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VSATPlus 3

Installation and Operation
Revision 06, February 2011

549 Meloche Avenue,
Dorval QC H9P 2W2 Canada
Voice: 1-514-635-0040
Fax: 1-514-635-0044

01-3000-001, Revision 06, February 2011, Final

VSATPlus 3 >

Legal Notices
Copyright © 2011 PolarSat, Inc. All rights reserved.
PolarSat™, FlexiDAMA™, Grizzly™, Kodiak™, Nanook™, NodeView™, SkyIP™,
SkyIP-100™, SkyIP-300™, StreamView™, VSATPlus II™, VSATPlus IIe™,
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For the proper installation and operation of this equipment and/or all parts
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experienced personnel. All of the contents of this guide must be fully read and
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Risk of Personal Injury or Damage to Equipment
Failure to completely read and fully understand and follow all of the
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2 PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011 Final

VSATPlus 3 >

Revision History
Revision and Date Changes

Revision 01, November 2008 First release

Revision 02, February 2009 • Updates, corrections

• Added Operation chapter

Revision 03, September 2009 • Added Alarms tab, Admin tab, QoS, ULPC

Revision 04, January 2010 • Updated Configure > Network page

• Added Alarms and Admin pages
• Added Assigning Carrier Frequencies

Revision 05, April 2010 • Added 8PSK

• Removed VoIP, CIDR from Primary Reference and Non-
Reference Terminals
• Added TCP Accelerator to Non-Reference Terminal
• Updated QoS rules
• Added Miscellaneous page to Admin tab

Revision 06, February 2011 Added:

• Multiple-language support
• ODU Frequency Offset
• 8PSK updates
• Eb/No and BER display
• Fractional MHz support on TX L-Band center frequency

PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal Installation and Operation Guide 3

VSATPlus 3 >

The following are common VSATPlus 3 abbreviations.
Term Definition

8PSK 8 Phase Shift Keying – Uses 45 degree rotation between phases,

for a total of 8 phases

A Ampere

AC Alternating Current

BER Bit Error Rate

BNC Bayonet Neil-Concelman Connector or British Naval Connector

BTP Burst Time Plan

BUC Block Up-Converter

CDL Carrier Definition List: carrier definitions

CIDR Classless Inter-Domain Routing

CIR Committed Information Rate

CLI Command Line Interface

C/N Carrier to Noise ratio

CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check

CSA Canadian Standards Association

CSC Common signaling Channel

CW Continuous Wave

DAMA Demand Assigned Multiple Access

DBDL Data Burst Definition List

DNS Domain Name System

DSCP Differentiated Services Code Point

Eb/No Energy per bit (Eb) to noise power spectral density (No) ratio

EF Expedited Flow

EIR Excess Information Rate

FEC Forward Error Correction

FHOP Frequency Hopping

FTP File Transfer Protocol

GEO Geosynchronous Earth Orbit satellite

GPS Global Positioning System

GUI Graphical User Interface

HTTP HyperText Transport Protocol

HTTPS HyperText Transport Protocol Secure

ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol

4 PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011 Final

VSATPlus 3 >

Term Definition

IEC International Electro Technical Commission

IF Intermediate Frequency

IP Internet Protocol

IPRL IP Routes List

ISP Internet Service Provider

LAN Local Area Network

L-Band • Portion of the electromagnetic spectrum used by satellite,

GPS, and microwave applications
• Frequencies from 950 to 1550 MHz

LED Light Emitting Diode

LO Local Oscillator

LNB Low Noise Block amplifier and downconverter

LPL List of IP Links

LSL Logical Station List

MIB Management Information Base

MIN Minimum bandwidth

NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association

NBC Network Broadcast Channel

NMS Network Management System

ODU Outdoor Unit equipment

OSS Operation and Support System

PAMA Permanently Assigned Multiple Access

PC Personal Computer

PDF Portable Document Format

PeP Protocol Enhancing Proxy

QoS Quality of Service

QPSK Quadrature Phase Shift Keying

RF Radio Frequency

RS-232 Recommended Standard-232 serial interface: also called

(Electronic Industries Association) EIA-232

Rx Receive

SB Super Burst

SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol

SSH Secure Shell

TCP Transmission Control Protocol

TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal Installation and Operation Guide 5

VSATPlus 3 >

Term Definition

TDMA Time-Division Multiple Access

TPC Turbo Product Code

Tx Transmit

UDP User Datagram Protocol

UL Underwriters Laboratories

ULPC UpLink Power Control

URL Uniform Resource Locator

UW Unique Word

V Volt

VHF Very High Frequency

VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol

VPN Virtual Private Network

VSAT Very Small Aperture Terminal

XML Extensible Markup Language

6 PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011 Final

VSATPlus 3
Legal Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Copyright . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Disclaimer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Revision History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 3
Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Network Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Figure: Example VSATPlus 3 network
Network Management
Terminal Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Satellite Modem
Advanced IP Functionality
Customer Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
TDMA Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Figure: TDMA Overview
Burst, Frame, and Superframe Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
Figure: Superframe, Frame, and Burst Structure
Burst Structure
Frame Structure
Figure: Simplified Frame Structure
Table: Burst Types and Characteristics
Superframe Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Figure: Typical Superframe Structure
TDMA Acquisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Primary Reference Node Acquisition
Figure: Primary Reference Node Acquisition
Non-Reference Node Receive Acquisition
Figure: Non-Reference Node Receive Acquisition and Synchronization
Transmit Acquisition
Figure: Transmit Acquisition
Symbol Clock Synchronization
Primary and Secondary References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Figure: First and Second Reference Slots
Bandwidth Pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Configuration Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Primary Reference Node . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Non-Reference Nodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
QoS Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Table: Summary of Configuration Parameters

VSATPlus 3 Terminal Installation and Operation Guide 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011, Final 7
© 2011 PolarSat, Inc. 549 Meloche Avenue, Dorval QC H9P 2W2 Canada; 1-514-635-0040
VSATPlus 3 >

Safety Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 4

Before You Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Protecting Against Static Discharges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Placing the Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Keeping the Equipment Ventilated
Storing Equipment
Supplying Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Selecting the Correct Power Cord
Routing Power Cords
Grounding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Connecting Other Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
Servicing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
Performing Safety Checks

Installation and Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 5

Primary Reference Node . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Non-Reference Nodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Installing a VSATPlus 3 Terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Table top
Rack mount
Connecting the Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
Figure: VSATPlus 3 L-Band Terminal Rear Panel and Connectors
Ground and Power
North American
10 MHz Reference
Local Area Network (LAN)
Powering Up the Terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Connecting to the User Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Configuring the Primary Reference Terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Configuring the Initial Network Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
Network Size
Symbol Rate
Frame Time
Frames per Superframe
Secondary Ref Terminal
TPC parameters
Satellite longitude
Boot as Primary Reference Node
Configuring the Terminal Parameters at the Primary Reference Terminal . . . . . . .38
Terminal Number
IF Type
Signaling Carrier Frequency
L-Band parameters
Power Control
TCP Accelerator
Configuring the Global Network Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Configuring IP Routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
Figure: Example Network and IP Routes
For Terminal:
For Route:
Configuring IP Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44
Low Bandwidth Threshold
High Bandwidth Threshold
CIR Increase Ratio and CIR Decrease Ratio
EIR Increase Ratio and EIR Decrease Ratio
Decrease Timer
Configuring the Carriers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46

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Configuring a Non-Reference Terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Configuring Network Parameters at a Non-Reference Terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
Network Size
Symbol Rate
Frame Time
Frames per Superframe
Secondary Ref Terminal
Signal Modulation
TPC parameters
Satellite longitude
Boot as Primary Reference Node
Configuring Terminal Parameters at a Non-Reference Terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
Terminal Number
IF Type
Signaling Carrier Frequency
L-Band parameters
Power Control
TCP Accelerator
Configuring QoS Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Table: Predefined QoS Rules

Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 6
Monitor and Control from the VSATPlus 3 User Interface . . . . . . . . 56
Figure: Hierarchy of the VSATPlus 3 Web-Based User Interface
Monitoring the Terminals and Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57
Monitoring Alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57
Configuring the Terminals and Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57
Controlling the Terminals and Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58
Administering Terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59
User Accounts
Log Files and Configuration
Front Panel Status LEDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
During Start-Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61
During Steady-State Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61
Table: Front Panel LED Status Indicators – Steady-state Operation

Reference and Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix

Assigning Carrier Frequencies – L-Band Center Frequency . . . . . . . 64
Mixed network of 70 MHz and L-Band terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64
L-Band-only network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64
Document Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Table: Text Formats
Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67
Illustrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67
Customer Service Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

Your Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Table: Checklist
Table: General Questions
Table: Your Background

PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal Installation and Operation Guide 9

VSATPlus 3 >

10 PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011 Final

Chapter 3
Contents Executive Summary ... on page 12
Features ... on page 13
Functional Description ... on page 15
Configuration Overview ... on page 24

VSATPlus 3 Terminal Installation and Operation Guide 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011, Final 11
© 2011 PolarSat, Inc. 549 Meloche Avenue, Dorval QC H9P 2W2 Canada; 1-514-635-0040
VSATPlus 3 > Overview

Executive Summary
VSATPlus 3 is PolarSat’s next-generation advanced satellite communications
terminal. Building upon PolarSat’s proven track record of field-deployed reliable
communications products, this latest product introduces many new features
and enhancements to address the ever-increasing Internet-centric world.
The VSATPlus 3 Terminal provides a full mesh communications solution,
optimized for IP traffic, supporting multi-service traffic for service providers,
governments, and multinational corporations.
VSATPlus 3 networks enable customers to easily and quickly deploy advanced
communications networks that are economical to own and operate and are
highly scalable to accommodate growth. As well, the architecture is robust and
upgradeable, thus providing a future-proof solution for the customer.
The VSATPlus 3 provides full-mesh, single-hop connectivity within a satellite
network leveraging PolarSat’s recognized expertise in Multiple-Frequency Time-
Division Multiple Access (MF-TDMA) systems.
This platform enables a robust mix of user services, ranging from toll-quality
voice, e-mail, and file transfers to broadband applications such as internet
access, IP video, or any high data rate application.

12 PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011 Final

VSATPlus 3 > Overview

Network The VSATPlus 3 Terminal provides high data throughput and efficient use of
Features satellite bandwidth. It provides a direct Ethernet port to a LAN, and hosts an IP
router. The router enhances satellite transport with Quality of Service (QoS)
and Performance Enhancing Proxy (PEP) features.
The VSATPlus 3 network offers the following:
• Hubless architecture
• Full-Mesh, Single-Hop Networks
• Dynamic bandwidth allocation
• Efficient use of Satellite Bandwidth
• IP Enhancements:
• QoS
• TCP/IP acceleration
• Field-proven architecture
Example VSATPlus 3 network

Network Management
Monitor and control of the VSATPlus 3 Terminal is by way of the Web-Based
Graphical User Interface. It allows access to VSATPlus 3 network information
from any node in the network.

Terminal The VSATPlus 3 Terminal offers the following features:

Features • 10/100 BaseT Ethernet user interface
• Integrated IP router and satellite modem
• Performance Enhancing Proxy
• Bandwidth-on-Demand
• Turbo Coding
• L-Band or 70 MHz Intermediate Frequency (IF) interface
• Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) or 8 Phase Shift Keying (8PSK)

PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal Installation and Operation Guide 13

VSATPlus 3 > Overview

Satellite Modem
The VSATPlus 3 Terminal is based on a software-defined modem
architecture which provides a flexible variable rate, high speed modem
utilizing advanced digital signal processing and advanced time-domain-
filtering techniques.
The burst modem can be configured in software for bit rates – including
coding – from 336 kbps up to 6.66 Mbps.
Turbo codes provide maximum coding gain with minimum overheads. The
modulation uses QPSK or 8PSK. The IF interface is 70 MHz or L-Band. The
L-Band interface supports DC power and 10 MHz outputs for cost-efficient
integration with RF Block Up-Converters (BUC) for typical remote station
Advanced IP Functionality
The VSATPlus 3 Terminal provides the following optional IP functions:
• QoS supports multiple application class settings.
• Performance Enhancing Proxy (PeP) ensures wireline performance of
TCP applications over satellite.

Customer Customer applications of the VSATPlus 3 Terminal include the following:

Applications • Voice, data, LAN
• Web browsing and E-mail
• Video conferencing
• Virtual Private Network (VPN) connectivity
• Web applications

14 PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011 Final

VSATPlus 3 > Overview

Functional Description
This topic provides background information about and describes the operation
of the VSATPlus 3 network.

