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Trados Studio

Level 2 Training Course

Reviewing Translations

RWS Confidential 1
Table of Contents
About reviewing translations ................................................................................................................................... 3
Creating the sample project .................................................................................................................................... 3
Reviewing the pre-translated file ............................................................................................................................. 4
Opening the file for review................................................................................................................................... 4
Tracking changes ................................................................................................................................................ 5
View options for tracked changes ....................................................................................................................... 6
Adding comments ............................................................................................................................................... 7
Previewing the edited file .................................................................................................................................... 9
Completing the review ....................................................................................................................................... 10
Exporting the file for review outside Studio ........................................................................................................... 11
Removing the comments and resolving the changes ............................................................................................ 14
Summary ............................................................................................................................................................... 16

RWS Confidential 2
About reviewing translations
In this chapter you will learn how to review translated documents by applying tracked changes and
adding comments in Studio. You will also learn how to use tracked changes and comments when
doing a review outside of Studio, which is useful when the person doing the review does not have
You can find the sample document for this exercise in the following folder:
..\Sample Files\04 - Review processes\Incident Report.docx

Creating the sample project

Start by created a new project including the above sample file for translation. Name the project
something like Incident Report. Choose English as the source language and your preferred target

On the Translation Resources page (step 3 of the wizard) create an empty file TM and add the
Language Cloud machine translation provider, as shown in the following screenshot:

On the Batch Tasks page (step 5 of the wizard), change the settings for the Pre-translate Files task
as follows. Under When no match found, select Apply automated translation, as shown in the
following screenshot, so that Studio pre-populates the file with machine translation suggestions when
creating the project. .

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� In this exercise, we will use machine translation to generate a quick initial translation
for review. Of course, you could also translate the file yourself and review it in a second
step. In technical terms, there is no difference between reviewing a human translation
and machine translation results.

Reviewing the pre-translated file

Once the project has been created, switch to the Files view.

Opening the file for review

Make sure the pre-translated sample file is selected in the file list, and then click Open for Review in
the ribbon.

Up to now we have always opened the file by double-clicking it, which opens it in translation mode.
When you open the file for review, on the other hand, the following happens:

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 The file opens in the Editor view in the same way as for translation, but the layout of the
editor is slightly different. The document is shown on top, with the window with the
Translation Results at the bottom. The review layout assumes that the Translation Results
window is less important for review than for translation.

 By default, the Term Recognition window is not shown. If you want to display it, go to the
View tab of the ribbon and select Term Recognition.

 Most importantly, the Track Changes function is switched on by default. To check this, switch
to the Review tab of the ribbon. Note that the Track Changes button is active. You can click
this button to disable track changes if you want to review without tracking the changes. For
the purpose of this exercise, however, we want our changes to be tracked, so we will leave
the button active.

💡 You can still track your changes if the file has been opened for translation. In this
case, you will need to activate the track changes function on the Review tab.

Tracking changes
We will now apply a few changes to the pre-translated document. In the following examples, we will
be working with a translation into German. If you are working with a different target language, you will
obviously have different translation results. This exercise works best if you try to apply meaningful
changes to your individual translation results, whatever language they are in.

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Let us assume that the first segment does not require editing. Confirm it by pressing Ctrl+Enter or by
clicking Confirm in the ribbon.

Note that in review mode the confirmation icon is not the green pencil familiar from translation mode,
but a magnifying glass with a check mark, as shown in the following screenshot:

This icon signifies the status Translation Approved (instead of Translated), indicating that the
segment was confirmed by a reviewer.
Let us imagine that you want to change a word in the second segment, for example:

Since track changes is active by default in review mode, the original word will be crossed out, and the
new word underlined.
Move the mouse pointer over the deleted or added word. You will see the name of the user who made
the change and the date of the change in a tooltip. In other words, there is a record of who changed
what and when.
Also note that, when you start editing, the segment is marked with the following icon:

The magnifying glass with the red cross signifies the status Translation Rejected, which indicates
that the reviewer was not happy with this translation for some reason. Segments with this status are
by default not added to the TM until you confirm them.
Let us assume that we want to leave the rejected segment unconfirmed for the moment. Use the
Arrow down key to move to segment 3 without confirming segment 2. We will also assume that we
are happy with segments 3 and 4 as they are, so simply confirm them.
We will be looking at tracked changes in more depth in the next section, so now apply some changes
to segments 5 and 6, such as the following:

View options for tracked changes

Documents that contain a lot of changes can sometimes be difficult to read. For this reason, it is
possible to hide the change markup, as follows:

1. Make sure that you have selected the Review tab of the ribbon.

2. Click Show Markup, which will display the three available options:

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 No Markup shows the revised version of the segments. This is how the document will look
once you accept the changes.

