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User Manual

B4078 Rev. M

This manual is the property of Ceragon Networks. No parts of the manual may be copied, rewritten or distributed to third parties without the written
permission from Ceragon Networks.

For best readability, a screen resolution of at least 1280 by 1024 pixels is recommended. Display font setting: Normal size.

The manual is divided in 5 main parts:

General This part gives a general overview of the Evolution Series equipment

Installation Gives the details on how to install the equipment

Operation Describes how to operate the system with emphasis on the Evolution Series Manager

Maintenance Gives details on maintenance of the equipment

Appendices A collection of frequency plans, alarm lists, technical specifications etc.

Table of Contents

Revision History
About this Manual
Legal Information
Intended use of equipment
Declaration of Conformity
System Overview
Radio Protection Switching
IFU Overview
LIU STM-1/OC-3, Opt
LIU 12xE1
LIU 25xE1
LIU 8xT1
LIU 16xT1
4x64kb/s Unit
Alarm & Control Unit
XCVR/ODU Overview
How to contact Ceragon




Revision History
Revision Applies to System release Date Amendments
A R1A 24-09-2010 Initial version

B R1B 29-09-2010 Applies to System release R1B

Chapter; Operation/Feature Description/Configuration/Element/Licenses, is updated

C R2A Universal IFU 11-01-2011 Applies to System release R2A Universal IFU
R1A Micro IFU Introducing Micro IFU

D R2A Universal IFU 02-02-2011 PDF version included

R1A Micro IFU Torque included for earthing terminals

E R3A Universal IFU 10-04-2011 Applies to System release R3A Universal IFU
R1A Micro IFU
F R3A Universal IFU 22-06-2011 New Declaration of Conformity
R1A Micro IFU
G R4A 01-10-2011 Applies to System release R4A
Micro IFU removed from manual

H R4B 20-12-2011 Applies to System release R4B

J R5A 20-06-2012 Applies to System release R5A

Includes RIU version E with external XPIC

K R5B 10-12-2012 Applies to System release R5B

Includes RIU version F

L R6A 10-01-2013 Applies to System release R6A

Supports 2048 QAM Modulation
Supports GIC Redundancy

M R6C 01-05-2014 Applies to System release R6C

Supports Weighted Fair Queueing (WFQ)
Update Waveguide Kit and license part numbers.
About this Manual

This manual describes the installation, use and maintenance of the Evolution Series XPAND IP equipment.
As the equipment is modular based, a wide range of system configurations are available. Not all configurations are described in this manual.
Note! Not all features described in this manual may be available at the current system release. Please consult the release note on the CSSWeb for exact
content of the specific release.

Target Group
The manual is intended for use by trained technicians and will not describe basic technical procedures.

The following conventions are used to emphasise important statments and increase the readability of this manual.

Tip: Useful information!

Note: Important information

Warning: Special care must be taken

Button: Starts an action

Text box: Description of features and equipment

Legal Information
The information in this documentation is subject to change without notice and describes only the product defined in the introduction of this
documentation. This documentation is intended for the use of customers only for the purposes of the agreement under which the
documentation is submitted, and no part of it may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or means without prior written permission. The
information or statements given in this documentation concerning the suitability, capacity, or performance of the mentioned hardware or
software products cannot be considered binding but shall be defined in the agreement made with the customer. However, all reasonable
efforts have been made to ensure that the instructions contained in the documentation are adequate and free of material errors and
omissions. Liability for any errors in the documentation is limited to the documentary correction of errors.

INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL (INCLUDING MONETARY LOSSES), that might arise from the use of this documentation or the
information in it. This documentation and the product it describes are considered protected by copyright according to the applicable laws.

All product names mentioned in this documentation may be trademarks of their respective companies, and they are mentioned for
identification purposes only.

Copyright © 2014. All rights reserved.

Intended use of equipment
Evolution Series is a point to point microwave radio. It is typically used for interconnection
of access points in private or public networks. It is used both in Ethernet and TDM based

Note! Use of this equipment requires a separate frequency license to be applied for
by the operator.

Declaration of Conformity
This section applies to countries who have implemented the R&TTE directive
Česky Ceragon Networks tímto prohlašuje, že tento Evolution Series je ve shodě se základními požadavky a dalšími příslušnými
ustanoveními směrnice 1999/5/ES.
Dansk Ceragon Networks erklærer herved, at Evolution Series overholder de væsentlige krav og øvrige relevante krav i direktiv 1999/5/EF.
Deutch Hiermit erklärt Ceragon Networks, dass sich das Gerät Evolution Series in Übereinstimmung mit den grundlegenden
Anforderungen und den übrigen einschlägigen Bestimmungen der Richtlinie 1999/5/EG befindet.
Eesti Käesolevaga kinnitab Ceragon Networks seadme Evolution Series vastavust direktiivi 1999/5/EÜ põhinõuetele ja nimetatud
direktiivist tulenevatele teistele asjakohastele sätetele.
English Hereby, Ceragon Networks, declares that Evolution Series is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant
provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.
Español Por medio de la presente Ceragon Networks declara que el Evolution Series cumple con los requisitos esenciales y cualesquiera
otras disposiciones aplicables o exigibles de la
Français Par la présente Ceragon Networks déclare que l'appareil Evolution Series est conforme aux exigences essentielles et aux autres
dispositions pertinentes de la directive 1999/5/CE.
Italiano Con la presente Ceragon Networks dichiara che questo Evolution Series è conforme ai requisiti essenziali ed alle altre disposizioni
pertinenti stabilite dalla direttiva 1999/5/CE.
Latviski Ar šo Ceragon Networks deklarē, ka Evolution Series atbilst Direktīvas 1999/5/EK būtiskajām prasībām un citiem ar to saistītajiem
Lietuvių Šiuo Ceragon Networks deklaruoja, kad šis Evolution Series atitinka esminius reikalavimus ir kitas 1999/5/EB Direktyvos nuostatas.
Nederlands Hierbij verklaart Ceragon Networks dat het toestel Evolution Series in overeenstemming is met de essentiële eisen en de andere
relevante bepalingen van richtlijn 1999/5/EG.
Malti Hawnhekk, Ceragon Networks, jiddikjara li dan Evolution Series jikkonforma mal-ħtiġijiet essenzjali u ma provvedimenti oħrajn
relevanti li hemm fid-Dirrettiva 1999/5/EC.
Magyar Alulírott, Ceragon Networks nyilatkozom, hogy a Evolution Series megfelel a vonatkozó alapvetõ követelményeknek és az 1999/5/
EC irányelv egyéb elõírásainak.
Polski Niniejszym Ceragon Networks oświadcza, ze Evolution Series jest zgodny z zasadniczymi wymogami oraz pozostałymi stosownymi
postanowieniami Dyrektywy 1999/5/EC.
Português Ceragon Networks declara que Evolution Series está conforme com os requisitos essenciais e outras disposições da Directiva
Slovensko Ceragon Networks izjavlja, da je ta Evolution Series v skladu z bistvenimi zahtevami in ostalimi relevantnimi določili direktive 1999/
Slovensky Ceragon Networks týmto vyhlasuje, že Evolution Series spĺňa základné požiadavky a všetky príslušné ustanovenia Smernice 1999/
Suomi Ceragon Networks vakuuttaa täten että Evolution Series tyyppinen laite on direktiivin 1999/5/EY oleellisten vaatimusten ja sitä
koskevien direktiivin muiden ehtojen mukainen.
Svenska Härmed intygar Ceragon Networks att Evolution Series står i överensstämmelse med de väsentliga egenskapskrav och övriga
relevanta bestämmelser som framgår av direktiv 1999/5/EG.
Íslenska Hér með lýsir Ceragon Networks yfir því að Evolution Series er í samræmi við grunnkröfur og aðrar kröfur, sem gerðar eru í tilskipun
Norsk Ceragon Networks erklærer herved at utstyret Evolution Series er i samsvar med de grunnleggende krav og øvrige relevante krav i
direktiv 1999/5/EF.


