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Exclusive Exercise Sheet (Part 1)

Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the underlined root words given in the
[Dhaka Board-2020] Bangladesh is an (a) — (dependent) country, but she is still burdened with
poverty, (b) — (population), (c) — (employ), corruption, food (d) — (deficient), natural calamities,
power crisis, etc. Considering all these, the present (e) — (govern) has aimed at making a digital
Bangladesh to (f) — (come) most of these problems. The actual aim of (g) — (digit) Bangladesh is
to establish technology-based government which will emphasize the overall (h) — (develop) of the
country and the nation. The country has (i) — (ready) fixed its target for the (j) — (achieve) of
Digital Bangladesh by 2021.
[Mymensingh Board-2020]Education is essential for any kind of (a) — (develop). The poor socio-
economic condition of our country can be (b) — (large) attributed to many people’s (c) —
(accessibility) to education. Many (d) — (literate) people do not have any knowledge of health,
sanitation and (e) — (populate) control. It (f) — (able) us to perform our duties (g) — (proper).
Education helps us to adopt a (h) — (ration) attitude. It provides us with an (i) — (lightened)
awareness about things and this awareness is a (j) —- (requisite) for social development.
[Rajshahi Board-2020] (a) — (persevere) is needed to be (b) — (success) in life. Those who do
not persevere in life become (c) — (success) in their mission and only blame their lot for their (d)
— (fortune). (e) — (Persevere) people always become successful. (f) — (sincere) is another
important virtue which (g) — (able) a person to accomplish a job (h) — (fruit). Student life is the
(i) — (form) period of a man’s life. One should not (j) — (use) this period of life.
[Cumilla Board-2020]As of famous (a) — (write) are put on sale in the book fair. Most of the (b)
— (visit) buy different (c) — (publish). Almost no visitor returns from the fair without making any
purchase. The (d) — (buy) like to buy at a fair price. Our book fair is always (e) — (crowd). As
various books are (g) — (play) in a fair, the buyers get a scope to choose books. They buy (h) —
(choose) books after a long search. This facility is (i) — (available) in any place other than a book
fair. A book fair is always (j) — (come) to the students.
[Chattogram Board-2020] Life without (a) — (relax) and pleasure is dull. Life becomes (b) —
(charm) if it does not have any time to enjoy the (c) — (beauty) objects of nature. (d) — (monotony)
work hinders the (e) — (smooth) of work. Leisure (f) — (new) our spirit to work. Everybody knows
that (g) — (work) is (h) — (harm) Leisure does not mean (i) — (averse) to work. It gives freshness
and (j) — (create) to our mind.
[Sylhet Board 2020]King Solomon was (a) — (fame) for his (b) —- (wise). He was blessed with
(c) — (ordinary) knowledge and it was really beyond people’s (d) — (imagine). One day, the
Queen of Sheba wanted to test how wise he was. Solomon was given two kinds of flowers. One was
Exclusive Exercise Sheet
(e) — (nature) and the other was (f) — (artifice). As he had a close (g) — (associate) with nature,
he had been (h) — (success) to differentiate them. In this way, his (i) — (repute) of (j) —
(multidimension) knowledge spread all over the world.
[Barishal Board-2020]Mobile phone is a great (a) — (invent) of modern science. The (b) —
(consume) of mobile phone are increasing day by day. People are getting benefits. But it is (c) —
(fortunate) that mobile phone sometimes (d) — (comes) a cause of health hazard, especially the
(e) — (child) are affected much, According to the (f) — (science) mobile phone causes brain
tumours, genetic damage and many other (g) — (cure) diseases. They believe that (h) — (visible)
uncontrolled radioactivity of mobile phone causes (i) — (repairable) damage to human body. They
say that the (j) — (govern) should control radioactive sources.
[Dhaka Board 2019] A good student is always (a) — (mind) of his studies. He is (b) — (respect)
of his (c) — (teach) and superiors. He never (d) — (honor) anybody. He is free from (e) —
(behavior) and never rude to his classmates. As he is (f) — (study), he never wastes his time in
vain. He is also sincere and listens to his teachers (g) — (attentive) so that he can be (h) —
(success) in life. His punctuality and (i) — (determine) help him to (j) — (take) and solve any
difficult work or job.
[Rajshahi Board 2019] Bangladesh is a (a) — (river) and (b) — (agriculture) country. So, we
cannot ignore the (c) — (important) of rivers. Our agriculture is largely (d) — (depend) on the
rivers. But we get (e) — (sufficient) water for use from the rivers. There are (f) — (differ) reasons
behind it. At first the water of many rivers (g) — (dry) up in summer. Again, the water of some
rivers is (h) — (extreme) poisonous. This poisonous water is (i) — (suit) for our agriculture. So,
water pollution should be prevented at any cost for the (j) — (better) of our agriculture.
