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A report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the Award of Degree of MA ECONOMICS 3rd Semester

{Duration- 21.11.2022 to 21.12.2022}
ENROLL-NO:- A-7385
ROLL NO- 2151082001

I hereby declare that is my original workmade personally

and with my brain during internship. And has never been
submitted to any institution of higher learning for any

Signature:- Date:-

Name –

Enroll No-

Completion of anything requires supports from various sources,

I am very much fortunate to get the sincere guidance and
supervision from number of persons.

I am deeply indebted to my guide teacher Dr SAJID KAZMI for

her whole hearted supervision to me. His sugestions and
comments to make the report a good one was really a great
source of spirit for me.
I would like to thank my academic superviser Dr Rahul Mishra
Assistant professor, Department of Economics Khwaja
Moinuddin Chisti Language University for guiding me and for
giving me the opportunity to initiate this report. More specially, I
would like to thank him for his encouragement, support,
understanding, imparting his time and wisdom.
Table of Content
SECTION 1: Introduction
1.1-Internship Objectives
1.2-Internship Process
1.3-Limitation of Intership
SECTION 2: Summary of the Organization
SECTION 3: Conceptual Discussion
3.1-Objective of the Study
SECTION 4:Role of the Finance and Account Department
4.1 The Role of the Account and Admission
4.2 Reporting and Introduction by the Organization
4.3 What I Did
4.4 What I have learned
4.5 Self Evaluation in terms of knowledge and skills I
5.1 Methodology
5.2 Data Collection
5.3 Data Analysis
SECTION-6: Conclusion

This report is a short description of my 1(one) months internship

carried out as compulsory component of the MA in Economics
program. The internship is carried out within the organization
name Indian Mental Health and Research Centre (IMHRC) a
national NGOs.
At the very outset of this internship, I formulated several
learning goals which I hunted to achieve,
To understand the functioning and working conditions of
non government organization;
To see how can I adjust in the professional environment;
To oversee the prospect of working in NGO for my future
To use my achieve skills and knowledge;
To oversee what skills and knowledge I still needed to work
in a professional environment;
To manage a project in the field level ;
To enhance my communication skills ;
To build a network.
This internship report contains my activities that have
contributed to achieve a number of my stated goals. In the
following a description of the organization IMHRC and the
activities is given. After this self evaluation, reflection on my
functioning and the learning goals achieved during the internship
are described any program in detail including office project
namely work on admission and account department due to
shortage of time.

to promote people-centered development This internship

programme was designed to assist social development students
to link theory and practice, and to develop selected competencies
in this regard. This programme was scheduled in accordance
with the educational tasks required and the parameters of the
organization. I started the internship on 21 November 2022 and
will be finishing on the 22 December 2022. During the
internship I observed recorded and analysed the links between
youth and unemployment, poverty, and inequality in India. This
analysis was influenced by the national youth policy of india
including other policies, programmes and initiatives which
respond to unemployment and youth development in India. This
problem was then linked to the youth development programmes
offered by IMHRC in its bid to fight youth unemployment,
poverty, and inequality. The internship contributed to an
understanding of how social development professionals can
work in non governmental organizatio


The approach which was taken included participatory

observations. I participated in some of the programme that imhrc
and its partners are running and trying to link them to social
development theories and practice. Some information was also
gathered personal with the employees at imhrc and focuses
group discussion and staff development meetings as well. The
library and lectures notes, books and recent journals articles
assisted me in my internship journey. I also had supervision
session with my agency supervisor and department supervisor to
assist me to make the whole internship period a success.



The duration of internship was a limitation for me in terms of

mastering organizational functioning, 1 month ( four week) is
too short to adapt to a new organization and to start deliver to
your maximum capacity. I went to organization four days in a
week and on the other three days attend the class at our
University which means that I would miss out of the some
important programs that take place on the other three days.
Adding on to that, the first weeks of the month the main aim was
to get to know the organization better which comprised more
learning and adjusting, when I settled in I realized that I was at
the verge of concluding the internship. Even though the
objective were accomplished, some were done through desktop
research than being actively involved. Learning to work for an
organization that works for the community or to work in a team
is a long process that requires one to know the community very
well and its needs to which one month seems too little to grasp
the concept.


