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1/10/23, 8:49 PM Answers to CES test about Framo Cargo Pump System


Questions and answers to Crew

Evaluation System Test about
Safe Cargo Handling, Framo
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Test about Framo Cargo Pump


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1/10/23, 8:49 PM Answers to CES test about Framo Cargo Pump System

After blowing
lines to shore and closing the manifold
valve, what is it recommended to do before stripping?

 Relieve any residual pressure in the deck cargo line. 

 Close the shore manifold valve.

 Mark the line blowing entry on the Ship/Shore Safety Checklist.

 Test the airline.

After purging a pump, from where will any liquid resulting

from leakage be collected?

 The exhaust trap drain valve. 

 The relief valve.

 The air/nitrogen outlet tap.

 The stripping valve.

After discharge of a cargo of acid and following the

purging of the cofferdam, which of the following
procedures is recommended?

 Circulate fresh water through the cofferdam. 

 Repeat the purging with a higher pressure to break away any blockages. 2/35
1/10/23, 8:49 PM Answers to CES test about Framo Cargo Pump System

 Perform a full overhaul on the pump.
 Carry out an analysis of the hydraulic oil supply.

At what opening pressure is the relief valve set?

 3-3,5 bar. 

 0,3-0,35 bar.

 1-1,5 bar.

 5 bar.

Cargo leakage found in the cofferdam can have come

from which of the following places? Select all applicable

 Shaft seals. 

 Flange face seals. 

 Cracks in the pipe stack. 

 Cracks in the cofferdam check pipe. 

 Cracks in the cofferdam purge pipe. 

Contaminated hydraulic oil can lead to which of the

following? 3/35
1/10/23, 8:49 PM Answers to CES test about Framo Cargo Pump System

 Reduced system efficiency. 
 Excessive downtime. 

 Increased maintenance costs. 

 Lower hydraulic oil system temperature.

 Reduced leakage detection during purging.

During start-up of loading, which of the following

precautionary measures will avoid pressure shocks in the
pipeline system? Select all applicable answers:

 Start the loading slowly. 

 Open valves in a controlled manner. 

 Increase flow rate to maximum as quickly as possible.

 Open cargo valves quickly.

 Open as many valves simultaneously as possible.

How are the bearings on the shaft lubricated?

 By the low pressure hydraulic return oil. 

 By the high pressure hydraulic oil supply.

 By an oil sump in the cargo pump casing.

 By grease added manually during pump overhaul. 4/35
1/10/23, 8:49 PM Answers to CES test about Framo Cargo Pump System

How do Framo
recommend that a number of cargo
pumps are run, when required to discharge a
homogenous cargo up a common line?

 Run a higher, yet practical number of pumps in parallel at reduced hydraulic pressure,
rather than a smaller number of pumps at maximum hydraulic pressure. 

 Run a smaller, yet practical number of pumps in parallel at maximum hydraulic pressure,
rather than a higher number of pumps at reduced hydraulic pressure.

How does purging assist the ship’s personnel? Select all

applicable answers:

 Leak detection. 

 Condition monitoring. 

 Planning maintenance. 

 Consuming excess spare parts.

How might a tank be tested during tank cleaning to check

that all acid residues have been removed?

 The discharged washing water can be tested with litmus paper. 

 The atmosphere can be tested for chlorine content.

 The atmosphere can be tested for hydrocarbon content. 5/35
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 The discharged washing water can be tested with carbon paper.

Hydraulic oil leakage found in the cofferdam can have

come from which of the following places? Select all
applicable answers:

 Mechanical seals. 

 Flange face seals. 

 Cracks in the pipe stack. 

 Cracks in the cofferdam check pipe.

If a group of tanks to be discharged are similar in size

and loaded to approximately the same volume, what is
recommended as the best way to safely and efficiently
control the overall discharge rate?

 Keep all the pump controllers in the maximum position and regulate the main hydraulic
system pressure. 

 Keep the main hydraulic system pressure at maximum and regulate individual pump
pressures as required.

 Keep the main hydraulic pressure at maximum and run all cargo pumps at 30 bar less than
the main setting. 6/35
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If a tank .org
that previously contained Sulphuric Acid cannot
be cleaned immediately after discharge, what should be
done with that tank?

 It should be kept dry. 

 Enough water should be put in the sump to submerse the impeller.

 It should be thoroughly ventilated.

 It should be circulated with a caustic solution for a minimum of 2 cycles with the tank
cleaning machines.