[Barishal Board 2019] Life without leisure and (a) — (relax) is dull. Nobody can work without
rest. Life becomes (b) — (charm) if one doesn’t have any time to enjoy (c) — (beauty) objects of
nature. Work becomes (d) — (monotony) if there is no break in it! It hinders the (e) — (smooth) of
life. Leisure (f) — (new) our spirit to work. Everybody knows that (g) — (work) is (h) — (harm).
Leisure doesn’t mean (i) — (idle). It gives (j) — (fresh) to our mind.
[Sylhet Board 2019] Those who lead a (a) — (luxury) life, are always (b) — (different) to the
miseries of the poor They enjoy life in (c) — (amuse) and (d) — (merry). They are (e) — (centered)
people. They have little (f) — (realize) of the (g) — (bounded) sufferings of the poor. They remain
indifferent to their (h) — (suffer). They feel (i) — (comfort) to work for their (j) — (better).
[Dinajpur Board 2019] In ancient time, textbook was the most (a) — (resource) thing for the
students. Teachers were the only guides and source of information. The students had to collect all
the (b) — (inform) from the lecture of their (c) — (teach). There was no guidebook or other (d) —
(refer) books in the market. During that period a teacher had to deliver a lecture by (e) — (study)
the textbook. Because of the (f) — (situate) the students used to depend on the teachers (g) —
(complete). As a result, there was a great (h) — relate between a (i) — (teach) and a student. Their
(j) — (popular) existed among the students in the society.

Exclusive Exercise Sheet
[Cumilla Board—2019] Success in life depends on the proper (a) — (utilize) of time. Those who
waste their (b) — (value) time in (c) — (idle), reduce the time of their important work. (d) —
(punctual) is another great virtue of human beings that (e) — (rich) the (f) — (man) life. If one
takes lesson from the (g) — (biography) of successful persons, one will learn that they never kept
any work (h) — (do) for the next day. (i) — (obvious), they were true to their words. So, they got
a (j) — (respect) position in the society.
[Jashore Board-2019] Life without leisure and (a) — (relax) is dull. Nobody can work without
rest. Life becomes (b) — (charm) if man does not have any time to enjoy (c) — (beauty) objects of
nature. (d) — (monotony) work hinders the (e) — (smooth) of work. Leisure (f) — (new) our spirit
of work. Everybody knows that (g) — (work) is (h) — (harm). Leisure does not mean (i) — (idle).
It gives (j) — (fresh) to our mind.
[All Boards 2018] People are (a) — (general) fond of glittering things. They are the (b) — (love)
of the surface. They are concerned with the (c) — (out) show of things and beings. They (d) —
(hard) bother about intrinsic value. Gold is a very (e) — (value) thing. But there are (f) —(vary)
metals in nature that look like gold. They fade soon and become less (g) — (beauty). So the surface
of anything should not be the key for its (h) — (measure). We all should be (i) — (care) about this
truth. Otherwise, we will have to be (j) — (repent) in the long run.
[Rajshahi Board 2017] Early rising is the habit of (a) — (get) up from bed early in the morning.
An early (b) — (rise) can enjoy the (c) — (fresh) of the morning air. He can hear the (d) — (melody)
songs of the birds. Again, he can start his day’s work (e) — (early) than others. An early riser does
not suffer from (f) — (physic) problems very often. So, he need not go to any (g) — (physic) (h) —
(frequent). Thus, an early riser enjoys (i) — (vary) benefits and leads a (j) — (peace) life.
[Dhaka Board 2017]Flowers are the symbol of love and (a) — (pure). They are (b) — (know) for
their beauty and fragrance. Some flowers are (c) — (note) for their fragrance and same are for
their beauty. But the rose is favorite to us for its color and beauty. Its mother place is the city of
Paris. The (d) — (Japan) are exceptionally famous for its (e) — (cultivate). At present most of the
countries grow rose in plenty. It (f) — (general) grows from June to November. Its scent makes us
(g) — (cheer). It makes people lively, lovely, (h) — (affection) and so on. By (i) — (grow) roses in
plenty, we can export them and solve our (j) — (employ) problem.
[Dinajpur Board 2017] Life without leisure and (a) — (relax) is dull. Life becomes — (charm) if
one does not have any time to enjoy the (c) — (beauty) objects of nature. (d) — (monotony) work
hinders the (e) — (smooth) of work. Leisure (f) — (rich) our sprit to work. Everybody knows that
(g) — (work) is (h) — (harm). Leisure does not mean (i) — (idle). It gives freshness to — (create)
our energy.
