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Nayana E R, 2PS Priyanka and 3Vidhya Vinayachandran, Department of Commerce and
Management, Amrita School of Arts and Sciences, Kochi, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham,


Academic stress mainly includes mental afflictions which is due to academic demands or
failures. Academic stress come to light mostly from the aspects in the students’ environment
such as college, home, peer to peer relations, and financial problems .The main aim of the study
is to know the academic stress among college students. Kaur (2014) concede that mental health
of students arise mainly due to academic stress.This study points out the factors affecting
academic stress, problems caused by academic stress and techniques to manage them. For this
purpose a questionnaire was prepared after considering various aspects of academic stress. A
sample of 133 students were collected out of which 85 were female and 48 were male.
Understanding the various sources of academic stress would help the students to tackle them by
using various techniques and it often helps the college to keep a close check on the students and
to implement stress management techniques in the college.

Keywords: Stress; Academic stress; college students; students’environment;Stress management


Nayana E R, 2PS PriyankaB.Com (Taxation and Finance)Department of Commerce and
Management, Amrita School of Arts and Sciences, Kochi,Amrita VishwaVidyapeetham,
India3Vidhya Vinayachandran (Asst.Professor ) Department of Commerce and Management,
Amrita School of Arts and Sciences, Kochi,AmritaVishwaVidyapeetham, India

Volume XIII, Issue VI, JUNE 2020 Page No: 376


Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension which makes you feel frustrated, angry or
nervous. For many young adults, college is the best time of life. These critical years can also be
undermined by depression, anxiety and stress. College life is considered as golden period in a
person’s life. It is in college that an adolescent enjoys the vibrant environment, the company of
friends, and the various academic and co-curricular activities, which enriches nurtures and
prepares the adolescent for adulthood. College students experience a crucial period where they
enter adulthood. Therefore it necessitates stress management abilities among college students to
live a healthy life. Adolescence is a transition between childhood and adulthood. Adolescence is
a dangerous period of time where young people experience self organization and role confusion.
For them, stress mainly comes from academic tests, interpersonal relations, relationship
problems, life changes, and career exploration. Such stress may usually cause psychological,
physical and behavioral problems.

Growing Indian economy creates extensive opportunity for students and young people to develop
prosperous career. It is important not only for a student to recognize academic stress symptoms
but for administrators and faculty members to recognize a change in their student’s behavior.
There are four primary symptoms of stress: physical, emotional, cognitive and behavioral.
Individuals can experience symptoms from one or all categories. Physical symptoms include:
disrupted digestion, twitching or shaking, headaches, nausea, trouble sleeping, unusual changes
in weight, and heartburn. Emotional symptoms include: impatience, feeling of sadness,
restlessness, irritability and loss of interest. Cognitive symptoms include: impaired
concentration, trouble remembering homework or deadlines, chronic worrying, reduced
judgment, impaired speech and unwanted thoughts. Behavioral symptoms include: change in
sleep and eating habits, use of drugs, delay in completing daily responsibilities, change in school
performance, social isolation, lying, and trouble getting along with peers. Transitioning from a
dependent student living at home with their parents to an independent college student can create
a stressful environment. A student may start eating poorly which can leads to less exercise,
leading to poor sleep habits and then overall their academic performance may suffer. Some of the
factors that cause academic stress are:

Volume XIII, Issue VI, JUNE 2020 Page No: 377


 Exam Stress: Exams are a source of tension, stress and anxiety for many students as they
are highly pressurized by their parents and teachers to perform well in the exams.
 Teachers’ expectations: Teachers want work to be completed by the specified deadline.
The students have to work very hard to complete their assignments, project work etc.
 Social Comparison: It is a very common trend among the Indian parents to compare
their child’s academic ability with their own older children or with their wards peers.
 Parents’ expectations: Parents expect their wards to come out with flying colors
ignoring the individual differences in the ability to perform well in academics. Their high
expectations from their children regarding high scores, clearing semester etc.


Reddy et al. (2018) concluded that academic stress exist coursewise. Some of the remedies
recommended in the study include feedback, yoga, life skill training, mind fullness, meditation
and psychotherapy have been found to deal stress. It is important for a person to identify the
reason of stress in order to deal with it. Curbing stress among college of students is important not
only for the individual but for the institution as well.

Dimitrov (2017) studied that the students should give more importance to their welfare that they
should concentrate more on areas such as food, exercise, work, recreation etc. The study also
pointed out that education system should contribute more with the academic qualifications and
thus, helps in the development of the students. English is the only available option that can act as
a hindrance for the students from rural background.

