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Bride of the Water God

One day there’s a pregnant women walking at the bridge who

unexpectedly got involved in a accident. While her life is in
danger, an unfamiliar guy suddenly appeared. He saw her, he
hesitated whether to help her or not because he didn’t know her.
After seconds passed, he decided to leave and didn’t help her.
While he was leaving, the pregnant women grabbed her long
dress and she said “please help my daughter” but the man asked
for one more condition. I will help you and your daughter but
you will only live for seven years. Also the baby you will give
birth to will be left alone and by her 18 th Birthday I will appear
to her to tell her that I am the one she has decided to marry. The
pregnant women agreed for the safety of her child.
A women finally gave birth to her child. The name of her new
born baby is Blare. A few years passed, the girl turns seven.
Blare and her mother are walking on the seashore talking about
a present for her daughter’s birthday. “I’m okay to be with you
mom, that’s enough”, Blare said. The day of her birthday has
come. Her daughter is now turning seven. “I will take you for a
walk later when you get home from school”, her mom said.
“Okay mom, I’ll go home right away so we can go for a long
walk because we haven’t been able to do that for a long time”,
Blare said. She was thinking of picking up her daughter to leave
when Blare’s mom had something unexpected happened to her.
She fell on their high stairs because she was excited to see her
When she was going home she wondered why there was a
commotion outside their house. She ran inside thei house and
said “what happened to my mom?”. Her aunt told her that “it’s
all your fault why your mother left you immediately and your
father left you too, what kind of misfortune have you brought
with you?”. She cried because of what her aunt told her. She
went in the place where she used to go with her mother. Blare
sat down and said “ Mom, why did you leave me?,Why did you
disappear on my birthday?”. When she stopped crying, she went
home and she heard some bad news from the elder’s
conversation. Blare asked her grandma “Yes grandchild you are
going to live with your aunt. Be nice to her, I’m sure your
cousins will be happy”. Blare didn’t do anything about the
decision of her elders. A few days passed and Blare was picked
up so she just came along. When she arrived at her aunt house.
Her Aunt told her that she will sleep in the warehouse and that it
was forbidden to be lazy. Blare just agreed with her aunt’s
As the year passed, her Auntie’s cruel treatment of her became
more and more intense. Instead of taking care of her, her auntie
treated her like a maid. Blare is a smart and hardworking
woman, so even if her auntie can’t feed her, she can feed herself
because she is a working student. Somehow she will make
money from the coffee shop she works in. Blare will be eighteen
this year, she reminded he auntie but her auntie said “Now?! If
your birthday is coming up, we don’t care if you want to
celebrate do what you want to do”. “My birthday is really close,
I hope this year I will be happy. If mom is still here, she will
surely be happy because I am at the right age. How are you
mom? I hope you are happy wherever you are now.” Blare said
to herself.
Days passed and suddenly the Water God appeared in a vast
ocean. “I was finally out of my Kingdom again” God Faitan
said. Fernan came, the only one who trusted by Water God
Faitan. “I’m so glad to see you again. What are you doing here
in the world of humans?” Fernan said. “I’m going to find
someone important to me”,God Faitan said. Don’t say it’s the
one you decided to marry?,Fernan asked. “Yes she is and in just
a week she will be 18”,God Faitan said. “But are you sure that
you will see her?” Fernan asked. “Yes as long as you
accompany me” ,God Faitan replied. “You can count on it God
Faitan”, Fernan explained.
After three days, Blare suddenly felt something that did not
make her happy. “What do I feel?”, Blare said to herself. “It
looks like we are getting close to her, Fernan I can feel her blood
mixed with my water that I left with her before she was born”,
God Faitan said to Fernan. “Oh! That’s good news”, Fernan
Two days left and January 1 will be the day she was born, two
days later Blare’s long awaited birthday will come. “Mom, it’s
my birthday and it’s your Death Anniversary. I hope your happy
wherever you are now and continue to guide me. I love you so
much mom!”, She said to herself. “Now that it’s her birthday I
still haven’t see her and I want to see her”,God Faitan said.
“What if she throws you away, especially since she doesn’t
know you yet.” Fernan said. “That’s what I’m worried about.
But that’s what her mother and I agreed upon. If she refuses she
might suddenly obey her mother.” God Faitan said. “What do
you mean?,Fernan asked. Instead of being tought she can cancel
