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OCT 24, 2021


LEA 104

Activity 1. Identification (2pts.)

Physical Security__1. Measures taken to prevent physical access or entry to an installation or

area by unauthorized personnel.

Personnel Security_ 2. This is involved in the background checks of individual’s

commensurate with the security requirements of their work.

__ Physical Security_3. It also encompasses protection of personnel from any criminal act.
Concerned with the physical measures adopted to prevent unauthorized access to equipment,
facilities, materials, and documents, and to safeguard them against espionage, sabotage damage
and theft.

President Ferdinand E. Marcos 4.| He signed Republic Act 5487, the Private Security Agency
law on June 13, 1969.

William J. Burns, Inc._5. Was formed to become the sole investigating agency for the
American Banking Association in 1909.

Activity 2. Discussion (20pts)

(Note: Please avoid copy paste answer from Internet)

1. Cite one example of Internal Threat and External Threat and how does this affect to the
security of one’s country.

 Example of Internal Threats is “Communist Aggressions” in this kind of situation we can

say that communism goals to common o common ownership of the means of production
and the absence of social classes, even though we say it has a good point in a way that
everyone may have benefits and opportunity, although it also has disadvantage like the
government owns everything, including property, businesses, and production means, and
there is no freedom of speech in the typical communist government.
 Example of External Threats is “Country’s Incapacity To Defend Itself In Case Of War”
lack of funds purchasing battle equipment such as firearms and outnumbered in terms of
soldier may lead to incapacity of a country to defend itself may cause a huge
disadvantage in case of war it may also dominate the said country. Treason may also
cause of a country’s incapacity to defend itself, espionage may also cause disadvantage in
a way of transmitting confidential information by means of spying one country and pass
certain classified information to the opposing country.

Activity 3. Analysis (20pts)

Juan Dela Cruz enters a domicile of Mr. Chan in a clandestine way and took belongings such as
money and gadgets. It founds out that the latter is a councilor of a Barangay. When Mr. Chan
discovered the losses, he immediately reported it before the Office of the Barangay Chairman. If
this is so, state as many as possible violations committed by Juan Dela Cruz with supporting

 Mr. Juan Dela Cruz violated ART. 128 “VIOLATION OF DOMICILE” in the revised
penal code in witch prove that he is a public officer base in the elements of the said
article, public officer or employee may be liable for this article, because of his action
without the authority of the owner to enter the said dwelling, he may also be liable for
ART. 310 “QUALIFFIED THEFT” in the revised penal code witch said in the element
taking the said property belongs to another, that the said taking be done with intent to
gain. With the said case it is valid for the complainant to file theft against the
aforementioned suspect because he has the intent to gain but without the use of force just
like when Mr. Juan Deala Cruz he took the money and gadgets witch is Mr. Chan’s

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