Exposure to strong high frequency electromagnetic fields may cause thermal damage to personnel. The eye (cornea
and lens) is easily exposed.

Any unnecessary exposure is undesirable and should be avoided.

In radio-relay communication installations, orderly setup for normal operation, the general RF radiation level will be
well below the safety limit.

In the antennas and directly in front of them the RF intensity normally will exceed the danger level, within limited
portions of space.

Dangerous radiation may be found in the neighbourhood of open waveguide flanges or horns where the power is
radiated into space.

To avoid dangerous radiation the following precautions must be taken:

During work within and close to the front of the antenna; make sure that transmitters will remain turned off.

Before opening coaxial - or waveguide connectors carrying RF power, turn off transmitters.

Consider any incidentally open RF connector as carrying power, until otherwise proved. Do not look into coaxial
connectors at closer than reading distance (30 cm). Do not look into an open waveguide unless you are absolutely
sure that the power is turned off.

This equipment contains components which are sensitive to "ESD" (Electro Static Discharge).

It is therefore essential that whenever disassembling the equipment and/or handling PC boards, special precautions
to avoid ESD have to be made.

These precautions include personnel grounding, grounding of work bench, grounding of tools and instruments as well
as transport and storage in special antistatic bags and boxes.


Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in
hazardous radiation exposure

The optical interface must only be serviced by qualified personnel, who are aware of the hazards involved to repair
laser products.

When handling laser products the following precautions must be taken:

Never look directly into an open connector or optical cable

Before disconnecting an optical cable from the optical transmitter, the power should be switched off. If this is not
possible, the cable must be disconnected from the transmitter before it is disconnected from the receiver.

When the cable is reconnected it must be connected to the receiver before it is connected to the transmitter.


This equipment has a connection between the earthed conductor of the d.c. supply circuit and the earthing conductor.

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of
the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the
equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful
interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
XCVR Software Compatibility
Alt 1
XCVRs equipped with label shown below, are pre-installed with one of the two software options as indicated on the label:


To reconfigure the XCVR to operated in the other mode, the procedures shown below must be followed.

XCVR Configured in METRO/XPAND mode

In XPAND IP systems the XCVR software will be changed during first system start-up. This process is automatic, see notes below.
Note should be made on the label, indicating the new XCVR software.
XCVR Configured in XPAND IP mode

To operate in METRO/XPAND mode the system requires Software revision R10A or later of SW-EVOLUTION.
Verify that the system has SW revision R10 or later. Upgrade SW if needed. The XCVR software will be changed during first system start-up. This process is automatic, see notes below.
Note should be made on the label, indicating the new XCVR software.
Alt 2
XCVRs equipped with label shown below, requires software release >R4B00 (XPAND-IP) or R10A03 (METRO/XPAND):

This applies to the XCVR code revisions R2A and higher.

These XCVRs are not recognized by systems running older software versions. If a “new” XCVR is installed in a system with “old” SW the alarm ”NEED CONFIGURATION” will be raised by the system. In order to
use these XCVRs the SW must be upgraded.

Note! During XCVR SW change the system will need several minutes to load the new SW. No progress
indication is shown. Do not switch off power during this operation.

Note! Mount the IFU-ODU cable before power is applied to the IFU.

Note! METRO/XPAND and XPAND IP has different SW packages.


Warning! To avoid dangerous radiation, the XCVR/ODU must be terminated to antenna/waveguide, before
power is applied to the system.
System Overview
Evolution Series XPAND IP is a highly scalable Ethernet and TDM radio with data throughput ranging from 11 Mb/s to 450 Mb/s per transceiver.
The equipment can be configured for a wide range of network configurations including terminal and traffic node with two, three or four antenna
directions with switching of traffic between the radio directions and local interfaces.