TDMA Overview The VSATPlus 3 system makes maximum use of satellite bandwidth by
combining Time-Division Multiple Access (TDMA) and Frequency Hopping
(FHOP) techniques. Each station transmits short, high-speed bursts, one at a
time for a given frequency. To do this, each earth station temporarily buffers its
user information, and then it periodically transmits that information to the
satellite in a short burst. Each burst is timed, or synchronized, so the bursts
received on a given frequency by the satellite are closely spaced in time but
never overlap. This approach assures that the satellite amplifies and
retransmits bursts to all nodes.
As a result, each VSATPlus 3 Terminal can receive information from all other
earth stations with no additional hardware. This factor is significant in making
TDMA lower in cost and more flexible than other multiple-access methods.
The terms Node and Station have the following specific definitions:
• Node – Addressable point on a network that is associated with one TDMA
• Station – Geographical location of nodes including the Radio Frequency
(RF) equipment
Although a VSATPlus 3 network is hubless, it does contain primary reference
and non-reference nodes:
• The VSATPlus 3 Terminal that is the primary reference node provides the
primary timing reference signal that defines the start of the signaling
channels, the start of the first frame, and the start of the superframe.
• The VSATPlus 3 network contains a primary and a secondary reference
node that may be geographically distant from each other. The secondary
reference node transmits the reference signal when the primary node
stops transmitting the signal.
• The other VSATPlus 3 Terminals are the non-reference nodes.
• Any node can become a reference node. The terminal hardware is the
same at all nodes.

PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal Installation and Operation Guide 15

VSATPlus 3 > Overview

TDMA Overview

Station D
Interleaved Information

Time Divisions
Received from All


Earth Earth
Station A Station D
Earth Earth
Station B Station C
VSATPlus 3 VSATPlus 3
Terminal Terminal
VSATPlus 3

VSATPlus 3
VSATPlus 3
VSATPlus 3
Ethernet Terminal Ethernet

VSATPlus 3



16 PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011 Final

VSATPlus 3 > Overview

Burst, Frame, This topic describes the architecture of bursts, frames, and superframes in the
and Superframe VSATPlus 3 system.
Superframe, Frame, and Burst Structure
Superframe Structure
Superframe N Superframe N+1 Superframe N+2

Frame n Frame 0 Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 3 Frame n Frame 0 Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 3 Frame n Frame 0 Frame 1

40 ms*
Superframe = (NFrames X 40 ms)

Frame Structure

Cxr 0 NBC CSC CSC Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic

Cxr 1 Traffic
Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic

Bandwidth Pool
Cxr 2 Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic

Cxr 3 Traffic
Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic

Cxr n Traffic
Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic

Burst Structure

Guard Preamble Payload = (N X Turbo Blocks) Tail

CSC = Common Signaling Channel

Cxr = Carrier
NBC = Network Broadcast Channel
* Frame time can be 20, 30, or 40 ms (default). VP3_Frame-Structure.eps

Burst Structure
Each burst includes the following:
Guard – Period of time during which no node transmits
• Assures that no bursts overlap due to the imperfect timing of transmit
bursts from one node to the next
• Compensates for differences in clock frequency between nodes and the
doppler effect (satellite motion)
Preamble – Sequence of ones and zeroes providing defined transitions for
the demodulator
• Defines where information bits are located within the burst
• Used to detect the start of a burst and estimate carrier phase, carrier
level, and symbol timing
Payload – Sequence of data that begins immediately after the preamble
and contains an integral number of turbo blocks
Tail – Segment of bursts that incrementally reduces the transmit power

PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal Installation and Operation Guide 17

VSATPlus 3 > Overview

Frame Structure
Bursts are arranged in frames. Each terminal is allotted bursts in the frame
to transmit traffic. A frame is made up of three types of bursts:
• Network Broadcast Channel (NBC) burst – Transmitted by the
primary reference node to manage network configuration, status, and
bandwidth allocation
• Common Signaling Channel (CSC) burst – Used by each node to
transmit to the primary reference node, configure and synchronize to
the network, respond to queries, provide status, and request bandwidth
allocation. Each node has one or more CSC slots in the superframe.
• Customer information bursts – Includes information from a single
node. Information is normally contained within IP packets that are
routed to the Ethernet port of the destination terminal.
Simplified Frame Structure


Customer information bursts

Common signaling channel (CSC) bursts

Network broadcast channel (NBC) burst


18 PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011 Final

VSATPlus 3 > Overview

Burst Types and Characteristics

Type Characteristics Uses

Customer Can include any type of IP traffic: These bursts carry the data for the
Information • Voice over IP (VoIP), World Wide Web customers in the payload.
Bursts (WWW) sites, transaction data, data
• Forward Error Correction (FEC) may be
• Quantity and size depend on usage and
the network configuration.

CSC Bursts Common Signaling Channel • Carries signaling information for

the network
Built-in signaling channel:
• Return channel to the primary
• One or more CSC bursts for each node reference node for signaling
in each superframe • Network acquisition and
• FEC is always applied. synchronization

NBC Burst Network Broadcast Channel • Carries signaling information for

the network
The main communication channel from the
• Downloads from the primary
primary reference to the network: reference to update the
• Contains identification information parameter lists. The parameter
about the primary reference node values are the same on all
• One NBC burst for each frame nodes.
• FEC is always applied. • Command network
reconfiguration – For example,
to redefine which node is the
primary reference node and
which is the secondary
reference node
• Status inquiry – The response
to this inquiry is contained in
the CSC bursts from each node.
• Bandwidth allocation

PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal Installation and Operation Guide 19

VSATPlus 3 > Overview

Superframe Characteristics of a superframe include:

Structure • The number of frames present is sufficient to include a CSC burst from
each node.
• The number of frames in the superframe and the number of CSCs per
frame determine the maximum number of nodes that can be supported in
the network.
Each node tracks the superframe count that is transmitted by the primary
reference node. This count is used to make sure that all nodes add or delete
bursts at the same frame boundary.
Typical Superframe Structure
Frame Burst Transmission by Frame
Frame #0 REF Primary Reference Station A transmits the REF in Frame #0,
A B C D NBC burst in Frames #2 to n, and Information Burst A in
every frame. Node #1 transmits CSC Burst.
Frame #1 REF A B C D
Secondary Reference Station B transmits NBC Burst
NBC in Frame #1 and Information Burst B in every frame.
Frame #2 A B C D
Burst Node #2 transmits CSC Burst.

NBC Primary Reference Station A transmits NBC burst.
Frame #3 A B C D
Burst Station C transmits Information Burst C in every frame.
Node #3 transmits CSC Burst in Frame #2.
Frame #4 NBC
Burst A B C D
Primary Reference Station A transmits NBC burst.
Station D transmits Information Burst D in every frame.
Node #4 transmits CSC Burst in Frame #3.

If Node 30 is in the network, CSC Burst in Frame #29

NBC is present.
Frame #29 A B C D

Frame #0 A B C D

Information Bursts
CSC Burst

Station A Station D
Station B Station C


VSATPlus 3 VSATPlus 3 VSATPlus 3 VSATPlus 3

Ethernet Ethernet Ethernet Ethernet


TDMA TDMA acquisition is the process that a node uses to join the network.
Acquisition Acquisition has two phases:
• Receive Acquisition – The node finds the reference signal that indicates
the start of a superframe and frame. During receive acquisition, the
terminal sweeps through time, frequency, and amplitude as it searches for
the reference signal.
• Transmit Acquisition – When the terminal finds the reference signal, it
starts the transmit acquisition process. The terminal determines the time
to transmit to the satellite based on the distance to the satellite. To
determine transmission timing, the terminal uses the configured locations
of the terminal and the satellite, along with the distance estimate provided
by the primary reference.

20 PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011 Final

VSATPlus 3 > Overview

The center of a TDMA network is the satellite. Bursts must arrive at the satellite
within two symbols from their expected arrival time. Otherwise, the integrity of
the network is at risk if TDMA channels start to overlap.
All terminals, except for the primary reference node, must complete receive
acquisition and then transmit acquisition. The primary reference does not need
to complete transmit acquisition because it is the first node to start in a
network. It can start transmitting at an arbitrary time, and needs only to
perform receive acquisition on its own signal.
Primary Reference Node Acquisition
The Primary Reference Node provides network timing in the VSATPlus 3
network. The Primary Reference Node is the first node that is acquired in
the network. Any node in the network can become the primary reference
node, but only one node is the primary reference node at any time.
During acquisition and synchronization:
a The Primary Reference Node transmits and receives back its own
reference (REF) bursts.
b The Primary Reference Node measures the round-trip satellite delay
between the transmit and receipt of reference bursts. The round-trip
time is estimated from the geographic coordinates that are configured
at the terminal, and from the coordinates of the satellite. The difference
between the estimated and the measured round-trip times indicates the
distance the satellite has moved in the center of its orbit. The primary
reference node broadcasts the difference to the other nodes in the
network so that they can complete transmit acquisition more quickly.
Primary Reference Node Acquisition
REF Frame


reference VSATPlus 3


Non-Reference Node Receive Acquisition

The following events occur during receive frame acquisition:
a The non-reference node detects the reference signal in the superframe
received from the Primary Reference Node.
b The non-reference node synchronizes the receive frame timing with the
primary reference burst.
c The non-reference node synchronizes its superframe count with the
superframe number received from the Primary Reference Node.

PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal Installation and Operation Guide 21

VSATPlus 3 > Overview

Non-Reference Node Receive Acquisition and Synchronization

Frame REF Frame


VSATPlus 3 VSATPlus 3

Primary reference Nonreference

node node


Transmit Acquisition
During transmit acquisition, the VSATPlus 3 Terminal at a non-reference
a Estimates the round-trip delay form the geographic location and adjusts
the round-trip delay with information from the Primary Reference Node.
Geographic location includes the latitude, longitude, and elevation of the
node as well as the longitude of the satellite.
b Transmits a burst during a CSC slot that is assigned to this terminal
c Adjusts the timing of the transmit burst to compensate for differences
between the estimated and the measured round-trip delay.
Transmit Acquisition
CSC slot

Timing Timing
margin margin

TX Acquisition Burst

Symbol Clock Synchronization

After acquisition, the VSATPlus 3 Terminal must monitor its timing in
relationship to the network, particularly to the Primary Reference Node.
Correction for any timing shifts caused by differences in local oscillators and
satellite motion (Doppler shift) is done automatically.

Primary and In a VSATPlus 3 network, the primary node provides the reference signal that
Secondary indicates the start of the superframe. You can configure one other node to be
References the secondary reference node. The secondary reference node monitors the
primary reference signal. If the primary reference signal stops, then the
secondary reference node starts to transmit the reference signal in the second
reference slot. The secondary reference node becomes the primary reference
node and takes control of the NBC channels.
After the secondary becomes the primary reference node, you can assign a new
secondary reference node in the network.

22 PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011 Final

VSATPlus 3 > Overview

First and Second Reference Slots

Frame Frame

Super- 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Reference Slot
Reference Slot Reference-Slots.eps

• The primary reference node provides timing for all nodes in the network.
• A secondary reference node is the backup to the primary reference node.
The reference switchover occurs automatically. No manual intervention
is needed.
• No extra equipment is needed for a node to become the primary or
secondary reference node.

Bandwidth Pool As shown in the figure, Superframe, Frame, and Burst Structure on page 17,
the timeslots from Carrier 0 to Carrier n are aligned over one another. This
bandwidth pool is managed by the Bandwidth on Demand (BoD) server that is
at the primary reference node. When you add a new carrier to the VSATPlus 3
network, it is automatically added to the bandwidth pool, and the BoD server
manages the new carrier along with the previously configured carriers.
For detailed information about the rules to follow when you allocate bandwidth,
see Configuring IP Links on page 44.

PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal Installation and Operation Guide 23

VSATPlus 3 > Overview

Configuration Overview
To configure a VSATPlus 3 network:
• First, you install and configure the VSATPlus 3 Terminal that will be the
primary reference node. This node provides the primary timing reference
signal that defines the start of the signaling channels, the start of the first
frame, and the start of the superframe.
• Then, you install and configure the other VSATPlus 3 Terminals that will be
the non-reference nodes. Once the network is operating, any node in the
network can become the primary reference node.

