ANN Based Data Integration For Multi-Path Ultrasonic Flowmeter

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ANN based data integration for multi-path ultrasonic

Huichao Zhao, LihuiPeng, Member, IEEE, Tsuyoshi Takahashi, Takuya Hayashi, Kazuyoshi Shimizu
Toshihiro Yamamoto

Abstract—This paper presents an artificial neural network velocity on a cross-section of the pipe.
(ANN) based data integration method for a 4-path ultrasonic The best way to estimate the mean flow velocity on a
flowmeter to improve its performance under complex flow cross-section of a pipe is to use as much information about the
profiles. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has been used to velocity distribution as possible. Much work has been done,
obtain the flow profiles inside a single elbow and an out-plane
including experiment method, simulation and theoretical
double-elbow pipeline, respectively, to extract the flow velocities
on different individual sound paths and the corresponding mean
analysis, such as collecting spatial velocity and turbulence field
flow velocities on the cross-sections located at 5 and 10 times pipe data by Laser Doppler anemometry (LDA)[3][4][5], modeling
diameter downstream the elbow. The results from the CFD the complete velocity field in a closed conduit to optimize the
simulation for Reynolds number in the range from 3.25 ×103 to positions and weights of the acoustic paths by mathematic
3.25×105 were used to construct the data set. A three-layer ANN functions [6][7][8][9], getting the complete velocity
was designed, in which the flow velocities on individual sound distribution of rotating and swirling turbulent flows in circular
paths and the cross-sectional mean flow velocity are taken as the pipes by computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation to
input and output, respectively. Part of the data set is used to train investigate the effect of distorted flow profiles [10][11][12][13].
the ANN. The other part of the data set is used to test the
Some researchers reconstructed the flow profile by ultrasound
feasibility of the ANN. It was found that the error of the estimated
tomography to improve the performance of multipath
cross-sectional mean flow velocity based on the ANN is within ±
0.3% without the requirement of any flow conditioner for
ultrasonic flowmeters under distorted flow field [14][15][16].
Reynolds number in the range from 3.25 ×103 to 3.25×105, which However, in order to get enough paths distributed on the
is significantly better than the results from the traditional cross-section, the proposed ultrasound tomography system
weighted integration method. The proposed ANN based data required more than 16 ultrasonic transducers installed around
integration method is of extending the limitation of straight pipe the pipe in order to obtain sufficient measurement data, which
length for the installation of multi-path ultrasonic flowmeter and makes the measurement system very complex and not
promoting its practical applications under complex flow profiles. cost-effective. Luntta and Halttunen introduced a neural
network with linear neurons to compute the optimum weights
Index Terms—multipath ultrasonic flowmeter, ANN, CFD, flow for dual-path and three-path ultrasonic flowmeters, which
improves the accuracy of the meter in the case of distorted flow
profiles. However, the results show that the error still depends
on the distorted flow conditions [17]. One possible reason may
Multipath ultrasonic flowmeters are considered to be able to that a linear ANN was used to fit the nonlinear relationship
provide a more accurate measurement of mean flow velocity on between the mean flow velocity over the cross-section of the
a cross-section of a pipe by taking into account the effect of pipe and the distorted velocity profile. Yeh et al. introduced an
flow profile and integrating the flow velocities measured from intelligent ultrasonic flowmeter with flow field recognizer
different sound paths. However, the practical limitations of software based on ANN [18], but the error with the meter was
industry sites, space constrains and various upstream pipe not provided.
configurations may not allow for a sufficiently long straight
Based on the aforementioned literature survey, it is still open
pipe, which will result in the flow field on the measurement
to investigate the ANN based method with the prior knowledge
section not fully developed or even seriously distorted and the
of the pipe configuration to improve the performance of
meter’s readings erroneous [1], [2]. For these reasons, the
investigation of proper weighted integration of the flow multipath ultrasonic flowmeters in the case of complex flows
velocities measured from different sound paths is desired to with strong asymmetric and swirling velocity profiles. The
obtain a robust and accurate estimation of the mean flow contribution of this paper is that a neural network based data
integration method was developed to improve the performance
Manuscript received xx, xx, xxxx.
Huichao Zhao, and LihuiPeng are with Tsinghua National Laboratory for of a 4-path ultrasonic flowmeter in the case of complex flow
Information Science and Technology, Department of Automation, Tsinghua profiles regarding two different pipe configurations specified in
University, Beijing 100084, China (corresponding author. phone: OIML R32 [19][20], which are the single-elbow and the
0086-10-62773623; e-mail:lihuipeng@ out-plane double-elbow.
Tsuyoshi Takahashi, Takuya Hayashi, Kazuyoshi Shimizu and Toshihiro
Yamamoto are with the Tokyo Keiso LTD, 1-7-24, Shibakoen, Minato-Ku, The paper is organized accordingly: Section II introduces the
Tokyo, Japan105-8558 (; proposed ANN based data integration method, and Section III;; shows the results and discussion. Finally, conclusions are drawn in Section IV.