Evolution Series XPAND IP is utilizing native mapping of Ethernet and TDM into the radio frame. TDM capacity is selectable between 0 and
75xE1 or 96xT1 in one radio channel. Remaining link capacity is used for Ethernet traffic. Fixed or adaptive modulation is selectable in RF-
channels of 5, 7, 10, 20, ~14, ~28, 40, 50 or ~56 MHz. Evolution Series XPAND IP supports traffic node configuration with four radio directions
with a mix of Ethernet and TDM traffic in all directions. The Ethernet Switch has a non-blocking Ethernet switch with six local ports and four
(internal) link ports, all with gigabit interface. For the TDM traffic an embedded PDH X-connect is used to route the TDM traffic between ODUs in
various directions or to local interfaces. For higher link capacities Ethernet traffic aggregation is used and the load is distributed on up to eight

Main Features and Benefits:

z Licensed frequency bands: 4, 5, L6, U6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 18, 23, 26 and 38 GHz
z System configuration: 1+0 to 8+0 and HSB
z Scalable Ethernet throughput up to 450 Mb/s per radio
z Native mapping of Ethernet traffic into radio-frame with minimal overhead
z Channel bandwidths: 5, 7, 10, ~14, 20, ~28, 40, 50, ~56 MHz
z Fixed or hitless adaptive modulation
z Co-channel operation with XPIC
z OMT unit for integrated antenna mount of dual polarised system
z Low loss multi channel Long Haul system available, including combiner Space Diversity
z Outdoor option for low loss multi channel Long Haul system
z Ethernet Switch, 802.1D (MAC) and 802.1Q (VLAN)
z Provider Bridging 802.1ad (Q in Q)
z Ethernet QoS
z Synchronous Ethernet
z Multi-channel Adaptive Bandwidth Control
z Optional up to 75xE1 or 96xT1 mapped directly to radio-frame
z 1+1 protection of TDM traffic in n+0 links
z Embedded TDM cross-connect
z Ring protection for E1/T1s, based on SNCP
z STM-1/OC-3 interface
z One Transceiver covers one complete frequency band (very few spares needed)
z High power XCVR/ODU in 4-11 GHz, with low power consumption

The flexibility of Evolution Series XPAND IP allows for a variety of configurations ranging from single channel access radio to multi-channel
branching based systems. The same basic units like XCVR, IFU, and interface cards are used in all systems.

The ODU based systems comprise indoor part (IFU), outdoor part (ODU) and antenna. The ODU contains a transceiver covering the whole
frequency band and a sub-band specific diplexer. The IFU and ODU are interconnected with coaxial cable which carries transmit and receive
user traffic, management communication between the IFU and ODU and the power supply to the ODU. The ODU can be mounted directly to the
antenna or to a pole if a detached antenna is used.

The following plug-in units are available:

z E1 and T1 Interface Units

z STM-1/OC-3 Interface Units and DXC Unit
z Service Telephone and 64 kb/s Unit
z 64 kb/s Unit
z External Alarm Unit
z External synchronisation Interface

The Long Haul systems are most commonly indoor mounted but a split mounted version is also available. The system comprises one to four
Universal IFUs with the Gigabit Interface and Controller unit and Radio Interface Units, power supply connection to the system with circuit
breakers, up to eight XCVRs and the low loss RF branching system. Connection to the antenna is by elliptical WG. The indoor system is
mounted in a 19” rack.

The low loss branching system which uses RF channel filters and circulators, gives a dramatically lower loss compared to systems with RF-
Universal IFU description
The IFU is a 1RU high modular unit, containing 9 plug-in slots for various modules. The modular architecture with plug-in slots enables a high
degree of flexibility, easy upgrading/changing configurations and maintenance.

The IFU Basic Frame is common in all configurations and up to four IFU frames can be stacked together by an IFU connection panel.

z When a Gigabit Interface and Controller Unit (GIC) is part of the IFU frame, it will always occupy slots 1 and 7. The GIC is handling the
configuration of all the system units as well as reporting system status to the NMS system. The Unit is also serving as Gigabit Ethernet
z Slot 6 houses the FAN unit, handling the ventilation and temperature management of the IFU frame.
z Slots 2 - 5 house the various user traffic interfaces. The PDH interfaces are full height and cover the upper Aux/Serv. position as well.
z The RIU unit(s) are placed in Slots 4 and 5. The RIU unit provides connection to the ODU and supplies power to the IFU Basic Frame
including plug-in units and the ODU.
z The optional DXC unit (used in configurations with STM1/OC-3/STS-3 interfaces), must be placed in Slot 3/9)
z Slots 7-9 house any Auxiliary or Service Channel units, such as Alarm Unit, Wayside Traffic Unit, 64 kb/s Data Channels unit and EOW

All units can be replaced in the field. Non traffic carrying units can be replaced without interrupting the service.

IFU and Channel numbering

XCVR Unit description
The XCVR hardware is capacity and modulation independent. The XCVR is tuneable over the whole frequency band, both high and low part. In
split-mount configurations, the XCVR and a diplexer form the Outdoor Unit (ODU). The diplexer determines the sub-band coverage. The ODU
may be mounted directly to the antenna. In HSB and 1+1/2+0 configurations an RF-coupler is used when connecting the ODUs to a single
antenna interface. A pole mount interface is also available.

Configuration examples

The Evolution Series equipment can be arranged in various system configurations. There are two main radio based configurations: Split Mount and Long Haul Indoor. In addition, Line Terminal
configurations are available.

Select system:

Long Haul
Split Mount Long Haul Indoor Split Mount
Split Mount configurations
1+0 (Unprotected) Universal IFU

1+0 (Unprotected)
Split Mount configurations
1+1 (Hot Standby)

1+1 (Hot Standby)

Split Mount configurations
1+1 (Hot Standby) - Dual Antenna/Space Diversity

1+1 (Hot Standby) - Dual Antenna/Space Diversity

Split Mount configurations
2+0 Ethernet and 1+0 TDM - Dual Frequency/Single Polarization (DF-SP)

2+0 Ethernet and 1+0 TDM - Dual Frequency/Single Polarization (DF-SP)

Split Mount configurations
2+0 Ethernet and 1+0 TDM - Single Frequency/Dual Polarization (SF-DP)

2+0 Ethernet and 1+0 TDM - Single Frequency/Dual Polarization (SF-DP)

Split Mount configurations
2+0 Ethernet and 1+1 TDM

2+0 Ethernet and 1+1 TDM

Plug in units
DXC Digital Cross Connect
GIC Gigabit Interface and Controller Unit
IFU Interface Unit
ODU Outdoor Unit
RIU Radio Interface Unit
TDM Time Division Multiplexing
XCVR Transceiver (Transmitter and Receiver)