Primary On the primary reference node, you configure the parameters common to all
Reference Node nodes.
The system automatically activates and downloads parameter lists to all nodes
in the network. Nodes that are not operating during a download of new
parameters automatically receive the parameter lists when they join the
network. These parameter lists are distributed to each terminal by way of the
signaling channels – the NBC and CSC.
You can configure IP routes, IP links, and carriers when you configure the
primary reference node. Alternatively, you can configure these parameters after
you install and configure remote nodes.
• Configuring the Primary Reference Terminal on page 36
• Configuring the Global Network Parameters on page 41

Non-Reference When you configure a terminal at a non-reference node, first you configure the
Nodes node locally with the minimum number of parameters it needs to join the
network. When the terminal joins the network, it receives the global
parameters that are common to all nodes. These include the IP routes, IP links,
and carriers that are configured on the primary reference node.
• Configuring a Non-Reference Terminal on page 47

QoS VSATPlus 3 Terminals are pre-configured with a default set of QoS rules, so you
Configuration may not need need to configure QoS in order to make the VSATPlus 3 network
operational. If the default QoS rules are not suitable, you can edit the rules
after the network is operating.
• Configuring QoS Rules on page 51

24 PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011 Final

VSATPlus 3 > Overview

Summary of Configuration Parameters

Parameter Configure on Reference Configure on Non-

Node Reference Nodes

Network Parameters

Number of Terminals Yes Optional

Symbol Rate Yes Yes

Frame Time Yes Optional

Frames per Superframe Yes Optional

Data TPC Codecs Yes No

Number of TPC Blocks per Burst Yes No

Secondary Reference Yes No

Boot as Primary Yes No

Terminal Parameters

Terminal Number Yes Yes

L-Band Parameters Yes Yes

Signaling Center Frequency Yes Yes

Latitude, Longitude, Elevation Yes Yes

Transmit Power Yes Yes

IP Routes Yes No

IP Links Yes No

Carriers Yes No

• Non-reference nodes can automatically determine optional parameters from the network.
However, initial acquisition time increases.

PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal Installation and Operation Guide 25

VSATPlus 3 > Overview

26 PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011 Final

Chapter 4
Safety Guidelines
Contents Protecting Against Static Discharges ... on page 28
Placing the Equipment ... on page 28
Supplying Power ... on page 29
Grounding ... on page 29
Connecting Other Equipment ... on page 29
Cleaning ... on page 30
Servicing ... on page 30

VSATPlus 3 Terminal Installation and Operation Guide 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011, Final 27
© 2011 PolarSat, Inc. 549 Meloche Avenue, Dorval QC H9P 2W2 Canada; 1-514-635-0040
VSATPlus 3 > Safety Guidelines

Before You Start

You must read and follow all safety guidelines and operating procedures before
you install or operate the VSATPlus 3 Terminal. You must clearly understand
and follow all warnings and cautions in this document as well as those of your
company. Keep these instructions for future reference.

Protecting Electro-Static Discharges (ESD) can damage the equipment. When you handle
Against Static the equipment, use the following antistatic guidelines:
Risk of Damage to Equipment
Always wear an antistatic grounding device such as a heel grounder or
antistatic wrist-strap when you handle, move, or touch circuit boards,
electronic modules, or all parts of the equipment.

Risk of Damage to Equipment
When you handle or ship electrostatic-sensitive devices, place the devices
in antistatic bags.

Placing the Always mount the equipment in a standard rack or place it on a clean, stable
Equipment surface. Make sure that the location is large, strong, and stable enough to
support the weight and size of the equipment. Make sure that you do not place
the equipment where you can accidentally shake, hit, or push it from the

Risk of Damage to Equipment
Avoid water and moisture. Do not expose the equipment or a rack
containing the equipment to any liquids. Examples include flower vases,
coffee cups, or rain from open windows. If the equipment or rack is
exposed to any liquid, unplug the equipment. Contact the PolarSat
Customer Service Line to get help from qualified personnel. The
equipment or components may have been seriously damaged.

Risk of Damage to Equipment
Avoid heat. To prevent damage to internal components, install the
equipment away from all heat sources. Examples include radiators, heater
ducts, and direct sunlight.

Risk of Damage to Equipment
Avoid high humidity, excessive dust, or mechanical vibrations. These can
damage internal parts.

28 PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011 Final

VSATPlus 3 > Safety Guidelines

Keeping the Equipment Ventilated

• Slots and openings on the equipment provide ventilation to ensure
reliable operation. The internal operating temperature must never
exceed the maximum rated temperature.
• To make sure that the ventilation slots are not blocked, to provide
adequate air circulation, and to prevent overheating, place the
equipment on a smooth, hard surface with at least five centimetres
(two inches) of clearance around the equipment. Never put the
equipment on a soft surface. Soft surfaces can block the flow of air into
the ventilation slots.
• If you place the equipment in a closed area, such as a bookcase or rack,
make sure that you provide enough ventilation. To provide adequate air
circulation, you must place rack-mounted equipment in a location that
gives at least five centimetres (two inches) of clearance around the
Storing Equipment
• Do not place or stack any objects directly on top of the equipment.
Instead, place other equipment in a rack or on a shelf above or below.

Supplying Selecting the Correct Power Cord

Power • Use only the correct power cord. PolarSat equipment comes with either
international or North American standard power cords according to the
region where you install the equipment.
Routing Power Cords

Risk of Injury
Make sure that you correctly store all power cords and cables. If you trip
over or step on cords or cables you can injure yourself or damage
equipment. Arrange power cords so that they are not constricted and
cannot be stepped on. In particular, make sure that you correctly route
cords and connections at plugs, receptacles, power strips, exit points from
the equipment, and attachments to other equipment.

Do not place any items on or against power cords.

Grounding When you install the equipment, make sure that the system is correctly
grounded. You must protect against voltage surges, lightning, and build-ups of
static charges.
For information about grounding standards for electrical and radio equipment,
refer to the electrical code for the country where you are installing the
equipment. For example in the United States, refer to National Electrical Code
(NEC) Article 250 for grounding information, and NEC Article 810 for radio and
television equipment.
You must use primary (gas tube) protection whenever telephone or data wiring
exits from a building.

Connecting Use only PolarSat-approved cards, peripherals, and satellite communications

Other equipment.

PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal Installation and Operation Guide 29

VSATPlus 3 > Safety Guidelines

Cleaning When you clean the equipment, use the following guidelines and warnings:

Risk of Injury
Before you clean the equipment, you must turn off and unplug the

Risk of Damage to Equipment
Clean only the exterior surfaces of the equipment. Use only a clean, soft
cloth that is lightly moistened with a mild detergent solution. To remove
the detergent, wipe the surfaces with a clean, soft cloth that is lightly
moistened with water. Make sure that no moisture remains before you
turn the equipment on again. Do not use any type of abrasive pads,
scouring powders, aerosol cleaners, or solvents such as alcohol or

Servicing The following conditions indicate that the equipment needs to be serviced:
• One or more power cords or plugs are damaged.
• An object fell into the equipment.
• Liquid spilled into the equipment or the rack.
• The equipment or rack was exposed to rain or water.
• The equipment or rack was dropped or damaged.
• The cover is damaged.
• The equipment does not operate normally, or the performance has

Risk of Injury
The equipment contains no user-serviceable parts. Do not try to service
the equipment yourself. If you open or remove covers, you can contact
dangerous voltages or other hazards and void your warranty. If an object
falls into the equipment, unplug the equipment. Contact PolarSat
according to the Customer Service Line to get help from qualified

Risk of Electric Shock, Fire, or Damage to Equipment
Do not touch internal parts of or insert foreign objects into the equipment.
Never put any object or your fingers through slots or openings in the
equipment. You can contact dangerous voltages, start a fire, or short-
circuit parts.

Performing Safety Checks

• After service or repairs are completed on the equipment, make sure that
the service technician performs safety checks to be sure that the system
is in safe, efficient, and working order.

30 PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011 Final

Chapter 5
Installation and Configuration
Contents To configure a VSATPlus 3 network:

Risk of Injury
Install and use the equipment only in a RESTRICTED ACCESS LOCATION.

Primary 1 Install and configure the VSATPlus 3 Terminal that will be the primary
Reference Node reference node:
a Installing a VSATPlus 3 Terminal on page 32
b Connecting to the User Interface on page 35
c Configuring the Primary Reference Terminal on page 36
d Configuring the Global Network Parameters on page 41
e Configuring QoS Rules on page 51

Non-Reference 2 Install and configure the VSATPlus 3 Terminals that will be the non-reference
Nodes nodes:
a Installing a VSATPlus 3 Terminal on page 32
b Connecting to the User Interface on page 35
c Configuring a Non-Reference Terminal on page 47
d Configuring QoS Rules on page 51

VSATPlus 3 Terminal Installation and Operation Guide 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011, Final 31
© 2011 PolarSat, Inc. 549 Meloche Avenue, Dorval QC H9P 2W2 Canada; 1-514-635-0040
VSATPlus 3 > Installation and Configuration

Installing a VSATPlus 3 Terminal

This topic describes how to install a VSATPlus 3 Terminal on either a table or in
a rack, and connect it to a network.
Before you start:
• Read the Safety Guidelines on page 27.

1 Remove and unpack the VSATPlus 3 Terminal from the box that was used
for shipping.
2 Place the terminal in either of the following types of locations:

Risk of Injury
The equipment is intended to be used in a RESTRICTED ACCESS

Table top
• Place the terminal on a table that is large, strong, and stable enough to
support the weight and size of the terminal. Do not place the terminal
where someone can accidentally shake, hit, or push it.
Rack mount
a Mount the terminal in a secured, standard, 19-inch rack.
b Make sure that the location in the rack provides enough space so that
the operating temperature of the terminal can be controlled by the
cooling system.
c Securely fasten the mounting screws.

Connecting the 3 Make sure that the terminal is turned off and the power cable is not
Cables connected.

Risk of Electric Shock or Damage to Equipment
Before you connect any cables, make sure that the terminal is turned off
and the power cable is not connected. Connect first the ground cable and
then the power cable before you connect the other cables.

VSATPlus 3 L-Band Terminal Rear Panel and Connectors


J5 J4 J3 J2 J1
100-240VAC J7 J6 By PolarSat
50/60 Hz
1A/2A L-Band L-Band

Caution! Caution!
GND Auxiliary Ports DC Volts/REF DC Volts/REF

Normally, the auxiliary ports are covered.

Ground and Power

4 Connect the ground cable to the ground post (GND).
5 Connect the correct power cable to the AC INPUT power socket:
• The internal power supply is auto-ranging. You do not have to select the
correct AC Voltage for your region.

32 PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011 Final

VSATPlus 3 > Installation and Configuration

• 250 V AC at 6 A
• HAR approved

Terminal end:
• International Electro Technical Commission (IEC) 320 female plug

Power source end:

Three stripped and tinned bare wires
a For an international power cable, you must attach the correct AC plug
to the unterminated end according to the standards and codes for the
location where you install the terminal.
The color codes of the wires in the power cable are:
• Green/yellow = ground
• Blue = neutral
• Brown = live
b If the color codes do not correspond to the wires in the plug, use the
following standards:
• Connect the green/yellow wire to the plug terminal that is marked by
either the letter E, the earth symbol, or the colors green and yellow.
• Connect the blue wire to the plug terminal that is marked by either the
letter N or the color black.
• Connect the brown wire to the plug terminal that is marked by either
the letter L or the color red.
North American
• 125 V AC at 10 A
• UL and CSA approved

Terminal end:
• IEC 320 female plug

Power source end:

• National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) 5-15P male plug

Risk of Equipment Damage
The J3 and J1 ports of the L-Band terminal can supply 24 V DC. If you
apply electric current to Outdoor Unit (ODU) equipment that is not
equipped to accept it, you can damage that equipment. For instructions
about how to control the electric current to ODU equipment, see
Configuring Terminal Parameters at a Non-Reference Terminal on page

6 Connect the receive cable from the outdoor Radio Frequency (RF) equipment
to the J3 RX port.
7 Connect the transmit cable to the outdoor RF equipment to the J1 TX port.
10 MHz Reference
8 Optionally, if ODU equipment needs a 10 MHz reference signal, connect the
BNC cable from the ODU to the J2 10 MHz REF port.
• This signal is available only for L-Band.

PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal Installation and Operation Guide 33

VSATPlus 3 > Installation and Configuration

Local Area Network (LAN)

9 Connect the terminal to a computer for configuration by either of the
following methods:

Switch or hub:
a Connect the Ethernet cable to the J6 USER LAN.
b Connect the other end of the cable to an Ethernet port on the Ethernet
switch or hub that connects to the local LAN.

a Connect an Ethernet cross-over cable to the J6 USER LAN.
b Connect the other end of the cable to an Ethernet port on a local
10 Optionally, you can connect a DB-9 serial cable from a computer to the J7
11 Configure the DB-9 RS-232 connection of the computer:
19200,N,8,1 (19200 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop-bit)

Powering Up 12 Turn the power switch on the rear panel to the On (I) position.
the Terminal 13 The power-up cycle does not finish until after configuration is complete.
While the terminal is booting, the front panel LEDs display a “walking LED”
sequence. Each of the LEDs displays yellow in turn until the first part of the
boot process completes. Then, the web browser or the serial connection can
become active.
When the power-up cycle finishes, the LEDs on the front panel turn green.
This indicates that the terminal is configured, that it has acquired the
network, and that all global parameter lists are synchronized with the
parameters lists on the primary reference node. Typically, this takes from
2 to 3 minutes.
For detailed information about the status indications of the LEDs, see Front
Panel Status LEDs on page 61.

