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International Orthodontics 2020; 18: 258–265

Original article

Reliability of cephalograms derived of cone

beam computed tomography versus lateral
cephalograms to estimate cervical vertebrae
maturity in a Peruvian population:
A retrospective study

Gustavo Echevarría-Sánchez 1, Luis Ernesto Arriola-Guillén 2, Violeta Malpartida-Carrillo 1,

Pedro Luis Tinedo-López 1, Ricardo Palti-Menendez 3, Maria Eugenia Guerrero 1,4

Available online: 31 January 2020 1. Universidad Científica del Sur, Division of Oral Implantology, School of Dentistry,
Lima, Peru
2. Universidad Científica del Sur, School of Dentistry, Division of Orthodontics and
Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Lima, Peru
3. IDM Center, Private Practice, Lima, Peru
4. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Faculty of Dentistry, Medico Surgical
Department, Lima, Peru

Luis Ernesto Arriola-Guillén, Universidad Científica del Sur, Faculty of Dentistry,
Division of Orthodontics, Calle Los Girasoles 194, Surco, Lima, Peru.

Keywords Summary
Cervical vertebrae Objective > Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images can be useful for estimating cervical
maturation vertebrae maturity (CVM). The aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability of cephalograms
Cephalometry derived from CBCT versus lateral cephalograms (LC) to estimate the CVM in a Peruvian population.
Cone-beam CT Material and methods > The sample evaluated consisted of 40 cephalograms derived from CBCT
and 40 LC images from individuals aged 10–19 years. One trained and calibrated observer (Kappa
scores  0.90) interpreted the CBCT and LC images twice. Intra-observer reliability of each
maturation stage on CBCT sagittal slices and LC images were analysed using the weighted kappa
statistics (a = 0.05). Comparison of CVM stages between CBCT slices and LC images were analysed
by the Spearman rank correlation coefficient, p < 0.05.
Results > The weighted kappa test showed almost perfect intra-observer agreement for the CVM
stages using the CBCT sagittal slices (0.873). Considering the LC images, the weighted kappa test
showed almost perfect intra-observer agreement too (0.937). In both intra-observer agreement, the
difference was limited to one maturation stage of the CVM method. The first and second intra-observer
agreement for the CVM stages between the CBCT sagittal slices and LC images were almost perfect
(0.937 and 0.874). High correlation values at the first (0.975) and second (0.976) intra-observer
agreement for the CVM stages between CBCT sagittal slices and LC images were also found.
Conclusion > CBCT is a reliable method for CVM assessment and can be used as an alternative
method for this purpose. The orthodontists might use the CBCT scans as a valuable tool for CVM
method estimation.

tome 18 > n82 > June 2020
© 2020 CEO. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Reliability of cephalograms derived of cone beam computed tomography versus lateral cephalograms to
estimate cervical vertebrae maturity in a Peruvian population: A retrospective study