[Cumilla Board 2017] Trees are (a) — (use) to man in many ways. They are companion in our
day to day life. It is (b) — (possible) to build our homes, furniture etc. without trees. Trees save us
from flood and (c) — (nature) calamities. It (d) — (strength) the soil. If we cut trees (e) —
(discriminately) there will be ecological (f) — (balanced). So tree (g) — (plant) program should
be extended for a better, (h) — (happy), (i) — (healthy) life and (j) — (peace) environment.

Exclusive Exercise Sheet
[Chittagong Board 2017] (a) — (Kind) is a divine virtue. So we should not be (b) — (kind) to the
people in distress and even to (c) —- (low) animals. Some naughty boys (d) — (joy) beating the
lower animals like does dumb (f) — (create). They are (g) — (harm) beings. Some animals are
very (h) — (faith) and they feel no (i) — (hesitate) to risk their lives for our (j) — (protect).
[Sylhet Board 2017]Food (a) — (adulterate) is a crime. Adulterated food is (b) — (poison) and
causes (c) — (curable) diseases. Some (d) — (greed) businessmen are responsible for this (e) —
(wicked). The steps so far taken by the government against those (f) — (honest) businessmen (g)
— (real) deserve praise. (h) — (present), the fraudulent businessmen are much alarmed. (i) —
(Hopeful), we will be able to shun this (j) — (practice) very soon.
[Barishal Board-2017]Zahir Raihan was one of the most (a) — (talent) filmmakers in Bangladesh.
He was an (b) — (act) worker of the Language Movement. He was also present at the (c) —
(history) meeting at Amtala on February 21, 1952. All through his life, Zahir dreamt for a d) —
(democrat) society, a society that will (e) — (sure freedom of speech and will. He made a —
(legend) film Jibon Theke Neya based on the Language (g) — (Move) of 1952. He could see the
(h) — (incept) of a free and (i) — (dependent) Bangladesh. And it’s a pity that this (j) — (dream)
was missing at such a time when his dream came true.
[Jashore Board 2017]You should bear in mind that (a) — (confidence) assists a man to reach me.
The lack of (b) — (determine) leads one to lose the confidence. You need it in order to (c) — (come)
the problems of life. Fix a target and then try (d) — (sincere) to gain success. Don’t lose heart if
you fail. Remember that (e) — (fail) is the pillar of success. Whereas, success without (f) —
(complete) is not enjoyable. Determination keeps you (g) — (mental) strong and make (h) —
(prepare) for struggling to reach the goal. Nobody can be (i) — (success) in his mission. Failure
makes him more (j) — (determine) to work hard.
[Dhaka Board-2015]The books of famous (a) — (write) are put on sale in the book fair. Most of
the (b) — (visit) buy books of different (c) — (publish). Almost no visitor returns from the fair
without making any purchase. The (d) — (buy) like to buy at a fair price. Our book fair is always
(e) — (crowd). As (f) — (vary) books are (g) — (play) in a fair, the buyers get a scope to choose
books. They buy their (h) — (choose) books after a long search. This faculty is (i) — (available)
in any place other than a book fair. A book fair is always (j) — (come) to the students.
[Chittagong Board-2015]Bangladesh is an (a) — (dependent) country, but she is still burdened
with poverty, (b) — (population), (c) — (employ), corruption, food (d) — (deficient), natural
calamities, power crisis etc. Considering all these, the present (e) — (govern) has aimed at making
a digital Bangladesh to (f) — (come) most of these problems. The actual aim of (g) — (digit)
Bangladesh is to establish technology based government which will emphasize the overall (h) —
(develop) of the country and the nation. The country has (i) — (ready) fixed its target of (j) —
(achieve) ‘Digital Bangladesh’ by 2021.
[Rajshahi Board-2015]Money cannot buy (a) — (happy). Money is a must for our life. But it is not
necessary to bring happiness. Happiness is (b) — (absolute) a (c) — (psychology) thing. It is the
name of a (d) — (feel). It means the (e) — (content) of the mind. He who has (f) — (satisfy) with
what he has is (g) — (real) a happy one. Above all, we should keep in mind that (h) — (world)

Exclusive Exercise Sheet
happiness is not all. If we want to be (i) — (eternal) happy and lead a (j) — (dignify) life, we have
to earn money in an honest way.
[Barisal Board-2015]Honesty is opposite to (a) — (honest). An honest man is not (b) — (harm) to
anybody. He never does (c) — (just) to others. When he does anything (d) — (moral), he feels (e)
— (comfortable). He never tells a lie. He is always (f) — (response) to his duty. We should follow
the path of (g) — (honest) and leave the path of (h) — (honesty). In that case, you will be (i) —
(love) by all and will be able to reach the path of (j) — (prosper).
