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(CONSELLERIA DE EDUCACION E ORDENACION UNIVERSITARIA ye IES ASANGRINA Fe re, mes ocak maven smscumos beg earn es meiner men eee. x GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY EXAM FIRST TERM 2°BAC NAME: SURNAME: DATE: 1. Write the transcribed sentences on the right with ordinary letters (10 marks) fo lot ov 'pis—pal raid 'barstkolz m_‘italil [kon ju pler 0 gta’? Shaw fa: du: ju wack ‘evri dev? Fim_nju: jock ju ka:nt 'treeval bar traem/. a ele) fiz dea a ‘vidiou im au 'kla:s-rum/? 2. Put the verb into the correct form: (10 x 1 mark = 10 marks) 1. He enjoys (have) a bath in the evening. 2. We hope (visit) Vigo next month. 3. She suggested (go) to the museum. 4. Alot of people are worried about their jobs. (lose) 5. Stop noise, please; I'm studying. (make) 6.We decided a new car. (buy) 7.The question is easy (answer) 8. I never risk through that part of town. (to go) 9. Clare offered me to the airport, which was very kind of her. (to take) 10. He'd like an aeroplane. (fly) 3. Add the phrase in brackets to the sentence using a relative clause.(5 x 2 marks = 10 marks) 1. loften buy cheese (the cheese is imported from Paris) 2.The doctor was sick (I wanted to see the doctor) 3. | meta girl (the girl was a doctor) 4. The waiter was rude (the waiter was wearing a blue shirt) 5. She loves books (the books have happy endings) 4. Fill in the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (17 x 1.17 marks = 20 marks) One afternoon, while | 1). (walk) in town, 1 2)... ..(8ee) a poster for a liquor promotion at a club | 3) (used to, go) to. They 4) (advertise) a “vodka disco”. Later that week, my friend and | 5). (decide) to go to this club to find out what 6) .. as-you-can” evening, with music and prizes for the best dancers. After we 7. (enter) the club, a man 8) (give) each of us a (go on). It was a “drink-as-much-vodka- T-shirt and a badge in the shape of a vodka bottle. To my surprise , all the drinks 9) (be) free. We 10) (not drink) very much at all -one vodka each- but other young people 11)...cccsscnseee (dink) heavily all evening. Some of the dancers 12). (look) quite drunk We all know that companies 13) (try) to sell us their products and they 14)... ....(use) almost any means possible to encourage us to spend our money. 15) (this, mean) they can convince us to buy anything? Even things that are bad for us? Think about it! The last time you 16) (buy) an alcoholic drink, 17). (it, be) because you really wanted it, or because an ad persuaded you to do so? 5, FIND AND CORRECT THE MISTAKE IN EACH SENTENCE (4 x 2 marks = marks) + It is say that robots will do our housework in the future. + Today solar-powered energy is use in Greece. + Two new schools was built in my town. + Itis accept that wind energy has many advantages. 8. COMPLETE THE SENTENCES WITH THE VERBS USING THE CONDITIONAL FORM IN BRACKETS (4 x 2.5 marks = 10 marks) buy eat go like notmeet not move win : you a big house if you (win) the lottery? (third conditional) + We and got married if | from my flat in Madrid to that shared house in London. (third conditional) oa more vegetables if | them. (second conditional) + We on holiday if we had the money. (second conditional) 9.REWRITE THESE SENTENCES USING THE WORDS GIVEN IN BRACKETS. (5 x 2 marks = 10 marks) + Scuba diving is a new sport for me. (never) + Kelly has not adjusted to living away from home yet. (used) + I think it would be a good idea to take plenty of water on your hike. (were) + Although she wasn't hungry, she ate a few biscuits. (in spite of). + lopened the window due to the heat. (because) 6. CHOOSE THE CORRECT OPTION (5 x 2 marks = 10 marks) Wave Power Governments and privately owned companies are (1)____ an effort to find new sources of energy. One such natural energy resource is wave energy. This powerful source of energy comes from the ocean’s waves. Waves (2)____ created when strong winds blow across the water in the sea. A wave power station is used to generate energy from them. Wave power has many advantages. Firstly, it's free. It doesn't (3)__ any pollution into the sea or cause any other form of harm to the environment. It's not expensive to operate wave power stations, Finally, a large amount of energy is produced from waves. However, there are also some disadvantages. Wave power is dependent on waves, and the methods used to capture the energy can be very noisy. Wave power stations also need to be able to cope with very strong winds. Many countries (4) ___ wave power over recent years, including the UK, the USA, Australia and Portugal. (5) ____ environmental companies are promoting their wave power technologies and it won't be long before wave power is generating electricity for cities worldwide. 1a getting b doing c taking d making 2 ais bare ctobe dbe 3 a process b release c burn d crash 4 a has been developing b developed c have been developing d had developed 5 a Plenty of b Toomany c Toomuch d Alittle 7. REWRITE THE SENTENCES IN THE PASSIVE (6 x 2 marks = 12 marks) Jack sent me this book yesterday. (TWO WAYS) + Millions of people use Facebook. + They will build two new schools in my town next year. + People accept that wind power has lots of advantages. + The technology company is going to release a new smartphone next year.

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