Next Steps
a Connecting to the User Interface on page 35
b Either:
Configure a VSATPlus 3 Terminal to be the primary reference node –
Configuring the Primary Reference Terminal on page 36.
Configure a VSATPlus 3 Terminal to be a non-reference node –
Configuring a Non-Reference Terminal on page 47.

34 PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011 Final

VSATPlus 3 > Installation and Configuration

Connecting to the User Interface

Before you start:
• Install the terminal – Installing a VSATPlus 3 Terminal on page 32.

1 From the computer that connects to the VSATPlus 3 Terminal, open an

Internet browser.
2 Enter the configured URL in the address bar of the browser.
• The default IP address for initial configuration is Once
an IP address is assigned to the terminal, then use that address.
The browser displays the web-based user interface for the VSATPlus 3
3 User accounts have Monitor, Installer, and Administrator roles, each with
increasing configuration rights. To configure the terminal, enter the user
name and password for the Installer or Administrator role:
Role User Name Initial Password

Installer install install

Administrator admin admin

• To create or edit user accounts – Administering Terminals on page 59

4 The user interface polls terminals for status changes every 10 seconds
(default). To change this refresh rate, enter a new value in the top line,
right side.
For example, if connected to the terminal:
• Locally by a LAN connection, set the refresh rate to 2 seconds.
• Remotely over the air, set the refresh rate to 10 seconds or longer.
5 To select the language to display, select the appropriate flag:
• English (default)
• Chinese
• French
• Spanish

Next Steps
• Configuring the Primary Reference Terminal on page 36
• Configuring the Global Network Parameters on page 41
• Configuring a Non-Reference Terminal on page 47
• Configuring QoS Rules on page 51
• Monitor and Control from the VSATPlus 3 User Interface on page 56

PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal Installation and Operation Guide 35

VSATPlus 3 > Installation and Configuration

Configuring the Primary Reference Terminal

This topic describes how to connect to the web-based user interface and
configure the VSATPlus 3 Terminal that serves as the primary reference node in
a network.
The primary reference node is the first node that starts in a VSATPlus 3
network. It provides the primary timing reference signal that defines the start
of the signaling channels, and the start of the satellite frame and superframe.
On the primary reference node, you configure the parameters common to all
nodes. The system automatically activates and downloads the global parameter
lists to all nodes in the network. Nodes that are not operating will download the
lists when they join the network. These parameter lists are distributed to each
terminal over the signaling channel – the NBC and CSC. After the lists are
distributed, and the configuration information from the primary reference is
replicated throughout the network, any other terminal can become the primary
reference node if needed.
The web-based user interface is identical on all nodes in the network. You can
edit and save global parameters for the network – IP Routes, IP Links, and
Carriers – only on the primary node. However, you can display these
parameters from a non-reference terminal.
• For background information about the configuration of a VSATPlus 3
network and a summary of which parameters you configure at the
primary reference and non-reference nodes, see Configuration Overview
on page 24.
Before you start:
• Install the terminal – Installing a VSATPlus 3 Terminal on page 32.
• Connect to the user interface for the terminal that will be the primary
reference node – Connecting to the User Interface on page 35.

Configuring the 1 Select Configure > Network.

Initial Network
Parameters ! CAUTION
Risk of Loss of Connectivity
If you change network parameters when the network is operating, you
can break connectivity between nodes in the network.

2 The following parameters prepare the initial configuration. These

parameters must be the same on every node in the network. Configure the
following on the primary reference node:
Network Size
Enter the number of terminals in the network. The system uses this
parameter to define the number of CSCs that are needed for signaling.
• The range of values is from 1 to 1000.
• The maximum number of terminals is limited also by the number of
signaling channels. Each terminal requires at least one CSC channel, so
the number of terminals cannot be greater than the superframe size
multiplied by the number of CSC bursts for each frame.
Symbol Rate
Enter the number of symbols that occur each second. Each symbol carries
2 bits for QPSK, or 3 bits for 8PSK.
• The range of values is from 0.128 to 5.0 MegaSymbols/second.
Frame Time
Defines the duration of one TDMA frame in the network:
• Select 20, 30, or 40 ms frames.

36 PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011 Final

VSATPlus 3 > Installation and Configuration

Frames per Superframe

Enter the number of frames for each superframe in the network. A
superframe is a group of frames – Superframe Structure on page 20.
• The range of values is from 10 to 60 frames/superframe.
• Typically, select 30 or 60 frames/superframe.
Secondary Ref Terminal
• You can configure the secondary reference node only from the primary
reference node. It becomes effective only when the primary reference
node is installed and configured.
Defines the node that operates as the secondary reference node in the
• The secondary reference transmits the reference signal if the primary
node stops transmitting the signal.
• The range of values is from 1 to the maximum number of nodes that
are in the network.

Risk of Network Outage
Do not define the secondary reference node to be on the same terminal as
the primary reference node. Also, make sure that the secondary reference
node is geographically distant from the primary reference node. If the two
reference nodes are close together, interference (for example, from a
solar outage) can affect both terminals at the same time and bring down
the network. In this case, the network loses the reference signal.

TPC parameters
Turbo Product Code (TPC) parameters display detailed information about
the type of Turbo Coding that is used in data bursts. Each coding type has
trade offs between coding gain and bandwidth granularity of the bandwidth

TPC Codec – The TPC codec (encoder-decoder) that is used for data bursts
• You cannot edit this parameter for the CSC channel. It is displayed for
information only.
• You can edit this parameter for the data bursts.
# Blocks
• The number of blocks in each burst
• For CSC only, enter 2 for symbol rates above 2.5 MegaSymbols/second.
# Bursts
For DATA bursts, the system computes the number of bursts.
For CSC only:
• The number of CSC columns or bursts at the start of each frame
• The default value is 1. You can enter a different value.
• The number of CSC bursts must be the same on every terminal.
Signal Modulation – The modulation type that is used for data traffic:
• Select QPSK or 8PSK.
• If the DATA bursts use 8PSK modulation, the signaling bursts (NBC,
CSC) continue to use QPSK.

PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal Installation and Operation Guide 37

VSATPlus 3 > Installation and Configuration

DATA – The Demand Assigned Multiple Access (DAMA) pool operates on all
carriers that are defined in the carrier definitions. Currently, one DAMA pool
is available.
• The DAMA pool starts immediately in the frame after the NBC and CSC
signaling channels.
• The system inserts as many data bursts as possible until the end of the
CSC Bursts
Satellite longitude
a Enter the geographic longitude for the location of the Geosynchronous
Earth Orbit (GEO) satellite, in units of Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds.
b Select E (east) or W (west) of the prime meridian.
Boot as Primary Reference Node
Select this checkbox on only one node in the network – the primary
reference node. This is the first node that starts transmitting over the
satellite link.
When this node boots as Primary, this checkbox clears. To make the node
boot as Primary again:
• Select the checkbox again.
• If the terminal is already operating, the system ignores changes to this

Configuring the 3 Select Configure > Terminal.

Terminal 4 Enter the terminal parameters:
Parameters at
the Primary Terminal Number
Reference Defines the number of the terminal, and defines which CSC timeslot the
Terminal terminal uses to contact the primary reference node.
• Enter a number from 1 to the maximum number of nodes in the network.
The network can contain a maximum of 1000 nodes.
• This number cannot be zero (0).
• The number must be unique within the network. Nodes cannot use the
same number.
IF Type
The IF is defined by the modem hardware signature.
• The possible values are 70 MHz or L-Band.
• This information is not editable.
Signaling Carrier Frequency
This parameter is the IF frequency of the signaling carrier of the network.
This parameter shows the center frequency for Carrier 0.
• This is the only carrier frequency that you enter at a non-reference
• You enter the frequency of the other carriers on the Carrier tab and only
at the primary reference node. See Configuring the Carriers on page 46.
Enter the center frequency of the carrier:
• For L-Band, the center frequency must be between 950 MHz and
1525 MHz.
• For 70 MHz, the center frequency must be from 50 to 90 MHz.
ODU Frequency Offset
• For 70 MHz modems, enter a frequency offset to compensate for any
frequency offset of the local ODU. The range is from -20 MHz to
+20 MHz. The default is 0. The same offset applies to both TX and RX

38 PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011 Final

VSATPlus 3 > Installation and Configuration

• Define the VSATPlus 3 carriers only on the Primary Reference node
because the carriers are global to the VSATPlus 3 network. Configure
the ODU Frequency Offset on the local VSATPlus 3 Terminals to add to
the global value of the carrier frequency definitions and adapt to the
local ODU frequency – Configuring Terminal Parameters at a Non-
Reference Terminal on page 48.
• The 70 MHz modem filters pass frequencies only in the range from
50 MHz to 90 MHz, and cannot transmit or receive frequencies outside
of that range. If a combination of the carrier frequency plus the ODU
frequency offset falls outside of this range for any carriers, the terminal
switches to the In-Network state. In that state, the terminal releases all
bandwidth and remains manageable from the Primary VSATPlus 3
Terminal over the NBC and CSC. The operator at the Primary terminal
can detect the change on the remote terminal from the On-line to In-
Network state. Then, delete the carrier that was just added to bring the
terminal back into the On-line state. Note that when the terminal
switches to the In-Network state, you cannot manage it over the satellite
link from the browser because all bandwidth has been released.
However, the browser remains available from the Terrestrial port. When
a carrier is defined outside the frequency range, the log records the
alarm, "Carrier X is beyond limit when local ODU offset
• For a CW (continuous wave test carrier), the ODU Frequency Offset also
L-Band parameters
Only for L-Band, define the following parameters for both transmit (Tx) and
receive (Rx) directions. For a detailed description, see Assigning Carrier
Frequencies – L-Band Center Frequency on page 64.

Receive and Transmit Center Frequency

• Define the center frequency of a 40 MHz band. The center frequency
must be between 950 MHz and 1525 MHz.
• The center frequency that you enter is the center frequency that the
modem uses to transmit and receive, and it must match the frequency
that the ODU equipment expects.

Receive and Transmit Spectral Inversion

• Activates spectral inversion on the transmit or receive links.

Receive and Transmit 10 MHz Reference Output

• Select to send a 10 MHz reference signal to ODU equipment.

Receive and Transmit 24 V DC Output

• Select to send 24 V DC to ODU equipment.

Risk of Equipment Damage
If you apply electric current to ODU equipment that is not equipped to
accept it, you can damage that equipment.


Terminal Latitude
a Enter the latitude of the terminal, in units of Degrees, Minutes, and
b Select N (north) or S (south) of the equator.

PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal Installation and Operation Guide 39

VSATPlus 3 > Installation and Configuration

Terminal Longitude
a Enter the longitude of the terminal, in units of Degrees, Minutes, and
b Select E (east) or W (west) from the prime meridian.

Terminal Elevation
Enter the altitude of the terminal, in units of meters above sea level.

Range Calibration
Defines the delay time that occurs in long cables.
• The range of values is from 0 to 32767 symbols.
• Typically, you set this value to 0.
Power Control

Nominal Transmit Power

Enter the nominal transmit power of the terminal.
• For L-Band, the range of values is from –30 dBm to –5 dBm.
• For 70 MHz, the range of values is from –26 dBm to –10 dBm.
• If ULPC is disabled, this is the transmit level of the modem.
• If ULPC is enabled, this is the nominal transmit power when there is no
local fade.

When enabled, UpLink Power Control (ULPC) automatically adjusts transmit
power to overcome uplink fade in order to keep the signal power constant
at the satellite. Total fade is the sum of the uplink and downlink fades. Uplink
fade is derived from the total fade.
a Select Enable ULPC.
b Enter the Maximum Power that ULPC can transmit. Normally, the ODU
determines the maximum signal power that it can receive from the
terminal. This value must be within the range of and greater than the
nominal Transmit Power.
c Enter the Nominal Receive Level. This is the receive power level that the
terminal expects to receive from its own signaling bursts when there is
no fade. Set this value by monitoring the receive level at the local
terminal with ULPC disabled, and when the sky conditions are clear (no
TCP Accelerator
• Enable Accelerator – Select to enable Protocol Enhancing Proxy (PeP)
for optimum performance of TCP sessions over the satellite link.
• Enable Compression – Select to enable TCP compression by PeP. To
activate compression, select this Enable Compression and Enable
Accelerator. This option affects only TCP traffic.
5 Click Save the Configuration.
The changes to the parameters become effective.
6 To configure the IP routes, IP links, and carriers, see Configuring the Global
Network Parameters on page 41.
7 After the network is operating, you can edit the QoS rules. See Configuring
QoS Rules on page 51.

