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EMP Q5: Artificial Intelligence in PT Education ● Revolution is an extension of evolution

● Continuously, we notice normal changes that are

and Practice happening, but sometimes you have to go beyond the
usual normal evolution to continuously evolve, adapt &
I. Topic 1 ● Dying point is equivalent to the failure point in the stress
A. Subtopic A strain curve
B. Subtopic B ● Once you reach the dying point, that’s when you know to
II. Topic 2 stop relying on evolution, and go onto revolution


Speaker: Ms. Catherine Joy Escuadra ● A lot of revolutions have already happened throughout

● Change is usually correlated with revolution & evolution

● Evolution & revolution are complementary concepts in
terms of advancement or change



● If we want to increase the level of flexibility, there should be

stress to obtain a new ROM
● Limitation: Failure point → exerting more effort leads to injury
● Changes in the industry are affected by invention &
○ Main difference from the concept of evolution 7
creation of different materials that made the process in
the industry change for the better

1st INDUSTRIAL 1784 Mechanization


Process/practice of how everyone

lived was changed d/t steam engines

2nd 1870 Mass production

INDUSTRIAL Assembly Line
REVOLUTION Division of Labor

Creation of electricity & combustion

engines made transportation easier
3rd INDUSTRIAL 1969 Automation
REVOLUTION Electronics
● 4th IR is actually patapos na & we’re starting the 5th
Start of the digital revolution (internet, ○ Most references about 4th IR is sourced from 4 yrs
computers) which made processes ago
more efficient ● Gearing towards personalization of different services that
would be more inclusive & specific to the needs of
4th INDUSTRIAL Today CPS individuals in the society
REVOLUTION Internet of Things ● We’re making the process more centered on humans
Networks again
● Goal: Use digital advancements to cater the needs of the
Extension of the digital revolution
wherein aside from the development people in the society
of computers, there are more ● Ma’am Cath thinks we’re still transitioning pa from the 4th
advanced computers that make IR
processes more faster & efficient for ○ Making use of 4th IR advancement to slowly go into
different disciplines & fields the 5th IR
● Initially was not used in many
● Revolutions are continuous processes
● Main invention that made 4th & 5th IR different is the
Most important industrial revolution concept of artificial intelligence
for healthcare, because the initial
revolutions are more concerned of
transpo, continuous labor

Changed not just the process but also

how we view the world

Went beyond making process

efficient, and shrinked the gap quickly
between the digital, physical (where
we live) and biological worlds (health


● A field of data science that has a lot of components

● Nothing changed much in pt visits during the 1st & 2nd IR ○ There is still a lot more to learn
○ Were more focused on transportation & machinery ● Refers to the stimulation of human intelligence processes
● After 3rd & 4th revolution, the pt does not need to go to a using machines, especially computer systems
hospital for assessment & management ● Specific applications of AI include expert system, natural
○ It can happen anytime & anywhere as long as language processing, speech recognition, and machine
there’s an appropriate gadget for both client & HC vision
provider ● Refers to the intelligence demonstrated by machines in
contrast to the natural intelligence usually demonstrated
by human beings
5th Industrial Revolution
● Usual Concern: “Why do we need to know about this in
○ Is my own experience not enough?
○ Why do I need to work with AI?
Human Artificial

● Decision making ● Machine learning

● Perception ● Domain data
● Anticipation ● Dialogue & conversation
● Memory ● Computer vision

Big Data

● Remember that AI is evolving & continuously changing

because of big data

● For AI to happen, machines need to undergo machine

learning & deep learning
● Machine learning – an approach used to achieve AI
● Deep learning – techniques for implementing machine
● Quick responses of machines are based from a series of
networks or commands that are happening because of
machine learning & deep learning
● AI are not just results of one time codes; not just a result
of one instruction from a coder
○ It is a product of a continuous process of coding,
new experiences of a machine to make more ● Big data is a result of AI and vice versa
decisions in the future ● Ma’am thinks that it is like chicken & egg that are
● Usual concerns of HC provider: complementary with each other
○ Why do I believe in that if they are just codes? ○ Get more data because of AI and use big data to
○ It’s not based on previous experience form different improve AI
information ● Important to understand that AI still undergo the process
● Undergoes a series of network learning via machine & of learning even if they are machines
deep learning
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE VS HUMAN INTELLIGENCE ● Information scientists have determined that it is important to
separate big data & statistical data
● Big data would include large numbers of data that are very
complex & impossible to process using traditional methods
● Big data is the products of the advancements of the 3rd &
4th industrial revolution
○ Because communication is faster & more efficient,
storage of information became better → more data that
can be used by AI


● They are different but the same

○ Different in terms of computer & human
○ Same because AI aims to simulate human learning
■ Follows the theories of learning
● Like human beings, coders believe that it is important to
continuously update codes & do trial and errors to identify
new learnings that would make AI better
● They are different but they have the same essence of
undergoing the process learning
● AI has the capacity to learn when provided appropriate
instruction & codes
Vig data (Siazon, 2022) ● AI used to analyze the patient’s data and create a self
● Volume, velocity & variety management program for the patient
○ Common characteristics of big data for big data ● As a PT, you check if the self management program
scientists made by the AI is appropriate for the patient’s condition,
● VOLUME and revise it as needed
○ Big data is a lot ● AI digital assistant
○ People who uses the internet provide data ○ AI can record the interventions you give and shit
■ Every click, every view, every comment ○ AI can also monitor patient’s progress
○ All these would increase the volume of data ○ AI can alert the PT and help PT communicate with
● VELOCITY patient about shit and also his progress and shit
○ Big data is characterized as fast nowadays ● Research will be important in improving this thing
because of internet ● Concerns:
● VARIETY ○ Who owns the data, how is it shared, where is it
○ Differences of its characteristics because of the shared
internet, the 4th industrial revolution ○ What is the clinician’s responsibility in terms of data
○ Almost everything could be processed as data ○ Basta there’s a lot