Sharma et al. (2016) focused on various methods to curb stress. Working out regularly is one of
the best ways to relax your body and mind. One can also use the idea of various time
management techniques and get engage with leisure activities which can benefit students. Also,
it was suggested that colleges should adopt measures to reduce the stress. Change in the way of
communication towards the students may lead to lack of stress.

Prabu (2015) concentrated on the higher secondary students and reported that stress among male
students are more than female. Urban are more stressful than the rural students. The stress of

Volume XIII, Issue VI, JUNE 2020 Page No: 378


Government school students is lower than private school students. Students from science stream
are more stressed than students from arts.

Deb et al. (2014) revealed that academic stress in the form of exam anxiety is prevalent among
male students in the State of Kolkata. It is stated that students with average grades were said to
have higher level of stress as compared to students with above average grades. Also, students
engaged in extra-curricular activities were having more stress as compared to those students who
were not involved with it.

Khan and Kausar (2013) concluded that stress affects academic performance of students but
there was no difference as per the gender. But it was clearly evident between junior and 10
senior. Stress affects the ability to study efficiently and managing the time. The study concluded
that regular study, time management, helps to reduce academic pressure.

Joels at el (2011) concluded that during stress, two factors are involved in the memory process.
The first one is noradrenaline, which creates emotional aspects of memories in the basolateral
amygdala area. Secondly, this process is facilitated by corticosteroids.

Nandamuri and Gowthami(2011) conducted a study on stress among students of professional

studies and concluded that curriculum, instructions parameters, placements related issues ,
assessment and team work issues were the main reason for stress to build up. The study
further identified various micro issues responsible for stress which are related to curriculum
and instructions. Once these issues are identified, it provided the academic administrators for
initiating efforts to reduce the gravity of academic stress.

Cole and colleagues (2007) found that more than 200 genes were distinctly expressed in lonely
versus non lonely individuals. This narrative review highlights the major problems created by
stress which can pave way to deadly diseases. Stress is part of life be pro-active and take charge.

Malach et al (2007) studied that stress depends upon environmental (stressors) and person’s
ability to fulfill these demands. It is essential to identify the cause of the stress so that it can be
addressed meticulously and efficient interventions can be outlined. The study stressed
intervening measures to efficiently manage academic stress.

Volume XIII, Issue VI, JUNE 2020 Page No: 379



Stress give rise to negative thought and feelings in a person. Undoubtedly, academic stress
contributes negatively to academic performance. It can take a toll on student’s physical health,
mental state, and academic success and even on every neighborhood of life unless they discover
to cope with it appropriately. Over stress can hinder work efficacy and lead to deteriorate
academic performance.. Even though Kerala is ranked highest in terms of literacy, various
studies from Kerala identified educational system as a process of strenuous and overburdened
phenomena. This badly affected the physical and mental wellbeing of students. (Nair and
Elizabeth, 2016; Pullokaran, 2018; Ts, J et al., 2017) By conducting this study, it helps the
student to understand different factors of academic stress and strategies are recommended to
tackle the same. After conducting this study it helps the college to monitor the students closely
and it is hopeful that the result of this project may give contribution to further study about stress
among the college students in the future.


The objectives of the study are:

1. To find out the factors affecting the academic stress among college students.
2. To analyze the academic stress level between female and male students
3. To find out the problems arise from academic stress.
4. To study the academic stress management techniques adopted by the students to
overcome their stress and to suggest some measures for improving the same.


Data is collected from both primary and secondary sources. Simple Random sampling was used
to collect primary source of data. Questionnaires were circulated among the college students in
Kochi where both personal and study related questions were asked. A total of 133 samples were
collected in which 48 were male and 85 were female. The secondary data is collected from
internet, as well as reports and publications of universities. When writing a research project it is
important for data to be presented to the reader in a visually appealing way. The use of statistical
tools is an important part of a research project. In this project tables are used as statistical tool.

Volume XIII, Issue VI, JUNE 2020 Page No: 380



Academic stress is an important issue to be handled seriously by educational institutions and

policy makers. Therefore it necessary to sort out various factors of academic stress and how it
affects the physical and mental health of students. This chapter concentrates on analyzing the
important factors of academic stress, problems caused as well as the techniques for managing

Table 1: Stress frequency

Stress frequency

Gender Percentage Numbers

Always Sometimes Never Always Sometimes Never Total

Male 12.5% 70.8% 16.7% 6 34 8 48

Female 14.1% 78.8% 7.1% 12 67 6 85

Source: Primary data

From table 1, it is clear that male and female students who are stressed occasionally shows the
highest percentage of 70.8 percent and 78.8 percent respectively. Both male and female students
generally feel stressed due to various academic factors. Some of them are fear of university
exams, payments o semester fees, bullying by classmates, teachers high level expectations etc.