Original article
Introduction These contradictory results indicate that more investigations
Skeletal maturity or skeletal age informs clinicians of the relative are needed. On the other hand, these studies were performed
maturity of a patient's skeleton at a particular time and is in Canadian [21] and Japanese populations [22]. Hence,
influenced by his or her own biological clock [1]. Research additional studies in different populations are required to
has reported different biological indicators to determinate determine if using a cephalogram derived from CBCT as a
human development including height, weight, chronological diagnostic method can determine the bone maturity stage.
age, voice change, sexual maturation, dental development, With this in mind, when an orthodontist immediately requires
and biomarkers such as insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) a CBCT in a specific case, additional cephalometric radiograph
[2–6]. However, skeletal development of the hand and wrist could be avoided for the assessment of skeletal maturity. Hence,
and cervical vertebrae morphology are the most common the objective of this study was to evaluate the reliability of
methods that have been used as indicators of adolescent devel- cephalograms derived from CBCT sagittal slices for assessment
opment. These valuable tools allow clinicians to better select the of CVM method and to compare the CVM method estimation
treatment time for dentofacial orthopaedics, orthodontic, between CBCT sagittal slices and LC images.
orthognathic surgery, and the most appropriate earliest age
Materials and methods
for dental implants placement [7].
The hand-wrist bone analysis is a reliable method for skeletal Materials
maturity assessment [8,9]. Nevertheless, complexity in This retrospective and comparative study was approved by the
landmark identification, time spent, and additional radiation Ethics Committee of Universidad Científica del Sur, Lima, Perú,
exposure are the primary disadvantages [10]. Because of these with the approval N8 000288. This study included LC and CBCTs of
limitations, Lamparski [11] introduced another method for the same patients, obtained in a period of time that did not
assessment of skeletal maturity considering morphological exceed one month between both acquisitions. These auxiliary
changes in the cervical vertebrae called the cervical vertebrae exams were requested by orthodontists or maxillofacial
maturation (CVM) index. Following this guidance, Baccetti et al.
[12] proposed a modified version of the CVM method evaluating
only three cervical vertebrae (C2, C3, and C4) routinely visual-
ized in a lateral cephalometric radiograph. This analysis can be
performed on conventional or digital lateral cephalograms (LC)
and is valid and clinically reliable in predicting the pubertal
growth spurt [13,14]. However, limitations in CVM methods
have been informed using LC, such as difficulties distinguishing
altered ratios of height and width of vertebrae, insufficient
distinctive landmarks, and potential distortion in the sagittal
plane [15]. Several early studies, showed poor reproducibility
and stated the difficulty in classifying the vertebrae bodies on
the CVM method [16,17].
As a result of recent advances in the field of radiology, cone
beam computed tomography (CBCT) has become more popular
as an investigating tool in dental practice allowing the exhibition
of images in all three planes of space (axial, coronal and sagittal
sections). Although, CBCT is available at a lower cost and yields
high-quality data at relatively low radiation doses [18], it cannot
be used as an auxiliary diagnostic protocol for all cases. A few
studies have been conducted on the assessment of the
CVM method based on CBCT [19,20]. Shim et al. [21] reported
weak inter-observer agreement (0.581 Interclass correlation
coefficient) in the evaluation of CVM method between CBCT
and LC. These authors recommended new maturational indica-
tors or landmarks unique to CBCT imaging. Furthermore, more
recently Joshi et al. [22] compared the CVM method between
CBCT and LC and observed a significantly high correlation for the Figure 1
skeletal maturity estimation (0.975 Spearman correlation). Study flow chart to select the CBCT and lateral radiographs

tome 18 > n82 > June 2020

G. Echevarría-Sánchez, L.E. Arriola-Guillén, V. Malpartida-Carrillo, P.L. Tinedo-López, R. Palti-Menendez, M.E. Guerrero
Original article

surgeons who required the CBCT to complete their diagnosis. The TABLE I
radiographs and tomographs were obtained at IDM Maxillofacial Definitions of cervical stages using the cervical vertebrae method
Diagnostic Institute, Lima, Peru, from January 2013 to December according to Baccetti et al. [12].
2018. The sample size was determined by a pilot test of 15 sub-
jects using the formula to estimate a proportion with a total Stage Characteristics
population of 50 subjects, a 95% confidence level, a proportion CS1 The lower borders of all the three vertebrae (C2-C4) are flat.
of 84%, and a precision of 5%. According with this analysis, the The bodies of both C3 and C4 are trapezoid in shape (the
number of subjects required was 40 (18 men, 22 women). superior border of the vertebral body is tapered from
Informed consent was obtained from all individuals, their posterior to anterior)

parents or legal tutors. The inclusion criteria were healthy CS2 A concavity is present at the lower border of C2 (in four of
Peruvian individuals between 10 and 19 years old without five cases, with the remaining subjects still showing CS 1).
developmental anomalies, syndromes, and cleft lip and palate. The bodies of both C3 and C4 are still trapezoid in shape