[Sylhet Board-2015] King Solomon was (a) —- (fame) for his (b) —- (wise). He was blessed
with (c) —- (ordinary) knowledge and it was really beyond people’s (d) —- (imagine). One day
Queen of Sheba wanted to test how wise he was. Solomon was given two kinds of flowers. One
was (e) —- (nature) and the other was (f) —-(artifice). As he had a close (g) —- (associate) with
nature, he had been (h) —- (success) to differentiate them. In this way, his (i) —- (repute) of (j) —
- (multidimension) knowledge spreads all over the world.
Extra Practice
1. Macbeth is Shakespeare’s (a) — (short) tragedy which tells the story of a brave (b) — (Scot)
general. His name is Macbeth who receives a (c) — (prophet) from a trio of witches. It reveals
that he will become the king of Scotland. He is consumed by ambition and spurred to (d) — (act)
by his (e) — (ambitious) wife, Lady Macbeth. Out of (f) — (desperate), he kills King Duncan and
takes the (g) — (king) from him. He soon becomes an (h) — (autocrat) ruler and resorts to
committing more and more murder for his (i) — (protect) from doubt and (j) — (suspect).
2. (a) — (clean) has great (b) — (important) in our life. It is said that it is next to godliness. It is
necessary to lead a (c) — (health) life. It makes life easy and (d) — (comfort). An (e) — (clean)
person does not want to go out. He does not enjoy (f) — (fresh) of mind. (g) — (cleanliness) causes
(h) — (comfortable) to others. So, everybody (i) — (likes) him. So, we should be (j) — (care) of
the rules of cleanliness.
3. The true aim of education is the (a) — (harmony) development of body, soul and mind. But were
(b) — (book) knowledge is (c) — (sufficient) in this regard. Without (d) — (curricular) activities,
the full blooming of body, mind and soul is (e) — (possible). Co-curricular activities include
debate, (f) — (public) of magazine and (g) — (culture) activities. They teach students (h) —
(modest) diligence (i) — (tight) the bondage of (j) — (friend) among the students.
4. (a) — (corrupt) is one of the greatest challenges of the world. It occurs in (b) — (vary) ways.
(c) — (bribe) is one of them. Corruption is a major hindrance to the (d) — (sustain) development.
It is (e) — (corrode) on the very fabric of society. We need a corruption free society in order to (f)
— (sure) our all-round (g) — (develop). (h) — (extort) and (i) — (adulterate) of foodstuffs are
other forms of corruption. All attempts to curb corruption have proved to be (j) — (effective).
5. Our (a) — (child) memories are full of both (b) — (beauty) and sad incidents. For example, I
can (c) — (easy) remember the (d) — (memory) incidents of my school life. Our teachers told us
to read (e) — (attentive). We always tried to follow their (f) — (instruct). Now, at our mature age,

Exclusive Exercise Sheet
we realize how (g) — (effect) their advice was. Therefore, we are (h) — (high) grateful to them.
This was the role of our teachers in building our character and (i) — (moral) is not (j) — (deny).
6. (a) — (Friend) is a strong (b) — (bond). It does not know (c) — (differ) between religions,
between countries, between the rich and the poor, between the black and the white and so on. It is
an (d) — (emotion) attachment based on mutual trust and understanding. In that sense, a friend is
both (e) — (rely) and (f) — (believe) who is ready to help us in any (g) — (danger) situation.
Therefore, the person who does not have a good friend is really (h) — (fortune). He is (i) — (total)
deprived of enjoying the (j) — (please) of friendship.
7. Patriotism means love for one’s own country and people. It is a powerful sentiment and is an
(a) (selfish) — and noble virtue. A true patriot is a great asset for a nation. His (b) — (ideal) gives
him courage and strength. It (c) — (courage) him to sacrifice his life for the sake of (d) — (free)
and honour of his country. By (e) — (be) a patriot, one can bring (f) — (prosper) for one’s country
and remove her sufferings. But false (g) — (patriot) expression is dangerous and (h) —
(disaster) Patriotism is (i) — (price) but it must o supersede the feeling of (j) — (universe) love
for humanity.
8. Money is the means of leading (a) — (world) life. (b) — (short) of money makes our life (c) —
(deplore). We cannot lead our life (d) — (proper) for want of money. But there is (e) — (difficult)
in earning money. Our peace and prosperity are (f) — (depend) on proper (g) — (utilize) of money.
Spending money in an (h) — (proper) way can lead us to the path of (i) — (destroy). So, we should
be (j) — (care) in spending money.