40 PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011 Final

VSATPlus 3 > Installation and Configuration

Configuring the Global Network Parameters

You can display the global parameters at every node, but you can edit them
only at the primary reference node. If you change global parameters at a non-
reference node, the system detects the change, and overwrites the changes by
a download of the original values from the primary reference node.
Global parameters affect every node in the network and are the same on every
terminal. Make sure that you configure the global parameters on the primary
reference node. The primary reference node distributes the global parameters
to every node in the network over the NBC or CSC signaling channel.
• For background information about the configuration of a VSATPlus 3
network and a summary of which parameters you configure at the
primary reference and non-reference nodes, see Configuration Overview
on page 24.
Before you start:
• Configure the basic parameters of the VSATPlus 3 Terminal that is the
primary reference terminal – Configuring the Primary Reference Terminal
on page 36.
• If not connected, connect to the user interface of the terminal that is the
primary reference node – Connecting to the User Interface on page 35.

Configuring IP 1 To configure the IP Routes, click Configure > Route.

Routes Only static routing is supported.
The VSATPlus 3 network centrally manages the IP addresses of all terminals
and distributes the addresses to all terminals.
To configure the IP network:
• Define the IP address of each terminal. This simultaneously defines the
IP subnet on the Ethernet port that is accessible through the configured
• Define a default route for each terminal.
• Define IP routes to additional subnets that are within the network.
How you configure a terminal depends on whether or not the default route
of the node is by way of a LAN gateway or is over-the-air.
• LAN Gateway – The LAN gateway is typical for nodes that are collocated
with Internet gateways. These nodes provide access to the Internet for
the other VSATPlus 3 terminals in the network. When you configure a
terminal with a LAN gateway, set the Default terminal to – (dash). This
setting signifies that the terminal does not have a default route that is
over-the air.
Define the actual default routes separately for each terminal. The first
type of default route is a default route through a gateway that is locally
connected to the LAN port of a terminal. The second type is a default
route over-the-air through another terminal.
In the following example network, Entry 4 indicates that Node 15 has
no Default Terminal value. This means that the default IP Gateway is
on the LAN side, rather than over-the-air.
• Default Terminal (over-the-air) – If you set the Default terminal to a
non-zero value, then the terminal configures a default route over-the-
air to the specified terminal. To remove a default over-the-air route, set
the Default Terminal to – (dash).
In the following example network, Nodes 6 and 10 are configured to use
Terminal 15 as the default gateway. Any IP packet that arrives at these
terminals on their LAN port that does not match a specific route is
forwarded over-the-air to Node 15.

PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal Installation and Operation Guide 41

VSATPlus 3 > Installation and Configuration

Example Network and IP Routes

2.5 Mbps

VSATPlus 3 Node 15
VSATPlus 3

VoIP Phone
Firewalls Firewalls

H.323 Router
Gatekeeper Workstation

Corporate Network Backbone,, VSATPlus 3 Node 6
VSATPlus 3


Internet Firewalls Firewalls

VoIP Phone
VSATPlus 3 Node 10
VSATPlus 3 Ethernet


VoIP Phone Workstation


VoIP Phone Workstation Example Network - VSATPlus 3 VP3_Example-Network.eps

In the example network, entry 1 shows the default route. Node 15 has an IP
Gateway on the terrestrial port. Entry 2, 3, and 4 show subnets that are locally
attached to each terminal. Entry 5 shows a subnet (172.16.206.x/24) that is
beyond terminal 6.
Entry Type Terminal IP Subnet Mask Gateway

1 Route 15 0

2 Terminal 6 24 15

3 Terminal 10 24 15

4 Terminal 15 24 –

5 Route 6 24

42 PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011 Final

VSATPlus 3 > Installation and Configuration

2 Do one of the following:

Either Add a new route or terminal:
a Click the Add + (plus) icon.
b Go to step 3.

Or Edit an entry:
a Double-click the entry in the table or click Edit.
b Go to step 3.

Or Delete a route:
a Select a route in the table.
b Click the Delete icon (a garbage can).
c In the confirmation dialog box, click OK.

3 In the Add a New VSATPlus 3 Route/Terminal dialog box, select Terminal

or Route:
• Terminal – Select to define the IP address and Mask of the LAN port
on the terminal.
• Route – Select to define the IP address and mask (CIDR) of a subnet
that is beyond the terminal, or to define the default route on the LAN
4 Define the route parameters:
For Terminal:

Terminal Number
• Enter the number of the terminal for the local subnet.

IP Address
• Enter the LAN IP address of the terminal.
• The IP address and mask define the IP subnet that is accessible from
the terminal.

Network Mask (CIDR)

• Enter the network mask of the local subnet in CIDR format (0 to 32).
• The Mask defines the subnet address that is routed.

Default Terminal
• The Default Terminal field is similar in concept to the Default Route. To
route packets to the Internet, each terminal has either a Default
Terminal (for routing over-the-air) or an explicit IP Gateway on the
terrestrial Ethernet port.
In the example network:
• Terminals 6 and 10 define Terminal #15 as the Default Terminal.
• Terminal 15 connects to the Internet Service Provider (ISP) on the
terrestrial side, so it does not have a Default Terminal (set to –).
For Route:

Terminal Number
• Enter the number of the terminal for the associated route.
In the example network:
• Entry 5 defines a subnet that is beyond Terminal 6:
• Entry 1 defines the default route that goes to the Internet.

IP Address
• Enter the IP address of the subnet that is beyond the terminal.

PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal Installation and Operation Guide 43

VSATPlus 3 > Installation and Configuration

Network Mask (CIDR)

• Enter the network mask of the subnet that is beyond the terminal.

Gateway IP Address
• The IP Gateway field indicates the IP address of the gateway that
continues the routing.
• If a packet is addressed to another subnet, then it must be forwarded
to an IP Gateway. Typically, an IP Gateway belongs to multiple subnets
and has an IP address in each subnet. In this field, you must enter the
IP address of the gateway node that belongs to the same subnet as the
In the example network:
• Entry 5 is for a subnet, 172.16.206.x/24, that is beyond Terminal 6.
5 Click Save Route.
You return to the Route page.

Risk of Loss of Connectivity
If the IP address of an existing terminal is changed, then all browser
sessions to that terminal are terminated.

6 Click Save the Configuration.

The changes to the parameters become effective.

Configuring IP 7 To configure IP Links, click Configure > Link.

Links An IP Link is a connection from one node to another. The direction of the
connection is important. Normally, two nodes have a pair of IP links, one
link for each direction: A to B and B to A.
Initially, an IP link has no allocated bandwidth. As packets arrive, the node
allocates timeslots from the bandwidth pool, and transmits packets to the
destination node. For each IP link, you can define the following parameters:
The minimum bandwidth (MIN) remains allocated while the two nodes are
up, even if no traffic needs this bandwidth. MIN treats pre-assigned
bandwidth in a similar manner to with Permanently Assigned Multiple Access
• If one of the nodes on the link goes down, then the bandwidth is released
to the bandwidth pool. When the system detects that the two nodes are
up, it allocates the MIN bandwidth again.
• The range for the MIN parameter is from 0 to the maximum number of
bursts on the carrier. The MIN must be less than or equal to the CIR.
The CIR defines the bandwidth to allocate to the link when the traffic load
needs it.
• The system allocates bandwidth in priority up to the limit of CIR, and
guarantees bandwidth only when the network is not over-subscribed.
• The range for CIR is from MIN to the maximum number of bursts on a
• The value of CIR always includes the value of MIN.
The EIR is bandwidth in excess of the CIR that the system can allocate
whenever bandwidth is available in the bandwidth pool.
• The total bandwidth that the system can allocate to a link is CIR + EIR.
The total bandwidth is not MIN + CIR + EIR.
• The range for EIR is from 0 up to the maximum number of bursts on a
carrier. However, the sum of CIR + EIR must be less than or equal to
the maximum number of bursts on a carrier.

44 PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011 Final

VSATPlus 3 > Installation and Configuration

• The system allocates bandwidth in units of bursts. The definition of the
bandwidth pool specifies the burst size. The MIN, CIR, and EIR are in
units of bits-per-second (bps), and the BoD server rounds up the burst
size to the nearest unit of burst.
• In a network of n terminals, a fully-meshed network can have many
connections. You do not have to define the MIN, CIR, and EIR parameters
for each of the links. Instead, you can define explicit parameters for an
IP Link, and then define default IP Link parameters for any link without
explicitly defined parameters.
• The MIN, CIR, and EIR Bandwidth are allocated in a pro-rated manner.
If the network is oversubscribed, then each link has the same percentage
of MIN, CIR, and EIR parameters.
• The CIR bandwidth is always allocated first and released last.
8 In addition to the MIN, CIR, and EIR parameters, you can configure the
following Advanced Parameters to control the bandwidth allocation and
Low Bandwidth Threshold
The Low Bandwidth Threshold is a percentage of the currently allocated
bandwidth that defines when to start to release bandwidth.
• When the usage of the currently allocated bandwidth decreases below
this threshold, and during the last N seconds that you define in the
Decrease Timer, the system starts to release bandwidth.
• For example, if the Decrease Timer is 6 seconds, and the Low Bandwidth
Threshold is 35 %, the system releases bandwidth every 6 seconds
when the usage of the currently allocated bandwidth is below 35 %.
High Bandwidth Threshold
The High Bandwidth Threshold is a percentage of the currently allocated
bandwidth that defines when to allocate more bandwidth, up to the limit of
• When the usage of the currently allocated bandwidth increases above
this threshold for a sampling interval of approximately 2 seconds, the
Bandwidth Manager requests more bandwidth.
CIR Increase Ratio and CIR Decrease Ratio
The CIR Increase Ratio and CIR Decrease Ratio together define the
percentage of CIR that gets allocated and released for every request.
• For example, in networks where the configured CIR is small – for
example, 64 kbps – the system can allocate CIR entirely to 100 %, as
soon as the first packet arrives on the link.
• Conversely, in networks where the configured CIR is large, the system
can allocate the CIR gradually until the CIR limit is reached. Then, the
system starts to allocate EIR bandwidth, if the EIR is greater than 0.
• Similarly, you can define the amount (in %) by which to release the
EIR Increase Ratio and EIR Decrease Ratio
The EIR Increase Ratio and EIR Decrease Ratio together configure the
amount of bandwidth to allocate or release from the excess bandwidth in
the bandwidth pool.
• Often, IP Links can be configured with a small CIR – for example, 32 or
64 kbps – and a large EIR (as large as the carrier permits). This allows
multiple IP Links to share the excess bandwidth in the pool.
• These two parameters configure the percentage of the EIR that is
allocated and released when thresholds are crossed. Since the EIR can
represent a large amount of bandwidth, the bandwidth increase can be
small – for example, 10 % – while bandwidth decreases can be done
more rapidly – for example, 40% each time.

PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal Installation and Operation Guide 45

VSATPlus 3 > Installation and Configuration

Decrease Timer
The Decrease Timer sets the amount of time that the bandwidth usage is
below the Low Bandwidth Threshold, before the system starts to decrease
the bandwidth.
• PolarSat recommends that you set the value to 6 seconds or more, but
no less than 6 seconds.
9 Click Save the Configuration.
The changes to the parameters become effective.

Configuring the The carrier definitions defines the frequency offset for each carrier, in the range
Carriers of +/– 20 MHz, starting from carrier 0. Define the frequency offsets of each
carrier as seen at the satellite and, for L-Band terminals, independently of the
transmit and receive spectral inversion settings for each terminal.
10 Select Configure > Carrier.
• The Carriers page displays Carrier 0 even though you cannot configure
it from this page. You configure Carrier 0 in the Signaling Carrier
Frequency on page 38 parameter.
11 Define up to 31 carriers, numbered from 1 to 31:
Either Add a carrier:
a Click the + (plus) button.
b Go to step 12.

Or Change the frequency of a carrier:

a Double-click the carrier in the list or click Edit.
b Go to step 12.

Or Delete carriers:
a Click the Select checkbox for the carriers.
b Click the Delete icon (a garbage can).
c In the confirmation dialog box, click OK.

12 To define the carrier frequency, enter a frequency offset from -20 to

+20 MHz.
13 Click OK.
14 Click Save the Configuration.
The changes to the parameters become effective.
15 To configure a VSATPlus 3 Terminal to be a non-reference node, see
Configuring a Non-Reference Terminal on page 47.

