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DATE : 4, 5 & 6 August 2008


• Explore the needs of having Web CM &
Enterprise CMS and learn how it can work
for your organization
• Analyze and discover workable solutions
WHOSHOULDATTEND for your content management challenges
• Learn to make cost effective decisions
today that impact your organization down
the road.
• Exposure to proven new ideas and
• Identify better business processes for
managing content on and off the web
• Discover latest technologies to develop,
This highly-interactive workshop will focus on the capture and manage content to improve
business/technical aspects of web content business processes.
management and enterprise content management • Enhance business intelligence by knowing
system. It will be highly relevant for any effective knowledge management
organization looking to select and implement a • Utilizing ECM as a precise decision-
making tool for operational excellence
content management system. Anyone involved in
• Improve ECM by using various Extensible
content management will gain value from this Markup Languages
workshop, including: • Return to the office with tested solutions
• IT Managers and staff and critical tips and techniques from the
• Website managers industry's leading expert.
• Website development team/editor • Peer-to-peer Networking opportunity
• Technical Documentation Managers
• CM project managers
• IT Professionals
• Government Representatives
• Business Executives
• Vendors involved in developing,
marketing, and maintaining products and
• Marketing group

Your website can be an extremely valuable
tool for your organization. Basically it provides
a medium for consistent branding. Fast,
effective, useful and up-to-date web content
are what customers expect from
organizations. The main idea of a website is to
have its processes and tools in place to
ensure that the site delivers clear business
values. Web content management systems
(CMS) have been recognised as the best way
to bring order to an unstructured site, making
it easier to quickly publish content, while
supporting more effective management
Within the marketplace, however, there are This two-day workshop is designed to give
hundreds of CMS products, all offering widely you the knowledge and skills needed to
different capabilities. The challenge therefore develop an effective web content management
becomes to select the right product for your strategy, select the right tools, and
organisation. Beyond this, these solutions ensure your CMS implementation successful.
must be implemented in a way that delivers Apart from this, you will find the people secret
short-term benefits while ensuring long-term to further enhance your deployments. This
sustainability and viability. workshop will then wrap up by providing the
latest trends and development in the industry.
Strategic management of information is critical
to any organisation seeking to find coherent The one-day workshop is designed to give
and critical competitive edge. With the you further insides to implementing Enterprise
explosion of data coursing through the Content Management. Also various mark up
corporate systems, traditional data language and some of the standards used to
management technologies are threatening to publish technical content are discussed and
buckle under the tremendous pressure For illustrated with case studies. This workshop will
businesses aspiring to prevent countless data conclude by giving future direction and new
being lost, Enterprise Content Management business opportunity by venturing into new
initiatives have to be implemented swiftly and developments in this area.
unambiguously to deliver organisational