If adjustment to an individual pump speed is required,

how should it be applied?

 By adjusting the individual pump hydraulic pressure. 

 By throttling the cargo pump discharge valve.

 By regulating the main system hydraulic pressure.

 By throttling the manifold valve.

If four tanks, of identical size and filled to the same

ullage, are to be discharged at the same time up a
common shore line, what is the recommended procedure
to follow when controlling the overall discharge rate? 7/35
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 Keep the main hydraulic system pressure at maximum and regulate individual pump
pressures as required.

 Keep all the pump controllers in the maximum position and regulate the main hydraulic
system pressure. 

 Keep the main hydraulic pressure at maximum and run all cargo pumps at 35 bar less than
the main setting.

If live stream is applied during tank cleaning, what is the

maximum recommended duration, in order to avoid
possible damage to the cargo seals?

 20 minutes.

 30 minutes.

 10 minutes. 

 40 minutes.

In order to prevent damage to a stainless steel tank, what

will be required after salt water washing?

 Testing the bulkhead with reagent chemical.

 Recirculation with an acid-based cleaning chemical.

 Purging the pump cofferdam.

 Rinsing down with fresh water.  8/35
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which .org
direction is the local control valve on the top
cover plate of the cargo pump turned to open it?

 Counter clockwise. 

 Clockwise.

In which of the following ways does purging assist the

ship’s personnel? Select all applicable answers:

 Leak detection. 

 Condition monitoring. 

 Planning maintenance. 

 Consuming excess spare parts.

In which two ways can a Framo cargo pump be started


 Local start-up at the top cover plate on deck. 

 Remote start-up at the Framo pump control panel. 

 Remote start-up at the manifold.

 Remote start-up from the jetty control room. 9/35
1/10/23, 8:49 PM Answers to CES test about Framo Cargo Pump System

. purging can result in which of the following?

 A blocked cofferdam. 

 Missing scheduled maintenance.

 Leakage at the exhaust trap drain valve.

 Difficulty in connecting the air or nitrogen purging line.

Once the cargo pump has been run initially and the
pressure is then adjusted, to what level is it increased?

 Until it is above the cargo manifold pressure. 

 To a level at least 75 % of the final planned discharge pressure.

 By an additional 50 % above the initial level.

 110 bar.

Phosphoric Acid sediment can damage which of the

following parts of a cargo pump in particular?

 The seals. 

 The cofferdam purge pipe flange gasket.

 The hydraulic motor.

 The impeller. 10/35
1/10/23, 8:49 PM Answers to CES test about Framo Cargo Pump System

Rotation of the impeller causes the liquid to flow towards
the periphery of the pump casing through which of the
following forces:

 Centipoidal.

 Gravitational.

 Centrifugal. 

 Hydraulic.

Select two reasons from the list below as to why, with

certain cargoes, it is advantageous to fill the cofferdam
with liquid:

 The working lifetime of the seals may be extended. 

 Blockages of solidified cargo in the cofferdam can be avoided. 

 The pressure in the hydraulic oil circuit can be maintained at a lower level.

 The cargo pump can be run at a higher pressure during discharge.

Under what circumstances should the service valves on

the hydraulic supply lines be closed?

 For maintenance work on the pump or lines.  11/35
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 When no cargo operations are taking place.
 At the start-up of cargo operations.

 On completion of cargo operations.

Under which of the following circumstances should the

emergency stop be activated? Select all applicable

 Damage to hydraulic pressure pipes or hoses that leads to leakage. 

 Critical pressure pulsation in the system (hunting). 

 Critical vibration on the power packs. 

 Damage to the cargo lines. 

 Uncontrolled spill/leakage during discharging. 

What is parallel pumping?

 Running a number of cargo pumps together to discharge a homogenous cargo from several
tanks simultaneously up a common line. 

 Running adjacent cargo pumps at the same time.

 Starting an even number of cargo pumps in pairs and operating them at the same discharge

 Adjusting a number of cargo pumps so that the tanks complete discharge at the same time. 12/35
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What is the
backstop unit?

 A device that prevents the impeller running in reverse when loading is carried out through
the pump. 

 A non-return valve on the hydraulic oil supply line.

 A tool, which provides easy access to the cargo seals during maintenance.

 A device, that allows the impeller to be rotated manually from deck to clear a blockage.

What is the maximum recommended duration for which

live steam should be applied during tank cleaning, in
order to avoid possible damage to the cargo seals?