46 PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011 Final

VSATPlus 3 > Installation and Configuration

Configuring a Non-Reference Terminal

When you configure a non-reference VSATPlus 3 Terminal, first you configure
the node locally with the minimum number of parameters it needs to join the
network. Then, the terminal downloads from the primary reference terminal the
parameters that are common to all nodes. These parameters are called the
parameter lists or the lists.
The network and terminal parameters are stored locally on each terminal. You
can configure these parameters from the web-based user interface either from
a remote node over the satellite link, or from the LAN port at the terminal.
• For background information about the configuration of a VSATPlus 3
network and a summary of which parameters you configure at the
primary reference and non-reference nodes, see Configuration Overview
on page 24.
Before you start:
• Configure the VSATPlus 3 Terminal that is the primary reference terminal
– Configuring the Primary Reference Terminal on page 36.
• Configure the network parameters – Configuring the Global Network
Parameters on page 41.
• Install the VSATPlus 3 Terminal that will be the non-reference terminal –
Installing a VSATPlus 3 Terminal on page 32.
• Connect to the user interface for the terminal, see Connecting to the User
Interface on page 35.

Risk of Failed Configuration
Because the VSATPlus 3 Terminal ships from the factory with a pre-
configured IP address of, you cannot configure multiple
terminals on the same LAN. If you need to connect the terminals on an IF
loop (that is, not over the satellite link), make sure that the terminals are
on different LANs.

Configuring 1 Select Configure > Network.

Network 2 Configure the following parameters to prepare the initial configuration.
Parameters at a These parameters must be the same on every node in the network, but you
Non-Reference must enter them on each terminal to get the network to recognize the
Terminal terminal, and so that the terminal acquires the network.
Network Size
Enter the number of terminals in the network
• The system uses this parameter to define the number of CSCs that are
needed for signaling (NBC and CSC bursts).
• The range of values is from 1 to 1000.
• The value must be the same on all terminals in the network.
Symbol Rate
• Enter the number of symbols that occur each second. Each symbol
carries 2 bits for QPSK, or 3 bits for 8PSK.
• The range of values is from 128,000 to 5,000,000 symbols/second.
Frame Time
Defines the duration of one TDMA frame in the network:
• Select 20, 30, or 40 ms (default) frames.

PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal Installation and Operation Guide 47

VSATPlus 3 > Installation and Configuration

Frames per Superframe

• Enter the number of frames for each superframe in the network. A
superframe is a group of frames.
• The range of values is from 10 to 60 frames/superframe.
• Typically, you select 30 or 60 frames/superframe.
Secondary Ref Terminal
Do not edit this parameter on a non-reference node.
• This parameter is downloaded from the primary reference node when
the non-reference node joins the network.
• This parameter defines the node that operates as the secondary
reference node in the network.
Signal Modulation
The modulation type that is used on the DATA bursts:
• When the DATA bursts use 8PSK, the signaling bursts (NBC and CSC)
continue to use QPSK.
• You cannot edit this parameter on a non-reference node. It is displayed
for information only.
TPC parameters
Do not configure these parameters on a non-reference node.
• These parameters display detailed information about the type of Turbo
Coding that is used in data bursts.

# Bursts
For CSC only:
• The number of CSC columns or bursts at the start of each frame
• The default value is 1. You can enter a different value.
• The number of CSC bursts must be the same on every terminal.
Satellite longitude
• Enter the geographic longitude for the location of the GEO satellite, in
units of Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds.
Boot as Primary Reference Node

Risk of Failed Configuration
Do not select Boot as Primary Reference Node on a non-reference node. If
the terminal is operating, this setting is ignored. Otherwise, this setting
forces the terminal to boot as a primary reference.

3 Click Save the Configuration.

The changes to the parameters become effective.

Configuring 4 Select Configure > Terminal.

Terminal 5 Enter the terminal parameters:
Parameters at a
Non-Reference Terminal Number
Terminal Defines the number of the terminal, and defines which CSC timeslot the
terminal uses.
• Enter a number from 1 to the maximum number of nodes in the network.
The network can contain a maximum of 1000 nodes.
• This number cannot be zero (0).
• The number must be unique within the network. Nodes cannot share
the same terminal number.

48 PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011 Final

VSATPlus 3 > Installation and Configuration

IF Type
The Intermediate Frequency (IF) is defined by the modem hardware
• The possible values are 70 MHz or L-Band.
Signaling Carrier Frequency
This parameter is the IF frequency of the signaling carrier of the network.
• Enter the center frequency of the carrier. This parameter is the same
as on the primary reference terminal.
• For L-Band, the center frequency must be between 950 MHz and
1525 MHz, and must be within +/- 20 MHz of the Rx Center frequency.
• For 70 MHz, the center frequency must be between 50 MHz and
90 MHz.
ODU Frequency Offset
• For 70 MHz modems, enter a frequency offset to compensate for any
frequency offset of the local ODU. The range is from -20 MHz to
+20 MHz. The default is 0. The same offset applies to both TX and RX
• Define the VSATPlus 3 carriers only on the Primary Reference node
because the carriers are global to the VSATPlus 3 network. Configure
the ODU Frequency Offset on the local VSATPlus 3 Terminals to add to
the global value of the carrier frequency definitions and adapt to the
local ODU frequency – Configuring the Terminal Parameters at the
Primary Reference Terminal on page 38.
L-Band parameters
Only for L-Band, define the following parameters for both transmit and
receive directions. For a detailed description, see Assigning Carrier
Frequencies – L-Band Center Frequency on page 64.

Receive and Transmit Center Frequency

• Define the center frequency of a 40 MHz band. The center frequency
must be between 950 MHz and 1525 MHz.
• When you use spectral inversion, the center frequency that you enter
is the center frequency that the modem uses to transmit and receive.
It must match the frequency that the ODU equipment expects.

Receive and Transmit Spectral Inversion

• Activates spectral inversion on the transmit or receive links.

Receive and Transmit 10 MHz Reference Output

• Select to send a 10 MHz reference signal to ODU equipment.

Receive and Transmit 24 V DC Output

• Select to send 24 V DC to ODU equipment.

Risk of Equipment Damage
If you apply electric current to ODU equipment that is not equipped to
accept it, you can damage that equipment.


Terminal Latitude
a Enter the latitude of the terminal, in units of Degrees, Minutes, and
b Select N (north) or S (south) of the equator.

PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal Installation and Operation Guide 49

VSATPlus 3 > Installation and Configuration

Terminal Longitude
a Enter the longitude of the terminal, in units of Degrees, Minutes, and
b Select E (east) or W (west) from the prime meridian.

Terminal Elevation
• Enter the altitude of the terminal, in units of meters above sea level.

Range Calibration
• Enter the delay time that occurs in long cables, in units of symbols.
• The range of values is from 0 to 32767 symbols. The typical value is 0.
Power Control

Nominal Transmit Power

• Enter the transmit power of the terminal.
• For L-Band, the range of values is from –30 dBm to –5 dBm.
• For 70 MHz, the range of values is from –26 dBm to –10 dBm.

When enabled, ULPC automatically adjusts transmit power to overcome
uplink fade in order to keep the signal power constant at the satellite. Total
fade is the sum of the uplink and downlink fades. Uplink fade is derived
from the total fade.
a Select Enable ULPC.
b Enter the Maximum Power that ULPC can transmit. Normally, the
outdoor equipment determines the maximum signal power that it can
receive from the terminal.
c Enter the Nominal Receive Level. This is the receive power level that the
terminal expects when there is no fade, and the far-end terminal is
transmitting at the Nominal TX Level.
TCP Accelerator
• Enable Accelerator – Select to enable Protocol Enhancing Proxy (PeP)
for optimum performance of TCP sessions over the satellite link.
• Enable Compression – Select to enable TCP compression by PeP. To
activate compression, select this Enable Compression and Enable
Accelerator. This option affects only TCP traffic.
6 Click Save the Configuration.
The changes to the parameters become effective.
7 To configure other non-reference terminals, repeat this procedure for each
8 After the network is operating, you can edit the QoS rules. See Configuring
QoS Rules on page 51.

50 PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011 Final

VSATPlus 3 > Installation and Configuration

Configuring QoS Rules

Quality of Service (QoS) rules classify IP packets and assign a transmission
priority for the satellite link. The 8 priority levels are from 0 to 7; 0 is the
highest priority. You cannot specify bandwidth limits on different traffic types.
Normally, you do not need to configure QoS rules to make the VSATPlus 3
network operational. Predefined QoS rules allow the network to operate with a
set of QoS rules. If the default QoS rules are not suitable, and after the network
is operating, you can edit or delete any of the rules, or create new rules.

Predefined QoS Rules

Priority Description

0, 1 Alarms
• Priority 0 and 1 do not have pre-defined rules. Typically,
only alarms travel at these priorities.

• All IP packets that have the Differentiated Services Code
Point (DSCP) field set to 46 (0x2E) for Expedited Flow (EF),
or 40 (0x28) for IP precedence 5, are assigned priority 2.
• The primary targets are Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
signaling and voice packets.

• All User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packets that have port 53
as a source or destination port are assigned priority 3.
• The well known port for the Domain Name System (DNS)
is 53.


• All packets for the interactive protocols HTTP, HTTPS, and
Secure Shell (SSH) are assigned priority 4.
• These interactive protocols use TCP sessions.

5 Non-interactive TCP
• All TCP packets, other than HTTP, HTTPS, and SSH, are
assigned priority 5.
• Priority 5 is intended for non-interactive TCP applications,
such as email transfer.

• All UDP packets are assigned priority 6.

7 Other
• All remaining packets are assigned priority 7. For example,
all "ping" packets are assigned priority 7.

When a packet arrives at the terrestrial port, the system examines it for a
match. It examines the packet from the first rule at the top of the list of QoS
rules, then with each rule in descending order, until the packet matches the
criteria specified by a rule. When there is a match, the system assigns the
priority of the rule to the packet. If the packet passes through every rule
without having a match, then it is assigned priority 7 (lowest priority).
QoS statistics show the number of packets and number of bytes that each rule
has matched.

PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal Installation and Operation Guide 51

VSATPlus 3 > Installation and Configuration

Before you start:

• Configure the VSATPlus 3 Terminal that is the primary reference terminal
according to Configuring the Primary Reference Terminal on page 36.
• Configure the network parameters according to Configuring the Global
Network Parameters on page 41.
• Configure the VSATPlus 3 Terminals that are the non-reference terminals
according to Configuring a Non-Reference Terminal on page 47.
• QoS rules are not managed globally; the rules can be different on each
terminal. Connect to the user interface for the terminal – Connecting to
the User Interface on page 35.

1 Select Configure > QoS.

The page displays QoS rules in descending order of processing.
2 You can create, edit, or delete rules. Either:
• In the Action column, click the Edit icon for the rule.
• Double-click a rule.
3 Edit the Priority, Description, and Rule specification for each rule.
Priority – Values from 0 to 7; 0 is the highest priority.
Description – A free-text comment that explains the actual rule. The
description is saved in the configuration, but is not used by the system.
Enter a description to record the purpose of the rule.
Rule – Contains the rule that classifies the packets. The rule associates
values to the fields of the IP packet to find a match. When IP packets arrive,
the system examines each to verify if any fields match values in the rule.
If matched, the system assigns the packet the priority for that rule.
a You can define the following fields of the IP packet in a rule: DSCP,
Protocol, Source IP address or subnet, Destination IP address or subnet.
b You can define a compound rule that requires that any or all fields must
match to assign a priority.
• For a packet to match and be assigned the associated priority, the packet
must meet the conditions defined by each of the four fields. So, if one
field is not important for a rule, select the condition that all packets must
meet that condition. For example, if the DSCP field is not important for
a rule, select Any DSCP for that rule. This ensures that all packets meet
the condition for the DSCP field, regardless of the value in that field.
4 From the Protocol rule, select either:
• Any Protocol – Does not examine the Protocol field for a match. All
protocols match.
• Protocol is – The Protocol field in the IP packet must have the selected
<protocol> value: ICMP, TCP, UDP, or a <value>. If you select <value>,
define the protocol as a number from 1 to 255. For the TCP and UDP
protocols, define a source or destination <port range> (see below).
• Protocol is not – The Protocol field in the IP packet must not have the
selected <protocol> value: ICMP, TCP, UDP, or a <value> from 1
to 255. For the TCP and UDP protocols, define a <port range>.
• <port range> – Define two numbers: the second number must be
equal to or higher than the first number. Each number can be from 0
to 65535. To match a single port, set the first and second port number
to the same value. For the port range, select:
Parameter Description

Any port Any source or destination port matches.

Source port If the protocol selection matches, and the source

range is port number is within the range, there is a match.

Source port If the protocol selection matches, and the source

range is not port number is not within the range, there is a

52 PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011 Final

VSATPlus 3 > Installation and Configuration

Parameter Description

Destination If the protocol selection matches, and the destination

port range is port number is within the range, there is a match.

