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„„ Editorial
Artificial intelligence, machine learning
and the evolution of healthcare
a bright future or cause for concern?

Keywords: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence

L. D. Jones, First proposed by Professor John McCarthy at algorithms that confer it the ability to learn
D. Golan, Dartmouth College in the summer of 1956,1 how to perform the task. Unlike normal algo-
S. A. Hanna, Artificial Intelligence (AI) – human intelli- rithms, it is the data that ‘tells’ the machine
M. Ramachandran gence exhibited by machines – has occupied what the ‘good answer’ is, and learning
the lexicon of successive generations of com- occurs without explicit programming. ML
Department of puter scientists, science fiction fans, and problems can be classified as supervised
medical researchers. The aim of countless learning or unsupervised learning.3 In a
Orthopaedic Surgery,
careers has been to build intelligent machines supervised machine learning algorithm, such
Stanford University,
that can interpret the world as humans do, as face recognition, the machine is shown
Palo Alto, California,
understand language, and learn from real- several examples of ‘face’ or ‘non-face’ and
United States world examples. In the early part of this cen- the algorithm learns to predict whether an
tury, two events coincided that transformed unseen image is a face or not. In unsuper-
the field of AI. The advent of widely available vised learning, the images shown to the
Graphic Processing Units (GPUs) meant that machine are not labelled as ‘face’ or
parallel processing was faster, cheaper, and ‘non-face’.
more powerful. At the same time, the era of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)4 are one
‘Big Data’ – images, text, bioinformatics, group of algorithms used for machine learn-
medical records, and financial transactions, ing. While ANNs have existed for over 60
among others – was moving firmly into the years, they fell out of favour during the 1990s
mainstream, along with almost limitless data and 2000s. In the last half-decade, ANNs
storage. These factors led to a dramatic resur- have had a resurgence under a new name:
gence in interest in AI in both academic cir- deep artificial networks (or ‘Deep Learning’).
cles and industries outside traditional ANNs are uniquely poised to take full advan-
computer science. Once again, AI occupies tage of the computational boost offered by
„„L. D. Jones, DPhil (Oxon) the zeitgeist, and is poised to transform med- GPUs, allowing them to crunch through data
FRCS(Tr&Orth), Orthopaedic icine at a basic science, clinical, healthcare sets of enormous sizes. These range from
Surgeon, Department of
Orthopaedic Surgery, Stanford
management, and financial level. computer vision tasks, such as image classifi-
University, California, USA Terminology surrounding these technolo- cation, object detection, face recognition,
„„D. Golan, PhD (Stanford), CTO gies continues to evolve and can be a source and optical character recognition (OCR), to
and Co-founder,
of confusion for non-computer scientists. AI natural language processing and even game-
„„S. A. Hanna, MD(Res)
FRCS(Tr&Orth), Orthopaedic is broadly classified as: general AI, machines playing problems (from mastering simple
Surgeon, that replicate human thought, emotion, and Atari games to the recent AlphaGo victory
„„M. Ramachandran,
FRCS(Tr&Orth), Orthopaedic
reason (and remain, for now, in the realm of against human grandmasters).5
Surgeon, Department of science fiction); and narrow AI, technologies ANNs work by constructing layers upon
Orthopaedic Surgery, Royal that can perform specific tasks as well as, or layers of simple processing units (often
London Hospital, Barts Health NHS
Trust, London, UK.
better than, humans. Machine learning (ML) referred to as ‘neurons’), interconnected via
is the study of computer algorithms that can many differentially weighted connections.
Correspondence should be sent to
L. D. Jones; learn complex relationships or patterns from ANNs are ‘trained’ by using backpropagation
email: empirical data and make accurate decisions.2 algorithms, essentially telling the machine
doi: 10.1302/2046-3758.73.BJR- Rather than coding specific sets of instruc- how to alter the internal parameters that are
2017-0147.R1 tions to accomplish a task, the machine is used to compute the representation in each
Bone Joint Res 2018;7:223–225. ‘trained’ using large amounts of data and layer from the representation in the previous