Modules in IFU
PXC PDH Cross Connect
RF ACM Radio Frame/Adaptive Coding and Modulation
ABC Adaptive Bandwidth Control
Long Haul Indoor
Long Haul Indoor
4+0 Dual Polarization
4+0 Dual Polarization
Long Haul Indoor
Long Haul Indoor
4+0 Space Diversity
4+0 Space Diversity
Plug in units
DXC Digital Cross Connect
GIC Gigabit Interface and Controller Unit
IFU Interface Unit
ODU Outdoor Unit
RIU Radio Interface Unit
TDM Time Division Multiplexing
XCVR Trabsceiver (Transmitter and Receiver)

Modules in IFU
PXC PDH Cross Connect
RF ACM Radio Frame/Adaptive Coding and Modulation
ABC Adaptive Bandwidth Control
Long Haul Split Mount
Long Haul Split Mount
4+0 Dual Polarization
4+0 Dual Polarization
Long Haul Split Mount
4+0 Space Diversity
4+0 Space Diversity
Plug in units
GIC Gigabit Interface and Controller Unit
IFU Interface Unit
ODU Outdoor Unit
RIU Radio Interface Unit
XCVR Trabsceiver (Transmitter and Receiver)

Modules in IFU
RF ACM Radio Frame/Adaptive Coding and Modulation
ABC Adaptive Bandwidth Control
XPIC Configurations

Internal XPIC
One XPIC licence is required for each XPIC pair. An XPIC pair consists of two channels in the same IFU frame.
External XPIC (Cabled)
One XPIC licence is required for each XPIC pair. An XPIC pair consists of two channels placed in any position in the system.

Note! External XPIC requires RIU version E.

2 x 3+1
Radio Protection Switching (RPS)
See RPS setup.

Protection Switching
In order to facilitate switching without introducing bit-errors, a hitless switching system is provided. The Radio Protection Switching function is used in HSB and
1+1 Frequency Diversity configurations. Automatic and manual switching is available. The manual switching can be hitless or forced and is performed from the
WEB Interface. In Hot Standby configurations the TX- and RX- switching at a terminal normally operates independently, but they may be configured to operate

Rx Switching criteria
• RF Input Level
• Demodulator Sync Loss
• Rx Alarm IFU (LOF, LOC)

Tx Switching criteria
• IFU TX Alarm
• RIU TX Alarm
• Radio TX Alarm
InterFace Unit (IFU) overview

The Article code is found on the Product

identification label. The Unit code can also
be determined from the IFU Basic Frame

The Universal IFU is modular based and can be configured in different ways by means of plug-in units.

By clicking on a unit in the table below, possible slot positions are indicated in the figure above. In larger systems (more than 1 IFU), slot 1 to 5 can be used for interface units in all other IFU's than
IFU 1. Legal slot positions for different configurations are defined by the Housekeeping wizard.
To learn more about the different units; click on the unit name in the table below..

Line Interface Units Auxiliary Units

LIU Electrical EOW overview
GIC overview
LIU Optical 64kb/s overview
Alarm & Ctrl Unit
RIU overview DXC Unit overview

Sync I/O Unit


PWIU overview LIU 12xE1 overview

LIU 8xT1 overview

PWIU 24V overview LIU 25xE1 overview

LIU 16xT1 overview

FAN overview

One IFU is capable of handling radio systems for 1+0, 1+1, HSB and 2+0 channel arrangements. Larger systems are implemented by interconnecting IFUs using the expansion port on the back of
the IFU and a sub-rack. A total of 4 IFUs can be stacked and interconnected. Each IFU is 1U (Unit) high, and can be mounted in both an ETSI and a 19” rack solution as well as standalone.
Gigabit Interface and Controller Unit overview

Return to IFU overview

The Gigabit Interface and Controller Unit handles both the user and the management Ethernet traffic. The unit has six local ports, four internal ports towards radio links (WAN
ports) and one internal interface towards the controller. The unit has four 10/100/1000BASE-TX ports and two SFP ports.
The unit also contains the terminal controller, handling the configuration of all the system units as well as reporting system status to the EM/NMS system.

The Strap has two positions; Normal

and Reset.
See Factory Reset for reset procedure.
The Unit code is found on the Product
identification label. The Unit code can
also be determined from the GIC

ETH1 to 4
RJ45 connectors for 10/100/1000Base-TX traffic

SFP1 and 2
SFP module for 1000Base-X traffic (Plug-in module is required)

See Evolution Manager for setup of the GIC Unit

Radio Interface Unit overview

Return to IFU overview

The IFU has two Radio Interface Unit (RIU) slots. The RIU is used for interconnection between the IFU and Radio
The RIU is supplied with -48V DC via the power connector. -48V DC is then fed to the radio and to the IFU. Short circuit and over voltage protection for the radio is placed in the
RIU. The Short circuit and over voltage protection for the IFU is placed on the mother board.
All RIUs have XPIC functionality, i.e. XPIC between the two radio channels in the same IFU frame. RIU version E has in addition the capability of external XPIC, i.e XPIC
between any two radio channels (System independent).

External XPIC connectors on

RIU version E (FDM5559E-T).

See configuration examples.

The Unit code is found on the Product

identification label. The Unit code can also be
determined from the RIU Inventory.
Transmission Capacity:
FDM5559A-T METRO: Up to 155 Mb/s
XPAND: Up to 150 Mb/s

Transmission Capacity:
METRO: Up to 311 Mb/s
XPAND: Up to 150 Mb/s
XPAND IP: All capacities, modulation 4 to 256 QAM

Transmission Capacity:
FDM5559C-T METRO: Up to 311 Mb/s
XPAND: Up to 150 Mb/s

Transmission Capacity:
METRO: Up to 311 Mb/s
XPAND: Up to 150 Mb/s
XPAND IP: All capacities, modulation 4 to 256 QAM

Transmission Capacity:
METRO: Up to 311 Mb/s
FDM5559E-T XPAND: Up to 150 Mb/s
XPAND IP: All capacities, modulation 4 to 1024 QAM
Supports external (cabled) XPIC

Transmission Capacity:
METRO: Up to 311 Mb/s
XPAND: Up to 150 Mb/s
XPAND IP: All capacities, modulation 4 to 1024 QAM

See Evolution Manager for setup of the Radio Interface Unit

Power Interface Unit overview

Return to IFU overview

The Power Interface Unit is used as power supply for IFUs where a Radio Interface is not required.
Power Interface 24V Unit overview

Return to IFU overview

The Power Interface Unit 24V is used for converting +24V power to -48V. A cable connects the -48V connector on the PWIU 24V Unit to the RIU/PWIU unit.
RIU/PWIU unit placed in IFU slot 4, is fed from PWIU 24V unit placed in IFU slot 8. RIU/PWIU unit placed in IFU slot 5, is fed from PWIU 24V placed in slot 9.
See illustration below.