Destination If the protocol selection matches and the destination

port range is port number is not in the range, there is a match.

5 From the Source IP address rule, select either:

• Any Source IP – Does not examine the Source IP address for a match.
All Source IP addresses match.
• Source IP/mask is – Apply a bit-wise AND to the <mask> and the
Source IP address. If the result is equal to the <IP address>, there is a
• Source IP/mask is not – Apply a bit-wise AND to the <mask> and
the Source IP address. If the result is not equal to the <IP address>,
there is a match.
• <address> – The IP address must be an IPv4 address in the form
a.b.c.d, where a,b,c,d are decimal numbers from 0 to 255.
• <mask> – A number from 0 to 32. The <mask> can match multiple
addresses, such as an entire subnet.
6 From the Destination IP address rule, select either:
• Any Destination IP – Does not examine the Destination IP address for
a match. All Destination IP addresses match.
• Destination IP/mask is – Apply a bit-wise AND to the <mask> and
the Destination IP address. If the result is equal to the <IP address>,
there is a match.
• Destination IP/mask is not – Apply a bit-wise AND to the <mask>
and the Destination IP address. If the result is not equal to the <IP
address>, there is a match.
• <address> – The IP address must be an IPv4 address in the form
a.b.c.d, where a,b,c,d are decimal numbers from 0 to 255.
• <mask> – A number from 0 to 32. The <mask> can match multiple
addresses, such as an entire subnet.
7 From DSCP, select either:
• Any DSCP – Does not examine the DSCP for a match. All DSCP values
• DSCP is – If the DSCP has same value as the <code-point>, then it
• DSCP is not – If the DSCP is any other value than the <code-point>,
then it matches.
• DSCP <code-point> number – The <code-point> must an integer
number from 0 to 63.

PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal Installation and Operation Guide 53

VSATPlus 3 > Installation and Configuration

54 PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011 Final

Chapter 6
Contents Monitor and Control from the VSATPlus 3 User Interface ... on
page 56
Front Panel Status LEDs ... on page 61

VSATPlus 3 Terminal Installation and Operation Guide 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011, Final 55
© 2011 PolarSat, Inc. 549 Meloche Avenue, Dorval QC H9P 2W2 Canada; 1-514-635-0040
VSATPlus 3 > Operation

Monitor and Control from the VSATPlus 3 User Interface

The VSATPlus 3 Web-Based User Interface allows you to monitor and manage
terminals and the network from an Internet browser.

1 Connect to the user interface for the terminal – Connecting to the User
Interface on page 35.
The web-based user interface provides the following pages:
• Monitor – step 2
• Alarms – step 4
• Configure – step 6
• Control – step 8
• Admin – step 10
Hierarchy of the VSATPlus 3 Web-Based User Interface

VSATPlus 3 Web-Based User Interface

Monitor Alarms Configure Control Admin

Terminal Latest Network Terminal

Reset Modem

Terminal Manage
Filter Terminal
Bandwidth Reset Terminal Users

Enable SB/CW
Network QoS

Network Set Network

Route Network
Bandwidth Time

Become Primary
Status/ Miscellaneous

Carrier Log Files



56 PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011 Final

VSATPlus 3 > Operation

Monitoring the 2 Select the Monitor tab.

Terminals and 3 Select a sub-page:
Network Terminal
• The number and status of the terminal
• The number of the primary and secondary reference terminals
• The Local and Network Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) which is used
to determine if the global parameter lists are synchronized with the lists
on the primary reference node
• The revision number of the hardware and software
• The current transmit and receive power levels
• The uplink and downlink fade levels
Terminal Bandwidth
Amount of bandwidth that is allocated to every IP link to and from the local
terminal. Also, you can display statistics on the LAN Ethernet port, the
Satellite port (aggregate of all links), or on one link to a remote terminal.
At every Refresh interval, displays the counters for Transmit and Receive:
• The total number of packets that were transferred.
• The number of packets per second (pps) for the interval
• The total number of Bytes, KiloBytes or MegaBytes
• The throughput (Kilobits per second - Kbps) for the interval
Network – Status of each terminal in the network. Select either:
• Node Status – The node is Off-line, On-line, or In-network. If In-
network, the node acquired the network but has not updated the global
• RX Level – Received signal level on the signaling channel from each
node, in dBm
• RX Fade – Received signal level compared to the Norminal Receive
Level. A positive value indicates a fade. A negative value indicates a
received level that is stronger than the nominal level.
• C/N – Carrier to Noise ratio. If the level is too low or too high to measure
accurately, this value is LOW or HIGH.
• Eb/No – Energy per bit (Eb) to Noise power spectral density (No) ratio.
Changes depending on the code rate used.
• BER – Bit Error Rate for the Eb/No ratio. Normally, one bit in error for
a number of bits received.
Network Bandwidth – The IP link to which every burst in the bandwidth
pool is assigned. Note that IP link # 0 is the Idle link. Each burst that is not
assigned to an IP link number is assigned to the Idle link.
Status/Statistics – Counters for several statistics

Monitoring 4 Select the Alarms tab.

Alarms 5 Select a sub-page:
Latest – Displays the most recent 250 alarms that the terminal reports.
You can acknowledge, print, or save the alarms. When you save the alarms,
you save all active alarms, not only the most recent 250.
Filter – Displays a subset of all alarms
• Select Severity, Source, Date Range, or enter a text search.

Configuring the 6 Select the Configure tab.

Terminals and 7 Select a sub-page:
Network Network – Configures the network parameters
Terminal – Configures the local terminal parameters – Configuring the
Primary Reference Terminal on page 36 and Configuring a Non-Reference
Terminal on page 47
QoS – Configuring QoS Rules on page 51

PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal Installation and Operation Guide 57

VSATPlus 3 > Operation

Routes – Configures IP Routes in the network, and assigns an IP address

to each terminal
Links – Configures IP links between the terminals
Carriers – Configures the network carriers – Configuring the Global
Network Parameters on page 41

Controlling the 8 Select the Control tab.

Terminals and 9 Select a sub-page:
Network Terminal – Controls the following parameters:
Button Description and Action

Reset the Resets the modem that is in the terminal. A reset of

Modem the modem is faster than a reset of the terminal.

Reset the Resets and reboots the terminal


Enable SB/CW Enables the transmission of a:

• SuperBurst (SB) which is a continuous
modulated burst
• Continuous Wave (CW) which is an
unmodulated signal
a Click Enable SB/CW.
b In the dialog box, enter the Frequency Offset
and the TX Power of the carrier.

Risk of Network Outage
Transmit SB/CW only in the bandwidth that is
assigned by the satellite operator. If you
transmit SB/CW at the same frequency as
Carrier 0, you bring down the network.

• On 70 MHz terminals, the ODU Frequency
Offset is added to the Carrier Offset to
generate a local intermediate frequency –
Configuring the Terminal Parameters at the
Primary Reference Terminal on page 38.
c To start the carrier, click Start SB/CW.
d To disable SB or CW, click Stop and Reset

58 PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011 Final

VSATPlus 3 > Operation

Network – Controls the following parameters:

Button Description and Action

Become If the local node is the secondary reference node,

Primary click Become Primary to manually switch the
primary reference to this node.
The existing primary reference node will become
the secondary reference node.
You can select this command only if the local
node is already the secondary node.

Become Click Become Secondary to configure the local

Secondary terminal to become the secondary reference node.
The secondary reference node, becomes the
primary reference node automatically, if the
current primary reference node fails.
Alternatively from the primary node, you can
select a new secondary node. See Configuring
the Primary Reference Terminal on page 36.

Administering 10 Select the Admin tab.

User Accounts
11 Select Change Password.
a Enter your administrator password.
b Enter the user name for the account.
c Enter the new password.
d Enter the same password to confirm.
e Click Change.
12 Select Manage Users.
a Create or edit user accounts on the terminal. These accounts control
access to the terminal from the web-based user interface.
Default types of user accounts:
• Monitor – The user can monitor the network, and see but not edit or
save the configuration of the network.
• Install – The user can monitor and configure the network.
• Admin – The user can monitor and configure the network, and manage
user accounts.
The VSATPlus 3 Terminal ships with predefined user accounts that have
initial passwords that are the same as the user names:
Role User Name Initial Password

Monitor monitor monitor

Installer install install

Administrator admin admin

b User accounts are not managed centrally. Repeat step a to create user
accounts on each terminal.
13 Select Update Firmware.
14 Download and install updated firmware.

PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal Installation and Operation Guide 59

VSATPlus 3 > Operation

15 Select Set Network Time.
16 Define the local time for the terminal.
• If you change the system time, reset the entire terminal to re-initialize
protocols to use the new system time. Otherwise, some protocols may
not function correctly after the system time changes.
Log Files and Configuration
17 Select Miscellaneous.
18 Select:
Download Log Files – The VSATPlus 3 Terminal maintains log files to help
analyze activity and troubleshoot problems:
a To extract the log files, click Download Log Files.
b Save the log to a file on your computer.
Reset configuration to factory default – Clears all previous configuration
parameters so that you can start from scratch. The only parameters retained
from the previous configuration are the Users and Passwords.
Create configuration checkpoint – In the configuration of the terminal,
you can create a checkpoint. If you need to undo configuration changes,
the undo goes to this checkpoint.
Restore configuration checkpoint – Restores the configuration to the
configuration checkpoint that you created. Before you can use this option,
you must create a checkpoint.
Save configuration – When a configuration is completed, save it on your
Restore configuration – Restores a previously saved configuration from
your computer. The Terminal reboots with the new configuration.

60 PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011 Final

VSATPlus 3 > Operation

Front Panel Status LEDs

Each front panel LED contains one red and one green LED that can display
green, yellow, or red light.

During Start-Up 1 During the terminal boot-up sequence as the terminal software loads, the
LEDs are green except for one, yellow walking LED.
2 After the software is loaded and while the terminal initializes, the Status LED
is yellow.
3 As the terminal acquires the network, the LEDs flash to indicate the current
a While the terminal tries to perform receive acquisition in the network,
the SATNET led flashes yellow. This can take several seconds or minutes
while the terminal sweeps frequencies for different signal amplitudes.
b While the terminal tries to perform transmit acquisition, the SATNET LED
flashes green. Normally, this takes only a few seconds.

During Steady- 4 After the terminal acquires the network, it synchronizes configuration with
State Operation the primary reference node, and starts normal operation, all LEDs are green.

Front Panel LED Status Indicators – Steady-state Operation

LED Color Indication

STATUS Green The terminal is operating normally:

• The parameter lists are up-to-date.

Yellow The local parameter lists are out-of-date with the

parameter lists on the primary reference node.
• This condition is temporary, and normally
disappears within a maximum time of
one minute.
• Normally, this condition occurs only after a
terminal is installed for the first time. The
terminal is acquiring the network for the first
time, but does not yet have all of the updated

Red The terminal is in an error state:

• An example cause is that the local terminal lost
the timing reference signal to the network
(deep fade).

SATNET Green The terminal is operating normally.

Yellow A signaling burst has data errors. The terminal

detects the burst but cannot decode it successfully.

Red A signaling burst cannot be detected. The

transmitting node may in a fade or has stopped

ACTIVITY Green The terminal is operating normally.

• This LED does not flash as a result of the traffic
that the terminal carries.

Yellow The terminal cannot detect the data burst correctly.

PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal Installation and Operation Guide 61

VSATPlus 3 > Operation

62 PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011 Final

Reference and Support
Contents Assigning Carrier Frequencies – L-Band Center Frequency ... on
page 64
Document Conventions ... on page 66
Customer Service Line ... on page 68

VSATPlus 3 Terminal Installation and Operation Guide 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011, Final 63
© 2011 PolarSat, Inc. 549 Meloche Avenue, Dorval QC H9P 2W2 Canada; 1-514-635-0040
VSATPlus 3 >

Assigning Carrier Frequencies – L-Band Center Frequency

Carrier frequencies in VSATPlus 3 networks are defined as offsets relative to the
center frequency of the transponder. This allows a mix of 70 MHz and L-Band
terminal types to share a common carrier configuration, with each carrier
defined by an offset. The frequencies can be VHF (70 MHz) or L-Band.
To participate in the network, the center frequency of the terminal must be
configured correctly:
• For 70 MHz terminals, no setup is required, because the center frequency
is 70 MHz.
• For L-Band terminals, the center frequency must be set correctly on both
Tx and Rx sides.