 Show Original shows the version of the document before any revisions. This is how the
document would look if you rejected all the changes.

 The default option is Show Markup, which shows the tracked changes.

Leave the Show Markup option selected and go through the remaining segments, applying changes
at your discretion. Confirm any segments that do not need to be edited.
When you have finished editing the whole document, it will look something like this:

Adding comments

As part of tracking changes, you can also add comments. Comments are useful in situations such as
 you want to explain why you made a change

 you want to leave a note for others, such as the translator, customer, or project manager.

In the last segment we replaced the term Teile with Elemente. Imagine that you want to explain that
you made this change because of a new terminological convention. Take the following steps:

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1. Click inside the added or deleted word.

2. Then click Add Comment in the ribbon. Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcut

3. This opens the Add Comment window, where you can type your comment text, for example,
This is according to the new terminological convention. Click OK to confirm.

4. The commented string will be highlighted as shown below:

Move the mouse pointer over the highlighted string. This will display a tool tip with the comment text
and the name of the person who added the comment.
As an exercise, add two or three more comments to changes that you made previously.

💡 Comments can have three severity levels: For your information, Warning, and

Studio will apply different background colors to the commented strings depending on the
selected severity level. You can draw special attention to a specific comment by marking
it with Warning or Error. Note that when you apply a comment with the severity level
Error to a confirmed segment, it will be marked as not confirmed.

Of course, you can also add comments to segments that do not contain any changes. Imagine that
you want to add a comment to segment 3, which we confirmed without modification. Click inside
target segment 3 and add a comment, such as: I think this translation is okay, but you may want to
If you do not select a particular change or a particular string, the comment will apply to the whole
segment, which will then be highlighted in its entirety, as shown in the following screenshot:

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💡 You can use the display filter to show only segments that contain comments or
tracked changes. In this way, you can isolate potentially problematic segments to deal
with, for example, at the start of the review process.

Previewing the edited file

You may wonder whether the tracked changes and comments are also visible in the MS Word target
version. To test this out, create a preview with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+P. The Word
document will look as shown below:

From this example you can see that the tracked changes have been carried over into the target Word
file. Comments that you applied to the translation in Studio are, however, by default not carried over
into the target document. To change the project settings so that comments are also transferred to the
target document, take the following steps:

1. Click Project Settings.

2. Select File Types -> Microsoft Word 2007 – 2019 -> Common.

3. Select the checkbox Retain Studio target comments in target file, highlighted at the bottom
of the following screenshot. Click OK to confirm the change, and then re-generate the preview
file, which will now also show the target comments.

RWS Confidential 9
💡 The option to retain comments in the target file is also available for MS Excel and MS
PowerPoint. Tracked changes, however, are only retained for MS Word files. Within
Studio itself, you can add comments and apply tracked changes in the editor when
handling any file format, such as when translating and reviewing XML, HTML, InDesign,
and other formats, although tracked changes and comments are not retained in the
target documents for these formats.

Completing the review

Let us assume that we have finished reviewing the document. In the ribbon, click Complete Review.

You will now be prompted to confirm whether you want to complete the review. Click Yes, which will
save the document and close it. If there are segments that you did not explicitly confirm, they will
automatically be set to the status Translation Approved at this point. This means that they will be
marked with the following icon:

Segments that you changed and left unconfirmed will retain their rejected status, as signified by the
following icon:

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In the Files view the file progress indicator will look something like as shown below:

The progress value is likely to be different in your case, as you will have made a different number of
changes than in our explanation. All the same, we have rejected a few segments, and so the progress
value will not be 100%.

Exporting the file for review outside Studio

Imagine that you now want another person to do a second review. However, this person does not
have Studio. In this situation, it is possible to export the file to a bilingual MS Word document so that it
can be reviewed outside Studio. To do this, take the following steps:

1. Right-click the file, and then select Batch Tasks -> Export for Bilingual Review.

2. In the Batch Processing window, click Finish, which will trigger the export to MS Word.

3. Click Close. You will then be prompted to open the folder that contains the export file. Click
Yes, as this will make locating the export file much easier.