The exclusion criteria were the presence of pathological CS3 Concavities at the lower borders of both C2 and C3 are
changes, problems in growth and development, foreign bodies present. The bodies of C3 and C4 may be either trapezoid or
in the images, and CBCT sagittal slices and LC images with rectangular and horizontal in shape

impairment of full visualization of the vertebrae bodies of C2, CS4 Concavities at the lower borders of C2, C3, and C4 now are
C3, and C4 and CBCTs or LC of individuals with orthodontic or present. The bodies of both C3 and C4 are rectangular
horizontal in shape
surgical treatment (figure 1).
CS5 The concavities at the lower borders of C2, C3, and C4 are
Methods still present. At least one of the bodies of C3 and C4 is
squared in shape. If not squared, the body of the other
Image acquisition cervical vertebra still is rectangular horizontal
LC images were obtained using a Planmeca Proline XC (Roselle,
CS6 The concavities at the lower borders of C2, C3, and C4 are
Illinois, USA) with exposure settings of 68 kV, 12 mA, and 0.6–0.8 s
still evident. At least one of the bodies of C3 and C4 is
exposure time. Good quality cephalograms with a ruler on the rectangular and vertical in shape. If not rectangular and
cephalostat for exact measurement of the magnification factor vertical, the body of the other cervical vertebra is squared
were required. They showed C2–C4 vertebrae bodies in full view
taken on the same date as the CBCT sagittal slices. The LC
were scanned at 600 dpi for presentation as high-resolution
images in TIFF format to maintain the original radiographic quality.
Radiographs were scanned (Epson Perfection V700, Japan) and
digitally examined prior to scoring. The brightness and contrast of
images were edited to improve clarity.
Additionally, all CBCT images were acquired using a Pointnix
Point 3D Combi 500 C (Imaging Sciences, Hatfield, Philadelphia,
PA) examined on sagittal slices. The imaging parameters
were set at 120 kV, 8 mA, scan time of 26.9 seconds, resolution
of 0.4 mm, isotropic voxel with resolution of 0.160 mm, and
10  9 cm to 19  16 cm field of view. Subjects were placed in a
stated position in maximum intercuspation. The head position
was maintained by devices such that the midsagittal plane was
Figure 2
perpendicular to the floor and the Frankfort plane was parallel to
Cervical stages using the cervical vertebrae method according to
the floor. After, the DICOM files of each CBCT slice were exported
Baccetti et al. [12]
and transferred to a desktop computer equipped with the
RealScan 2.0 viewer software.

Assessment of individual skeletal maturity (RPM) using 20 CBCTs slices and 20 cephalograms of subjects of
The maturation stages of the cervical vertebrae were deter- both genders aged 10–19 years randomly selected. The observer
mined according to the method described by Baccetti et al. [12] was trained in the CVM method as follow:
based on the morphology of C2, C3, and C4 cervical vertebrae.  he was showed the CVM method using exact figures and

The developmental stages are described in table I and figure 2. legends described by Baccetti et al. [12];
To discard any evaluating error, the training and calibration were  he received a hard-copy handout with a written description of

performed by a specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology the radiographic features of each cervical stage;

tome 18 > n82 > June 2020

Reliability of cephalograms derived of cone beam computed tomography versus lateral cephalograms to
estimate cervical vertebrae maturity in a Peruvian population: A retrospective study

