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JAC : A Journal Of Composition Theory ISSN : 0731-6755



Dr.Smitha Sambrani Sameera Afroze,

Assistant Professor, University College of Research Scholar, University College of
Commerce & Business Management, Commerce & Business
Osmania University, Hyderabad, India. Management, Osmania University,
Hyderabad, India.

The major purpose of the current empirical study is towards study the impulse digital shopping behaviour
among women in India. A questionnaire was administered across India and the sample range on behalf of the
study is 250. Convenience sampling was used for drawing the sample. The hypotheses were tested through
statistical techniques such as reliability analysis and ANOVA .The findings of the study have both theoretical
and practical implications.
Keywords: Impulse buying, Women, digital shopping, India
India is the world’s greatest rising economy, a increasing worldwide hotspot in creation
intended for their main trade requirements. Shopping for women is connected by sturdy
wish, opinion of pleasure with enthusiasm. Earlier the purchasing power of women was
limited to grocery shopping, but due to increased employment, disposable income and growth
in ecommerce sector women today have a major say in decision making. The contemporary
Indian women is educated, tech know-how, sharp with an conscious customer. With the
availability and abundance of online purchase, cheap internet and more digital shopping
channels, products and services women are spoiled with the choice. According to Kacen&
Lee Xu, 2002 “ impetuous business performance is a unexpected forceful hedonically
multifaceted purchase performance inside which the speed of the desire buy choice procedure
predict considerate on purpose thought of in order and option option.”As there are no studies
focussed on women’s digital shopping behaviour. The main focus on this study is to study
online impulsive buying from the perspective of women consumers.
Desire business as define by Stern (1962) is a forceful, accidental and hedonically complex
acquire connected performance display by customers. However readily obtainable is some
kind of desire buy which comprises of prompt, unadulterated, evocative and intended desire
According to S.Abdelsalamet al. (2020) many online buy is accidental, unexpected, start on
the spot.
As per Q.Zhou et al. and T.Sun et al, impulse buying behaviour earlier occurred in retail
environment. L.Xiang et al in their study stated that due to proliferation of e-commerce,
growth in internet and social media have led to the emergence of online impulse buying
B. Carroll (2008) in their study stated that e-commerce focuses on sophisticated searches,
buying at the click, virtualcatalogues and recommendations based on consumers’ previous
shopping history.

Volume XIV, Issue IV, APRIL 2021 Page No: 19

JAC : A Journal Of Composition Theory ISSN : 0731-6755

According to L.T.Huang (2016) when customers browse various shopping applications they
are exposed to huge options from vendors, which influences them to purchase products
Objectives of the study:
 To study the association flanked by customer approach and desire trade meaning.
 To decide the association among the demographic variables and issue of shopper
 To recognize the issue pressure customers approach on the way to online shopping
 To discover the association among the issue of expediency and safety
Sample Design:
• Sample Unit - This study relates to the perceptions of women shoppers only.
• Sample Size – 250 responses were collected for this study.
• Sampling Technique: Convenience Sampling Method.
Research Instrument:
The construction construct survey is worn as the investigate gadget for the revise. Liker
5point extent (extremely content, satisfied, impartial, displeased and extremely displeased)
Limitations of the study:
• This study examines only women shoppers only.
• The sample size is limited to 250.
• The survey is conducted only in select Metro Cities of India.
• The study largely is based on the perception of the respondents.
Reliability Analysis: Table showing the reliability analysis
Cronbachs Alpha Number of items
0.897 11

The reliability test was performed for all the constructs of the questionnaire used in the study
and the average of all the 11 items was found to be 0.897 which is acceptable.
TABLE: 1 Anova Table Showing the Comparison between the Age And Consumer Attitude
H0: There is no important association among age and customer approach.
H1: There is important organization among age and customer attitude.

amount of Mean
Factor and age d.f F Sig
squares square
among groups 0.732 3 0.214 0.814 0.472
70.608 246 0.278
inside groups
Total 71.34 249
among Groups 2.214 3 0.708 0.978 0.404

Volume XIV, Issue IV, APRIL 2021 Page No: 20

JAC : A Journal Of Composition Theory ISSN : 0731-6755

Website design
177.581 246 0.723
within groups

Total 179.795 249

Between Groups 0.448 3 0.153 0.441 0.716
Security Within
85.450 246 0.346
85.898 249

From the above table the value between age and consumer attitude, P value is 0.472, 0.404
and 0.716 which is not significant at 5% level. Thus we can conclude so as to close by is no
important association among age and consumer attitude factors therefore HO is accepted and
H1 is rejected
TABLE 2: Anova Table Showing the Comparison between the Educational
Qualification and Consumer Attitude Factors:
HO: There is no association between educational qualification and consumer behaviour
H1: There is significant association between educational qualification and consumer
Factor and age Sum of df Mean F Sig
Squares Squares

