounds. A round consists
ofall players taking their turns, starting with the first player 1. The player declares the target card of his assault.
Note: Rules specific to the Oath and Anvil expansion are and proceeding clockwise. The round ends with the first player 2. The player commits Units from his hand, one at a time,
denoted by . drawing and resolving the top card of the Event deck during to his army. The army is comprised of all the Units, called
the Event Phase. The next round then begins. “participating units,” committed to this battle. The player may
SETUP commit as many Units as he wishes or is able. If the Unit has
1. The players agree on a scenario. Place the scenario’s
Player Turns a When Played ability, the player may (but is not obligated
objective card face up (with the victory conditions visible) in During their turns, the active player may take the following to) use that ability. However, he may only do so at the moment
the Central Play Area. Remove the other scenarios and their actions: the card is played and before the next Unit, if any, is played.
Event cards. Refer to any scenario-specific setup rules. 1. Refresh: Turn upright all Cities, Strongholds, and Rewards. Action abilities may not be used, though the card may still be
added to the army for its strength.
2. Shuffle the Stage 2 Event cards for the scenario (denoted 2. Action: Take any of the following for actions, in any order
by two blue gems on the bottom of the card) and place them and as frequently as desired and able. (Note: the cost of cards 3. The player then rolls the Attrition Die if the target card
face down. Shuffle the Stage 1 Event cards (one blue gem) is listed in the lower right corner, the benefit or resource gained (usually an Enemy) has the Attrition Die icon on it. For
and place them on top. (For “The Cataclysm” scneario, start in the upper left). every skull on the rolled side, the player must destroy one
with Stage 3, then Stage 2, then Stage 1, each on top of the Unit (return the card to the pile from which it was originally
Spend Gold
previous.) obtained). Destroyed Units will not participate in the outcome
The player may spend Gold by discarding Gold cards from
of the battle. The player may choose which card to destroy but
3. Refer to the three wax seals on the back of the scenario his hand to buy Units from his Barracks, one of his race’s
must destroy the indicated number of Units if able. If unable,
objective card. Take the three matching types of Neutral cards Strongholds, or a Special card (such as a Monument, if
then he destroys as many as he can (which may be none).
(each one bearing one of the three wax seals) and, referring to included in the scenario). He may split the played Gold
the table below, place the appropriate number of the Neutral among different units or discard multiple Gold cards to 4. The player then resolves the Resolution abilities on his
cards in three stacks (one for each type of card) in the Central buy a single card (or any combination he can afford). Any army’s Units in any order.
Play Area. Remove the remaining Neutral cards from play. fraction of Gold left on the discarded cards at the end of 5. The player then calculates the total strength of his army.
4. Each player chooses a race. The player then takes the the action, however, is lost and cannot be carried over to Victory
cards for that race: all of the different Unit cards, the three another action later in the turn. (Note that a Stronghold If this player’s army’s strength is equal to or exceeds the
Strongholds, and the Home Realm. may be bought for 4 Gold or acquired in battle with a target’s strength (in the lower right hand corner), the player
strength of 2.) claims victory:
: Add in the two new types of units per core faction.
Spend Influence If the card is a City, Stronghold, or an Enemy that states
5. Each player places his Home Realm in front of him.
The player may spend Influence by exhausting Influence it can be claimed as a Reward, the player adds that
6. Each player creates a Barracks by placing all of the types cards (cards with the Influence icon in the upper left hand card to his play area above his Home Realm.
of Unit cards into separate piles (one for each type) next to his corner) in his play area to buy cards in the Common Play
Home Realm. The three Strongholds are also placed to the side Area. He may split the played Influence among different If the card is an Enemy without the Reward ability, it is
and may be obtained (either with gold or in a battle) during units or exhaust multiple Influence cards to buy a single placed in the Event discard pile.
the game. card (or any combination he can afford). Any fraction Defeat
7. Using the table below, select the number of Gold cards of Influence left on the exhausted cards at the end of the If the player’s army’s strength is less than the target’s
appropriate for the number of players and place them in three action, however, is lost and cannot be carried over to strength, the player has failed, and the target card remains
stacks (one for each value) in the Central Play Area. Remove another action later in the turn. where it is. The player may attack the target on a later turn.