Copyright (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.

II. ANN BASED WEIGHTED INTEGRATION OF FLOW VELOCITIES weights of individual ultrasonic paths. However, the
ON INDIVIDUAL SOUND PATHS performance of this method becomes deteriorated because of
the non-linear relationship between the flow velocities on the
A. Principle of multipath ultrasonic flowmeter
individual sound paths and the mean flow velocity over the
Fig.1 shows a schematic of a 4-path ultrasonic flowmeter. To cross-section in the case of a strong asymmetric flow and
obtain an accurate estimation of the mean flow velocity over swirling profile. To improve this, we designed a 3-layer
the cross-section of the pipe, the weighted integration of the feed-forward ANN with a strong non-linear mapping and
flow velocities on the individual sound paths is carried out, learning ability. The structure of the proposed neural network is
which can be described as
shown in Fig 2. It consists of 4 neurons in the input layer,
V   wi vi (1) whose input values are corresponding to the flow velocities
i=1 along the 4 individual sound paths. There is only 1 neuron in
where vi is the measured flow velocity on the ith acoustic path, the output, whose output value is the mean flow velocity over
the cross-section of the pipe. A hidden layer is inserted between
and wi is the integration weight related to the ith acoustic path. the input layer and the output layer to promote the non-linear
mapping ability of the network by using the “logsig” non-linear
Y transfer function [23]. In the output layer, the “purelin” linear
X transfer function is used [23].
 In order to obtain a good mapping and a good generalization
ability, the number of neurons in the hidden layer is determined
  60o
according to the empirical formula [23]
n  ni  no  a (2).
where ni is the number of neurons of input layer, no is the
number of neurons of the output layer, and a is set to 1 to
strengthen the generalization ability. For the case of a 4-path
ultrasonic flowmeter, ni is 4, no is 1, and the number of
X down
Y neurons in the hidden layer is 3 according to equation (2).
y1 1 down
1 up y2 2 down
  60 o

Z 2 up
y3 3 down X
3 up y4 4 down
4 up

(b) (c)
Fig.1. Schematic of a 4-path ultrasonic flowmeter. (a) Three-dimensional
model; (b) longitudinal cross-section (c) transverse cross-section.

The integration weights in equation (1) depend on both, the Fig.2. ANN for weighted data integration of a 4-path ultrasonic flowmeter.
positions of sound paths and the flow profile. The Equal-Tab,
the Gauss-Jacobi [21], and the OWICS [22] are three C. Training data set obtained by using CFD simulations
commonly used integration method in a 4-path ultrasonic Before the ANN can be used, it must be trained and tested by
flowmeter. The corresponding integration weights are given in using a data set. The data set should include the flow velocities
TABLE I. on the individual sound paths and the mean flow velocity over
the cross-section of the pipe for different Reynolds numbers
TABLEI Positions and integration weights for a 4-path ultrasonic flowmeter corresponding to the conditions under which the flowmeter is
Equal-Tab GAUSS-JACOBI OWICS supposed to be used. We constructed the data set by means of
CFD simulations. Two cases, a single-elbow and an out-plane
yi wi yi wi yi wi double-elbow shown in Fig.3, were taken into account. The test
±0.25 0.304499 ±0.309017 0.361803 ±0.303783 0.356780 pipe has a diameter D of 6 inches. The corresponding curvature
±0.75 0.195501 ±0.809017 0.138197 ±0.799639 0.142163 radius of the elbow pipe is 1.5D. To guarantee that the flow is
fully developed, the pipeline length from the entrance to the
B. ANN for weighted data integration of multipath ultrasonic first bend was set to 10D and the length from the second bend to
flowmeters the export to 40D. The flow velocities on the individual sound
In [17], a neural network with linear neurons was designed, paths and the mean flow velocities over cross-section of 5D and
in which the weights of the neurons directly correspond to the 10D downstream the elbow were extracted from the CFD

Copyright (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.

simulation results to construct the data set for training and test of the ANN.


