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In the middle of high schools?

8. Have you ever studied some other foreign language? What is the difference between it and English?

9. Do you think it is okay to teach English in elementary school?

10. Do you read English newspapers?

11. Which do you think is more difficult, speaking or writing English? Why?
5. Do you wash your car yourself or do you take it to a car wash?

6. When did you get your driver’s license?

7. Was it difficult? How many times did you fail before you finally got it?

8. How long did you practice before you actually drove a car on the rode by yourself?

9. How did you feel when you drove a car on the rode by yourself?

10. What was your first car?

11. What is your main priority when you buy a car? (design, price, make fuel efficiency? why?)
6. When do you feel like giving up your job?

7. Why don’t you start your own business?

8. Do you have any idea of starting a new business?

9. What are the obstacles in staring your own business?

Dramas? Horror? Crime? Adventure?

12. What do you think about Korean movies?

13. What was the most impressive movie you’ve seen?

14. Who’s your favorite movie star?

14. What kind of information would you love to see in communication networks such as the internet?
8. How many children do you want to have?

9. Do you want to have a boy or a girl for your first child?

10. If you had two daughters, would you try again to have a son?
Economic fluctuations?

10. Do you believe in Social trust Fund will fulfill it’s promises, as the Government guarantees?

Or do you think the fund will go bust in one or two decades?

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