Between Groups 1.216 3 0.365 1.315 0.270

Convenience 70.125 246 0.275
Within Groups

Total 71.341 249

Between Groups 2.347 3 0.806 1.130 0.327

Website Design 177.428 246 0.712

Within Groups
Total 179.775 249
Between Groups 2.574 3 0.881 2.634 0.050
Security Within 83.264 246 0.328

Total 85.838 249

From the above table the P value between educational qualification and consumer attitude
factors is 0.050 which is significant at 5% level, thus we can conclude that to hand is
important association among instructive requirement and customer approach issue of safety.
Therefore HO is rejected and H1 is accepted.
The P value between educational qualification and consumer attitude factors of convenience
and web design is 0.270 and 0.327 which is not significant at 5 % level, thus we can conclude

Volume XIV, Issue IV, APRIL 2021 Page No: 21

JAC : A Journal Of Composition Theory ISSN : 0731-6755

that readily obtainable is no major association flanked by instructive requirement and

customer approach factors of convenience and web design. Therefore HO is accepted and H1
is rejected.
H0: There is no significant association among yearly returns and customer approach
H1: There is considerable association among annual returns and shopper attitude.
TABLE 3: Anova Table Showing the Comparison between the Annual Income and
Consumer Attitude Factors
Factor and age Sum of df Mean F Sig
Squares Square

Between Groups 0.330 3 0.110 0.381 0.767

Convenience Within 71.011 246 0.289


Total 71.341 249

Between Groups 1.513 3 0.504 0.695 0.556

Website Design 178.462 246 0.725

Within groups

Total 179.975 249

Between Groups 1.4555 3 0.485 1.412 0.240

Security Within 84.484 246 0.343


Total 85.938 249

From the above table the P value between annual income and consumer attitude factors is
0.767, 0.556 and 0.240 which is not significant at 5% level thus we be able to close to there is
no important association among annual income and consumer attitude. Therefore HO is
accepted and H1 is rejected.

Volume XIV, Issue IV, APRIL 2021 Page No: 22

JAC : A Journal Of Composition Theory ISSN : 0731-6755

Table: 4 Anova Table Showing the Comparison Between The Occupations

And Consumer Attitude Factors
Factor and age Sum of d.f Mean F Sig
Squares Square

among Groups 2.133 5 0.427 1.504 0.189

Convenience 69.208 244 0.284

inside groups

sum 71.341 249

Between Groups 4.443 5 0.889 1.235 0.293

Website Design 175.532 244 0.719

within groups

Total 179.975 249

Between Groups 1.871 5 0.374 1.086 0.369

Security within 84.068 244 0.345

Total 85.938 249

From the above ANOVA table the value between occupation and consumer attitude is 0.189,
0.293 and 0.369 which is not significant at 5% level thus we can conclude that there is no
important association among profession with consumer attitude. Therefore HO is accepted
and H1 is rejected.
Findings &Conclusion
The finding of the study in the first hypothesis concludes so as to there is no important
association among era and attitude of women while making a purchase which is not
consistent with the findings of the previous studies, as per Slaba& Marie (2020) age is one of
the factors which influences decision making among consumers. It has been observed in the
study that there exists significant relationship between educational qualification and
consumer attitude which is in tandem with findings of S. Prem Kumar (2014). Educated
women are well informed consumers and are capable of making conversant decisions when it
comes to online purchase. As per this study there is no significant association among yearly
returns and consumer attitude which is not reliable by the conclusion of Sim& Koi (2002)
that individuals with higher disposable income shop online more often. When disposable
income is high there is a tendency among women to indulge in impulse buying behaviour.As
per the findings of this study there is no important association flanked by occupation and
consumer attitude in the direction of online purchase, which is in agreement with the findings
of M.Vidyaetal (2019), that convenient exists no important association is among periodical

Volume XIV, Issue IV, APRIL 2021 Page No: 23

JAC : A Journal Of Composition Theory ISSN : 0731-6755

profits, Occupation and the stage of contentment of the respondents in the direction of Online
Shopping.There are various reasons that contribute for the growth of online shopping. The
main driving force is ICT infrastructure advantage across metro cities within India. As per
Constantinides (2004) the major divers of online shopping are internet connectivity, security,
and aesthetics. Women predominantly shopped for themselves and their children and all
purchases were related to physical products like clothes, books and diapers. This study
empirically reveals the impulse buying behaviour of women across metro cities in India.
Women mostly rely on price and experience for quality judgement for online purchase.
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