Original article
 he received a detailed explanation of the morphologic substantial, and 0.81–1, almost perfect. The correlation between
features of each cervical stage in a PowerPoint (Microsoft, the CBCT sagittal slices and LC images in two times was
Redmond, WA, USA) high-resolution image presentation evaluated by the Spearman rank correlation coefficient test.
containing 15 CBCT sagittal slices and 15 LC images. Statistical significance was set at p ˂ 0.05 for all tests. As a
The calibration with the specialist was done two times with a complement, a Bland-Altman plot was used for comparing the
washout period of four weeks. Data recorded were submitted first and second intra-observer agreement for the CVM stages
for analysis of agreement to check the calibration and the kappa between the CBCT sagittal slices and LCR images.
coefficients were  0.90 indicating optimal agreement
accepted to proceed with the research.
The observer did not have prior knowledge of the identification
of individuals (age and gender) on LC images and CBCT slices. Results
Later, the lateral radiographs were randomly mixed and Intra-observer reliability
observed in a dimly lit room with constant light intensity. The weighted kappa test showed almost perfect intra-observer
Furthermore, to obtain the cephalograms derived of the CBCT, agreement for the CVM stages using the CBCT sagittal slices
the sagittal plane was adjusted to pass through both anterior (0.873; p < 0.001), and this result is showed in table II. Consid-
and posterior nasal spines and in the axial plane regarding to the ering the LC images, the weighted kappa test showed almost
mid palatine suture [22]. These images were exhibited on the perfect intra-observer agreement too (0.937; p < 0.001), and
screen of a Samsung Intel Core i7 and observed in a dimly lit these results are shown in table III. In both intra-observer
room with constant light intensity too. Four weeks after the first agreement, the difference was limited to one maturation stage
observation, the examiner was retrained in the CVM method of the CVM method, as it is observed in the central diagonal line
receiving the images in a different random order, and he was in tables II, III.
asked to re-observe the slices and images to rule out any The first and second intra-observer agreement for the CVM
evaluating error. stages between the CBCT sagittal slices and LC images were
almost perfect (0.937 and 0.874; p < 0.001). Disagree in the first
Statistical analyses intra-observer agreement was observed in only two subjects,
Statistical analysis was performed using the STATA version 16 and disagree in the second intra-observer agreement was
(Stata Corp., College Station, TX, USA) software for windows. observed in four subjects. The difference between both
Intra-observer reliability of each maturation stage on CBCT agreements was limited to one maturation stage of the CVM
sagittal slices and LC images was analysed by the weighted method. The greatest disagreements were observed between
kappa statistics (a = 0.05). For the interpretation of weighted stage 1 and 2. Figure 3 shows the Bland-Altman plots where the
kappa in intra-observer agreement studies, the guidelines differences (vertical axis) were distributed consistently along
developed in Landis and Koch [23] for strength of agreement the averages (horizontal axis) when the concordance of the first
were used, with the following kappa values: 0, poor; 0.01–0.20, and second intra-examiner agreement between CBCT sagittal
slight; 0.21–0.40, fair; 0.41–0.60, moderate; 0.61–0.80, slices and LCR images were evaluated.

Intra-observer agreement for the cervical vertebrae maturation stages using CBCT sagittal slices.

Second assessment
CBCT slices CS1 CS2 CS3 CS4 CS5 CS6 Total

First assessment CS1 2 1 3

CS2 1 9 10

CS3 1 11 1 13

CS4 6 6

CS5 5 5

CS6 3 3

Total 3 11 11 7 5 3 40

The kappa coefficient: 0.873 (p < 0.001). CBCT: Cone Beam Computed Tomography.

tome 18 > n82 > June 2020

G. Echevarría-Sánchez, L.E. Arriola-Guillén, V. Malpartida-Carrillo, P.L. Tinedo-López, R. Palti-Menendez, M.E. Guerrero
Original article

Intra-observer agreement for the cervical vertebrae maturation stages using LC images.

Second assessment
LC images CS1 CS2 CS3 CS4 CS5 CS6 Total

First assessment CS1 3 1 4

CS2 1 8 9

CS3 12 12

CS4 7 7

CS5 5 5

CS6 3 3

Total 4 9 12 7 5 3 40

Kappa coefficient: 0.937 (p < 0.001). LC: lateral cephalograms.