the remainder from play. Play Card Action 6. Any Unit’s End of Combat ability is resolved. Any
8. Using the table below, randomly select the number of Cities The player may play cards from his hand that contain the wounded Units are then destroyed. The remaining Units are
appropriate for the number of players. Place them separately word Action by discarding the cards and performing the placed into the player’s discard pile, regardless of whether the
in the Central Play Area (do not stack them). Remove the steps listed on the cards. Note: Cards with the Action combat was successful.
remainder from play. (Landmarks are used in “The Quest for ability cannot use their ability in combat; this is the only Siege
Power” scenario instead of Cities.) time the ability may be used. A siege is combat between two players. Sieges proceed in the
Combat following order:
Players 1 2 3 4 The player may initiate combat with a non-player card 1. The attacking player declares the target player and card
(e.g., a city, stronghold, or event enemy); this is called (City or Home Realm) of his assault. Strongholds may never
1 Gold 9 14 19 24
a battle. The player may also choose to attack another be attacked.
2 Gold 8 10 12 14 player’s Home Realm or city card; this is called a siege.
2. The two player take turns commiting Units to their army
Combat is explained below. Note: a player may attack as
3 Gold 4 6 8 10 from their hands, one at a time, beginning with the attacking
many targets as he desires or is able, but he may not attack
player. The army is comprised of all the Units, called
the same target more than once per round.
Each Neutral 2 3 4 5 “participating units,” committed to this siege. As each player
3. Discard: The player discards all remaining cards into the plays a Unit, he announces the new total strength of all the
Cities 2 3 4 5 discard pile or exhaust one Influence per card to keep any card participating Units in his army. The player may commit as
in his hand. many Units as he wishes or is able. If the Unit has a When
Landmarks N/A 4 5 6
4. Draw: Every player (not just the active player) draws back Played ability, the player may (but is not obligated to) use that
ability. However, he may only do so at the moment the card If the Instant Event attacks a player’s Home Realm, play combat action.
is played and before the next Unit, if any, is played. Action proceeds as with a battle with the player as the defender. Auto-Defense Bonus: The number on a City’s card under its
abilities may not be used, though the card may still be added to 1. The player commits Units from his hand, one at a time, Influence value (such as “+1”). This strength is automatically
the army for its strength. Players continue to alternate playing to his army. The army is comprised of all the Units, called added to the defending player’s army’s strength if this City is
units but may pass at any time. Once a player passes, he may “participating units,” committed to this battle. The player may attacked in a siege.
not play any further Units in this siege. When both players commit as many Units as he wishes or is able. If the Unit has Battle: Combat between a player and a non-player card (City,
pass, proceed to the next step. Stronghold, or Enemy).
a When Played ability, the player may (but is not obligated
Barracks: The portion of the player’s play area that has
3. The attacking player resolves the Resolution abilities of all to) choose to use that ability but only the moment the card
unbought units specific to his race.
his army’s Units in any order. The defending player then does is played and before the next Unit, if any, is played. Action
City: Cards that may be conquered through a battle action to
the same. abilities may not be used, though the card may still be added to
provide the victorious player with Influence.
4. The players then calculates the total strength of each of their the army for its strength.
Destroy: Lose possession of that card and place the card in the
armies. If the target is a City, then the defending player adds 2. The player then rolls the Attrition Die if the Event card has pile from which it was originally bought (the Common Play
that city’s auto-defense bonus (located under its Influence Attrition Die icon, destroying one Unit for every skull on the Area or the player’s Barracks) or discarded if Mythic.
value) to his strength. rolled face. Discard: Put the card face-up in the player’s own discard pile.
Attacker Victory 3. The player then resolves the Resolution abilities on his Exhaust: Turn a card sidways to show it has been used. In
If the attacking player’s army’s strength exceeds the army’s units in any order. the case of Cities, Strongholds, or Rewards, it means that its
defender’s army’s strength, then the attacker is victorious. resource has been used and cannot be reused until refreshed.
4. The player then calculates the total strength of his army.
End of Combat: The last phase of combat. Units with the End
If the target is a City, then the player acquires it and places Victory of Combat ability use this ability after combat has been
it upright (even if it was exhausted) above his Home If the player’s army’s strength is equal to or exceeds the decided but before the wounded Units are destroyed and the
Realm. Event’s strength (in the lower right hand corner), the player other Units are discarded.