Table 2: Fear of university exam

Fear of university exam

Gender Percentage Numbers

Yes No Sometimes Yes No Sometimes Total

Male 27.1% 39.6% 33.3% 13 19 16 48

Female 38.8% 24.7% 36.5% 33 21 31 85

Source: Primary data

Volume XIII, Issue VI, JUNE 2020 Page No: 381


From table 2, majority of female students are stressed due to fear of university examination,
whereas majority of male students are not stressed with respect to the same. It is clear that below
fifty percent among male students have no stressdue to fear of examinations. The students who
belong to male category are less stressed than female with respect to fear of examination. This
can be due to reasons such as fear of competition from peers, self-expectation,expectation of
family, teachers’ high level expectation etc.

Table 3: Stress in clearing backlogs

Stress in clearing backlogs

Gender Percentage Numbers

Yes No Sometimes Yes No Sometimes Total

Male 41.7% 35.4% 22.9% 20 17 11 48

Female 20.0% 63.5% 16.5% 17 54 14 85

Source: Primary data

From table 3, male students are more stressed in clearing backlogs than female. Because of their
lack of seriousness, they tend to have more papers to be cleared in their current semesters. This
reduces their concentration on core subjects and thus weakens physical and mental efficiency.
Clearing a backlog paper comes when a student fails in a subject. It is apparent that 41.7 percent
of male students feel stressed about clearing backlogs this can be due to lack of preparation and
planning, lack of seriousness at the time of examinations,stress in meeting supply fees etc. In
case of female students more than half of them, that is 63.5 percent do not feel stress in clearing
backlogs and this can be due to their high level of preparation and confidence in clearing the

Table 4: Fear of attendance shortage

Fear of attendance shortage

Gender Percentage Numbers

Volume XIII, Issue VI, JUNE 2020 Page No: 382


Yes No Sometimes Yes No Sometimes Total

Male 43.8% 27.1% 29.2% 21 13 14 48

Female 60.0% 21.2% 18.8% 51 18 16 85

Source: Primary data

From table 4, majority of students are stressed of attendance shortages. The presence of students
is recorded by faculties in their concerned subjects which forms a part of internal evaluation and
counted for the university examination. 43.8 percent of male students and 60 percent of female
students does have fear of attendance shortage due to their irregularity to college because of the
factors such as laziness, health problems, family function etc. The impact of attendance shortage
is that the college restricts the students from writing the end semester exams if there is no
relevant reason for the student to get shortage. Students should have a minimum of 75 percent of

Table 5: Stress due to teacher’s high expectations

Stress due to Teacher's expectations

Gender Percentage Numbers
Yes No Sometimes Yes No Sometimes Total
Male 18.8% 62.5% 18.8% 9 30 9 48

Female 30.6% 21.2% 48.2% 26 18 41 85

Source: Primary data

From table 5, female students are more stressed in teachers’ expectations. Female students
always prefer recognition from teachers and this impact them both positively and negatively. On
one side, it acts as a motivation for them, but on the other way, it leads to mental pressure and
agony to satisfy teachers’ expectations. Teachers make expectations about the future or academic
performance of their student . We can see that 62.5 percent of male students doesn’t have stress
due to teachers high level expectations whereas in case of female students 48.2 percent of them
occasionally feels stressed due to the same and can be due to scoring of high marks, participation
in classroom activities etc.

Table 6: Stress in getting job after college study

Volume XIII, Issue VI, JUNE 2020 Page No: 383


Stress in getting job after college study

Gender Percentage Numbers
Yes No Sometimes Yes No Sometimes Total
Male 64.6% 18.8% 16.7% 31 9 8 48
Female 60.0% 22.4% 17.6% 51 19 15 85

Source: Primary data

As a result of meeting parental expectations, students are highly stressed of getting job after
study. Each student’s self-expectations are also increasing in present times. They always focus
on campus placements and make preparations for the same. Therefore, the students in both
category feels stressed on placements and recruitments. From table6, it is obvious that more than
half of male and female students have got stress on getting a job after college. Thus, students
comes under the category of students who are planning to get experienced with reputed
companies. The other students comes under the group of students who are planning to do their
further education.
Table 7: Stress from Family expectations