 30 minutes.

 10 minutes. 

 1 hour.

 Stainless steel and live steam are incompatible and contact must therefore be avoided.

What is the particular risk in filling the cofferdam on an

older, open loop hydraulic system?

 The lack of a feed pump to maintain pressure when the cargo system is not in use can lead
to contamination of the hydraulic oil. 

 The presence of a feed pump to boost the hydraulic oil pressure can lead to contamination 13/35
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of the liquid in the cofferdam.

 Failure to apply additional purging checks with pumps in such a system can result in
undetected contamination of the cargo.

What is the purpose of the cofferdam space?

 It forms a small void space between the hydraulic oil system and the cargo, capable of
being checked at intervals for any possible leakage from either side. 

 It provides a solid barrier between the hydraulic oil system and the cargo, thereby
preventing any possible leakage between the two.

 It is an auxiliary system built into the cargo pump for the purposes of cleaning the
mechanical seals.

What is the purpose of wear rings?

 To hold the base of the cargo pump firmly in place and limit any vibration.

 To hold the mechanical oil seal position at the base of the cofferdam.

 To keep the cargo from escaping back into the cargo tank and direct it instead through the
discharge line. 

 To reverse the direction of flow within the volute casing.

What is the recommended operating range for the

temperature of the hydraulic oil?

 Between 30 °C and 55 °C.  14/35
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 Between 20 °C and 50 °C.
 Between 50 °C and 70 °C.

 Between 40 °C and 50 °C.

What is the recommended supply pressure to have

available for cleaning the deck cargo line?

 2-3 bar.

 3-4 bar.

 6-7 bar. 

 More than 12 bar.

What is the standard opening time for an actuator

controlled cargo line valve?

 Approximately 20 seconds. 

 Approximately 3 seconds.

 Exactly 10 seconds.

 More than 30 seconds.

What is the term applied to the formation and collapse of

bubbles around the impeller, creating a partial vacuum,
causing the pump to surge and heat to be generated, 15/35
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resulting from uncontrolled running to the pump with
cargoes such as latex or molasses?

 Cavitation. 

 Gravitation.

 Cathodation.

 Causation.

What maintenance procedure must be carried after cargo

discharge and stripping operations are complete?

 Purge the pump cofferdams. 

 Test the cargo valves for full and correct operations.

 Pressure test the cargo lines.

 Remove the plugs and open the valves on the stripping lines.

What must be tended while foot samples are being


 The manifold valve. 

 The Framo pump control panel.

 The cargo pump discharge valve. 16/35
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 The hydraulic system pressure controller.

What name is given to the partial vacuum created around

the impeller blades, causing the pump to surge and heat
to be generated, as a result of uncontrolled running of the
pump with certain cargoes such as latex?

 Cavitation. 

 Gravitation.

 Orientation.

 Clarification.

What name is given to the process by which the final

residues of cargo are removed from a tank and its
associated piping?

 Clearing.

 Straining.

 Reducing.

 Stripping. 

What piece of portable equipment is designed to safely

release any excess pressure before a blowing hose is 17/35
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 3-way valve. 

 Quick coupling.

 Ready release coupling.

 Snap-on connection.

What procedure is recommended after an acid cargo has

been discharged and the cofferdam has been purged?

 Repeat the purging.

 Circulate fresh water through the cofferdam. 

 Change the cargo seals.

 Report the result of the purging immediately to Framo.

What procedure must be carried out after cargo

discharge and stripping are completed?

 Purge the cofferdam. 

 Record the running hours in the Cargo Log Book.

 Notify the Chief Engineer.

 Remove the plug from manifold valve casing. 18/35
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is applied to the removal of final cargo
residues from a tank and its associated piping?

 Stripping. 

 Clearing.

 Streaming.

 Popping.

What term is applied to the testing process used to check

for any leakage past the seals in the cargo pump?

 Stripping.

 Purging. 

 Displacing.

 Purifying.

When a cargo pump is started, at which hydraulic

pressure should it initially be run and for how long before
it is increased?

 40-50 bar for a minimum of 1 minute. 

 120 bar for a minimum of 1 minute. 19/35
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 75-100 bar for approximately 2 minutes.
 15-20 bar for approximately 3-5 minutes.

When a number of cargo pumps are required to

discharge a homogenous cargo up a common line, how
do Framo recommend they are run?

 Run a higher, yet practical number of pumps in parallel at reduced hydraulic pressure,
rather than a smaller number of pumps at maximum hydraulic pressure. 