I am working at Indian Mental health and Research Centre a
national NGO situated in Lucknow. I am furnishing some brief
information about the organization.

Background: Indian Mental Health and Research Centre:-

Indian Mental Health and Research Centre is a non-profit, non-
political and non-governmental organization (NGO) committed
to participate and promote national development through
upgrading socio-economic conditions of the disadvantaged and
underprivileged people in the society.
Indian Mental Health and Research Centre (IMHRC) is a unit of
IPYP (registered under Indian Trust Act, 1882) dealing with
psychological and behavioral issues of children, adolescents,
adults and geriatric population. I t is a continuously growing
organization, one of its own kind, aiming at helping individuals
leads a happy, meaningful problem free life. It is based on the
concept holistic health aiming at healthy mind, body and soul.
IMHRC is run by specialized team comprising psychiatrists, RCI
licensed Clinical Psychologists and Educationists.
IMHRC is authorized academic partner if Sikkim Skill
University and has academic collaboration with Singhania
University, committed towards imparting and disseminating
Quality Education, Training and Research in the Mental
Healthcare and Rehabilitation Sector
Demonstrated in following the Code of Ethics for professional
psychologists and cousellors including client welfare,
supervision of one work, continuously developing one
competence and confidentially among others.
Demonstrated in interacting with genuineness, kindness,
acceptance and warmth with all people.




I choose to work with IMHRC. During this internship I have
learnt many new skills. Before internship I have only theoretical
knowledge about work in organization but I have practical some
practical some experience of working in organization. Now I
have knowledge about the organization working environment
and how organizations work and achieve their goals and

This internship has to give me the understanding of business and

also about the elements of strategic thinking, planning and
implementation, and how these things are applied in a real
world organization environment. Following are the objectives
that I have in my mind before working as an internee.
- To improve communication skills.
To analyze the critical situation.
To established high standard in professionalism.
To learn more than the theoretical knowledge.
To learn book keeping practices of different companies.
To appy the theoretical knowledge in actual organization.
To learn how to promote and how to conduct research in
that areas.
To enhance my personal knowledge and professional
preparation for future.
To properly integrate my theoretical knowledge and
practical work.
To plan for the future of oneself and learn how to adjust in
an organization.
To get exposure to do a work in an organization and also
known about organizational behavior, ethical rules and
Assist the student development of employer-valued skills
such as teamwork, strong communication and attention in
Expose student to the environment and expectations of
performance on account in admission department at ngo for
accounting practices.
Enhance and expand the students knowledge of particular
areas of accounting.
Expose the students to professional role models or mentors
who will provide the student with support in the early
stages of the internship and provide an example of behavior
expected in the internship workplace.
Expand networks of professional relationship and contracts.
Develop a solid work ethic and professional demeanour as
well commitment to ethical conduct and social
Develop time management skills and the the ability to be
responsible for more than one project at a time.
Develop organizational skills to complete the project in a
timely manner.


In this section details the scope of operations of the Accounts

and Admission Department by bringing out role of the
Department and specially will focus on the role of the Admission
and Accounts Department, details the organization of the
internship exercise right from the induction exercise to the
farewell meeting after the practicum and specifies the roles of
both the office and the session supervisor.

4.1-The Role of the Accounts and Admission Department

The Accounts and Admission shall-

Manage all finance activities of the organization except
adjudication and award of contracts;
Suppost the functioning of the Accounts Department;
Implement the decisions of the Accounts Department and
Admission Department;
Check the payment and other problem related to students;
Prepare file and documents;
Prepare students records;

4.2-Reporting and Induction by the Organization-

I reported on 21 November 2022 to the Admission office at

Organization where the Internship coordinator Dr Sajid
Kazmi addressed me as interns. His address was directed
towards enlightening all the interns on the selection criteria
that was employed for selecting successful interns, the code
of conduct where at all times members of the IMHRC are
expected to presentable even when not at work and at all
times hold a high impeccable standard character-wise.