DAY 1, 4 August 2008 DAY 2, 5 August 2008

8.00: Registration, Refreshment & Networking 8.00am: Registration, Refreshment & Networking
Session 1 - Introduction to Web Content Management Session 1: Delivering cost-effective Enterprise CMS solutions
• The need for Web Content Management (Web CM) • Analyze business requirements, content assets and
• The challenges of managing a web presence workflow processes
• The opportunities for improvement in managing web • Document detailed requirements and testing criteria
content • Selecting the right Enterprise CMS
• The history of Web Content Management Systems (Web • Tailoring the Enterprise CMS to address identified
CMSs) requirements
• The typical features of a Web CMS • Managing the Enterprise CMS implementation project
• How a Web CMS can benefit your organization • Minimizing the impact of a CMS on the technology
Session Goal: To get a comprehensive overview on Web Content infrastructure
Management. • Case Studies of highly successful Enterprise CMS
Session 2 – Defining an effective Web CM strategy Session goal: To achieve a total cost effective Enterprise CMS
• How to select the right Web CMS solution by addressing details of implementations.
• How to identify your company needs for Web CM
• Capturing detailed business requirements Session 2 - Avoiding Common Challenges in Enterprise CMS
• Identifying essential technical requirements Implementations
• Acquiring a cost-effective Web CMS • Identifying common problems
• Implementation considerations ƒ Rigid workflows
• Definition of Web CM roles and responsibilities in an ƒ Complex application interfaces
organization ƒ Inflexible content models
• Design of Web CM workflow processes ƒ Impacts on users and stakeholders
ƒ Content conversion issues
• Establishing a long-term Web CM strategy
• Deploying effective strategies to address these problems
• Realizing the benefits of Web CM
Session Goal: To have an insight of the various components that • Case Studies of CMS implementation challenges and how
allows organization to have an effective Web content management they were addressed
strategy Session Goal: To manage challenges of implementation with ease
by understanding common problems and solutions.
Session 3 - Understanding Enterprise Content Management
(ECM) Session 3 - Achieving business objectives with an effective
CMS Implementation
• Purpose of ECM
• Streamlining complex processes
• How ECM can impact your organization
• Reducing costs associated with globalization including
• Where CM is now and where is the market going
• Developing an ECM strategy that is unique to your
• Saving time and money on publishing processes
• Accelerating time to market for publications and products
• The role of Content Management Systems (CMSs)
• Improving content quality and usefulness
• The relationships between Web CMSs and more general
CMSs • Increasing revenues through better reuse of content
Session Goal: To manage processes and content efficiently to
• Case studies of successful CMS deployments that have
achieve business objectives.
returned excellent ROI
Session goal: To have an overall understanding of content
Session 4 - Current Trends in Content Management
management with case studies illustrating the success of
implementation. • Market trends and industry developments
• The future of automated multi-channel publishing
Session 4 - The people aspect to implementing an effective • Application licensing versus service-provisioning for CMSs
Enterprise CMS • The growing importance of industry standards
• Understanding all of the stakeholders in the Enterprise • The impact of Web 2.0 technology
CMS Session Goal: To get ahead by knowing the current and future
• Ensuring a good alignment of the technology and the trends in the industry.
supported business processes
• Building a successful Enterprise CMS project team
• Designing solutions for all stakeholders and not as simple
technical implementations
• Building a common culture between implementers and
the stakeholders who will use the system
• Ensuring the Enterprise CMS is responsive to changing
stakeholder requirements
Session goal: To realize the function and responsibilities of people
in implementing an effective Enterprise CMS.

DAY 3, 6 August 2008

8.00am: Registration, Refreshment & Networking Session 3 – The Importance of the Extensible Markup
Session 1: Putting Enterprise Content Management (ECM) into Language (XML)
a Global Context • The origins and central features of XML
• Why ECM is becoming critical in a global economy • Key development standards (XSLT, XQuery and others)
• How ECM builds on the benefits of workgroup Content • Mainstream vendor support for XML (Microsoft, IBM, Oracle,
Management (CM) and others)
• How ECM can change traditional cost centres into • Important industry standards for using XML
innovative profit centres • Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA)
• S1000D
• What makes ECM different from other areas of technology
and business investment • Metadata and Syndication standards
• Open Office Documents
• How ECM relates to Lean Manufacturing, Business Agility
• How XML enabled ECM solutions are designed and what makes
and Six Sigma
them different
• What is the connection of ECM to Knowledge
• Why XML is so important for ECM
Session Goal: To have a basic understanding of a few Extensible
• What changes are making the management of knowledge Markup
critical and how does ECM help Languages.
• What technologies combine to constitute Smart Enterprise
Suites Session 4 – Content 2.0: The future of Enterprise Content
• How ECM enables a synergy between technology and Management
business • The impact of XML on technology design, development and
Session Goal: To know how ECM can contribute to better profits of deployment
an organization while discovering existing synergy between • The growing importance of Software as a Service (SaaS) for
technology and business. ECM
• The emergence and importance of the Web 2.0 phenomenon
Session 2 - Establishing an Integrated Content Strategy • The nature and meaning of Content 2.0
• Understanding enterprise content and its context • The rise of the Semantic Web and the associated Knowledge
• Performing a content audit Technologies
• Analyzing content to understand its structure, meaning, • New opportunities for businesses in leveraging these new
role and value developments
• Formalizing a model of enterprise content Session Goal: To get some direction on future development of
• Ensuring that content assets can be protected against ECM by
common threats means of technology advancements.
• Determining the role of open information standards for
enterprise content
• Establishing virtual relationships with external partners to
maximize agility
• Establishing a governing Content Architecture as the
basis of an Integrated Content Strategy
Session Goal: To get a comprehensive view on enterprise content
and establishing an intergraded content strategy.

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