vol. 7, NO. 3, March 2018 223

224 L. D. Jones, D. Golan, S. A. Hanna, M. Ramachandran

layer. As such, deep learning can be largely automatic thousands or even millions of contact evaluations.
once set in motion, learning intricate patterns from even Eskenazi et al15 created an ANN-based contact model of
high-dimensional raw data with little guidance6 and con- the tibiofemoral joint using over 75 000 evaluations of a
tinuously improving. fine-grid elastic foundation (EF) contact model. The con-
How might machine learning and deep learning trans- tact model computed contact forces and torques about
form the current medical, and specifically the musculo- 1000 times faster than a less accurate coarse grid EF con-
skeletal, landscape? Search engines, spam filters, voice tact model, removing an important computational bot-
recognition software, and autonomous driving vehicles tleneck from musculoskeletal simulations incorporating
all depend on ML technologies and are now part of our deformable joint contact models. Similar approaches
daily lives, irrespective of the industry sector we occupy. have been used in the analysis of preoperative images to
Medicine seems particularly amenable to ML solutions help the surgeon define intraoperative bone resection
and has been the focus of much interest in thriving tech- levels in upper limb arthroplasty.16
nological economies, such as Silicon Valley. Major improvements have been seen in all stages of the
The impact of AI can be considered in two main themes: medical imaging pathway, from acquisition and recon-
first, extracting meaning from ‘Big Data’ in the research struction to analysis and interpretation. Segmentation, the
domain; and second, aiding clinicians in delivering care to division of digitized images into homogeneous partitions
patients.4 Using machine learning to extract information with respect to specific borders of regions of interest, is
on treatment patterns and diagnoses has already been commonly used in the assessment of cartilage lesions.
used in large digital databases of Electronic Health Records Traditionally performed manually, it is a difficult and time-
in the United Kingdom, and has enabled data-driven pre- consuming task with limited standardization. Fully auto-
diction of drug effects and interactions, identification of mated ML analysis segmentation of hip, knee, and wrist
type 2 diabetes subgroups, and discovery of comorbidity cartilage MRI images17 have transformed this process and
clusters in autism spectrum disorders.7 promise to bring automated segmentation into the main-
In the United States, the IBM Watson Health cognitive stream of research and clinical practice. Complex, user-
computing system (IBM Corp., Armonk, New York) has dependent image analysis techniques, such as ultrasound
used machine learning approaches to create a decision for developmental dysplasia of the hip, are particularly
support system for physicians treating cancer patients, amenable to deep learning techniques.18 Individuals in
with the intention of improving diagnostic accuracy and geographically underserved or remote locations can be
reducing costs using large volumes of patient cases and imaged by unskilled users, accurately diagnosed, and then
over one million scholarly articles. directed to expert care at an earlier stage in the natural his-
Within musculoskeletal medicine, machine learning tory of disease, potentially transforming outcomes.
and active shape modelling have proven influential in As both the number of imaging studies and the num-
understanding biomechanics, orthopaedic implant ber of images per study grows, radiology has become
design,8 bone tumour resection,9 prediction of progres- threatened by its own success: the workload of radiolo-
sion of osteoarthritis based on anatomical shape assess- gists has increased dramatically, the number of radiolo-
ment,10,11 and robotic surgery.12 The analysis of complex gists is limited, and healthcare costs related to imaging
physiological data via ML has been used in patients with continue to increase. With 40 million mammograms and
spinal degenerative changes. Hayashi et al13 focused on 38 million MRI scans19 performed each year in the United
gait analysis as a classification method to improve diag- States alone, and a trend to extend the indications for
nostic accuracy in patients with multilevel spinal stenosis. scans containing huge amounts of data,20 ML has and
By identifying gait characteristics of those with confirmed will continue to have an important role to play in image
L4 or L5 radiculopathy, support vector machine (SVM) interpretation. Several studies have suggested that the
analysis was used to contrast patient motion with normal incorporation of computer-aided detection (CADe) sys-
controls, allowing the development of a gait model to aid tems into the diagnostic process can improve the perfor-
diagnosis. Similar work has been done with knee osteoar- mance of image interpretation by providing quantitative
thritis, using ML to analyze massive data inputs from support for clinical decision-making, particularly the dif-
complex gait analysis to develop models that provide an ferentiation of malignant and benign tumours.21 CADe
estimation of the presence of disease.14 This engineering provides an effective way to reduce reading time, increase
approach to a medical diagnostic problem is not isolated. detection sensitivity, and improve diagnosis accuracy,
In the lower limb, deformable joint contact models can thus supporting rather than usurping the need for spe-
be used to estimate loading conditions for cartilage-­ cialist musculoskeletal radiologists. In the future, these
cartilage, implant-implant, human-orthotic, and foot- technologies may progress from clinical decision support
ground interactions. However, contact evaluations are use to diagnostic decision-making (computer-aided diag-
often so expensive computationally that they can be pro- nosis (CADx)). Currently, regulatory bodies such as the
hibitive for simulations or optimizations requiring United States Food and Drug Administration do not


Artificial intelligence, machine learning and the evolution of healthcare 225

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Funding Statement
and autonomous surgical actions. Int J CARS 2016;11:553-568. „„ None declared
4. Sheikhtaheri A, Sadoughi F, Hashemi Dehaghi Z. Developing and using expert
Author Contributions
systems and neural networks in medicine: a review on benefits and challenges. „„ L. D. Jones: Conceived editorial, Manuscript drafting.
J Med Syst 2014;38:110. „„ D. Golan: Conceived editorial, Manuscript drafting, Approved the manuscript.
5. Mozur P. Googles AlphaGo Beats Chinese Go Master in Win for AI. New York Times. „„ S. A. Hanna: Conceived editorial, Manuscript drafting, Approved the manuscript.
„„ M. Ramachandran: Conceived editorial, Manuscript drafting, Approved the (date last accessed 20 manuscript.
December 2017).
Conflicts of Interest Statement
6. Mamoshina P, Vieira A, Putin E, Zhavoronkov A. Applications of Deep Learning
„„ Two authors (DG and RM) declare shares in or take a salary from an artificial intel-
in Biomedicine. Mol Pharm 2016;13:1445-1454. ligence company. None of the authors declare any conflicts of interest relevant to
7. Wang Z, Shah AD, Tate AR, et al. Extracting diagnoses and investigation results this paper.
from unstructured text in electronic health records by semi-supervised machine © 2018 Jones et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the
learning. PLoS One 2012;7:e30412. Creative Commons Attributions licence (CC-BY-NC), which permits unrestricted use,
8. Kozic N, Weber S, Büchler P, et al. Optimisation of orthopaedic implant design using distribution, and reproduction in any medium, but not for commercial gain, provided
the original author and source are credited.
statistical shape space analysis based on level sets. Med Image Anal 2010;14:265-275.

vol. 7, No. 3, March 2018

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