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Name: __________________________________________ Nº : ____ Date: _______ / _______ / __________

Nº Class : _________
Date: ___________________________________________________ 6th FORM


A- Write in the 3rd person (HE/SHE/IT):

be - ______________________ have- ________________________ carry- ________________________

go - _____________________ talk- _________________________ bring- ________________________
come - ___________________ cook- ________________________ enjoy- ________________________
travel - ___________________ give- ________________________ drive- ________________________
cry - _____________________ begin- ________________________ have- ________________________

B-Complete the sentences with the verbs in the present simple.

1. Joe ________________________ (enjoy) the party.

2. We ________________________(have- negative) dinner together.

3. Jenny ________________________(watch) the film .

4. Carol and I ________________________(come) home for lunch.

5. You ________________________ (cut) your hair.

6. She________________________(brush) her teeth after breakfast.

7. My sister ________________________ (play – negative) football with friends.

8. We ________________________ (buy - negative) a new car.

9. Jessica ________________________ (be) late for class

10. My parents ________________________(build) a new house.

11. Sheila’s school ________________________ ( begin) at 8:30.

12. I ________________________ an orange juice; my sister ____________________coca cola. ( drink)

13. Sheila __________________Spanish well; her parents________________Spanish too. (speak - negative)
14. Sheila’s mother ________________________ (make ) the beds in the morning.
15. My sister ________________________ ( carry) a big bag in her hand
16. They ________________________ (smoke - negative) at school.
17. Jack ________________________ (live - negative) with me.
18. Sheila and Ted _____________________ (like) coffee very much.
19. Michael Scott _____________________ (be) a very busy and intelligent man.
20. Her parents _____________________. (have got) many friends
21. My cousin _____________________ (enjoy) fishing.
C- Write sentences about Calvin and Hobbes in the affirmative ( ) and negative () . Use:
*Go to school * have classes *have breakfast *play baseball

*have lunch *order a pizza *watch tv * go to bed *study

  

_____________________________ ________________________________ ____________________________

_____________________________ ________________________________ ____________________________

  

_____________________________ ________________________________ ____________________________

_____________________________ ________________________________ ____________________________

   

_____________________________ ________________________________ ____________________________

_____________________________ ________________________________ ____________________________

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