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| 42 PROPAGATION OF A PLANE WAVE @ Solution of Maxwell’s equation for uniform plane wave Consider that a plane wave is Propagating in Z-direction. In this case, there will be o£, component, i.e., E, =0. There will be only £, and E, components. Furth "there will be no variations of E and H in X and Y directions Therefore, for a . plane wave travelling in Z-direction, we have OE, OE. E,=0, —*=0 and —»=0 % ox ee a | 2E, aE, Ee or E,=0, —*=0 and —*=0 (2) ox y The wave equation for propagation of electric field E in free space is given by | aE V7E=p) 6) —— ---Q) a? In terms of cartesian eommrenead we have OE, OLED OE, i ae, ax? = ay? ae or? : aE OE OE + 2 = Hobo 5 --@) ax? Oz or? } 410 Bleciromagnee Figy . pte, 088, , O88, va 7 et gh tana ie Using 69, (1) in 69. (8), we get and and Eqs. (2), (6), (€) and (4) are diferential equations ofa plane wave, The gre, solution of such differential equations can be witten as E=f(2-U9) +h (e+¥90) The functions f,(2—Ug#) and f(z +1) deseibe sucha wave mathemati ‘Tee variation of wave is confnl to one dinensonn pce as stown nf) | teh pr bie SS | navotal | ae wt o Fig. 1) A wave traveling n postive z-direction At any particular instant, the fancton f,(2~ vf) becomes 2 furto because vp % becomes constant. The function is represented by fig. (18). Le consider the position of the function at another time ¢. The time interval ! (é~ 4) The function has displaced through distance Y(t, ~ ),of course, the? ‘emains the same. The function is shown in fig. (1b), The function f(2+ 0) represents a wave travelling in opposite dretos negative direction. If this function exists, then the solution of €, (a) consis" waves. One wave willbe travelling to the right, Le, away from the source wh second wave wil be travelling tothe lef ie, back towards source. The wave is" asreflected wave. Inabsence of any reflecting wave the solution of eq) is 8°" nn eal arenes We Proper, Lot ror example, We can con mtd 6 ifa Physical: Instat Meron ag ets patel Pe nae Se eee ee 8 SS 3 Set any funtion ots OSL yS Na Ee an NS incl o Nand (2 +9 1) neve), where kis constay sink (2809 0) cok (2 U9 1) and ifwe particularly assume harmon can be written as ‘Sr Sinusoidal time dependence e/*', then 9 fe “ar *B Ee, <0 46) bere B® = Ho &y w a ESE te eis chai, of eg, (6) are Ep =Aelorsy ea Ey =Belerny ‘The general solution is ERA 89 pg sargy i where A and B are real constants {Lets consider the solution of wave inthe following form E=Asin(ot-p 2) 8) 117 Isthe wavelength, Tbe the time period and f be he frequency, then wehage © 2e =uT=S, v= ex ant domveT =F, vensay T werent ad The intrinsic impedance of fre space is 120x=370 -) ~ 8) inatam of tone, ned BL will be erat () At any particular nah aa ‘each other and also perpendicular to the directio Fig. (2) [As the time passes, the magnitude of E and H will vary with time and the vecion, will be also propagating in space with time as shown in fig. (3). Fig. (3) (ji) The fields vary harmonically with time and at the same frequency every in space (iii) Each field has the same direction, magnitude and phase at every point in * plane perpendicular to the direction of travel. 11-5 ELECTRO-MAGNETIC WAVE PROPAGATION IN DIFFERENT Ai ie, o=0, -1_ Free Space and Transverse Nature of Uniform Plane Wave One dimentional wave equation When we consider E-field E(r), varies only in one direction, Ssy-2 direction and itis independent of X and Y direction, then wave equation 11.3and 11.4, for D.C. and A.C. fields becomes, respectiv and 0°H/dz* = y,¢, PH/at? -(11.5a) and +we,H=0 (11.5b) Now substitute zc ~(11.6) Where c= velocity of light. For D.C. fields angular frequency w= 1/c.So above equation (11.5a & 11. 5b) becomes 1 aE 2H ae/at = 4 FE og MH 1.72 oe ae oe 3 2 and oF + BE=0and 2H , gry (11.76) az az Equations 11.7a and 11.7b are 2nd order di ifferential wave equation for D.C. and A.C. fields respectively. Now for D.C. fields time depen ‘dent wave equation in free space, from 11.7a are 1 EG, N=E, (tF zu, €,) & Be, 1) =BYtF zJise.) fave moving in (+ Z) and (+e) sign represent the wave movin y. Now for the A.C. Rieke the ti ee equation dependent y fand phase pace along Z direc ilar treque 10 fe BAe, t= Bye 4 = i= propagation vector = w/v =.8/e = wy &y per A (149) [B= jis called as phase constant. It is also called as wave number = 2*/h per A Ford. fields angular frequency w = 1, so propagation vector) = By = 1/e Ve « i, Ve Vo = phase velocity of the plane wave = 1/ Ji, €. = © aun Vo= c= velocity of light in free space = 3x 10" m/sec. {i w= Angular Frequency = 2nf, where [= frequency = w/2x Hz ie, A=Ao=Wave length of the wave =2x/8-=2n/(w fi, ©) A° au) (since 2 = ¢/f=2mc/w = 2n/B) A° T=Time perid of the plane wav Solution of equation 117, ie, the time dependent wave equation in free space for the plane wave travelling along Z direction for D.C. and A.C. fields can be equations 11.8 & 11.9, or stcan beany one ofthe following set all are equally valid fire.) D+2fice) 2 Fle.) = Cte, )+ Dit +26, ), Bee, = CU 3 CeRP, Be, 1) = CotetB 4 Cet) De-F, Ble, 1) = Celt-F 4 Deltt-BO 5 £, Cos (wt + Bz), B(z,t) = B, Cos (wt + Bz) 6 = Cos (0+ Br), B41) =B,Cos (t+ Br) 7 Elr,t)=E,Cosw(t—r/u), Birt) =B,Cosie(t 1/1) 8. E(r,1)=F,Cosw(t +1/u), Bir, t)=B,Cos w(t +r/1) ‘Aplane wave is defined asa wave , whose phase factor (B2) will be same at a given instant, atall points in each plane perpendicular to same specific direction of propagation (say Z). Here (ot + Bz)is a constant fora given and z,no matter what are the values of rand y.So any one of the above set can represent the plane wave equation in free space. _/Aronsverse ‘Nature of Uniform Plane Wave Maxwell's equations impose special constraints on E-field (E) and on M-field (B). In free space p=0,0=0ie. ] = o£ = 0.0 V.E =Oand V.5 =0 ‘Now if is the direction vector along any direction, not only along Z. Then as a general case plane wave equation 11.9 can be written in a more general form as Mavwri's Boutin ant Bremner Wave Pao acnion 284 eRe Eet-0 Co Band ¥ on the same direction so BF =f) (11.13) Flr, Dm Ee Bir, thm Beet B ae Biphoe BO, Now from the Eqn. 1113 Tedetopetor¥ = 2 aj and 2 ay ante) So Maxwell's Ist two equations becomes VE = -)RE

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