9. Sound health is the (a) — (come) of physical exercise in a (b) — (regulate) form. (c) —
(Regulate) form of exercise or (d) — (exercise) is injurious to health. Remember that if you take
physical exercise, you must not be (e) — (regular). Physical exercise increases our appetite and
improves (f) — (digest) power. If anybody suffers from (g) — (digest), he should take physical
exercise. Proper (h) — (digest) of food removes his loss of appetite. Physical exercise removes (i)
— (constipate) and helps proper blood (i) — (circulate).
10. Good (a) — (behave) forms an important part of our education. Our (b) — (learn) remains (c)
— (complete) if we do not learn good behavior. In our (d) — (deal) with others, we must show
proper respect of others, We should have a sense of (e) — (polite) in our conduct with others. We
should show respect to others which is necessary for a cultural and (f) — (discipline) – society.
The (g) — (signify) of good conduct in life is (h) — (real) great. Other people are (i) — (delight)
to help him. (j) — (actual) a man of good manners is a gentleman in the true sense of the term.
11.Facebook is a social networking site. It has gained much (a) — (popular) among the young
generation. Sometimes our young generation waste their (b) — (value) time by browsing facebook.
So, in this case parental (c) — (supervise) is a must. Many people (d) — (fine) Facebook as an
embarrassing (e) — (invade) on others (f) — (person) privacy. However, it plays a (g) —
(significance) role in (h) — (socialize) as well as natural understanding and (i) — (operation). It
has also brought a great change in modern (j) — (civilize).

Exclusive Exercise Sheet
12. (a) — (violate) of traffic rules is not an (b) — (common) sight in our country. The (c) —
(violate) go (d) — (punish). So, nobody cares for the traffic rules. Very often, an (e) — (ethical) –
competition is found among the drivers to overtake other vehicles. Most of our drivers are (f) —
(literate). They are very much (g) — (care) about what is going to happen. The loss of life by
accident caused due to fast (h) — (drive) is not a matter to them. It is due to (i) — (proper) (j) —
(implement) of traffic rules.
13. We must be (a) — (vision). To (b) — (material) our vision, we need determination and efforts.
(c) — (thing) is achievable in this world without being (d) — (wear) (e) — (thing) is achievable
for those who are blessed with (f) — (wise). But the persons in are (g) — (inclined) to do hard
work are really (h) — (fortune). By spending time (i) — (idle), they only (j) — (fool) themselves.
14. (a) — (persevere) is a great virtue to be (b) — (success) in life. Those who persevere in life,
become (c) — (success) in their mission and only blame me (d) — (fortune). Remember that the
successful people are always hard-working and (e) — (persevere). So, try to be persevering. (f) —
(sincere) is another important virtue (g) — (able) a person to accomplish a job (h) —
(appropriate). Student life is the (i) — (form) period in a man’s life. One should not (j) — (use)
this period of life.
15. We are living in a (a) — (democrat) country. We have many (b) — (achieve) though we live in
(c) — (poor). The country is gradually advancing towards (d) — (prosper). But political (e) —
(stable) is a barrier to the path of development. The (f) — (confrontation) political environment of
Bangladesh hits the economy hard. Direct (g) — (product) losses are estimated at around 1
percent of GDP due to disruptions in economic activities caused by political (h) — (disturb). For
Bangladesh to comfortably reach middle income status, the country needs (i) — (last) political
stability, investments to regain momentum and increasing female labor (j) — (participate).
16. The (a) — (ward) beauty of man is not his substantial beauty. His (b) — (ward) beauty makes
him a Bonafede man. Everyone has certain (c) — (born) qualities whereby he can become a (d) —
(use) man and thus a (e) — (celebrate) person. So, we may say that (f) — (in) values are more
important than (g) — (out) ones. But it is very sad that we remain (h) — (care) about our mental
development. We always remain busy with how to (i) — (rich) our outer show which is really (j)
— (value).
17. In order to (a) — (material) your dream, you need (b) — (determine) and efforts. Nothing is
(c) — (achieve) in this world without hard work. Nothing is (d) — (achievable) for those who are
blessed with (e) — (common) abilities. They are very fortunate. But those who are (f) — (inclined)
to do hard work are really (g) — (fortunate) by spending time in (h) — (idle), they only (i) — (fool)
themselves and ultimately become (j) — (remorse).
18. Yoga is a kind of posture and breathing exercise. It helps you get (a) — (relax). It puts (b) —
(emphasize) on diet and (c) — (meditate). If you practice yoga, you have regular (d) — (practice).
Then, you will have the (e) — (potent) health benefit. Remember that the practice of yoga needs
your (f) — (concentrate). Yoga is (g) — (use) for stress (h) — (manage). It improves (i) — (fit) and
benefits people who are (j) — (weight).