I was also enlightened about the possibility of being

retained once I performed profoundly best since IMHRC
seek to achieve the best out of me.

Day-1 ( 21st November 2022) –

Day-2 ( 22nd November 2022)-
Day-3 ( 23rd November 2022)-
Day-4 ( 24th November 2022)-
From very first day of my internship in the morning at
10:00 am is started with introductory session, Dr Sajid Kazmi
chairman of NGO, personally introduce himself and ask me
about a brief introduction about myself and college education,
and some random questions about basic interest about the topic.

Day-5 (25th November 2022)-

The second day of my internship was orientation day where our
internship coordinator Dr Sajid Kazmi introduce the people
working with that organization and to see the problem of
students how to deal with them.
And sir told me about the problem of students who visits the
organization which the dates of courts are examine and with help
of the board they have to decide the work of the day, in the
office hours I have trained with the procedure that ought to be
followed for filling the problem related to such students matters.
Along with the procedure for filling the problem also trained
regarding how to deal with the students who approach the
organization with the hope that their problem will be dealt by
this organization in well-planned and satisfactory manner.
DAY-6 (26th November 2022)

On the sixth day sir give me some files to read about the
previous records, I have gone through the files, starting with
notice and ending with a carefully, he made me understand all
things step by step how to adjust papers in the files in case.

 DAY-7( 27 November 2022)

 DAY-8(28th November 2022)

 DAY-9(29th November 2022)
 DAY-10(30th November 2022)

 DAY-11(1st December 2022)

On the first December I have facilitated to attend the Students

Forum proceedings which give me a wholesome practical which
was not at all possible elsewhere.
And sir given me report to be submit to a related students forum,
after the end of proceedings the concerns officer who is from
side of the sir he had given us brief introduction about the
coordinator of forum Dr Sajid Kazmi.
 DAY-12(2 December 2022)

On this day sir had told me to stay in NGO and listen to the
complains they get day to day students. Whole day I have gone
through many of problems, most of the problem mental health
and other problems.
On this day there was awareness program settled by imhrc, the
program is of international webinar many of experts across the
country had joined through online mode, so we have aid with our
awareness to all the students who had attained the seminar.

 DAY-13(3rd December 2022)

On the thirteenth day same of International webinar continues,

whole day we are aware of mental health and how to relates the
economy and why is mental health an economic concern that
mental health disorders result in large economic costs to those
afflicted,their families, and society as a whole. It is vital to
understand the full costs of the mental health crisis affecting our
Left untreated, mental disorders affect the well being of children,
adults, families, and communities – both because of the
emotional costs as well as the economic ramifications. These
disorders were already too common before the COVID-19
pandemic, and the pandemic magnified the crisis by
simultaneously increasing the need for care and diminishng
access to it.
 DAY-14(4th December 2022)
 DAY-15(5th December 2022)
 DAY-16(6th December 2022)
 DAY-17(7th December 2022)

 DAY-18(8th December 2022)

On the eighteenth day I was in office dealing with the students, I

have sit all the day and to see how sir deal with students
problems, it give basic knowledge of how to treat the people in
right way and guild them in proper direction.
And how to track report, execute, and manage financial

 DAY-19(9th December 2022)

On the nineteenth day I have done submission of report on

computer, by dong submission work on the computer sir had told
me to listen to complainant coming with problems.
 DAY-20(10 December 2022)

On the 20th day I have gone to students forum with internship

ccordinator to observe the proceedings, and on that lucky I have
meet the expert psychologist in students forum. I have asked
some questions relating to economics and psychology and their

 DAY-21(11th December 2022)


 DAY-22(12th December 2022)


 DAY-23(13th December 2022)


 DAY-24(14th December 2022)


 DAY-25(15th December 2022)

On the twenty fifth day sir introduced me with the basic form to
fill by the student when he arrive at the Organization, this form
contains the basic details of the students, problem he facing,
Name, address, birthdate, place he lives, and problem of students
who face with them. After teaching how to fill that form sir ask
me to help the students to fill there forms regarding complain.

