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possible variation in road geometries, traffic flow conditions, and built-environmental factors

actually observed in Indian roadways are taken into consideration to possess an extensive database.
The perception survey mainly intended to collect various information & perceived TLOS scores
at study sites. The participants were asked to rate their satisfaction levels as they perceived while
crossing through the concerned intersections. These ratings were collected using a Likert scale of
1=highly satisfied and 6=highly dissatisfied, and denoted as perceived TLOS scores. Hence, the
Spearman’s correlation analysis was preferred for the identification of significant variables as this
technique is capable of analyzing both continuous and ordinal variables.
• First, several combinations and/or transformations (e.g., square, inverse, exponential,
logarithmic, etc.) of the input parameters will be carried out,
• Second, each variable will be included in the regression analysis either in its original form or in
its modified form (combined, transformed or both), and its coefficient will be estimated, and
• Finally, the significance (p-value) of each coefficient will be tested.

The appropriate parameters were chosen accordingly for the calculation and grading of Level of
Service of trucks which will lead us to the modelling by putting the data sets. The results from the
video camera analysis of unsignalized intersections will be put into Regression based model and
coefficient of determination R2 values will be found to check the reliability of parameters. From
the above consideration a model is developed which is best fit into the required problem.

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