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Long time no see I missed this atmosphere

So right now. I will present my work right now I have research that talk about audio video
So the purpose of this research is collect the audio video media in elt research/ journal but in this context is
the research that published in Indonesia

The background
So i choose these theme audio visual media because
Media media in teaching is a tool that can help the learning process and tools that can
explain what information or what the goals want.
Media can help the teacher to stimulate the students to make them understand what the
teacher wants to teach. This is what teachers have to use for teaching because it can be
effective and efficient.
So what the effective media that can use by teacher? because the only reason of media is to
stimulate student and make learning easier!!
based on the theory of “Cone Experiences” By Edgar dale state that it is explained that if the
individual learns from what he sees, such as viewing pictures or videos, the way it affects the
ability to remember is 30 percent.
If what he sees is accompanied by a voice that can be heard then will increase to 50 percent.
See and hear strategies can implement by following the exhibition or seeing the show will
encourage the ability to demonstrate, design, create or assess. So it means it is audio visual.
On Swenson audio-visual aids that will be most helpful in teaching basic skills are those that
will help to show the students how to do the job. The whole process of teaching basic skills
is largely a process of showing how.
Because of that audiovisual media are often used by the teacher and are most effective for
teaching, as proven by many journals, theses, and books published in Indonesia, there is no
characterization and identify the research trends about the audiovisual media in Indonesia.
In Indonesia, especially in the English educational context, we did not have many kinds of
research like identification to the published journal or articles in audio video context.
For this reason of that, the researcher is interested in the journal that identification of trends
in the selected features of published articles. The existence of educational circumstances
already encourages the growth of research that is shared via publications, thesis and etc

Research Question
1. What is the frequent subject that is used in the published Audio-Video media in ELT
articles/journals in Indonesia?
2. What are research methods are used in the published Audio-Video media in ELT
articles/journals in Indonesia?
3. What kind of data collection techniques are used in the published Audio-video media in ELT
journals/articles in Indonesia?
4. What kind of sample or sample group is used in the published Audio-Video media in ELT
articles/journals in Indonesia?

Objective of Study
The aim of this study is
To classify the published Audio-Video media in ELT Journal/articles in Indonesia.
To know the trends of Audio-Video media in ELT Journal/articles in Indonesia.
To know the frequent subject, methods, data collection technique, and sample or sample group of Indonesian
Audio-Video media in ELT Article/Journal.

Significance of Study
The benefits of this research are expected to have several benefits both theoretically and practically.

Theoretically, the research results are expected to provide knowledge of meta-synthesis and multiply the
results of meta-synthesis research, especially in audio video media in ELT

Practically this research can be useful for other researchers who want to know trends of some knowledge of

Scope and Limitation

SCOPE. This research only chooses the article/journal under a particular topic concerning the audio-video
media ELT published in Indonesia. Then classify them into the subject, method, data collection, and sample
of the journal

LIMIT. This research data choose the published journal from Indonesia, which is available on Google
Scholar with the keyword “audio-visual media in ELT Indonesia” from page 1 to page 10 because it is
considered to be a representative of audio-visual media journals published in Indonesia


Secara definisi, meta-sintesis adalah teknik melakukan integrasi data untuk mendapatkan teori maupun konsep baru atau tingkatan
pemahaman yang lebih mendalam dan menyeluruh (Perry & Hammond, 2002)
By definition, meta-synthesis is a technique of integrating data to obtain new theories or concepts or a
deeper and more comprehensive level of understanding (Perry & Hammond, 2002)

Dalam melakukan meta-sintesis (sintesis data kualitatif) terdapat 2 (dua) pendekatan, yakni meta agregasi (meta-aggregation) dan meta-
etnografi (meta-ethnography) (Lewin, 2008).

In conducting meta-synthesis (synthesis of qualitative data) there are 2 (two) approaches, namely meta-
aggregation (meta-aggregation) and meta-ethnography (meta-ethnography) (Lewin, 2008).

Pada metaagregasi, sintesis bertujuan untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian dengan cara merangkum berbagai hasil penelitian

In metaaggregation, synthesis aims to answer research questions (review questions) by summarizing

various research results.