Exclusive Exercise Sheet
19. Bangladesh is (a) — (main) an (b) — (agriculture) country. Most of her people villages and
most of them are (c) — (farm). (d) — (Fortunate) the conditions of our farmers is (e) —
(satisfactory). They can (f) — (hard) lead a happy life. The of miseries and (g) — (fortune). They
cannot plough their land (h) — (proper) (i) — (money) and (j) — (technology) support.
20. Road accident (a) — (frequent) occurs in Bangladesh. In recent years it has increased in an
(b) — (alarm) rate. There are (c) — (differ) reasons behind road accident. The drivers are (d) —
(basic) responsible for it. Most of them (e) — (hard) know the traffic rules. Even if they know, they
often try to (f) — (obey) it and ride their vehicles (g) —- (wanton) and (h) — (careless). (i) —
(fortunate) it gives birth to many (j) — (sorrow) events.
21. The dead (a) — (war) was brought before the widow. She stood beside the dead body. She was
(b) — (speech) because she was (c) — (whelmed) with grief. All standing around the dead body,
(d) — (called) the good qualities of her husband. But she was still standing (e) — (moved). She
burst into tears when her child was given into her lap. She wept (f) — (bitter) thinking of the (g)
— (fortune) of her child as it had become (h) — (father). She also felt proud of her husband’s (i)
— (hero). Her husband embraced (j) — (martyr).
22. Humayun Ahmed was a (a) — (fame) novelist of our country. His novels gained a huge (b) —
(popular). The main (c) — (attract) of his novels was the treatment of (d) — (psycho) and sense of
humor. (e) — (special) his Himu and Misir Ali are two (f) — (ordinary) characters in Bangla
literature. Besides a novelist Humayun Ahmed was also a (g) — (drama) and a film (h) — (direct).
Thus, Humayun Ahmed has achieved an (i) — (paralleled) position in our literary (j) — (culture)
23. Road accidents have (a) — (recent) become a regular phenomenon in our country. As a result
of the accidents, many persons fall a victim to (b) — (timely) death. It is reported that most of the
accidents occur because of the (c) — (violate) of traffic rules by (d) — (skilled) drivers and (e) —
(conscious) passers-by. Many (f) — (licensed) and (g) — (fault) vehicles run on the streets. These
vehicles (h) — (danger) the (i) — (safe) of passengers and the passers-by. But many of us are (j)
— (aware) of this danger.
24. (a) — (Forestation) means cutting down of trees (b) — (discriminately). Bangladesh is a (c)
— (dense) populated country. This huge population needs more shelter, (d) — (agriculture) land,
fuel, furniture, etc. For all these reasons people cut trees. Moreover, there are (e) — (honest)
people who cut trees for making money (f) — (legally). The (g) — (remove) of tree causes serious
damage to the soil as trees give (h) — (protect) to soil as well. The temperature will rise and it
will cause greenhouse effect. One day the country will be (i) — (suitable) for living. So, tree (j) —
(plant) program should be extended throughout the country.
25. Newspaper plays a very important role in modern (a) — (civilize). It publishes news and views
of home and (b) — (broad). Only (c) — (book) knowledge is not enough in this (d) — (compete)
world. A newspaper helps him (e) — (rich) his general knowledge. But newspaper have (f) —
(merits) too. They have (g) — (partial) and often (h) — (guide) their (i) — (read). This creates (j)
— (rest) in the society.

Exclusive Exercise Sheet
26. There are (a) — (vary) forms of physical exercise. But every form is not (b) — (suit) for all.
Walking is good for all. In the morning, fresh air is (c) — (avail). So, it is (d) — (benefit) to health.
It also gives (e) — (please) and (f) — (enjoy). It also (g) — (freshes) our mind. The (h) — (nature)
beauty (i) — (witch) us. We become (j) — (health) and wealthy.
27. Every student wants to be (a) — (succeed) in life. To achieve a (b) — (glory) future, every
student should have a perfect aim in life. The true aim of education is the (c) — (harmony)
development of body, soul and mind. But (d) — (book) – knowledge is (e) — (sufficient) in this
regard. Without (f) — (curricular) activities, the full blooming of body, mind and soul is (g) —
(possible). Co-curricular activities include debate, (h) — (public) magazine and (i) — (culture)
activities. It has great (j) — important).
28. When a sound exceeds the tolerance limit, it (a) — (comes) noise and this type of noise causes
sound pollution. Sound pollution is acute in the (b) — (industry) areas. It (c) — (threat) our normal
lifestyle to a great extent. Thousands of motor vehicles, grinding sound of mills and factories (d)
— (discriminate) use of loud speakers, public meetings all are responsible for it. This greatly (e)
— (dangers) our daily (f) — (peace) life. (g) — (Excess) noise may lead to deafness. If the noise
exceeds 105 decibels, one can lose his (h) — (hear) ability permanently. Sound pollution is even
alarming for the normal (i) — (grow) of the children. Normal life is hampered for it and life
becomes (j) — (bear).