the agreement but it would cost her life. For a moment I felt that
she was very close to me, it seemed that I had found her
Fernan.”, God Faitan said. “That’s good God Faitan”, Fernan
After a while, God Faitan didn’t expect that he finally found
her. Fernan asked him “Are you planning to show up?”. “Not
now I don’t want to surprise her especially today is the most
important day for her. Because today is also the day of her
mother’s death.
“The day when she will be alone has come. She look so
beautiful and where is she going?. We much better to follow her
God Faitan”, Fernan said. “Okay lets follow her”,God Faitan
said. After seconds God Faitan realized something. “Oh! This is
the place where I saved them”, God Faitan said. Blare realized
that there is someone following her so she said “ Can you go out
now, do you think I don’t notice you?”, Blare said. God Faitan
and Fernan come out, and God Faitan said “ I’m so happy to
meet you!”. “I’m not happy to meet you sorry and please stop
following me you were mistaken for a stalker. God Faitan got
confuse of the word “stalker” ,so he asked “What is stalker?”.
“Hey man wearing weird clothes are you serious about your
question?”, Blare said. “I’m sorry but my Master didn’t know
what is the word “stalker”,Fernan said to Blare. Blare got so
confused why they are following her so she ask them “Why are
you following me?”. “My Master has something to tell you Ms.
Blare”,Fernan said. “Something important to say? What is it?”,
Blare ask them. “It is your Destiny to marry me”,God Faitan
said. “Destiny? Are you kidding me I’m only 18 years old and I
will marry you?. You know what?,your just making joke! I need
to earn money more than to marry someone I don’t know, I’ll go
ahead!”, Blare said to them. “Wait Ms. Blare don’t leave me and
God Faitan”, Fernan said. “Can you tell me who are you really?,
Blare asked. “I’m the Water God and my name is Faitan. I’m the
one who saved you and your mother 18 years ago because she
got into an accident when you’re not born yet. She asked for
help so I help her but there is a condition”,God Faitan explained
to her. “Condition? What condition it is?”,Blare asked. “The
condition is that you will marry me by the time you are 18 years
old. That’s why I’m here to asked you to marry me”,God Faitan
said. “HA HA HA! , Do you think I’m going to marry you?. I’m
also not joking, Water God?, Where did you find that word
Water God?,LOL!”Blare said. Fernan answered Blare and said “
Ms. Blare my Master is not joking”. “Okay, let’s pretend that I
believe, so can I leave now?, Blare said. Then suddenly she felt
something bad, “Ouch it hurts!”.Blare said. “Do you feel it? You
can die refusing the agreement”,God Faitan said. “What’s
happening why I’m feeling unwell?”,Blare asked. “You live
because of the water mixing in your blood. Do you know who
that is from, it’s from me so at any time you can take back the
life I gave you. All I want is for you to marry me with all your
heart”, God Faitan said. “Hmm! If you helped me and my
mother to live why did she disappear from me rightaway while I
live. Is that also part of the agreement?” Blare said. “Yes and
your mom agreed to my condition”, God Faitan said. Blare got
mad of God Faitan and she said “Why are you still helping us if
the agreement is that my mom will also die. Do you know how
much it hurts to lose mom? I wish you just let me and my mom
die that day, you know what you did only made it more painful
and complicated.”, Blare said. “Forgive me but your mom
herself asked me to help you”, God Faitan said. “Go away, I will
not marry someone like you”, Blare said. “Even if you throw me
away that is the agreement.”, God Faitan said. “Can’t you just
not insist on the agreement.” Blare said.
“What do you think your mom and i just agreed? I dont care
what you agreed on. Can you leave now?” Blare said. “We won't
leave until you agree”,God Faitan said. A few days passed and
blare noticed that no one was bothering her anymore and she
didn't know was happening. “God Faitan,you need to get
married soon”,Fernan said. “You're right Fernan, if i dont get
married the king of the earth might seize it, and my
kingdom”.God Faitan said. “We need to convince miss blare.”
Fernan said. “Get ready Fernan we will return to their
world”,God Faitan said. “Yes God Faitan”,Fernan replied.
After a few days God Faitan and his servant Fernan have
returned. “Finally we are back in that case i don't need to look
for her anymore”God Faitan said. God Faitan went to Blare and
said “Do you miss me?”. “Are you here again? I always thought
that my life would be quiet ,wait,what are you saying? why will
i miss you? and i dont really like you!”,Blare said. “Don't deny
it Blare,remember that my water mixed with your blood is still
connected.” God Faitan said. “Hmmmmm! I dont believe that
you feel what i feel ,wait, why are you here?”, Blare said. “I’m
here to convince you to marry me”,God Faitan replied. “I told
you that i don't want you!”,Blare said.

