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Asian Girls Do Not Like Asian Men

Asian Girls

By: Dao Jones, Sat Dec 10th, 2005 11:11:52 AM

As an Asian girl growing up in the United States, I

believe I was taught by the society to be attracted
to just about everyone besides other Asian men.
This marginalization of Asian men has occurred, in
my view, for several reasons.

First, the media never portrays Asian men in a

dominant role. They are always portrayed as
nerdy, geeky, brainiacs, with no sense of
themselves and no ability to attract women. In
other words, the media portrays Asian men as
incapable and undesirable.

Second, American society has many negative

stereotypes towards Asian men. It has become a
complete joke to think that an Asian man could
ever "satisfy" a woman. Their "manlihood" is the
constant subject of jokes and insults. For this
reason, most women view Asian men as asexual
and feminine.

For these reasons, Asian girls, and

women in general in American society
are taught to view Asian men as
undesirable and feeble. As you will see,
this is the reason why Asian girls are
now up for grabs.

Asian girls in our society, because of

their conditioning, on the whole do not
prefer to date Asian men. In one of the
discussion classes I taught last year at
Bangkok University, half of the Asian
girls in the room, stated that they do
not prefer to date Asian men.
** some parts of the article were cut and edited to make the passage appear shorter.

“This marginalization of Asian men has
occurred, in my view, for several reasons …”

marginalization: To relegate or confine to a

lower or outer limit or edge, as of social

occur: 발생하다, 일어나다


“First, the media never portrays Asian men in a dominant role …”

dominant: 지배적인, 우세한

occupying or being in a commanding or

elevated position

“…Their "manlihood" is the constant subject

of jokes and insults …”

manlihood: 사내다운, 남자 같은

sense of being a man; being masculine

“…For this reason, most women view Asian men as asexual and feminine …”

asexual: 성별이없는,

free from or
unaffected by

“…For these reasons, Asian girls, and

women in general in American society
are taught to view Asian men as
undesirable and feeble …”
feeble: 연약한, 약한, 나약한, 희미한

physically weak; frail

Use of expressions

“…They are always portrayed as nerdy, geeky, brainiacs, with no sense of themselves
and no ability to attract women..”

nerdy/geeky/brainiacs : A person who is

single-minded or accomplished in scientific
or technical pursuits but is felt to be
socially inept.

Complete these sentences:

I think ____ is nerdy because _____.
Being called a geek is ____ (nice/not nice)
because ____.

“As you will see, this is the reason why Asian girls are now up for grabs.”

Up for grabs: free for everyone to take or to

avail of

Complete these sentences:

This ___ that is now on sale,
is up for grabs.
When I went to the mall, the
____ is up for grabs
especially among teenagers.

Discussion questions
1. What can you say about what most Asian women who grow up
in the States feel towards Asian men, in general?
2. Do you believe this to be the case as well in Korea? How do
most Korean women feel about Korean men?
3. If given a choice, do you think Korean women would also
choose Westerners or Europeans as their partner for dating?
4. Is cross-cultural dating common in Korea?

Cross-cultural=비교문화의, 이문화간의

5. At what age do teenagers in Korea usually start dating?

6. What is the usual ritual when it comes to dating among Korean teenagers?

Ritual=의식, 행사

a. Do boys usually ask the

girls out? Or can girls
ask guys out as well?
b. Are girls usually picked
up at home? Or do they
meet in a restaurant or
their dating place?
c. Do the parents have to
be informed as well?

Inform=통보하다, 알려주다

d. Who usually pays for the

7. Are teenagers supposed to be home at a given time when they go out on a date,
like a curfew?

Curfew=만종, 저녁종, 통행금지

8. How long do couples usually date before they are considered to be officially in a

Officially=공식적으로, 공적으로

9. If you are a boy, what are the

characteristics of a girl that you
would like to go out on a date

Characteristics=특성, 특질, 특징
a. If you are a girl, what are the characteristics of a guy that you would like to
go out with?
10. Is it important that the guy you are dating with would have a car or a means
of transportation? Explain.
11. If you are a boy, where would
you take a girl out on a first date?
a. If you are a girl, where would you
like to be taken to on a first date?
12. Describe your first date in detail.
13. What is your idea of the “worst”
date? Describe in detail.
14. What are Korean boys like when
out on a date? How about Korean girls?
15. Do you agree with what the
article says that most people regard
Asian men as feeble and weak? Explain
your answer.

Feeble=연약한, 약한, 나약한, 희미한

16. Why do you think is this perceived by most Westerners or Americans?

Perceived=인식하다, 파악하다

17. What do you think about the

view that most Asian men are nerds
or geeks?

18. How do you think American

boys or girls would be like on a date?
19. If you are to ask an American
boy/girl out on a date, where would
you bring her/him so that he/she
would be able to see what Korea is
20. What do you think Asian men
have that American men or most
European men do not have?

Lesson written by Teacher Myra

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