Input voltage: 20 - 30 VDC

FAN overview

Return to IFU overview

In order to control the temperature as well as increase component lifetime, a Fan Unit is implemented as cooling mechanism.

See Evolution Manager for details on FAN Unit

Line Interface Electrical STM-1/STS-3 Unit overview

Return to IFU overview

The Line Interface Electrical STM-1/STS-3 is used as line interface for STM-1/STS-3 traffic. In addition to the Line Interface Unit, a DXC Unit is required.
The unit has a CMI encoded 155 Mb/s customer interface.
Electrical interface is according to ITU-T Rec. G.703, ANSI T1.102 and Telecordia GR-253-CORE.
Jitter Performance is compliant with ANSI T1.105.03, ITU-T G.825 and Telecordia GR-253-CORE.
For available interface cables, see Customer Interfaces.

See Evolution Manager for setup of the Line Interface Unit

Line Interface Optical STM-1/OC-3 and STM-4/OC-12 Unit

Return to IFU overview

The Line Interface Optical STM-1/OC-3 unit is used as line interface for STM-1/OC-3 traffic. In addition to the Line Interface Unit, a DXC Unit is required.
The Line Interface Optical unit is delivered in the following versions:
Line Interface Unit Optical SFP S-1.1/OC-
LIU S-1.1/OC-3 IR-1
3 IR-1

Line Interface Unit Optical SFP OC-3 SR-0 LIU OC-3 SR-0
Line Interface Unit Optical SFP L-1.1/OC-3
LIU L-1.1/OC-3 LR-1

Line Interface Unit Optical SFP L-1.2/OC-3

LIU L-1.2/OC-3 LR-2

LIU S-1.1/OC-3 IR-1

155Mb/s (OC-3/STM-1) Intermediate Reach 1310 nm Single Mode Optical Interface Unit. Transmission target distance is approximately 15 km according to
ITU-T G.957.
The Optical Line Interface Unit has a 155.52 Mb/s (OC-3/STM-1) customer interface, according to ITU-T recommendation G.957 and ANSI recommendation
In the receive direction, the optical LIU receives a 155.52 Mb/s NRZ encoded optical signal and converts it to an electrical NRZ signal. In the transmit direction,
the LIU receives a STM-1 framed signal and converts it to a NRZ-encoded optical signal.
For available interface cables, see Customer Interfaces.

Warning! The optical interface plugin module (SFP) is an integrated part of the Optical Line Interface Unit and has been tested to comply with Ceragon
Networks recommendations. The module is not intended for field replacement.

See Evolution Manager for setup of the LIU Optical Unit

Line Interface 12xE1 Unit overview

Return to IFU overview

The 12xE1 Intfc Unit contains 12 x E1 electrical interfaces, according to the ITU-T Rec; G.703
For available interface cables, see Customer Interfaces.

Connector type: 50 positions Amplimite .050 series

Colour code for cable

Colour code for cable
pair (acc. to: IEC 60189-
Channel no. pair
Connector 2)
and Signal UWMK6567
Pin no. 88W5385-MULT5000
type UWMK6568
1A Ch 1 out P Blue/ White/
26A Ch 1 out N White Blue
2A Ch 1 in P Orange/ White/
27A Ch 1 in N White Orange
3A Ch 2 out P Green/ White/
28A Ch 2 out N White Green
4A Ch 2 in P Gray/ White/
29A Ch 2 in N White Brown
5A Ch 3 out P Brown/ White/
30A Ch 3 out N White Gray
6A Ch 3 in P Blue/ Red/
31A Ch 3 in N Turquoise Blue
7A Ch 4 out P Orange/ Red/
32A Ch 4 out N Turquoise Orange
8A Ch 4 in P Green Red/
33A Ch 4 in N Turquoise Green
9A Ch 5 out P Gray Red/
34A Ch 5 out N Turquoise Brown
10A Ch 5 in P Brown Red/
35A Ch 5 in N Turquoise Grey
11A Ch 6 out P Blue/ Black/
36A Ch 6 out N Yellow Blue
12A Ch 6 in P Orange/ Black/
37A Ch 6 in N Yellow Orange
13A Ch 7 out P Green Black/
38A Ch 7 out N Yellow Green
14A Ch 7 in P Gray Black/
39A Ch 7 in N Yellow Brown
15A Ch 8 out P Brown Black/
40A Ch 8 out N Yellow Grey
16A Ch 8 in P Blue/ Yellow/
41A Ch 8 in N Red Blue
17A Ch 9 out P Orange/ Yellow/
42A Ch 9 out N Red Orange
18A Ch 9 in P Green/ Yellow/
43A Ch 9 in N Red Green
19A Ch 10 out P Gray/ Yellow/
44A Ch 10 out N Red Brown
20A Ch 10 in P Brown/ Yellow/
45A Ch 10 in N Red Grey
21A Ch 11 out P Blue/ White-Blue/
46A Ch 11 out N Black Blue
22A Ch 11 in P Orange/ White-Blue/
47A Ch 11 in N Black Orange
23A Ch 12 out P Green/ White-Blue/
48A Ch 12 out N Black Green
24A Ch 12 in P Gray/ White-Blue/
49A Ch 12 in N Black Brown
25A Not used Brown/ White-Blue/
50A Not used Black Grey

See Evolution Manager for setup of the LIU 12xE1 Unit

Line Interface 25xE1 Unit overview

Return to IFU overview

The 25xE1 Intfc Unit contains 25 x E1 electrical interfaces, according to the ITU-T Rec; G.703
For available interface cables, see Customer Interfaces.