Sementara, meta-etnografi, sintesi bertujuan untuk mengembangkan teori baru (new theory) dalam rangka melengkapi teori yang sudah ada.

Meanwhile, meta-ethnography, synthesis aims to develop a new theory in order to complement the
existing theory.

Pada meta-agregasi topik penelitian dielaborasi menjadi tema-tema tertentu untuk menghasilkan kerangka analisis (conceptual framework).
Kemudian, dal am tema-tema tertentu tersebut dilakukan pencarian artikel hasil penelitian yang relevan dan dibandingkan dan dirangkum
antar yang satu dengan yang lainnya. Pada pendekatan meta-agregasi, hasil sintesis merupakan “agregat” dari berbagai hasil penelitian sesuai
dengan tema yang relevan.

In meta-aggregation, research topics are elaborated into certain themes to produce a conceptual

Then, within certain themes, a search for relevant research articles is carried out and compared and
summarized between one another.

In the meta-aggregation approach, the results of the synthesis are “aggregates” of various research results
according to the relevant themes.

According (Francis & Baldesari, 2006) systematic review includes the following steps

1. Memformulasikan pertanyaan penelitian (formulating the review question)

2. Melakukan pencarian literatur systematic review (conducting a systematic literature search)
3. Melakukan skrining dan seleksi artikel penelitian yang cocok (screening and selecting appropriate research
4. Melakukan analisis dan sintesis temuan-temuan kualitatif (analyzing and synthesizing qualitative findings)
5. Memberlakukan kendali mutu (maintaining quality control)
6. Menyusun laporan akhir (presenting findings)

Research Design

This research is a descriptive qualitative meta-synthesis research that analyzes some of the data that has been
collected and conclusions can be drawn from the studies that have been done by describing all the aspects
relating to the formulation of the problem.

Population and sample

This research gets a sample from a published journal from Indonesia on specific themes of Audio-Video or

Audio-Visual media in ELT.

The researcher decide to find a sample based on Google Scholar with the specific keyword “audio-visual

media in ELT Indonesia” from page 1 to page 10 or a minimum of 30 journals because it is considered to be

a representative of audio-visual media journals published in Indonesia.

Data and source of data

The data in this research is the Indonesian published articles then the source of data is taken from Google Scholar

because google scholar is one of the best informative sites that have scientific information on it.

Why I choose that!! Because the google engine itself. Known as the best search engine because it have most complex

algorithm of keyword among the other.

Google Scholar is a subset of the larger Google search index that contain full-text journal articles, technical

report, theses, ebooks, documents, and web pages that are considered “scientific purpose”
Research instrument

This research uses a documentation instrument containing a matching list called Paper Classification Form

the “PCF”.

contains the choice of information to fill in accordance with the journal that is being assessed, that

developed by Sözbilir.

Then use table classification of the instrument to summarize the data in order to collect the final data after

the researcher processed with the paper classification form

Data collection technique

So the data will be collected from Google Scholar page 1 until page 10 with the specific keyword “audio-

visual media in ELT Indonesia” to represent published journals in Indonesia.

This way can use by the researcher with the use of a keyword to collect the data. Then select a journal that

had the same theme as Audio-Visual to validate data and fill the form of the instrument.

Data analysis

in qualitative research data analysis activities were carried out by passing 3 stages such as data reduction,

exposure, and drawing conclusions.

Data reduction is an activity to summarize, focus and select the important things, as well as create themes

and patterns in research.

This research will also pass the data reduction stage, which is filtering the data. The journal or articles is

selected according to the problem that the researchers want to analyze.

After that, the researcher made a thesis description and tabulation containing anything that need to analyze

Research procedure

the first step is finding the source in google scholar with a specific keyword such as “Audio Video Visual

Media ELT Journal Indonesia” from page 1 to page 10.

Then the second step is to find an answer to the research questions about what most frequent Subjects,

Methods, Data Collection techniques, and Sample or sample groups that are used in all of the journals.

the final step is the researcher has to translate all the data into the table of results and then make the

percentage in order to get the conclusion of the Research Question’s answer

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