 Run a smaller, yet practical number of pumps at maximum hydraulic pressure, rather than a
higher number of pumps at reduced hydraulic pressure.

When controlling the pump using the local control valve

on the top cover plate, in what position should the control
handle on the Framo control panel be?

 At maximum. 

 At minimum.

 It doesn’t matter when the local control valve is being used.

When discharging a number of tanks simultaneously,

how would you adjust the rate from an individual tank?

 By throttling the cargo pump discharge valve. 20/35
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 By regulating the main system hydraulic pressure.
 By adjusting the individual pump hydraulic pressure. 

 By throttling the manifold valve.

When preparing for the carriage of fuel oil, which of the

following liquids should be added to the pump

 Diesel oil. 

 Fresh water.

 Di-octyl phthalate.

 Hot fresh water.

When preparing for the carriage of fuel oil, which of the

following should be added to the pump cofferdam?

 5-10 litres of diesel oil. 

 5-10 litres of fresh water.

 35 litres of di-octyl phthalate.

 35 litres of hot fresh water.

When preparing for the carriage of isocyanates, what 21/35
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substance is. the pump cofferdam filled with?

 Di-octyl phthalate. 

 Di-iso octate.

 Di-phenyl methane.

 Tri-methyl nitrate.

When preparing for the carriage of molasses, which

liquid is added to the pump cofferdam?

 Di-octyl phthalate.

 Diesel oil.

 Mineral spirit.

 Fresh water. 

When preparing for the carriage of molasses, which of

the following liquids is filled to the pump cofferdam?

 Fresh water. 

 Di-octyl phthalate.

 Diesel oil.

 Salt water. 22/35
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When running
at full rate, what should be the balance
between the hydraulic system pressure and the hydraulic
pressure at the pumps?

 The system pressure should be no more, than 20 bar above the highest pump pressure. 

 The system pressure must be exactly the same as the highest consumer pressure.

 The system regulator automatically adjusts the balance to the maximum discharge

 The hydraulic system pressure should be set to the combined total requirement of all the
pumps that are to be run in the current operation.

When using the local control valve on the top cover plate
to operate the cargo pump, in what position should the
control handle on the Framo control panel be?

 At maximum. 

 At minimum.

 It doesn’t matter when the local control valve is being used.

Where is the mechanical seal located?

 Between the low pressure return oil side and the cofferdam. 

 Between the high pressure supply oil and the cofferdam. 23/35
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 Between the cofferdam and the cargo.
 Between the impeller and the pump shaft.

Where would you find the results of a vessels stripping


 The Certificate of Registry.

 The Procedures and Arrangements Manual. 

 The MARPOL guidelines.

 The latest shipyard report.

Which direction would you turn the local control valve on

the top cover plate of the cargo pump to open it?

 Counter clockwise. 

 Clockwise.

Which of the features below is an indication that a pump

is losing suction? Select all applicable answers:

 Vibration in the pump. 

 The needle on the pressure gauge rising and falling.  24/35
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 A distinctive surging noise from the pump. 
 A slow and progressive reduction in discharge rate.

Which of the following acids is considered to be the most

corrosive towards stainless steel?

 Sulphuric Acid. 

 Phosphoric Acid.

 Nitric Acid.

 Propionic Acid.

Which of the following are functions of the double cargo

lip seal?

 To prevent leakage of cargo into the cofferdam. 

 To prevent any leakage of hydraulic oil in the cofferdam from leaking on further into the
cargo tank. 

 To prevent leakage of hydraulic oil into the cofferdam.

 To prevent any leakage of cargo in the cofferdam from leaking on further into the hydraulic
oil system.

Which of the following are typical signs of worn wear

rings? Select all applicable answers: 25/35
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 Slow discharge rate. 
 Heavy spraying during stripping. 

 Increased discharge rate.

 Increased hydraulic oil consumption.

Which of the following cargoes is the most corrosive

towards stainless steel?

 Sulphuric Acid. 

 Propylene Oxide.

 Methyl Methacrylate Monomer.

 Acetic Acid.

Which of the following factors are considered the

advantages of an open loop hydraulic system? Select all
applicable answers:

 Simple air release procedure. 

 Less piping. 

 Reduced number of components. 

 Hydraulic tank size. 26/35
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Which of.orgthe following factors is considered an
advantage of a closed loop hydraulic system?

 The size of the hydraulic tank. 

