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Purposive Communication (GEC 5)

1. What is a. Multimodal Text?

Picture books, textbooks, graphic novels, comics, and posters are examples of
multimodal texts in which meaning is given to the reader through various combinations
of visual, written language, and spatial modalities. It is described as the strategic use of
"two or more communication modes" to produce meaning in the Australian Curriculum.
2. What are the different multimodal texts?
There are various types of multimodal text: paper (books, comics, or posters),
digital (slideshows, blogs, web pages, and social media, animation, film, and video
games), live performance or event, or transmedia (the story is told using multiple delivery
channels through a combination of media platforms).
3. How to create a Multimodal Text?
The multimodal text describes several media options, both digital and on paper.
Print-based multimodal texts contain comics, picture books, graphic novels, posters,
magazines, and brochures. Slide presentations, animations, book teasers, online
storytelling, live-action filmmaking, music videos, 'born digital' storytelling, and various
online texts and social media are all examples of digital multimodal texts. You have an
option based on your skill and expertise, degree of confidence, and the resources and
tools accessible to you. Explore these materials as a starting point for developing ideas
for your scenario.

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