If the target is a Home Realm, then the attacker subtracts successfully repels the attack. Friendly: Any participating units in that player’s play area.
the defender’s army’s strength from his own army’s Defeat Home Realm: The player’s race-specific realm, placed in front
strength. The number of damage tokens equal to the If the player’s army’s strength is less than the Event’s of his play area. If it takes 20 damage, the player is eliminated
difference is placed on the defending player’s Home strength, then the player subtracts his army’s strength from from the game.
Realm. the Event’s strength. The number of damage tokens equal Neutral Card: Cards with symbols that match the objective
Defender Victory to the difference is placed on the player’s Home Realm. card’s wax seals. They may be purchased with Influence.
If the defending player’s army’s strength is equal to or Mythic: Units with a gold shield and white number are
5. Any unit’s End of Combat ability is resolved. Any discarded when destroyed, not returned to their original piles.
exceeds the attacker’s army strength, then the attack is wounded Units are then destroyed. The remaining Units are
successfully repelled. No changes are made to the target Neutral Card: Cards with symbols that match the objective
placed into the player’s discard pile, regardless of whether the card’s wax seals. They may be purchased with Influence.
card’s status (e.g., if it was exhausted before the siege, it combat was successful.
remains exhausted). Opposing: Any participating units in an oppoent’s play area.
If an Event card affects mutiple players, then it starts with the Power: Resource collected from Landmarks in “The Quest
5. Any unit’s End of Combat ability is resolved. Any first player and proceeds clockwise. for Power” scenario. Landmarks with a lock icon must
wounded Units are then destroyed (or discarded if Mythic). resolve their abilities before they grant power.
The remaining Units are placed into their players’ respective If there are no more Events in the Event deck, shuffle the
Stage 2 Event cards in the discard pile to create a new Event Refresh: Turn exhausted cards upright to show their resources
discard piles, regardless of whether the player won the combat. may be used again. Done at the beginning of a player’s turn.
deck. Stage 1 cards are not shuffled back in and remain in the
discard pile. Resolution: The stage of combat when the army strength
Event Phase is calculated and the winner is decided. Cards with the
During the Event Phase, the first player reveals the top card of After the Event is resolved, all players draw back up to five Resolution ability use this ability before the winner is
the Event Deck and resolves it based on the type of Event card. cards. A new round begins with the first player’s turn. decided, starting with the attacking player.
Enemy Reward: A card that a player acquires that notes it is a Reward.
Winning and Losing Gold or Influence from a Reward card are exhausted when
An Enemy card is placed next to the objective card. A player
may then engage the Enemy in battle on his turn in the same The player(s) win upon completion of the conditions described used, not discarded.
way he may engage a City or Stronghold. He must defeat the in the scenario objective card. Siege: Combat between two players in which one is the attacker
Enemy based on the strength in the lower right corner of the If a player takes 20 damage to his Home Realm, he is and the other is the defender.
Enemy card. If a player does not defeat the Enemy in battle, eliminated from the game. His Cities, Gold, and Neutral cards Strength: Represents a card’s contribution to army strength
are returned to the Central Play Area and may be acquired by in battle, denoted by a shield icon. If it is in the lower right
the Enemy card remains and may be engaged on another turn.
other players. The players’s units, Strongholds, and Rewards corner, it is the strength that the player’s army needs to meet
If the card’s text states it can be claimed as a Reward by being or exceed to acquire the card. If it is in the upper left corner,
defeated, then the player who defeats it in a battle places it in are removed from play.
it is the strength that the unit contributes to the player’s army
his play area. That player may then use the Reward’s ability when played in combat.
as described. If the Reward has Gold or Influence in the upper
Mercenaries (Optional)
Stronghold: Race-specific structures that may be conquered
left corner, it may be exhausted to be used during the spending Mercenaries can be used in addition to neutral cards (but are by the player of that race to gain Influence. They may not be
phase of that players turn (Gold used from a Reward in this treated as such). To set them up, during Step 3 of Setup, draw acquired or attacked by other players.
way is exhausted like Influence, not discarded). two different random “I” and one random “II” mercenaries. Unit: A card bought from the player’s Barracks or a Neutral
Place the appropriate number (as per Neutral cards in the setup Card that may be used in the player’s army. There are four
If the card does not state it can be claimed as a Reward, it is
table) below the other Neutral cards, in ascending cost order. types of Barracks units (valued at 1, 2, 3, and 4 Gold), and
placed in the Event discard pile once defeated.