A few months have passed and Blare still doesn't agree to marry
God Faitan. Fernan couldn't stand the condition of his God
Faitan anymore and he himself talked to miss Blare. “Miss
Blare, please agree to marry God Faitan”. “What is the
reason? ,Why you are teasing me to get married?” Blare replied.
“Because of the water, and God Faitan's kingdom is in
danger”,Fernan said. “Huh?in danger?”,Blare asked. “Yes miss
Blare her kingdom is in danger”Fernan replied. “Im sorry but i
don't want to marry him.”Blare said. God Faitan's servant went
home without any luck.While Blare was walking, she wondered
if he would help God Faitan and she suddenly realized why she
was thinking of helping him. Blare stop thinking about that man,
Blare stopped because she suddenly remembered something, she
went to their old house and she rummaged very quickly in the
storage box and found her mother's letter, and she read it. “My
Daughter,i will not long to this world,because that is my destiny.
If someone they call the Water God appears to you, don't avoid
him, help him because he will help you when i'm lost, Don't be
angry with him because we made an agreement, i agreed to that
because i want to be with you even for a while, even if you don’t
see him for a while, he is with you all the time. I'm really sorry
my daughter if you find it difficult with our agreement, love her
too my daughter just like how you always love me. Take care
always my Blare I Love You so much.” Blare cried because of
her mother's letter and blare needed to see God Faitan and he
left in a hurry and when she crossed, she was almost run over
but God Faitan came to save him. “Can you be careful,we
haven't even got married yet,you want to die already.”God
Faitan said. Blare hugged Faitan tightly and she said “Thank you
very much for being with me for many years.” “What do you
mean?”,God Faitan got confused. “I have read my mother's
letter to me.”Blare said. “Letter?” God Faitan asked. “Yes, i
remember that my mother hid something in a book before i was
seven year old and it’s funny that i get well so quickly when i'm
sick because there's some of your water is in my blood. At first i
thought you were just joking and i want to tell you something,
when i first saw you i felt something strange but after that, i
always thought about you. After a few days passed, i realized
that i like you. When i read the letter that when i realized that i
really like you and what you said is true that is missed you when
you went home to your kingdom.”Blare said. “I've been
following you since childhood, i only stopped when you turned
sixteen because something bad was happening to my kingdom.
Thats why when you turned eighteen , I quickly came here to
your world because i will finally see you again.”God Faitan said.

A few months passed and the bond between the two

deepened...And because of being together. For a few months,
she decided to marry God Faitan. “Faitan,i want to say
something, maybe it’s time to give the answer that you've
worked hard for a long time and waited for a long time.
Ummm,i agree to marry you”,Blare said. “Is that true?”,God
Faitan asked her. “Yes!”,Blare replied. God Faitan is very
happy because he will finally marry his beloved woman.

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