Connector type: 2x50 positions Amplimite .050 series

Colour code for Colour code for cable pair Colour code for Colour code for cable pair
Channel no. cable pair (acc. to: IEC 60189-2) Channel no. cable pair (acc. to: IEC 60189-2)
Connector Connector
and Signal UWMK6567 88W5385-MULT5000 and Signal UWMK6567 88W5385-MULT5000
Pin no. Pin no.
type UWMK6568 88W5385-MULT10000 type UWMK6568 88W5385-MULT10000
UWMK6569 88W5385-MULT15000 UWMK6569 88W5385-MULT15000
1A Ch 1 out P Blue/ White/ 1B Ch 13 out P Blue/ White/
26A Ch 1 out N White Blue 26B Ch 13 out N White Blue
2A Ch 1 in P Orange/ White/ 2B Ch 13 in P Orange/ White/
27A Ch 1 in N White Orange 27B Ch 13 in N White Orange
3A Ch 2 out P Green/ White/ 3B Ch 14 out P Green/ White/
28A Ch 2 out N White Green 28B Ch 14 out N White Green
4A Ch 2 in P Gray/ White/ 4B Ch 14 in P Gray/ White/
29A Ch 2 in N White Brown 29B Ch 14 in N White Brown
5A Ch 3 out P Brown/ White/ 5B Ch 15 out P Brown/ White/
30A Ch 3 out N White Gray 30B Ch 15 out N White Gray
6A Ch 3 in P Blue/ Red/ 6B Ch 15 in P Blue/ Red/
31A Ch 3 in N Turquoise Blue 31B Ch 15 in N Turquoise Blue
7A Ch 4 out P Orange/ Red/ 7B Ch 16 out P Orange/ Red/
32A Ch 4 out N Turquoise Orange 32B Ch 16 out N Turquoise Orange
8A Ch 4 in P Green Red/ 8B Ch 16 in P Green Red/
33A Ch 4 in N Turquoise Green 33B Ch 16 in N Turquoise Green
9A Ch 5 out P Gray Red/ 9B Ch 17 out P Gray Red/
34A Ch 5 out N Turquoise Brown 34B Ch 17 out N Turquoise Brown
10A Ch 5 in P Brown Red/ 10B Ch 17 in P Brown Red/
35A Ch 5 in N Turquoise Grey 35B Ch 17 in N Turquoise Grey
11A Ch 6 out P Blue/ Black/ 11B Ch 18 out P Blue/ Black/
36A Ch 6 out N Yellow Blue 36B Ch 18 out N Yellow Blue
12A Ch 6 in P Orange/ Black/ 12B Ch 18 in P Orange/ Black/
37A Ch 6 in N Yellow Orange 37B Ch 18 in N Yellow Orange
13A Ch 7 out P Green Black/ 13B Ch 19 out P Green Black/
38A Ch 7 out N Yellow Green 38B Ch 19 out N Yellow Green
14A Ch 7 in P Gray Black/ 14B Ch 19 in P Gray Black/
39A Ch 7 in N Yellow Brown 39B Ch 19 in N Yellow Brown
15A Ch 8 out P Brown Black/ 15B Ch 20 out P Brown Black/
40A Ch 8 out N Yellow Grey 40B Ch 20 out N Yellow Grey
16A Ch 8 in P Blue/ Yellow/ 16B Ch 20 in P Blue/ Yellow/
41A Ch 8 in N Red Blue 41B Ch 20 in N Red Blue
17A Ch 9 out P Orange/ Yellow/ 17B Ch 21 out P Orange/ Yellow/
42A Ch 9 out N Red Orange 42B Ch 21 out N Red Orange
18A Ch 9 in P Green/ Yellow/ 18B Ch 21 in P Green/ Yellow/
43A Ch 9 in N Red Green 43B Ch 21 in N Red Green
19A Ch 10 out P Gray/ Yellow/ 19B Ch 22 out P Gray/ Yellow/
44A Ch 10 out N Red Brown 44B Ch 22 out N Red Brown
20A Ch 10 in P Brown/ Yellow/ 20B Ch 22 in P Brown/ Yellow/
45A Ch 10 in N Red Grey 45B Ch 22 in N Red Grey
21A Ch 11 out P Blue/ White-Blue/ 21B Ch 23 out P Blue/ White-Blue/
46A Ch 11 out N Black Blue 46B Ch 23 out N Black Blue
22A Ch 11 in P Orange/ White-Blue/ 22B Ch 23 in P Orange/ White-Blue/
47A Ch 11 in N Black Orange 47B Ch 23 in N Black Orange
23A Ch 12 out P Green/ White-Blue/ 23B Ch 24 out P Green/ White-Blue/
48A Ch 12 out N Black Green 48B Ch 24 out N Black Green
24A Ch 12 in P Gray/ White-Blue/ 24B Ch 24 in P Gray/ White-Blue/
49A Ch 12 in N Black Brown 49B Ch 24 in N Black Brown
25A Ch 25 out P Brown/ White-Blue/ 25B Ch 25 in P Brown/ White-Blue/
50A Ch 25 out N Black Grey 50B Ch 25 in N Black Grey

See Evolution Manager for setup of the LIU 25xE1 Unit

Line Interface 8xT1 Unit overview

Return to IFU overview

The 8xT1 Intfc Unit contains 8 x T1 electrical interfaces, according to the ANSI Rec; T1.102
For available interface cables, see Customer Interfaces.