R=237.6 40D Z X

1 up 1 down
2 up 2 down

3 up 3 down
4 up 4 down




1 up 1 down
2 up 2 down

3 up 3 down
4 up 4 down

Fig.3. Pipeline configurations for CFD simulations. (a) Case I: Single-elbow pipeline; (b) Case II: Out-plane double-elbow pipeline.

To obtain reasonable results consistent with the practical network. The remainder 7 groups of data were used to test the
flow inside the pipe with single and double elbows, the mapping ability of the network.
Reynolds stress model (RSM) for turbulences and the enhanced
wall treatment (EWT) were used in our simulations [11]. The III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
flow medium was set to incompressible ideal air, whose A. Flow velocity distribution
temperature is 300k, density is 1.225kg/m3, and viscosity is Fig.4 and Fig.5 show the flow velocity distributions across
1.789410-5Pa· s. The operation pressure was set to 0.1 MPa. the cross-section extracted from CFD simulations for the
The flow velocities range from 0.3m/s to 30 m/s resulting in flowmeter installed 5D and 10D downstream the single-elbow
Reynolds number varying from 3.25 ×103 to 3.25×105. A total and Reynolds number in the range from 3.25 ×103 to 3.25×105. A
of 22 groups of flow velocity data on individual sound paths strong asymmetrical flow profile compared to the fully
and cross-section were collected from CFD simulation results. developed flow in a straight pipe can be seen. The profile of the
15 groups of the obtained data were used to train the neural axial flow velocity is distorted by centrifugal forces, which

Copyright (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.

distortion becomes more serious with the increase of Reynolds the pipe wall boundary layer to the central part of the pipe. All
number. these nonlinear changes of the flow profile affect the
Fig.6 and Fig.7 show the flow velocity distributions across measurement uncertainty of the multi-path ultrasonic
the cross-section of an out-plane double-elbow. It is found that flowmeter. Since the ultrasound propagation paths are fixed but
the flow profile inside the pipe is significantly asymmetric but velocity distribution changes nonlinearly with changing
different from the profile in the case of the single-elbow. The Reynolds number, the relationship between the flow velocities
maximum flow velocity is located at different positions with on the individual sound paths and the mean flow velocity is
the increase of Reynolds number. In addition, it can be seen that, highly nonlinear and no analytical description exists. For this
by comparing the results across the cross-section of 5D and reason, the traditional weighted integration of flow velocities
10D, the secondary flow is significant after the double-elbow on the individual sound paths, in which the weights are fixed, is
and has an obvious rotation with changing Reynolds number. significantly affected by the flow profile. However, the ANN
By comparing the results in Fig.4, 5, 6, and 7, it is also found based method may improve this by using its nonlinear mapping
that the flow velocity gradient changes in a complex way from ability.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig.4 Velocity distributions across the cross-section of 5D downstream the elbow of a single-elbow pipeline. (a) Reynolds number is 3.25×103; (b) Reynolds
number 1.08×104; (c) Reynolds number is 1.08×105; (d) Reynolds number is 3.25×105.

(a) (b)

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.

(c) (d)
Fig.5 Velocity distributions across the cross-section of 10D downstream the elbow of a single-elbow pipeline. (a) Reynolds number is 3.25×103; (b) Reynolds
number is 1.08×104 ; (c) Reynolds number is 1.08×105 ; (d) Reynolds number is 3.25×105 .

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig.6 Velocity distributions across the cross-section of 5D downstream the elbow of an out-plane double-elbow pipeline. (a) Reynolds number is 3.25×103; (b)
Reynolds number is 1.08×104 ; (c) Reynolds number is 1.08×105 ;(d) Reynolds number is 3.25×105.

(a) (b)

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.