Figure 3
The Bland-Altman graphs shows the concordance in the first (left) and in the second (right) intra-observer agreement for the CVM
stages between CBCT sagittal slices and LC images

Figure 4
Three-dimensional reconstruction of CS3 Cervical vertebrae maturation stage on CBCT sagittal slice (left), cephalogram derived of CBCT
(middle) and lateral cephalometric (right) of the most representative stage

tome 18 > n82 > June 2020

Reliability of cephalograms derived of cone beam computed tomography versus lateral cephalograms to
estimate cervical vertebrae maturity in a Peruvian population: A retrospective study

Original article
Comparison of CVM stages between CBCT slices and of them are capable of delivering low doses and this technology
LC images continues to evolve quickly turning it into a technique that could
The correlation between the two methods for evaluating CVM become very promising in the near future instead of using
method at the first and second time was high (0.988 and 0.976; cephalograms. Although it cannot be used as an auxiliary
p < 0.001). The correlation was strongly positive despite the diagnostic protocol for all cases.
disagreement on stages 1 and 2. Finally, as a complement, In this study, the reliability of the CVM method was tested by
stage 3 was the more representative stage in the evaluated intraobserver agreement. The kappa scores indicated almost a
patients (30%). The images of stage 3 in CBCT and LC perfect intraobserver agreement of 0.937 for the CVM stages
radiographs are showed in figure 4. using LC images and a similar result was found in the study of
Perinetti et al. [33] who reported 0.88 for intraobserver agree-
Discussion ment when 10 operators performed the evaluations. Also, other
One of the mayor concerns in skeletal evaluation is whether the authors reported substantial agreement of 0.67 [25], 0.70 [14],
adolescent pubertal growth spurt has arrived. This element is and 0.74 [34] respectively. However, Gabriel et al. [16] reported
important as it will provide valuable information for better poor reproducibility of the CVM method for skeletal maturity
diagnosis and optimization of the treatment results and assessment although 0.60 and 0.65 kappa values were obtained
duration. CVM method has been proposed as a diagnostic tool at the first and second evaluation done by 10 orthodontists. They
for assessing skeletal maturation and it has demonstrated also stated that the orthodontists agreed with their previous
clinical applicability [11–14,24]. The objective of this study staging only 62% of the observations. Subsequently, this
was to test the reliability of CBCT sagittal slices for CVM method percentage was confirmed by Nestman et al. [17]. This
assessment and to compare the CVM method estimation difference could have occurred because those specialists were
between CBCT sagittal slices and LC images. trained on the CVM method using only exact figures and legends
The CVM method is based on the change of C2–C4 vertebrae of the article of Baccetti et al. [12] presented as simplified
body shape, mainly on the inferior concavity depth and the versions of the full range of possibilities [33]. In this study,
height-width ratio. Zhao et al. [25] stated that some factors can the observer received more intensive training and practice
affect the accuracy and reproducibility of the CVM method: First, not only with figures and legends but also using a hard-copy
the observations are purely subjective, the difference between handout, written description and detailed explanation of the
horizontally rectangular, square, and vertically rectangular ver- radiographic features of each cervical stage using a PowerPoint
tebrae shapes depend on the researcher's arbitrary decision. presentation. This reinforces the concept that regular training is
Second, the cervical vertebrae shapes show marked variation necessary to obtain high diagnostic accuracy and intraobserver
from subject to subject, sometimes the shape and inferior repeatability in the visual assessment of the CVM method
borders of C2–C4 cannot fulfil the definition of a cervical stage [14,25,33].
at the same time. In addition, when using cephalograms, mat- These results are according with Tekin and Aydin [35] who recently
urational changes may be subject to distortion if the sagittal used CBCT for determination of skeletal maturity using CVM
plane of the cervical vertebrae is not precisely perpendicular to method. These authors reported an intra-observer agreement
the x-ray beam. Also, certain lateral cephalograms could have a of 0.756 when one investigator evaluated the images. These
greater level of radiographic "noise'', making staging difficult results suggest that CBCT may be a highly reliable method for
because of decreased image clarity [17]. All these criticisms and CVM assessment. On the other hand, Shim et al. [21] evaluated
questions on the CVM method may promote further research. the application of CBCT for CVM method and reported an interclass
With this in mind, it is logical to understand why alternative correlation coefficient (ICC) of 0.58 when two examiners
methods have been proposed to evaluate skeletal maturation evaluated the slices. Another method to determine the skeletal
such as: insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) [6], hyoid bone maturation status in CBCT is using a regression formula to obtain
morphology [26], middle phalanx of the third finger [27], CVM age. This method uses ratios of C2–C4 vertebral bodies, lower
midpalatal suture maturation [28], spheno-occipital synchond- concavity angles and measurements of the C2 vertebral body and
rosis [29], and frontal sinus morphology [30]. the odontoid process, and suggest that quantitative analysis might
According with Hassel and Farman [31], skeletal maturation is a be used as an alternative tool [36]. Recently, Bonfim et al. [37]
continuous process and each maturation stage blends into the used CBCT to compared the CVM index between tridimensional
next which makes it difficult to differentiate between borderline reconstructions and tridimensional sagittal sections and they
subjects. Actually, CBCT is becoming a valuable tool in dental obtained 0.99 kappa score, showing almost perfect intra-observer
practice showing tridimensional images with high quality at agreement as the one obtained in this study. The difference
relatively low radiation doses. However, the difficulty in making between the first and second intra-observer agreement for
a detailed comparison of different units is recognized in the CVM stages between the CBCT sagittal slices and LC images
published studies [32]. CBCT radiation doses range widely, some were almost perfect (0.937 and 0.874) and was limited to one