29. (a) — (urban) is a great problem in our small country. Due to it (b) — (cultivate) land is (c)
— (crease) day by day. As a result, an acute (d) — (short) is seen in agricultural (e) — (produce).
If we want to get rid of it, a (f) — (plan) system should be applied (g) — (wise). Our (h) — (agro)
economy and urban (i) — (civil) will face a great problem. So, (j) — (initiate) should be taken.
30. A (a) — (money) man is a respected man but a (b) — (money) man is disrespected. This means
(c) — (money) matter is very important in our (d) — (world) life. However, while earning money,
we must earn it with (e) — (sincere). Earning money (f) — (legal) can never bring (g) — (spirit)
(h) — (happy). It rather can be an (i) — (end) source of (j) — (satisfy).
31. In the past children use to play in the open field before or after school hours. But now our
children keep (a) — (door) before the TV or computer. Children’s (b) — (fond) for use of computer
has (c) — (recent) increased to a very great extent. Some prefer computer games to other
programs. This (d) — (prefer) is not a good habit. It makes them (e) — (attentive) to studies and
very often (f) — (active). They think that they are not spending time in (g) — (idle). Though this
not the (h) — (waste) of time, it is the spending of mental energy. They do not undergo any exertion
(i) — (physical) and as a result, they become (j) — (mental) tired.
32. Answer to the question in the examination should be to the point. You should not (a) — (large)
your answers (b) — (necessary). When you write main ideas, you can (c) — (short) your sentences.
Only (d) — (elaborate) of the answers is simply a (e) — (waste) of time. This practice (f) — (please)
the (g) — (examine) and they got (h) — (irritate) and do not want to give high marks. So, students
are advised to be (i) — (caution) to avoid (j) — (relevant) point in the answer.

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33. The (a) — (fluctuate) of market price is very (b) — (puzzle) to the consumers. This situation
occurs due to the (c) — (irresponsible) and the (d) — (neglect) of the proper (e) — (author). We
should take note that the (f) — (suffer) of this condition is (g) — (main) the poor class people. The
(h) — (sense) quarter must come forward and make possible (i) — (commend) to come out of this
(j) — (stable) situation.
34. To (a) — (rich) your vocabulary, you have to read books and learn new words with their (b)
— (mean) and patterns of (c) — (use). You have to (d) — (read) the same topic. (e) — (Repeat)
reading will help you (f) — (stand) them clearly and use them in (g) — (vary) live situations.
Remember, language learning is a (h) — (continue) process and your (i) — (proficient) will come
today or tomorrow. What is needed most is (j) — (continue).
35. A farmer is (a) — (general) a poor man. Most of the (b) — (farm) of our country don’t have
their own (c) — (cultivate) land. A farmer has to work hard to prepare a land for (d) — (cultivate).
He (e) — (usual) gets up before the sun rises. He leads a life of much (f) — (hard) under the burden
of (g) — (poor) with his children (h) — (fed) and vulnerable to (i) — (nutrition). Yet, he laughs
more often than a person (j) — (seem) prosperous.
36. The unit by which the (a) — (loud) of sound is measured is called a decibel. According to the
United Nations, the normal (b) — (tolerate) limit of sound is 45 decibels. When the (c) — (vibrate)
of sound is at a tolerable, (d) — (please) level, it is simply called sound. But when it is sharp and
harsh to the ears, it becomes noise. Serious harm can be caused to people if they are (e) —
(regular) exposed to sounds (f) — (exceed) 70 decibels. This (g) — (noise) and excess sound is
known as sound pollution. Tolerable sound is (h) — (harm). But sound pollution is very harmful
specially for the (i) — (age) and the children and they suffer from (j) — (hear) problem for sound
37. Newspaper carries information and (a) — (new). Sometimes it (b) — (come) a propagandist.
Thus, it (c) — (bitter) relation among the different parties. Yellow (d) — (journal) is very harmful.
The journalists should be (e) — (biased) while collecting news. All journalists must (f) — (main)
honesty and (g) — (neutral) They should not try to (h) — (fool) the public by (i) — (publish) false
news. Any (j) — (represent) or exaggeration of news is not good.
38. (a) — (Confide) makes a man to reach the goal of life. The lack of (b) — (determine) leads one
to lose the confidence. You need it in order to overcome the problems in life. First fix target in life.
Then try (c) — (sincere) to gain success. Don’t lose heart, if you fail first. Remember that (d) —
(fail) is the pillar of success, whereas success without (e) — (compete) is not enjoyable.
