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▪ Classify the value of participating in physical

activities and;
▪ Identify the benefits in participating physical
1. Aerobic
2. Muscle-Strengthening
3. Bone Strengthening
4. Stretching
▪ Aerobic exercise is cardiovascular exercise, or
cardio, that gets your heart pumping. During
aerobic exercise, your blood pumps quickly
throughout your body and your lungs take in more
oxygen. The word aerobic means “with oxygen,”
meaning that your breathing determines the amount
of oxygen that gets to your muscles.
activities include: lifting
weights. working with
resistance bands.
heavy gardening, such
as digging and
shovelling. climbing
▪Bone-strengthening activities produce a force
on the bones that promotes bone growth and
strength. This force is commonly produced by
impact with the ground. Running, jumping
rope, basketball, tennis, and hopscotch are
all examples of bone strengthening activities.
▪Regular stretching helps increase your
range of motion in the joints, improves
blood circulation and posture and
alleviates muscular tension throughout
the body, he tells. In addition, it enhances
your athletic performance and may reduce
the risk of injury, notes the fitness expert.
▪It can make you feel happier
▪It can help with weight loss
▪It is good for your muscles and bones
▪It can increase your energy levels
▪It can reduce your risk of chronic disease
▪It can help skin health
▪It can help your brain health and memory
▪It can help with relaxation and sleep quality
▪It can develop skills and initiative
▪It awakens a sense of responsibility
▪Perform a physical activities mentioned
earlier with at least 1-2 mins. This is
graded with the rubrics. Take a video of
your self then send it to my messenger.

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