tome 18 > n82 > June 2020

G. Echevarría-Sánchez, L.E. Arriola-Guillén, V. Malpartida-Carrillo, P.L. Tinedo-López, R. Palti-Menendez, M.E. Guerrero
Original article

maturation stage of the CVM method. These results indicate that registration was the same day requested by their orthodontists
CBCT sagittal slices and LC images can be validly used. Therefore, if or surgeons for specific procedures. However, a sample size
CBCT is selected in a specific case, additional LC could be avoided was obtained using a formula to estimate a proportion and
for the assessment of skeletal maturity preventing increased 40 individuals were calculated. Also, in order to avoid observa-
radiation doses in patients. tion bias, the observer received more intensive training,
Almost perfect agreement was found at the first and second retraining and practice in the CVM method assessment.
intra-observer agreement for the CVM stages between CBCT Although the results of this study are promising, additional
sagittal slices and LC images. This was confirmed with the high longitudinal research comparisons of the CVM method based
correlation values at the first and second evaluation (0.988 and on CBCT slices with larger sample sizes are needed to address
0.976) and these results are according with Joshi et al. [22]. the exact relationship between CVM stages and skeletal
Previous evidence showed that intra-observer repeatability was maturity.
much lower in assessing the shape of C3–C4 and C4–C5 bodies
[17,33]. In our study disagreements were registered in assess- Conclusions
ing C1–C2 and C3–C4 stages. These results are in concordance The cephalograms derived from CBCT for assessment of the CVM
with Gabriel et al. [16] who reported the major disagreement in method has reliability and may replace the use of lateral radiographs
C1–C2 stages. Likewise, Sohrabi et al. [38] stated that difficulty for CVM method estimation. The orthodontists might use the CBCT
in determining the morphology of C3 and C4 leads to poor scans as a diagnostic tool for CVM method estimation.
reproducibility of the CVM method.
One limitation of this study was the number of subjects required Disclosure of interest: the authors declare that they have no competing
since the limited source of both CBCT slices and LC images

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tome 18 > n82 > June 2020

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