Determination keeps you (f) — (mental) strong and an you (g) — (prepare) for struggle to reach
the goal. Sometimes, somebody may be (h) — (success) in his mission. But failure makes him more
(i) — (determine) to (j) — (new) vigour and energy.
39. The freedom fighters are the heroic sons of our land. They fought to save our (a) — (gold)
Bangla in 1971. We have got the independence of our (b) — (love) motherland (c) — (super)
sacrifice. Some of the (d) — (free) fighters are yet (e) — (live). Most of the freedom fighters are
now (f) — (actual) above 70 years old. (g) — (deed) we are very lucky to see them (h) — (direct).
As they are our (i) — (hero) sons, we should respect them (i) — (profound).

Exclusive Exercise Sheet
40. Physical exercise increases our appetite and improves (a) — (digest) power. If anybody suffers
from (b) — (digest), he should take physical exercise. Proper (c) — (digest) of food removes his
loss of appetite. Physical exercise removes (d) — (constipate) and helps proper blood (e) —
(circulate). Our antibodies will be (f) — (power) if our blood circulation is (g) — (norm). (h) —
(proper) blood circulation in our bodies may cause many (i) — (predictable) diseases. So, we must
(j) — (sure) proper blood circulation in our body.
41. Good health means (a) — (sound) of body and mind. Health is the root of all (b) — (happy).
One should take exercise (c) — (regular) because it is (d) — (physic) exercise which (e) — (able)
us to build a good health. He is also to observe the rules of (f) — (clean). An (g) — (healthy) man
cannot enjoy life. He suffers from frustration, (h) — (hopeless), etc. On the other hand, a (i) —
(health) man can enjoy his life (j) — (full).
42. Life without hope is (a) — (meaning). It makes our life easy and (b) — (comfort). It is hoped
that gives us strength, vigor and perseverance. It gives (c) — (stimuli). The present would be (d)
— (tolerable) if we have no hope. Had there been no hope, life would be (e) — (miser) and would
have fallen into (f) — (nothing). Sorrows and adversities cannot be (g) — (come) unless hope
inspires us. Hope teaches us patience and (h) — (endure). It gives us (i) — (inspire) and courage.
But there is no end of hope. When one hope is gone another takes its place quickly. It is not proper
to hope for things that are (j) — (attain).
43. Our (a) — (Nation) Memorial (b) — (symbol) the nation’s respect for the martyrs of (c) —
(Liberate) War. It is an (d) — (achieve) which is (e) — (measurable). Our (f) — (free) fighters
showed their unique (g) — (hero) in the war against the (h) — (arm) soldiers of Pakistan. The
Pakistani soldiers killed our people in (i) — (associate) with the local (j) — (collaborate).
However, they were defeated in the end.
44. Slum (a) — (dwell) are (b) — (root) people. (c) — (actual) they are rootless, they have to take
shelter in slums under different circumstances. They live there in an (d) — (human) condition.
They are deprived of all kinds of human rights. About 80% of the slum dwellers suffer from hunger,
(e) — (nutrition) and different kinds of diseases. As a many of them die a (f) — (mature) death and
the others fight with death. They live in a society of (g) — (lawless) and violence. They are made
to involve in different and activities. Besides, they are exploited by so-called political (h) — (lead)
for organizing hartals, picketing, damaging vehicles and destroying public properties. The
government in government welfare (i) — (organize) should come forward to (j) — (habilitate)
45. (a) — (Fail) in English is a common matter in our country. There are many reasons of failure
of the students in English and the reasons are not far to seek. (b) — (First) our education system
is (c) — (defect). The English textbooks for the students of our country are not (d) — (suit) for
them. Secondly, the students are not motivated to learn English. They think that it is (e) —
(necessary) to spend time in learning English. Moreover, English is a foreign language. It seems
difficult to them. So, they (f) —(like) learning English. They think it is mere (g) — (waste) of time.
Thirdly, most of the so-called English (h) — (teach) are not good at English. They are (i) —

Exclusive Exercise Sheet
(competent). Fourthly, the students only cram the answers. In the examination hall they forget
what they have crammed. So, the answers they write are (j) — (correct).
46. Sound health is the (a) — (come) of physical exercise in a (b) — (regulate) form. (c) —
(regulate) form of exercise or (d) — (exercise) is injurious to health. Remember that if you take
physical exercise, you must not be (e) — (regular). Physical exercise increases our appetite and
improves (f) — (digest) power. If anybody suffers from (g) — (digest) he should take physical
exercise. Proper (h) — (digest) of food removes his loss of appetite. Physical exercise removes (i)
— (constipate) and helps proper blood (j) — (circulate).

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