On the same day I have done some office work on the computer,
filing documents and other work.

 DAY-26(16th December 2022)

On the twenty six day I have told by the sir to sit at NGO and
through the cases and how to basic notice to other party in case.
And the same day is some sort of introductory about the tools
which use by the sir to deal with students problem.

 DAY-27(17th December 2022)

Again I have done some office work on computer and some

other work will do.because of my training in the month of
November and December, I get the privileged to be part of
various functions organized by this organization at different
places. So for the function we have to arrange chairs and stages,
all the staff and sir were there with me at pre-arrangement of

 DAY-28(18th December 2022)


 DAY-29(19th December 2022)


 DAY-30(20th December 2022)


 DAY-31(21st December 2022)

The last day of our internship, sir was very happy about my
work of dedication, sir shared some of his life experience and
ask about my next semester, staff members are also happy with
my work. Everyone had given me good farewell. On the 26th
date of December sir had given me certificate.

I have performed the following activities during my internship

period and some lesson learned from these activities which
mentioned below;

Duty and Responsibility

Part A :Perform day to day office work:
 Regular email check and e-mail correspondance,
 Internet browsing for donors fund and sharing with
 Day to day correspondence( Letter from NGO),
 Preparation of report for donors and other agencies,
 Keeping update of all the project activities going on,
 Assist to document like registration certificate and
maintaining record,
Part B : Involvement in official activities:
 Provide feedback to Chairman and high authority for the
smooth running of any project
 Prepare project reply report, quarterly report, inception,
project progress report as per demand of donor and
 Joint different meeting, seminar arranged by different
organization as per instruction of chairman and high
authority of IMHRC,

Lesson Learned
The above activities which I have done during the internship
period enhanced my knowledge and skill regarding project
implementation and public relations, some of the experiences are
given below;
I. Now a days, effective executive committee, charismatic
leadership role of chief executive and strong management is
essential for NGO development and its sustainability
II. NGO should not depend on donor fund, NGO should
diversified their activity
III. Effective communication within organization and
communication out of organization
IV. Staffs involvement in decision making process in
organization and project encourage staffs to committed and
ownership on organization
V. Regular Supervision and monitoring, adequate assistance
from different level can enhance the quality of activities
and also ensure timely accomplishment especially in early
recovery and emergency response project
VI. GO and NGO coordination is a crucial success factor for
any project
VII. Coordination with local government representatives from
beginning of program design and planning is helpful to
avoid future constraints and overcome influences.