Connector type: 50 positions Amplimite .050 series

Connector Channel no. and Colour code for

Pin no. Signal type cable pair
1A Ch 1 out P Blue/
26A Ch 1 out N White
2A Ch 1 in P Orange/
27A Ch 1 in N White
3A Ch 2 out P Green/
28A Ch 2 out N White
4A Ch 2 in P Gray/
29A Ch 2 in N White
5A Ch 3 out P Brown/
30A Ch 3 out N White
6A Ch 3 in P Blue/
31A Ch 3 in N Turquoise
7A Ch 4 out P Orange/
32A Ch 4 out N Turquoise
8A Ch 4 in P Green
33A Ch 4 in N Turquoise
9A Ch 5 out P Gray
34A Ch 5 out N Turquoise
10A Ch 5 in P Brown
35A Ch 5 in N Turquoise
11A Ch 6 out P Blue/
36A Ch 6 out N Yellow
12A Ch 6 in P Orange/
37A Ch 6 in N Yellow
13A Ch 7 out P Green
38A Ch 7 out N Yellow
14A Ch 7 in P Gray
39A Ch 7 in N Yellow
15A Ch 8 out P Brown
40A Ch 8 out N Yellow
16A Ch 8 in P Blue/
41A Ch 8 in N Red
17A Not used Orange/
42A Not used Red
18A Not used Green/
43A Not used Red
19A Not used Gray/
44A Not used Red
20A Not used Brown/
45A Not used Red
21A Not used Blue/
46A Not used Black
22A Not used Orange/
47A Not used Black
23A Not used Green/
48A Not used Black
24A Not used Gray/
49A Not used Black
25A Not used Brown/
50A Not used Black

See Evolution Manager for setup of the LIU 8xT1 Unit

Line Interface 16xT1 Unit overview

Return to IFU overview

The 16xT1 Intfc Unit contains 16 x T1 electrical interfaces, according to the ANSI Rec; T1.102
For available interface cables, see Customer Interfaces.

Connector type: 2x50 positions Amplimite .050 series

Connector Channel no. and Colour code for Connector Channel no. and Colour code for
Pin no. Signal type cable pair Pin no. Signal type cable pair
1A Ch 1 out P Blue/ 1B Ch 13 out P Blue/
26A Ch 1 out N White 26B Ch 13 out N White
2A Ch 1 in P Orange/ 2B Ch 13 in P Orange/
27A Ch 1 in N White 27B Ch 13 in N White
3A Ch 2 out P Green/ 3B Ch 14 out P Green/
28A Ch 2 out N White 28B Ch 14 out N White
4A Ch 2 in P Gray/ 4B Ch 14 in P Gray/
29A Ch 2 in N White 29B Ch 14 in N White
5A Ch 3 out P Brown/ 5B Ch 15 out P Brown/
30A Ch 3 out N White 30B Ch 15 out N White
6A Ch 3 in P Blue/ 6B Ch 15 in P Blue/
31A Ch 3 in N Turquoise 31B Ch 15 in N Turquoise
7A Ch 4 out P Orange/ 7B Ch 16 out P Orange/
32A Ch 4 out N Turquoise 32B Ch 16 out N Turquoise
8A Ch 4 in P Green 8B Ch 16 in P Green
33A Ch 4 in N Turquoise 33B Ch 16 in N Turquoise
9A Ch 5 out P Gray 9B Not used Gray
34A Ch 5 out N Turquoise 34B Not used Turquoise
10A Ch 5 in P Brown 10B Not used Brown
35A Ch 5 in N Turquoise 35B Not used Turquoise
11A Ch 6 out P Blue/ 11B Not used Blue/
36A Ch 6 out N Yellow 36B Not used Yellow
12A Ch 6 in P Orange/ 12B Not used Orange/
37A Ch 6 in N Yellow 37B Not used Yellow
13A Ch 7 out P Green 13B Not used Green
38A Ch 7 out N Yellow 38B Not used Yellow
14A Ch 7 in P Gray 14B Not used Gray
39A Ch 7 in N Yellow 39B Not used Yellow
15A Ch 8 out P Brown 15B Not used Brown
40A Ch 8 out N Yellow 40B Not used Yellow
16A Ch 8 in P Blue/ 16B Not used Blue/
41A Ch 8 in N Red 41B Not used Red
17A Ch 9 out P Orange/ 17B Not used Orange/
42A Ch 9 out N Red 42B Not used Red
18A Ch 9 in P Green/ 18B Not used Green/
43A Ch 9 in N Red 43B Not used Red
19A Ch 10 out P Gray/ 19B Not used Gray/
44A Ch 10 out N Red 44B Not used Red
20A Ch 10 in P Brown/ 20B Not used Brown/
45A Ch 10 in N Red 45B Not used Red
21A Ch 11 out P Blue/ 21B Not used Blue/
46A Ch 11 out N Black 46B Not used Black
22A Ch 11 in P Orange/ 22B Not used Orange/
47A Ch 11 in N Black 47B Not used Black
23A Ch 12 out P Green/ 23B Not used Green/
48A Ch 12 out N Black 48B Not used Black
24A Ch 12 in P Gray/ 24B Not used Gray/
49A Ch 12 in N Black 49B Not used Black
25A Not used Brown/ 25B Not used Brown/
50A Not used Black 50B Not used Black

See Evolution Manager for setup of the LIU 16xT1 Unit

Digital Cross Connect Unit (DXC) Overview

Return to IFU overview

The DXC Unit is required in terminals with STM-1/STS-3/OC-3 line interface.

The unit must be placed in IFU-1, slot 3. The corresponding STM-1/STS-3/OC-3 interface must be placed in IFU-1, slot 2.

The DXC Unit performs the SDH/SONET mapping and framing. The frame structure supported is AU-4\VC-4\3xTUG-3\7xTU-12\7xVC-12.
The Cross-connects from the STM-1/STS-3/OC-3 Interface to the PXC port is fixed. It is not possible to do any X-connects in the DXC Unit, they must be done in the PXC.

The unit has a SETS function for SDH/SONET synchronisation. This synchronisation signal is not transported across the link.

See Evolution Manager for setup of the DXC Unit

EOW Unit overview

Return to IFU overview

The EOW (Engineering Order Wire) Unit includes 4 ports (RJ45):

Port1; Service Telephone handset. Selective call (00 to 99) or collective call (*)
Port2; 64kb/s, G.703 Co-directional / Analog interface
Port3; 64kb/s, G.703 Co-directional / Analog interface
Port4; 4Wire transformer isolated interface



1 NC Codir data out P Codir data out P Cal out
2 NC Codir data out N Codir data out N NC
3 NC Codir data in P Codir data in P Call in
4 Tel Ring OE out P OE out P NC
5 Tel Tip OE out N OE out N 4Wire out P
6 NC Codir data in N Codir data in N 4Wire out N
7 NC OE in P OE in P 4Wire in P
8 NC OE in N OE in N 4Wire in N

See Evolution Manager for setup of the EOW Unit.

The handset connector is inserted in Port 1 of the EOW Unit.