Stress from Family expectations

Gender Percentage Numbers

Yes No Sometimes Yes No Sometimes Total
Male 29.2% 43.8% 27.1% 14 21 13 48
Female 37.6% 34.1% 28.2% 32 29 24 85

Source: Primary data

From table 7, male students are less stressed than female students as a result of family
expectations. It is clear that 43.8 percent of male students doesn’t have any family pressure or
feel stress from family expectations whereas in case of female students 37.6 percent of them get
stress from family expectations,such as scoring high marks, getting placed rather going for
higher studies etc. Every parents expects the best for their child hence the target are always going
to be high. Students also feelstressed when they are compared with their friends by their parents
that in turn makes them feel that they are lower.

Volume XIII, Issue VI, JUNE 2020 Page No: 384


As indicated in table 8 below, though majority of the symptoms made less contribution to the
level of academic stress among students, 10.4 percent of the male student have agreed that the
problem of sleep disturbance contribute more as an impact on academic stress followed by poor
concentration and stomach disorder with 4.2 percent which are high in comparison with the rest
of symptoms, whereas in case of female students it is headache with a contribution of 11.80
percent accompanied by anxiety with 9.4 percent.Symptoms such as depression, tendency to
remain alone, fatigue, skin irritation and allergies, back pain, high blood pressure, chest pain and
asthma were, on the other hand found having least contribution to the students’ level of stress.

Table 8: Problems due to academic stress

Symptoms Gender
Male Female
Always Sometime Never Rarely Always Sometimes Never Rarely
HEADACHE 2.10% 29.20% 27.10 41.70 11.80 58.80% 10.60 18.80
% % % % %
HIGH BLOOD 2.10% 12.50% 72.90 12.50 1.20% 8.20% 78.80 11.80
PRESSURE % % % %
STOMACH 4.20% 10.40% 68.80 16.70 1.20% 21.20% 58.80 18.80
CHEST PAIN 0.00% 6.30% 79.20 14.60 0.00% 11.80% 81.20 7.10%
% % %
BACK PAIN 2.10% 14.60% 54.20 29.20 7.10% 31.80% 31.80 29.40
% % % %
SKIN IRRITATION 2.10% 16.70% 75.00 6.30% 8.20% 15.30% 62.40 14.10
ASTMA 0.00% 2.10% 93.80 4.20% 2.40% 5.90% 88.20 3.50%
% %
FATIGUE 2.10% 4.20% 89.60 4.20% 4.70% 10.60% 75.30 9.40%
% %
SLEEP 10.40 22.90% 35.40 31.30 8.20% 35.30% 24.70 31.80
ANXIETY 4.20% 16.70% 58.30 20.80 9.40% 16.50% 47.10 27.10
% % % %
DEPRESSION 2.10% 14.60% 62.50 20.80 5.90% 18.80% 52.90 22.40
% % % %
TENDENCY TO 2.10% 25.00% 56.30 16.70 8.20% 28.20% 42.40 21.20

Volume XIII, Issue VI, JUNE 2020 Page No: 385


POOR 4.20% 27.10% 41.70 27.10 8.20% 35.30% 29.40 27.10

Source: Primary data

Table 9: Stress management techniques

Percentage Number Percentage Number
YOGA/MEDITATION 43.75% 21 12.95% 11
PHYSICAL EXERCISE 25% 12 25.88% 22
ENTERTAINMENT 64.59% 31 72.95% 62
SLEEP 70.83% 34 70.59% 60
TALKING WITH FRIENDS 72.92% 35 77.64% 66
PRAYER 14.58% 7 44.71% 38
POSITIVE THINKING 39.58% 19 51.77% 44
TOUR 56.25% 27 40% 34
LISTENING TO MUSIC 68.75% 33 89.42% 76
EAT HEALTHY 41.68% 20 41.18% 35
Source: Primary data

From table 9,different strategies used by the student to manage the stress is depicted. 72.92
percent of male students prefer talking with friends to a great level to reduce stress whereas in
the case of female students it is listening to music with 89.42 percent. The techniques like sleep,
entertainment and healthy food habits are also favored by both male and female.


From the analysis and interpretations, the study put forth clear cut information about the
frequency of academic stress among male and female, factors which cause academic stress,
problems caused by stress, the techniques implemented by the college and to suggest some
measuresfor the same. Based on the analysis and interpretations following are the findings
related to the study.