“Data is the new oil” ● Even before the pandemic, there has been talks about AI
● The world’s most valuable resource already
● A lot of people nowadays esp economica have ● AI is beyond being robots used to help patients & PTs
advocated that data is the new oil already meaning data ○ We’re already using them
is already the small importance resource in most fields ○ AI is not really foreign and is something has been
● Companies of people who have access to a lot of data used by PTs and clients
and knows how to process data are the people who are ● BUT! Not all PTs are aware about the scope of AI & big
expected to succeed and advance more data
● Big data is important for us to maximize AI ○ There is data, but they do not take a look at it or
assess it, because they think it is beyond their
SO… WHAT NOW? scope
● Why should we know the connection between big data ● Main speakers of the FS-09 emphasized that AI & big
and AI !!!! data are not foreign, and as PTs, we must be more
● PTs can use AI in their practice involved to help in the actual revolution & advancement
○ One of the changes that were brought about by the of those fields of sciences for them to be better integrated
industrial revolution is the shrinking of the gap in our profession
between digital, physical and biological worlds
● Revolution brought about by AI and big data (4th and 5th “We all have data and we should all get involved, to
IR) would affect PT bc it will affect the components of the influence the future of our profession – before someone
practice else does it for us!”
○ AI & big data affects the process on how we usually
do the assessments & management
○ It can also affect the people involved in our practice
(patients, other professionals) Initially, it was only the PT & patient in our practice. But
● Affectation is observable through changes in their because of the 4th & 5th industrial revolution, there is a new
knowledge, attitudes and behavior tool in the usual process (AI). If we introduce new variables,
○ Because of these changes overall, there is a there will be changes.
continuous change in the meaning & scope of our
practice 1. Change in (the PT) process
○ Planning
○ Assessment
○ Management
○ If we become intentional with the use of AI, the
process on how we do things would change with AI
in PT practice
■ Gathering information for assessment
CONGRESS OF 2019: BIG DATA (FS-09) ■ Plan for management
● A lot of people in PT congresses would attend sessions on ■ Easier way of giving management (even if pt is
Big Data because they realize this would affect their practice not present), because there is a database for
educational procedures & materials that can be
used by a patient
➢ Although different conditions, there are
common themes in the exercises that are
needed by the patient
○ PT should know how to provide information to the
AI so that it could provide an appropriate answer
○ PT should also have the ability to critically think
about the suggestions of the AI
○ AI is not a substitute, but a helper to make the
process faster or more efficient for the PT
● Usually engineers are the ones upgrading AI, but they do
2. Change in client not know everything about the HC system
○ Knowledge ● So that engineers know what codes are needed, it is
○ Attitude important to have interaction from people who would be
○ Behavior benefitting from AI
○ Effects change in the patient/client even before the ● Shows that we have provide data for AI
PT session ○ Big data is important for AI so that it can do what
■ AI is not just limited to HC professionals; AI is we want them to do
very accessible ● Rather than staying away from it → actively use it in our
○ As a PT, one of the things we have to take into practice
consideration is the client’s initial attitude/behavior ● Just like how atrophy works in muscle, AI will not improve
when they come and see us for PT mx and if we do not use it
■ Since patients have access to AI, don’t view it
as ikaw lang may alam
○ Some literature suggests that pts do not trust AI → ● I am not a PT yet so I can’t use artificial intelligence yet!
need to research more about the possible ● Knowing information about AI and these industrial
relationship between AI and client revolutions are important in knowing what to prepare for
the next few years
3. Change in others ● As a student, there are skills that can be improved in
○ Knowledge order to be more prepared for future revolutions
○ Attitude ○ Instead of telling myself I don’t need to study it yet
○ Behavior because it will change → “I need to have skills that
○ In the process of providing care, there are some will help me adapt quickly to the upcoming
instances that we have to collaborate with other revolutions” instead
people ○ Do not focus on learning the contents (because
○ Not only PTs have access to AI, other HC they will change)
professionals also have access ○ Aside from the contents, you must focus on your
○ Even if we can’t be familiar with all changes, make competencies (skills)
sure to keep an open mind ■ Critical thinking
■ Creativity
■ Collaboration
● Not really a competition → should be viewed as a ● You don’t have to know everything about AI, but you have
collaboration to actively participate in the process so that you will learn
○ For us to provide better services to people who need our about it and get skills that can be used in the next
care revolutions
● If we do not want to be part of the dying point of
evolution, it is important that we become lifelong learners
○ Should continuously collaborate & communicate
● Some would say that AI has still problems; it’s not perfect with people so that we can improve ourself
○ E.g. siri is not able to process a certain command,
because of pronunciation
● Very important to continuously use them, because AI has Summary
machine & deep learning
○ If we want AI as a tool to help with our practice, it is ● AI & big data significantly affected PT practice and
our responsibility to use them to provide information education even before the pandemic
to the AI ○ Goes beyond robots; it involves automated decision
● Only resolved when we become involved in the process making
of using it ● Here to stay
○ Even its form will change, there will be new
inventions with the same characteristics
● Continuously change

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