Push the ON/OFF HOOK button for activation / de-activation of the handset. When the handset is activated, the "IN USE" lamp is lit.
Dial the number.

One number can be stored in memory.

Push the "ON/OFF HOOK" button (the "IN USE" lamp is lit).
Dial the number to be stored in memory (if required a 3s pause can be added to the number, by means of the "Pause" button).
Push the "MEM" button.
Push the "ON/OFF HOOK" button (the "IN USE" lamp is switched off).

Dial from memory

Push the "ON/OFF HOOK" button (the "IN USE" lamp is lit).
Push the "MEM" button.

This handset uses one R03/LR03/AAA battery. The battery is used for holding the handset memories (MEM and REDIAL) when the handset is disconnected from the EOW unit.
With exeption of "MEM" and "Redial" the handset is fully functional without battery,
The battery compartment is placed on the back of the handset. Before the compartment lid is removed, the connector must be unplugged from the EOW unit, and the lid screw
must be unscrewed.

Telephone holder and Mounting bracket

The Telphone holder is fastened to the Mounting bracket by means of the enclosed screws, washers and nuts.
The Mounting bracket can be placed in any position on either side of the equipment rack by turning the bracket 180°. The illustration below shows the bracket mounted with the
same screws as the IFU bracket.
Note! When unscrewing the IFU screws on one side of the IFU, the IFU must be supported until the screws are replaced.
4x64kb/s Auxiliary Unit overview

Return to IFU overview

The 4x64kb/s Auxiliary Unit includes 4 ports (RJ45):

The Unit contains interfaces for 4, 64kb/s channels:

2 according to ITU-T Rec.G703, co-dir. timing
1 according to ITU-T Rec.G703, contra-dir. timing
1 according to ITU-T Rec. V.11 Contra-/CO-dir. timing without byte timing.



1 Contra data out N Codir data out P Codir data out P V11 data out N
2 Contra data out P Codir data out N Codir data out N V11 data out P
3 Contra clock out P NC NC V11 clock out N
4 Contra clock out N NC NC V11 clock out P
5 Contra data in P Codir data in P Codir data in P V11 data in N
6 Contra data in N Codir data in N Codir data in N V11 data in P
7 Contra clock in P NC NC V11 clock in N
8 Contra clock in N NC NC V11 clock in P

See Evolution Manager for setup of the 4x64kb/s Unit

Alarm & Control Unit Overview

Return to IFU overview

The Alarm & Control Auxiliary Unit includes 4 ports (RJ45):

The main functions of the unit are:

Collection of alarms from external equipment

Control of external processes
Access to analogue readings from external equipment
Mapping of equipment alarms to relay outputs.


1 Analog 1 Alm In 1 P Alm In 5 P Relay 1 P
2 Analog 2 Alm In 1 N Alm In 5 N Relay 1 N
3 Analog 3 Alm In 2 P Alm In 6 P Relay 2 P
4 Analog 4 Alm In 2 N Alm In 6 N Relay 2 N
5 Analog 5 Alm In 3 P Alm In 7 P Relay 3 P
6 Analog 6 Alm In 3 N Alm In 7 N Relay 3 N
7 Analog 7 Alm In 4 P Alm In 8 P Relay 4 P
8 Common AD Ground Alm In 4 N Alm In 8 N Relay 4 N

See Evolution Manager for setup of the Alarm & Control Unit
Transceiver (XCVR) / Outdoor Unit (ODU) Overview
The ODU consists of a transceiver and a diplexer unit interconnected by means of coaxial connectors (5 to 11 GHz) or waveguide interface (13 GHz <).
The figure below shows the features and interfaces.
Transceiver (XCVR) / Outdoor Unit (ODU) Overview
The ODU consists of a transceiver and a diplexer unit interconnected by means of coaxial connectors (5 to 11 GHz) or waveguide interface (13 GHz <).
The figure below shows the features and interfaces.
Transceiver (XCVR) / Outdoor Unit (ODU) Overview
The ODU consists of a transceiver and a diplexer unit interconnected by means of coaxial connectors (5 to 11 GHz) or waveguide interface (13 GHz <).
The figure below shows the features and interfaces.
Transceiver (XCVR) / Outdoor Unit (ODU) Overview
The ODU consists of a transceiver and a diplexer unit interconnected by means of coaxial connectors (5 to 11 GHz) or waveguide interface (13 GHz <).
The figure below shows the features and interfaces.
Transceiver (XCVR) / Outdoor Unit (ODU) Overview
The ODU consists of a transceiver and a diplexer unit interconnected by means of coaxial connectors (5 to 11 GHz) or waveguide interface (13 GHz <).
The figure below shows the features and interfaces.
Transceiver (XCVR) / Outdoor Unit (ODU) Overview
The ODU consists of a transceiver and a diplexer unit interconnected by means of coaxial connectors (5 to 11 GHz) or waveguide interface (13 GHz <).
The figure below shows the features and interfaces.
Transceiver (XCVR) / Outdoor Unit (ODU) Overview
The ODU consists of a transceiver and a diplexer unit interconnected by means of coaxial connectors (5 to 11 GHz) or waveguide interface (13 GHz <).
The figure below shows the features and interfaces.
Transceiver (XCVR) / Outdoor Unit (ODU) Overview
The ODU consists of a transceiver and a diplexer unit interconnected by means of coaxial connectors (5 to 11 GHz) or waveguide interface (13 GHz <).
The figure below shows the features and interfaces.
XCVR types
Standard Power: 6-38 GHz
High Power: 4-11 GHz
SD High Power: 4-11 GHz

ODU / Transceiver Marking

There are 3 labels on the ODU;

One XCVR identification label, placed on the tranceiver right side (seen from front).
One Diplexer identification label, placed on one side of the Diplexer.
One ODU identification label, placed on the Diplexer (opposite side of Diplexer identification label)

See illustrations below:




(placed on
opposite side of
Coupler Marking
See illustrations below:

Channel Marking Channel Marking Coupler identification label

Symetrical Asymetrical
Couplers Couplers
How to contact Ceragon

Address: Ceragon Networks

Kokstadveien 23
P.O. Box 7090
N-5020 Bergen

Telephone: +47 55 22 51 00

Fax: +47 55 22 52 99

Link to Technical Support

Local offices contact details

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