May 2022 Newsletter

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May 2022 Vol.



Emotioneering With Melissa

Modern Mind Blog

May Spotlight

The Emotioneering Podcast

Organisational Development

Personal Development

During May many of the conversations with This will help you focus on the qualities and

clients and our audience, centered around attributes a little more than just the skills

building teams and recruitment. It’s a very and experience a person has. Remember

competitive market out there now as we this and use it when next recruiting team

know it so evaluating what your current members and see how it helps identify the

recruitment process is and refining to superstars you are looking for.

attract the right talent is crucial to success. A few years back at a conference a friend

One of our main clients did this very recently called Rawiri, and I were having dinner and I

with our support and to see the high calibre asked him “If you were going to build an

people that were in their new and improved ALL-STAR WINNING team with the top 10

process was fantastic. When recruiting team people you know or have worked with who

members it is important to remember that would be in it?” Now, we also knew a lot of

you are aiming to find the best candidates the same professionals and consultants, so

because having the right people is going to the question kick-started a great discussion

support the mission going forward. If you about why and what qualities or skills those

are in the service based industry you need people had that made them great for the

someone who is going to impress your team. There have been many times in my

clients and customers because in a career where I have met people that are all-

crowded market place this is how you will star players. That have the company values

stand out. I use an acronym that is detailed and DNA to the core, they make your

more in my book ‘Emotioneering Business customers feel great, they make the team

Results’. It is GREET and stands for, genuine, feel great when they are around, and they

recognition, enthusiasm, empathetic and hardly give you any challenges. These are

team player. the ones you really want to be looking for.

May 2022 Vol. 10

Modern Mind Blog

Emotioneering The Onboarding Process (Click Here)
Gallup found that only 12% of employees strongly agree their

organisation does a great job of onboarding new employees. That

means 88% don't believe their organisations do a great job of

onboarding, so where are we going wrong and what can we do to

emotioneer the onboarding process?

Time Management Techniques To Increase Performance (Click


Time management is a skill some of us develop naturally whilst

others will need a little extra help with being able to effectively

manage their time, it is defined as the process of planning and

exercising conscious control of time spent on specific activities,

especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity.

6 Ways To Manage Team Performance (Click Here)

Managing employees' performance from day to day can become a

difficult task as every employee will have different needs and

requirements that also need to be addressed in a certain way to

best encourage them towards their goals as well as the

organisations’ goals. There are three key factors that need to be

considered when managing performance, those are; establishing

objectives with individuals and teams in order to help them be

aware of the role they play in the business...

May Spotlight
Your Business Magazine with James Caan
Melissa Curran was honoured to be invited to contribute in Your

Business Magazine with James Caan for their business coaching

60 page special. Melissa talked about Emotioneering Business

Results by knowing your people and that coaching vs instructing

will get the biggest impact. This annual magazine is available in

all major retailers, first class lounges and on the desks of many

business executives across the UK - You can get your free digital

copy and it is jam packed with value from many contributors to

help you grow your business.

Your Business Magazine (Click Here)

The Bookkeepers' Podcast - Jo Wood and Zoe Whitman

Jo and Zoe invited Melissa to be interviewed on The

Bookkeepers' Podcast. We were delighted to talked about all

things to do with building a great team of people. A 101 of

finding the right fit. Check it out on Apple or on Spotify. They

help bookkeepers find clients, make more money and build

businesses they love. The also have a Facebook community

which is free to join. visit

Thanks for the interview ladies :)

The Bookkeeper Podcast Episode with Melissa (Click Here)

May 2022 Vol. 10

Emotioneering Podcast
What's This Podcast All About?

We are emotioneering human performance, not engineering it!

Season 2 is all about Emotioneering Business Results.

As humans there is no way of getting away from it, we are driven by


As a business grows so does the team although that brings it's own

challenges. Since writing the best selling book Emotioneering Business

Results Melissa Curran talks delves in to topics to help you improve team

performance. This modern approach to business is the answer to

increased profits, highly engaged people and record-breaking results.

People Operations & Performance Consultancy - Helping your team

emotioneer record-breaking results Coaching | Courses | Consultancy

Check Out These Episodes

Episode 74 Evaluating Team Performance

According to Fathom, poor data costs a business 20 - 35% in


In this episode, we discuss and answer questions such as -

How do I evaluate team performance?

Why should we evaluate team performance?

What are the steps to take to prepare to evaluate team


What will be the benefits of evaluating team performance?

How can I evaluate team behaviour?

Can a league table help with team performance?

Apple - Click Here

Spotify - Click Here

Episode 71 Employee Engagement For Remote Teams

Since 2020 and many teams now working from home or dotted

around the world, employee engagement for remote teams has

become a hot topic.

In this episode, we discuss and answer questions such as -

What is employee engagement?

Does employee engagement matter for remote teams?

Why is it important to improve employee engagement?

What is the difference between leading a team that is remote?

What should I consider for engaging a remote team?

Can I get back levels of performance like I have had previously?

Apple - Click Here

Spotify - Click Here
May 2022 Vol. 10

Building Your All Star Team

Earlier in the newsletter Melissa mentioned using the ‘Greet’ model to

support your recruiting efforts. Although we know so much more goes into

recruiting people and building your all star team. Here is a checklist of

some things to consider on the recruitment journey -

Job descriptions - Are these up to date and do they articulate

behaviours as well as the essential skills?

Expectations set from the interview on hours, salary expectations,

location (remote, hybrid or onsite)

Offer of employment and acceptance

Employee Contract detailing an induction period of 3 months / 90


A non compete agreement if you require

Employee Handbook details policies and procedures of the

workplace. Includes the grievance and disciplinary procedures (this

"With the right vibes

keeps it rounded for the employee if they have challenges with

management and or peers as well as ensuring that there is a

and right people, it is

corrective action to keep the workplace fair and professional)

Be aware of the protected characteristics under the equality act

easy to create Many teams have great support through their HR department although

not all businesses are that that stage where they need or require a HR

something magical" person full time so that's where as people operations and performance

consultants we support in these topics.

Personal Development
Avoidance Of Commitment
When it comes to actions and follow up, our emotional brain will often

want us to shy away from the pressure of committing to something.

Whether that is a revenue number or making sure we complete a

project. Think about how many plans are made and discussed in the

workplace and then fall by the wayside. Regardless of whether it is a

frontline employee or a leader within an organisation, this can affect

us all. Often commitment is avoided by those that are more scared of

failure. They will see not getting to where they want to be as a big

setback, on the flip side there are team members that are much more

comfortable with failing and may over commit.

Regardless of whether someone is avoiding commitment or

overestimating what they can achieve it’s about finding balance and

encouraging people to fail fast learn quickly. Many people prefer to

work with someone that believes they can achieve anything. They

might miss the mark a few times although often they will achieve way

more than the average. Supporting a person to get to this point and

overcome their tendency to avoid commitment though is extremely

rewarding. It’s all about their journey through small steps and

reassurance that you believe in them. Often way more than they

believe in themselves. All actions and follow up lead to positive stress

in the long run which actually affects our wellbeing for the good

because we get a sense of achievement and the dopamine rush.

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