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A set is a collection of objects or elements.

1. Equal Sets:
Two sets A and B can be equal only if each element of set A is also the
element of the set B.
Also, if two sets are the subsets of each other, they contain the same
elements and they are said to be equal.
When two sets have the same elements, we say they are equal. The
order of the elements does not matter, only that the same elements
are present. For example: {2, 4, 6, 8} and {8, 4, 6, 2}.

2. Subset: Set A is said to be a subset of set B if all the elements of set A

are also present in set B.
In other words, set A is contained inside Set B.
If set A = {X, Y} and set B = {X, Y, Z}, then A is the subset of B because
elements of A are also present in set B.

3. Superset
In set theory, set A is considered as the superset of B, if all the elements
of set B are the elements of set A.
If set A = {1, 2, 3, 4} and set B = {1, 3, 4}, we can say that set A is the
superset of B. As the elements of B [1, 3, 4] are in set A.
Superset Symbol:
The superset is represented by using the symbol “⊃”. For example, the
set A is the superset of set B, then it is symbolically it is represented as
A ⊃ B.
4. Proper subset: (The symbol "⊂" means "is a proper subset)
A proper subset of a set A is a subset of A that is not equal to A.
In other words, if B is a proper subset of A, then all elements of B are in
A but A contains at least one element that is not in B.
If A= {1,3,5} then B= {1,5} is a proper subset of A.

5. Improper subset: (The symbol "⊆" means "is an improper subset)

A subset which contains all the elements of the original set is called an
improper subset.
Set A = {2,4,6} Then, the subsets of A are: {}, {2}, {4}, {6}, {2,4}, {4,6},
{2,6} and {2,4,6}.
If B= {2,4,6} (original set)
A= {6,4,2}
Then B is the improper subset of A.

6. Empty/Null Set:
An empty set is a set that contains no elements or no member. It is
denoted as ∅ or {}.
Empty set is also known as null or set void set.
Empty set is a finite set.
Let A = {x: 9 < x < 10, x is a natural number} then answer will be a null
set because there is NO natural number between numbers 9 and 10.

7. Singleton set:
If a set contains only one element, then it is called a singleton set.
Singleton set is also known as a unit set or one-point set.
The cardinality of a singleton set is one. The singleton set has two
subsets. Null set is a subset of every singleton set. The two subsets of a
singleton set are the null set, and the singleton set itself.
A = {x : x ϵ N and x3 = 27} is a singleton set with a single element {3}

8. Cardinality of a set: (cardinality is represented as |A| or n(A) or #A)

The cardinality of a set is the total number of unique elements in a set.
If A has only a finite number of elements, its cardinality is simply a
number of elements in A.
Example: if A = {2,4,6,8,10}, then |A|=5.
D= ∅ then cardinality of D = 0.

9. Power set: (Power set is represented as P(A) )

A set containing all the subsets of a set, the set itself and the empty set
is called power set.
Formula of power set is 2n. (where ‘n’ is the cardinality of a set)
A = {1, 2} then power set of A is P(A) = {∅, {1}, {2}, {1, 2}}.
B = ∅ then the power set of B is 1 [(2n) where n = 0 then 20 =1]
C = {∅} then power set of C = 2 [(2n) where n = 1 then 21 =2] {∅, {∅}}

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