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Arguments and Issues: FASHION

A: In my opinion, fashion is a complete

waste of time, money and resources.

Resources=자원, 공급원, 재원

B: I disagree entirely. The world would be a very boring place without change.

Entirely= 완전히, 전적으로(=completely)

A: Fashion doesn't only mean change. It's a very

dishonest form of marketing based on artificial
images which are unrealistic.


Marketing= (시장에서의) 매매, 마케팅(제조에서 판매까지의


Artificial= 인공의, 인조의


B: But everyone understands that the images are there to get our attention.
People find them fun. Haven't you ever looked through a fashion magazine?

A: Only at the dentist's.

B: What about the glossy magazines

which you get when you buy a
Sunday newspaper? They're full of
fashionable advertisements.

Glossy=광택있는,그럴 듯한,광택지에 그대로


Advertisement=광고, 통고

A: That's true, but don't you think

they're a terrible waste of paper. How
manypeople throw them straight into
the dustbin?

Dustbin=은 옥외용

B: A lot of people must read them

and they don't add to the cost of the

A: Think about the cost to the

environment. Think of all the rain
forests. Also, by getting fashion models to market clothes and even cars, you
are hiding the truth.When I buy clothing, I want to know if it's comfortable and
how long it's going to last.

B: That may be your reason, but some people buy clothes because they want
to look nice. Perhaps they have a special date or engagement. People have
always liked dressing up.

Dress up= ~을 정장시키다.

A: That may be so, but traditional costumes were made to be worn more than
once. What worries me is today's throw-away society where some people waste
the world's precious resources while other people don’t have anything.

Precious=귀중한, 비싼; 중요한; 귀여운

B: Well I don't see why you should blame the fashion industry for social

Blame=나무라다, 비난하다..., 의 탓으로 돌리다, 비난, 책임, 허물

Social injustice=불의, 옳지 않음, 비행

Vocabulary Exercise

Find the "odd one out".

There may be more than one answer. Give your reasons.


1. to consume to market to advertise

2. offensive controversial shocking

3. glossy artificial colorful


1. Have you ever bought something

because it was fashionable? If so,

2. Does the fashion industry exist

mainly to persuade people to spend
money on things they do not really

persuade= ~ to do ~을 설득해서 ~하게 하다.

3. Is fashion selfish in a world where many
people have not got what they need?

4. Do you think fashion models should be

used to sell products such as cars?

5. Some fashion models refuse to

advertise products involving animal cruelty
such as cosmetics and fur coats. Would
you buy such products?

cruelty= 잔인성

6. Would you like to be a fashion model if

you were offered the opportunity?

7. Is your country famous for any fashion

products? Which ones? How are they

8. Which countries have the best and

worst fashions in clothes?

9. Which products advertised on TV in Britain/USA/Australia and in your

country represent (a) women’s fashion (b) men’s fashion ?

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