Mixed network In a mixed network, the center frequencies must be consistent between the
of 70 MHz and 70 MHz terminals and the L-Band terminals.
terminals 1 First, determine the RF frequencies that correspond to a 70 MHz carrier. Do
this for both Rx and Tx sides.
2 The L-Band center frequencies (fCF_TX (transmit) and fCF_RX (receive) in the
following formula) for a terminal must correspond, and are calculated from
the value of the Local Oscillators (LO) for the Low Noise Block (LNB) (fLO_LNB)
and Block Up-Converter (BUC) (fLO_BUC).
If the ODU equipment is non-inverting, calculate the frequencies by:
• fCF_TX = fRF_UL – fLO_BUC
• fCF_RX = fRF_DL – fLO_LNB
If the equipment is inverting, calculate the frequencies by:
• fCF_TX = fLO_BUC – fRF_UL
• fCF_RX = fLO_LNB – fRF_DL
• fRF_UL – RF frequency of the Up Link
• fRF_DL – RF frequency of the Down Link
• fLO_BUC – LO frequency of the BUC
• fLO_LNB – LO frequency of the LNB
• fCF_TX – Center frequency for TX
• fCF_RX – Center frequency for RX
When the L-Band center frequencies are well configured, a carrier
configured with an offset of 0 MHz, appears at 70 MHz on the 70 MHz
terminals, and at the L-Band center frequency on L-Band terminals.

L-Band-only If a network consists only of L-Band terminals, either:

network • Proceed as in the Mixed network of 70 MHz and L-Band terminals. Set the
central frequency to the value that corresponds to a 70 MHz carrier
transmitted by a 70 MHz terminal, as if such a terminal is in the network.
This allows the future addition of a 70 MHz terminal to the network
without re-configuration of the network.
• Otherwise, select arbitrary RF center frequencies (fRF_UL and fRF_DL) to
define the center frequency in the network, and use the formulas in step 2
to calculate the corresponding L-Band center frequencies.
Important: Once the RF center frequencies are selected, they apply to all
terminals in the network and cannot be changed easily.
Select the RF center frequencies, according to the following constraints:
• Normally, the frequencies are a multiple of 1 MHz. However, if the uplink
and downlink frequency of the transponder are not separated by a
multiple of MHz, you can configure only the TX L-Band center frequency
as a fraction of MHz.
• fRF_UL corresponds to fRF_DL when down-converted by the transponder.
• Choose the frequency so that all carriers in the network are within
+/– 20 MHz of the center frequency.

64 PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011 Final

VSATPlus 3 >

• The chosen RF center frequencies become a reference for the network.
All carriers are configured as offsets from this reference. Use the same
RF center frequency on all terminals in a network when you calculate
the L-Band center frequency.
For example:
• fRF_UL = 6042 MHz = RF frequency of the Up Link of the network
• fRF_DL = 3817 MHz = RF frequency of the Down Link of the network
• fLO_BUC = 4900 MHz = LO frequency of the BUC for one site
• fLO_LNB = 5150 MHz = LO frequency of the LNB (Rx spectral inversion)
The computed L-Band center frequencies are:
• fCF_TX = 1142 MHz = L-Band center frequency for Tx
• fCF_RX = 1333 MHz = L-Band center frequency for Rx

PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal Installation and Operation Guide 65

VSATPlus 3 >

Document Conventions
Text Formats

Format Purpose Examples

Blue Text Hyperlinks to steps, procedures, • See Document Conventions on page

descriptions, documents, or web 66.
sites • Navigate to

Italic Text References to external documents • Refer to the Product Name User Guide,

Blue Italic Text • References to page numbers • See Document Conventions on page
• Hyperlinks to external 66.
documents • For detailed definitions, refer to the

Bold Text The labels of: • Click the Help button.

• Buttons, dialog boxes, or The Help dialog box opens.
windows in the user • Press F12.
interface • Insert the PolarSat VSATPlus 3 CD-
• Keys on the keyboard ROM.
• Media

Courier Text • A directory path or filename • Navigate to the folder:

• A text response on a user \\Program Files\PolarSat\NMS
interface • Press Enter !
The dialog box displays:
Saved to file.
Press any key to continue.

Courier Bold • A command prompt • At the C:\ prompt, enter telnet !

Text • A text command that you

Backslash \ Levels in a directory path Windows:

or C:\Program
Forward Files\PolarSat\NMS\logs
Slash /
UNIX, Linux, and Internet:

Carriage Press the Enter or Return key. • Enter telnet !

Return !

Right Angle A selection of menus, submenus, • Select File > Save.

Brackets > and menu items

Key Names Commands that use a • Press Ctrl + Shift + 3.

with Plus + combination of keys

66 PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011 Final

VSATPlus 3 >

Warnings PolarSat manuals use the following types of warning messages:

Risk of Injury
This symbol and heading alert you to important safety information to
avoid personal injury or death.

Risk of Damage or Loss
This symbol and heading alert you to important safety information to
avoid equipment damage, or data or signal loss.

Illustrations Illustrations in the manuals can differ from the equipment or user interfaces
that you are using because of different system configurations. The illustrations
reflect basic equipment and configurations for the majority of customers.
Double-check with the labelling on your equipment and with the screens on
your user interface.

PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal Installation and Operation Guide 67

VSATPlus 3 >

Customer Service Line

For technical support when you need information that is not in the manuals, to
get the most recent revision of a manual, or to return equipment for upgrade or
maintenance, or for warranted or out-of-warranty repair, contact the PolarSat
Customer Service Line by phone, fax, e-mail, or web site:
• PolarSat
• Telephone: 1-514-635-0040, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m. Eastern time
• Facsimile (fax): 1-514-635-0044
• E-mail:

68 PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011 Final

VSATPlus 3
Numerics D I
10 MHz Danger Idle link ......................... 57
terminal, connecting ....... 33 messages .................... 67 Illustrations ..................... 67
safety guidelines ............ 28 Installation
A Diagrams ........................ 67 terminal ..................... 32
Accounts, user Documentation .................. 66 IP links
administering ............... 59 illustrations .................. 67 configuring .................. 44
Acquisition revision history ................3 monitoring .................. 57
receive and transmit ....... 20 text formats ................. 66 IP links, allocating .............. 44
Admin tab ....................... 59 warnings ..................... 67 IP routes ........................ 41
Alarms tab ...................... 57
Antenna E L
terminal, connecting ....... 33 Electro-Static Discharge (ESD) Light Emitting Diode (LED)
safety guidelines ............ 28 front panel .................. 61
B E-mail support .................. 68 start-up sequence .......... 34
Bandwidth Equipment Local Area Network (LAN)
thresholds ................... 44 cleaning ..................... 30 gateway, configuring ....... 41
usage ....................... 15 location, safety guidelines .. 28 terminal, connecting ....... 34
Bandwidth pool ................. 23 terminal, installing .......... 32 Location, safety guidelines ..... 28
Burst ............................ 17 Excess Information Rate (EIR) . 44 Log files ......................... 60
downloading ................ 58
C F Login
Feedback form .................. 71 accounts, administering .... 59
Figures .......................... 67 to web-based user interface 35
connecting .................. 32
configuring .................. 46 updating ..................... 59 M
Carrier-to-Noise Ratio, (C+N)/N ... Format, text ..................... 66 Manual .......................... 66
57 Frame ........................... 17 Minimum bandwidth (MIN) .... 44
Caution Frequency Hopping (FHOP) Miscellaneous administration .. 59
messages ................... 67 overview ..................... 15 Modem .......................... 14
safety guidelines ........... 28 Front Panel reset ........................ 58
Checkpoints, configuring ....... 60 LEDs ......................... 61 Monitor tab ..................... 57
Clock, symbol Functional description .......... 15
synchronization ............. 22 N
Committed Information Rate (CIR) G Network
44 Gateway functional description ...... 15
Common Signaling Channel (CSC) LAN, configuring ............ 41 management, overview .... 13
18 Graphics ......................... 67 overview .................... 13
Configuration ................... 31 Ground parameters, configuring ... 41
overview .................... 24 connecting ................... 32 parameters, non-reference 47
resetting .................... 60 safety guidelines ............ 29 parameters, primary reference
restoring .................... 60 Guard ............................ 17 36
saving ....................... 60 Guide ............................ 66 status ....................... 57
Configure tab ................... 57 terminal, connecting ....... 32
Continuous Wave (CW) H Network Broadcast Channel (NBC)
enabling ..................... 58 Hardware ........................ 32 18
Control tab ...................... 58 History, document revision .......3 Network time ................... 60
Conventions, documentation .. 66 Node ............................ 15
Customer Information Bursts .. 18 Non-reference terminal
Customer Service Line ......... 68 configuration overview ..... 24
Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) ... configuring .................. 47

VSATPlus 3 Terminal Installation and Operation Guide01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011, Final 69
© 2011 PolarSat, Inc. 549 Meloche Avenue, Dorval QC H9P 2W2 Canada; 1-514-635-0040
VSATPlus 3 -> Index

Over-the-air .................... 41 Tail ............................... 17
P support ...................... 68
Payload ......................... 17 Terminal
Power installing ..................... 32
connecting .................. 32 IP route, configuring ........ 41
safety guidelines ........... 29 non-reference, configuring . 47
Preamble ........................ 17 primary reference, configuring
Primary reference .............. 22 36
acquisition .................. 21 reset ......................... 58
configuration overview ..... 24 status LEDs .................. 61
configuring .................. 36 status, from user interface . 57
switchover .................. 58 Text formats .................... 66
Q bandwidth ................... 44
Quality of Service (QoS)
local, setting ................ 60
configuring .................. 51 Time-Division Multiple Access (TD-
acquisition ................... 20
Rear panel ...................... 32 overview ..................... 15
Reboot .......................... 58 Transmit
Receive acquisition ................... 20
acquisition .................. 20 Troubleshooting
References log files ...................... 58
primary and secondary ..... 22
Remote terminal ................ 47 U
Reset ............................ 58 Update, firmware ............... 59
Reset, configuration ............ 60 User accounts
Restore, configuration .......... 60
administering ............... 59
Revision, document history ...... 3
User interface, web-based ..... 56
Route non-reference terminal ..... 47
IP route, configuring ....... 41
overview ..................... 13
primary reference terminal . 36
Safety guidelines ............... 28 V
VSATPlus 3
bandwidth ................... 15 executive summary ......... 12
link, connecting ............. 33 functional description ....... 15
Secondary reference ........... 22 network features ............ 13
acquisition .................. 21 network management ...... 13
configuring .................. 37 overview ..................... 11
switchover .................. 58 terminal features ............ 13
Serial port terminal, configuring ....... 31
terminal, connecting ....... 34
contact information ........ 68
safety guidelines ........... 30 Warning
Start-up sequence, LED ........ 34 messages .................... 67
Static discharge ................ 28 safety guidelines ............ 28
Station .......................... 15 Web-based user interface ...... 56
Statistics ........................ 57 accounts, administering .... 59
Status connecting to ................ 35
from user interface ......... 57 non-reference terminal ..... 47
LEDs ......................... 61 overview ..................... 13
Status/Statistics tab ............ 57 primary reference terminal . 36
SuperBurst (SB)
enabling ..................... 58
Superframe ..................... 17
Customer Service Line ..... 68
documentation .............. 66
Symbol clock
synchronization ............. 22
symbol clock ................ 22

70 PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011 Final

VSATPlus 3
Your Comments
Since we design our manuals for you, PolarSat welcomes your input. We aim to
deliver the best in customer documentation.
Thank you in advance for taking a few minutes to complete this survey about
the manuals. If you run out of space on this form, feel free to add pages for
more comments.


Please check one box for each of Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
the following statements: Agree disagree

The information that I need is easy to


The information is complete and

technically accurate.

The writing is clear and easy to


The descriptions give enough detail.

The procedures are straightforward.

The caution and danger notices give

important information when I need it.

The manual has enough illustrations.

The illustrations are accurate.

The illustrations give enough detail.

VSATPlus 3 Terminal Installation and Operation Guide 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011, Final 71
© 2011 PolarSat, Inc. 549 Meloche Avenue, Dorval QC H9P 2W2 Canada; 1-514-635-0040
VSATPlus 3 >

General Questions

Please answer the

following questions:

What do we do well in this


What do we need to improve

in this manual?

Overall, are you satisfied with

this manual?

What other comments do you


Your Background

Please tell us about yourself:

How long have you installed, operated, or used

satellite communications equipment?

What is your name, job title, and company?

If you would like us to contact you to discuss this

manual, please write your email address or
telephone number.

Please enclose this survey in an envelope and mail it to the following address:
• Technical Documentation,
• PolarSat,
• 549 Meloche Avenue,
• Dorval QC H9P 2W2 Canada
Alternatively, you can fax it to the following number:
• 1-514-635-0044

72 PolarSat VSATPlus 3 Terminal 01-3000-001 Revision 06, February 2011 Final

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