4. Double-click the sub-folder which corresponds to your target language (for example, de-DE).

5. Now double-click the export file to open it in MS Word. The file will look something like this:

RWS Confidential 11
The export file offers a side-by-side view similar to the Editor view in Studio. Tracked changes and
comments made in Studio have been carried over to the export document. This is the document that
you would send to the second reviewer.
Note that character formatting is not shown. Instead, the document uses tags such as <5> to retain
formatting information. These tags should not be altered or removed when the export document is
reviewed, as this will affect the formatting of the target document.
You can only make changes to the plain text. Please abstain from adding paragraph marks, inserting
new sentences, or making any other structural changes.
The track changes function is by default enabled in the export document. Imagine that you are now
the second reviewer, who is working in the export document. Let us assume that you want to edit the
first segment, which is the document headline. Re-formulate it and add a comment to the segment,
such as that as shown in the following screenshot:

Feel free to make more changes and add more comments. When you have finished, save the review
document and close it.
Our challenge is now to re-integrate the changes and comments from the export document into
Studio. You can import the changes from the review document back into the bilingual Studio file by
taking the following steps:

1. It is a good idea first to copy the path of the folder that contains the review file. This will make
it much easier to find the file when you import it into Studio. To do this, select and copy the
folder path in Windows Explorer, as shown in the following screenshot:

2. Now go back to Studio, right-click the project file, and select Batch Tasks -> Update from
Bilingual Review.

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3. In the Batch Processing window, click Next.

4. Right-click the project file, then select Add Specific Review Document.

5. If you have saved the path of the review file to your Windows clipboard, it will now come in
useful. Paste the path into the File name field, and then press Enter. This will show the
review file, which you then select by double-clicking it.

6. Your project file will now be mapped to the review file, as shown in the following screenshot:

7. Click Finish to start the import, and then click Close when the import has finished.

8. In the Editor, open the project file for review. Observe that the changes and comments that
you applied in MS Word have been imported into the Studio document:

💡 Exporting for external review works for all file formats supported by Studio, not only MS
Word. You can therefore send files in formats such as XML, InDesign, and FrameMaker for
external review in this way. The external review document will always be a bilingual Word file,
regardless of the original document format.

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Removing the comments and resolving the changes
Once all of the review cycles have been completed, you will want to resolve the changes by accepting
or rejecting them. You may also want to remove any remaining comments before finalizing the project
and creating the final target version.
To resolve the changes, take the following steps:

1. Select the Review tab of the ribbon.

2. Click Accept to accept the first change. This will take you to the next change, which you can
also accept.

3. Go through and accept or reject all of the changes in the document as desired. To accept all
of the changes in one go, click Accept -> Accept All Changes in Document.

To remove the comments, take the following steps:

1. Select the Comments tab below the document.

2. This tab lists all of the comments in the current document and includes information such as
the comment text, severity level, comment date/time, and the name of the user who added
the comment. You can also click a comment in the list to jump straight to it in the editor.

3. To delete a comment, select it and click Delete Comment.

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4. You can also delete all of the comments in one go by clicking Delete All Target Comments
in Active Document.

💡 Comments are not stored in the TM, only in the SDLXLIFF document.

Accepting or rejecting changes does not change the confirmations status of the segments. This
means that a number of segments may still have the Translation Rejected status. To set all of the
segments to Translation Approved take the following steps:

1. Press Alt+Shift+A to select all of the segments.

2. Right-click any segment number, and then select Change Segment Status -> Translation
Approved, as shown in the following screenshot:

3. Finally, save the document and close it.

Now run the Finalize batch task on the project file. This will create the final target version and update
the TM with the fully reviewed and approved content.

💡 Tracked changes are not stored in the TM. The TM stores only the final version of a

RWS Confidential 15
 When you open a file for review in Studio, the track changes functionality is enabled by

 When you confirm a segment in review mode, it is marked with the Translation Approved

 You can enable and disable the track changes function from the Review tab of the ribbon.

 Changes are tracked just like in MS Word, which means that deletions are crossed-out and
insertions underlined as you type. Hovering with the mouse pointer over a changed string will
show a tool tip with information such as when the change was made and by whom.

 When you change a segment without confirming it, it will have the Translation Rejected

 You can add comments to the bilingual file, for example to explain why a specific change was

 The project settings can be configured to retain target comments in the target file. This is
possible only for MS Office files.

 For MS Word files, the tracked changes are also visible in the MS Word target file.

 You can export Studio files to a bilingual MS Word file, which can then be given to a reviewer
who does not work with Studio.

 This review file shows the source and target segments in a side-by-side view and reflects any
tracked changes and comments made in Studio.

 Reviewers can make changes and add comments to the bilingual MS Word file.

 You can import the reviewed Word file into Studio, thereby incorporating into the bilingual
Studio file tracked changes and comments made by the reviewer in MS Word.

 Finally, you can resolve tracked changes by accepting or rejecting them in Studio. Rejecting
or accepting changes does not automatically confirm the segments.

 At the end of the review process, you can finalize the file or project, which will update the TM
with the fully reviewed and approved content.

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