(c) (d)
Fig.7 Velocity distributions across the cross-section of 10D downstream the elbow of an out-plane double-elbow pipeline. (a) Reynolds number is 3.25×103;(b)
Reynolds number is 1.08×104; (c) Reynolds number is 1.08×105; (d) Reynolds number is 3.25×105.

Reynolds number. Fortunately, the error of the ANN based

B. Performance of ANN based data integration of a 4-path
ultrasonic flowmeter with complex flow profile method is consistently within ±0.2%.

Based on the cross-section velocity integration of ANN

model proposed in the previous section, the CFD simulation
results were taken as the training and test data sets to find the
relationship between the flow velocities on the four individual
sound paths and the mean flow velocity. For a quantitative
evaluation of the ANN based method and the traditional
weighted method, the error defined in (3) was used
Vmeas  Vref
m[%]  100 (3)
where Vmeas is the mean flow velocity obtained based on the
flow velocities on the four individual sound paths by using the
ANN based method or the traditional weighted method. Vref is
the mean flow velocity extracted by using the area integration (a)
of the flow distribution obtained from the CFD simulations.
Fig.8 shows a comparison between the traditional weighted
integration method and the ANN based method for the pipeline
with the single-elbow for Reynolds number in the range from
3.25×103 to 3.25×105. It can be seen that the error for the
traditional method is generally about 1% when the flowmeter is
installed 5D downstream the elbow, and smaller ±0.5% at 10D.
Additionally, the peak of the velocity profile is located in the
outside of the elbow and varies with changing Reynolds
number, which makes the error for the traditional method with
fixed integration weights fluctuate accordingly. Meanwhile, it
is found that the error from the ANN based method is within ±
0.1% for both, the training data and the test data under the
installation scenarios of both, the 5D and the 10D downstream
the elbow, which is a significant improvement compared to the Fig.8. Comparison of the traditional weighted integration method and the ANN
traditional method. based method for a 4-path multipath ultrasonic flowmeter in a single-elbow
Fig.9 depicts the results for the pipeline with the out-plane pipeline. (a) 5D downstream the elbow; (b) 10D downstream the elbow.
double-elbow for Reynolds numbers in the range from
3.25×103 to 3.25×105. Due to the much stronger disturbance of To give a further intuitive comparison of the traditional
the out-plane double-elbow, the error of the traditional weight weighted integration method and the ANN based method, the
integration method is about±3% at 5D position and ±1.5% at weights and corresponding thresholds for the ANN depicted in
10D. Both cases of 5D and 10D show a fluctuation due to the Fig.2 were listed. TABLE II and TABLE III show the weights
nonlinear flow profile changes with the variation of the and thresholds corresponding to the results of the single elbow
in Fig.8. TABLE IV and TABLE V show the weights and

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.

thresholds corresponding to the results of the out-plane TABLE IV Weights and thresholds corresponding to the results in Fig.9 (a)
double-elbow in Fig.9. It is found that the weights and the Input Hidden
w1,1i w1,2i w1,3i layer
w2,1 j
thresholds are significantly different, particularly for the case of
v1 -1.1196 0.1157 -0.7631
the out-plane double-elbow, which means a strong nonlinear a1,1 -1.5578
relationship between the input and the output of the ANN. v2 0.3397 -0.4314 -0.1758
a1,2 -4.4423
v3 0.1380 -0.4750 0.4508
v4 -0.4235 -0.0046 -0.4492 a1,3 -1.5830

b1,1 b1,2 b1,3 b2,1

-2.4252 0.7669 -2.3977 3.2887

TABLE V Weights and thresholds corresponding to the results in Fig.9 (b)

Input Hidden
w1,1i w1,2i w1,3i layer
w2,1 j
v1 -0.4171 -0.2078 0.1833
a1,1 -0.7694
v2 -1.0500 -0.0135 -1.0012
a1,2 -3.7393
v3 0.1086 -0.5508 -0.4866
v4 -0.6655 -0.2851 -0.0706 a1,3 -1.0778

(a) b1,1 b1,2 b1,3 b2,1

-2.0668 1.0834 -2.8562 2.9220

In order to validate the generalization ability of the proposed

ANN based method, Gaussian random noise with different
variance was added into the raw data from CFD simulation
results to test the performance of the ANN based method.