 The air release procedure.

 The amount of piping.

 The number of components.

Which of the following is the only reason for closing the

service valves on the hydraulic supply lines?

 For maintenance work on the pump or lines. 

 When no cargo operations are taking place.

 At the start-up of cargo operations.

 On completion of cargo operations.

Which of the following mixtures should not be stored in

stainless steel tanks? Select all applicable answers:

 Slops containing salt water. 

 Slops with more than 10 % acid residue content. 

 Slops containing fresh water. 27/35
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 Slops with less than 0,1 % acid residue content.

Which of the following precautions would be carried out

in preparation for the loading of a cargo of toluene di-

 Filling the cofferdam with di-octyl phthalate. 

 Filling the cofferdam with fresh water.

 Plugging the cofferdam check pipe inlet and purging pipe outlet.

 Replacing the cargo seals in the pump.

Which of the following statements is a definition of

parallel pumping?

 Running a number of cargo pumps together to discharge a homogenous cargo from several
tanks simultaneously up a common line. 

 Running adjacent cargo pumps at the same time.

 Adjusting the hydraulic pressures of a number of cargo pumps, so that the tanks complete
discharge at the same time.

 Running a group of cargo pumps together by running each up independently, but to the
same hydraulic pressure.

Which of the following substances can easily damage

stainless steel surfaces during short-term exposure, if 28/35
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improperly handled? Select all applicable answers:

 Salt water. 

 Fresh water.

 Acid/water mixtures. 

 Bleach. 

Which of these functions is performed by a Jockey pump

in an open loop hydraulic system?

 Maintaining the hydraulic oil pressure above the cargo static pressure when the cargo
system is not in operation. 

 Providing cooling/lubrication to the main hydraulic pumps. 

 Maintaining the hydraulic oil temperature above the minimum required operating

 Preventing back-flow within the hydraulic system.

Which parts of the pump are especially liable to damage

from Phosphoric Acid sediment?

 The seals. 

 The cofferdam.

 The volute casing. 29/35
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 The impeller.

Which process is used to detect any leakage of cargo or

hydraulic oil into the cofferdam?

 Purging. 

 Stripping.

 Voiding.

 Decreasing.

Which two items from the list below must you consider
before opening a lid to check visually if the sump is

 Safety precautions. 

 Terminal regulations. 

 The density of the cargo.

 If the surveyor is on board.

Which two items of equipment, located in the hydraulic

control room, should be checked as running prior to
starting discharge operations? 30/35
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 The cooling water pump. 
 The ventilation fan. 

 The hydraulic oil heater isolation unit.

 The emergency switchboard control board.

Why are wear rings fitted around the base of a pump?

 To prevent cargo from escaping back into the cargo tank and direct it instead through the
discharge line. 

 To hold the base of the cargo pump securely in place and prevent vibration.

 To hold the cargo seal in position at the base of the cofferdam.

 To reverse the direction of flow within the volute casing.

Why is a closed loop hydraulic system considered safer

in an operation, which involves filling the pump cofferdam
with liquid?

 Because the feed pump maintains a small positive pressure in the circuit when the cargo
system is not in use, thereby avoiding the possibility of oil contamination. 

 Because the feed pump absorbs any excess pressure in the hydraulic system, thereby
avoiding the possibility of mechanical seal failure.

 Because the header tank in a closed loop system is of a smaller capacity and therefore
exerts a lower gravitational pressure on the system.

 Because the pipework in a closed loop circuit is of a smaller diameter and it therefore runs 31/35
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at a lower system pressure.

Why is it necessary to use hot water in the cofferdam

when carrying Phenol?

 Due to the high melting point of Phenol. 

 Due to the low temperature of the hydraulic oil.

 Because Phenol is reactive with cold water.

 Because the Code of Carriage of Dangerous Liquid Chemicals (1987) requires that hot
water must be used.

Why is it necessary to use specifically hot water in the

cofferdam when carrying Phenol?

 Due to the high melting point of Phenol. 

 Due to the high temperature of the hydraulic oil.

 Because Phenol is reactive with cold water.

 Because MARPOL 73/78 Regulations stipulate that hot water used. 32/35
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Jessie arsaga 17.09.2022 в 22:31

Why is 1 framo pump have less pressure compare to othe pump and if you run alone
he give good pressure but if you run with parallel he give low pressure


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1/10/23, 8:49 PM Answers to CES test about Framo Cargo Pump System

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