Naturally one can acquire knowledge and skills at the end of any
program. In one sentence I can say this internship enriched my
knowledge, skills which cannot be expressed in language. Skill I
am stating some knowledge and skills in brief.
Knowledge and skills gained: This internship has changed my
professional level which will be helpful in my activities in side
and outside my working station. The knowledge I gained from
the course and from internship period will enhance my personal
skill. I have tried to coordinating the theory and practice. As a
result I feel that my quality of work improved and contributing
more in the organization for the development of IMHRC. Some
of these areas where I have developed myself are mentioned
 Organizational/Professional Communication and
Correspondance skilled Developed: I learn how to further
improve my communication skills in an organizational
setting and how vertical and horizontal communication can
maintained on the basis of the course of communication.
During my internship I have gained more skills and
knowledge in case of correspondance, due to proper
guidance and suggestions of my supervisor of imhrc. I have
learn the effective reply of letters through mail and hard
copy addressing proper way.
 Time management:I am now very much competent to
proper time management and effective implementation of
activities which will help me from the course of sustainable
work management. Monthly and weekly work plan,
displayed board furnished with time line of activities in font
of the desk, day to day activities follow up helped me to
successfully completion of activities within time.
 Learn to work as a team member: On the basis of the
following and techniques on teaching learning in the
classroom, I have learnt how to participate in teamwork,
respecting other people opinions and giving out my
opinions after careful thought. During the internship period
I have successfully conducted two training session with
help of team building among the participants. These skills
were enhanced from the various joint activities carried
together and I came to understand the importance of having
consultation on areas where I lacked understanding as well
as the importance of giving guidance to other staff with the
aim of achieving a similar goal.
 Report writing:Report writing of every courses of imhrc
has helped me to write any report effectively and
successfully. During internship I have prepared this report.
 Working experience in field level and community
relationship skilled established: I have learn about the
concept community, and their involvement in development
project in various courses.This internship has give me an
opportunity to work at office level with their staff.
 Critical Thinking: The internship gave me an opportunity
to interact, learn and share ideas with the national and
international specialists in different fields which broadened
my thinking and practical skills on developmental activities.
I can think a bit more critically on any issues raised in the
office works, in project and in my personal life.
 Helped to future career Plan: This internship will help me
to future career and building my confident in NGOs sector.
I have realized that in NGO it have huge field to work and
have better career opportunity. I have enjoy to work with
different group. I have been trying to give my best to my
organization development.



The methodology followed in preparation of the report was

to just finding the details of the accounting and related
aspects and not to evaluate. Both secondary and primary
data were collected.

Case study method

Another mention worthy dimension that is followed the
case study method to draw conclusions and have tried to
generalize the overall NGOs accounting practices in light of
one NGO. The reasons for doing that is such:
 There are no specific standards for prepration of
accounts of NGOs,
 NGOs differ roughly in terms of procedure followed
 Projects undertaken differ in terms of accounting
 Time and cost would be huge to analyze more than one
As the rationale for following case study method in analyzing
above, I have tried to generalize as much as possible.

Data were collected in the following manner:
 Primary data was collected through in depth open ended
interview of front end management personal at IMHRC
 Face to face converstaion with the respective staffs of the
 Relevant field study as provided by the officer concern
 Practical deskwork
 IMHRC website and other related websites
 Annual report of IMHRC
 Organization printed materials such as different manuals
and publications
 Unpublished data received from the Head Office
 Information was collected through accounting reports of the
selected NGO
 Various laws, regulations, circulars were collected from
internet, books.

5.3-Data Analysis
 In analyzing the collected data, the annual report, the
internal audit report and verbal information were
 The interviews are administered by formal and
informal discussion. No structured questionare is used.
 I analyzed the data with the objective of preparing the
overview, not comparing with any set of standards.
 When analyzed, I also have considered the NGOs
nature, requirement etc.
 Collection data were categorized according to the
relevant field of accounting for better undrestanding
and coceptualization and organization.


All in all the internship practicum I conducted at Indian Mental
Health and Research Centre availed me with the tools, people,
processes with which I was able to practically understand the
link between what I learned in college with in the scope
Economics and Finance specifically in the areas of Economy.
And my NGO internship was in a well-known NGO working in
the Lucknow. It is an only Government approved organization in
the field of Mental health and youth development around the
world. And their mission is constantly deepening research and
bridging new partnerships to innovate and provide scalable,
sustainable solutions for the most challenging problems faced by
My training period was from 21st November to 21st December
2022 with this NGO. I got privileged to get trained under the
organization, which is vested with immense powers of settling
the students problems without entering into cumbersome
litigation procedure.
I am conclude that in my one month training period with this
organization I dealt with many problem of youth. And I received
lot of practical knowledge and it also helped me in knowing in
At last this internship has given me new insights and motivation
to pursue a career in Economics.

Thank You

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