Fig.9. Comparison of the traditional weighted integration method and the ANN
based method for a 4-path multipath ultrasonic flowmeter in an out-plane
double-elbow pipeline. (a) 5D downstream the elbow; (b) 10D downstream the

TABLE II Weights and thresholds corresponding to the results in Fig.8 (a)

Input Hidden (a)
w1,1i w1,2i w1,3i layer
w2,1 j
v1 -0.3320 -0.3366 -0.9045
a1,1 -1.3899
v2 -0.4665 -0.5131 -0.4311
a1,2 -2.3550
v3 -0.5288 -0.5581 -0.3389
v4 -0.5120 0.0718 -0.9585 a1,3 -0.6015

b1,1 b1,2 b1,3 b2,1

-2.6119 0.2370 3.2205 1.9893

TABLE III Weights and thresholds corresponding to the results in Fig.8 (b)
Input Hidden
w1,1i w1,2i w1,3i layer
w2,1 j
v1 -0.8055 0.2032 -0.4089
a1,1 -1.3657 (b)
v2 -0.3995 -0.6567 -0.2994 Fig.10. Comparison of the flow velocities on individual sound paths located at
a1,2 -2.5378
5D downstream the out-plane double-elbow. (a) Data from CFD simulations; (b)
v3 -0.4025 -0.5986 -0.6104
a1,3 -0.7564 data from CFD simulation contaminated with noise (SNR is 30dB).
v4 -0.3819 -0.2762 -1.0630

b1,1 b1,2 b1,3 b2,1 Fig.10 shows an example of a comparison between the raw
-3.1904 0.1930 3.2172 2.1523 data and noise data with a 30dB SNR of velocity distributions

Copyright (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.

on the four paths at the cross-section of 5D downstream the by the Gaussian random noise added to the raw data.
double-elbow. It can be seen that the flow profile is degenerated

(a) (b)
Fig.11. Comparison of the traditional weighted integration method and the ANN based method for the flow velocities on individual paths contaminated with
Gaussian random noise for the single-elbow. (a) 5D downstream the elbow; (b) 10D downstream the elbow.

(a) (b)
Fig.12. Comparison of the traditional weight integration method and the ANN based method for the flow velocities on individual paths contaminated with Gaussian
random noise for the out-plane double-elbow. (a) 5D downstream the elbow; (b) 10D downstream the elbow

Fig.11 and Fig.12 show the results for the traditional the training and test data sets, the training and test data sets
weighted integration method and the proposed ANN based obtained from experiments are more attractive for promoting
method for the pipeline with the single-elbow and the out-plane the practical application of the proposed ANN method. There
double-elbow for an SNR of the test data of 30dB and 40dB. In are still certain challenges with the training of the network by
comparison to the results for the noise free data scenarios using the first-hand experimental data. One is the related cost
depicted in Fig.8 and Fig.9, it can be seen that the noise in data with the industrial-scale experiment set-up that is able to
degenerates slightly the performance of both, the traditional provide different pipeline configurations such as the
weighted integration method and the proposed ANN based single-elbow and the out-plane double-elbow. The other is that
method. However, the error based on the proposed ANN based experiment data used for training may contain noise due to the
method is overall much smaller than that of the traditional statistical nature of the turbulent flow. The future work will
weighted integration method. Particularly, the generalization focus on the validation of the proposed ANN based method by
ability of ANN based method is more significant when the pipe using experimental data as training data set.
flow profile is seriously distorted.
All aforementioned results are based on the training and test IV. CONCLUSION
data sets obtained from CFD simulations, which shows that the An artificial neural network (ANN) based data integration
ANN based data integration method can not only decrease the method for a 4-path ultrasonic flowmeter has been presented,
measurement uncertainty to satisfy the relevant standards but which is able to improve the performance under complex flow
also have a good generalization ability. From the point view of profiles. The discussed system uses a 3-layer feed-forward
practical applications, how to train the network plays an import ANN with a strong non-linear mapping and learning ability in
role for the proposed ANN based method. Although CFD order to measure the mean flow velocity on a cross-section of a
simulations are of providing cost-effectively and conveniently pipe from the flow velocities on the individual sound paths. The

Copyright (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.

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IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference,
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[19] OIML R 137-1. Edition 2006 (E)

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