1. Slight majority of female students (78.8 percent) agreed that they are more stressed than
male (70.8 percent) to some extent.
2. Majority of the female students (38.8 percent) said that university exam creates stress.

Volume XIII, Issue VI, JUNE 2020 Page No: 386


3. Male students (41.7percent) found more stress in clearing black logs than females.
4. Higher percentage of male (43.8 percent) and female (60 percent) said that they have
stress when it comes to the problem of attendance shortage.
5. Altogether 48.2 percent of female students feel stressed due to higher expectation of
teachers whereas more than half of the male students don’t feel stress.
6. On an average 64.6 percent of male students and 60 percent of female students agreed
that they have stress in getting a job after their course.
7. Around 40 percent of female students are stressed due to their family expectations and
the reasons are scoring good marks and getting good job.
8. The most commonly seen problems are headache, high blood pressure, stomach disorder
and ulcer, chest pain, back pain, skin irritation and allergies, asthma, fatigue, sleep
disturbance,anxiety, depression, tendency to remain aloneand poor concentration. It is
found that sleep disturbance, poor concentration and headache are the major problems
caused by academic stress in both male and female students whereas the least seen
problems are fatigue and asthma.
9. 72.92 percent of male students prefer talking with friends as a stress management
technique whereas about 90 percent of female students agreed that listening to music
would help them to curb stress to a great level. The other technique used to overcome
stress by the students are yoga, physical exercise, sleep, entertainment, prayer, positive
thinking, tour and healthy diet.


1. Drinking water - Stress hormone in our body is known as Cortisol. The more and more
water the brain loses the less energy you have and more tired you get. So even if a little
bit of dehydration can cause cortisol level in the body to increase and lead to stress .So it
is necessary to drink enough water daily so can be less stressed.
2. Surya Namaskara - It provides the students with revitalizing experience and mind and
ability to manage stress to a great level and to find the effect of yoga on management of
3. Doing your favorite activity at least for 1 hour daily - Doing your favorite activity brings
many benefits that makes them engaged in that work and thus helps in reducing their
4. Breathe in Breathe out – Closing your eyes, taking a deep breathe hold to the count of
three and slowly breathe out. This helps in reducing stress to a great level.

Volume XIII, Issue VI, JUNE 2020 Page No: 387


5. Talk to your close ones - Once a straight talk is done with your close ones your mind gets
free and it can help in reducing your stress.
6. Cooking –Cooking soothe stress, reduce negative thinking .When you cook you focus on
the recipe and have no time for negative thoughts. This helps in reducing stress specially
in girls.

Supplementary techniques:

1. Playing with pets – Spending some time with your favorite pet can give a special
peaceful energy. Its unconditional love and entertainment stay in your heart and
makes you happy and thus helps to reduce stress.
2. Laughter – Bringing out situation or watching entertainment that will bring out the
laughter, helps in reducing stress


In the Indian society, education is well known for its value system. It is applauded for its
uprightness. The education in India mainly focuses on stuffing of lessons which are majorly
theory based. This requires regular and proper study for long hours. This convoluted schedule of
studying creates academic stress in the students. Academic stress is a mental agony which arise
from academic challenges and failures. Academic stress has now become a pervading issue in
this 21st century. Since the major purpose of this project was to examine the degree of academic
stress level in male and female students, factors causing academic stress, problems caused by
academic stress, techniques used by the students to curb stress and to suggest some coping up
strategies, the results have reflected the objectives.

However all the factors identified in this project creates stress among male and female students,
toa certain extent. It is evident from the interpretation and findings that the major factors causing
academic stress in female students are fear of university exams, problem of attendance shortage,
higher expectation of teachers and parents and stress in getting a job after the course .However it
also concluded that male students are more stressed than female students in clearing their
backlogs because of their placid attitude.

The findings also concluded that the major problems caused by academic stress in both male and
female students are sleep disturbance, poor concentration and headache. However, to reduce
stress, male students prefer talking with friends as a stress management technique whereas

Volume XIII, Issue VI, JUNE 2020 Page No: 388


female students prefer listening to music. Although the college has implemented yoga/meditation
and prayer to manage stress level among students.

In this era it is very much important for a student to analyze the stress factors and their after
effect and how to manage it and to learn some effective strategy to overcome academic stress.
Hopefully this project would help the college to observe the students closely and the result of this
project may give contribution to the future study about academic stress among the college
students in Kochi.


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Volume XIII, Issue VI, JUNE 2020 Page No: 389


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Volume XIII, Issue VI, JUNE 2020 Page No: 390

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