Mercenaries with the Siege icon cannot be used in they are race-specific; only that player may use them.
If the Enemy has an ability that states, “Start of the Event
cooperative scenarios. When Played: Units with this ability use this ability only when
Phase,” this ability takes place starting the next Event Phase
they are first played in combat (as the card is played). Using
(and subsequent Event Phases if applicable).
Glossary of Terms this ability is always optional.
Instant Wound: Exhaust a Unit card as the target of the ability. That
Action: Units with the Action ability may only use the ability
An Instant Event card has its effect (as listed on the card) unit still contributes strength to the player’s army but then is
if played outside of combat. This ability has no effect during
resolved immediately. Once the Event has been fully resolved, destroyed at the end of combat. A unit may only be wounded
it is placed in the discard pile (unless stated otherwise). once in any given combat.
Army: All the participating units a player has played in a single
Playing Round Summary
Player Turn

1. Active player refreshes all cards (Cities, Strongholds, Rewards) Combat Reference
2. Player performs Actions (in any order and any number of times): Battle (player vs. non-Player Card)

Spend Gold to buy Units, Strongholds, or Special Cards

1. Player declares target (if attacking): non-player City, Stronghold, or Enemy.
Spend Influence to buy Gold or Neutral Cards
2. Player commits Units one at a time and optionally resolves any When Played
Play a Unit’s “Action” Ability ability when the card is played.
Combat Action against another player (City or Home Realm) or a 3. Player rolls Attrition Die (if indicated on Event) and destroys one card per skull.
non-player card (City, Stronghold, or Enemy) 4. Player resolves any Resolution ability on Units in any order.
5. Player calculates his army’s strength and compares it to the opposing card’s
3. Player discards all remaining cards in his hand or spends one
Influence per card to keep in hand.
If equal or greater, player wins (acquires card or defends against attack)
4. All players draw back up to five cards. If necessary, reshuffle the If lower, player loses (does not acquire card or, if defending, must take the
discard deck. difference as damage to Home Realm)
6. Any End of Combat abilities are resolved. Wounded Units are destroyed. The
5. The next player takes his turn (proceeding clockwise) until all players rest are discarded.
have had a turn.

Event Phase Siege (player vs. player)

First player draws and resolves Event card. 1. The attacking player declares target (City or Home Realm, not Stronghold).
2. Each player (starting with attacker) alternates and commits Units one at a time
Enemy cards are placed next to the objective and may be attacked by
and optionally resolves any When Played ability when the cad is played. Each
players on their turns. They may be claimed if the player wins combat player announces his army’s total strength each time a Unit is played. Playing
only if listed as a Reward. Units continues until both players pass; once a player passes, he may not play any
more cards.
Instant cards resolve immediately. If it attacks the player’s Home
Realm, proceed to battle with the player as the defender. 3 The attacking player resolves any Resolution ability on his Units in any order.
The defending player then does the same.
If an Event affects multiple players, start with first player and proceed
clockwise. If the Event reads, “Start of the Event Phase,” it begins the 4. The attacking player calculates his army’s strength and compares it to the
defending player’s army’s strength (including a City’s auto-defense bonus).
next Event Phase. Discard the Event unless it states otherwise.
If the attacking player’s total is higher, the attacking player wins (acquires
If the Event deck is empty, shuffle the Stage 2 cards to form a new deck. the City refreshed or, if attacking the Home Realm, applies the difference in
Once the Event Phase is over, all players draw back up to five cards. damage to the defender’s Home Realm).
Then proceed to the first player’s turn. If the defending player’s total is equal or higher, the attack is repelled (no
further actions taken).
5. Any End of Combat abilities are resolved. Wounded Units are destroyed. The
rest are discarded.

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