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Lesson-2) Federalsim
1. What is federalism?
Ans. a) a system of government in which in a country there are at least 2 or more
levels of government
b) powers and functions of each level of government are defined by the constitution
c) state/unit governments are not subordinate to the national government

2. Mention the main features of federalism.

Ans. a) Two or more levels of government

b) different tiers of government govern the same citizens but each one has its own
specific jurisdiction.

c) The fundamental provisions of the constitution cannot be changed unilaterally by

the union government.

d) Courts have the power to interpret the constitution.

e) sources of revenue for each level of government are clearly specified.

3. Write short notes on the coming together federation and holding together federation.

Coming together federation:-

a) Independent states come together to form a bigger unit , so that by pooling

sovereignty and retaining identity they can increase their security.
b) Examples- USA, Switzerland, Australia
c) States are usually, strong vis —a-visthe federal government.

Holding together federation:-

a) A large country divides powers between the constituent units and the national
b) Examples- India, Spain, Belgium.
c) Central government tends to be more powerful, constituent units of the federation
have unequal powers.

4. Describe in brief the language policy of India.

Ans. a) No national language, Hindi is only one of the official languages.

b) Besides Hindi, 21 other languages recognized as scheduled languages.

c) English was to be replaced by Hindi as official language by 1965. Massive protests

d) The central governmentdecided to continue English along with Hindi as an official

languagefor an indefiniteperiod . Policy of gradual promotion of Hindi was adopted.

e) Promotionof Hindi continues to be the official policy of government of India.

S. Describe in brief the centre-state relations in India after 1990.

Ans. a) Rise of regional parties in the states. Beginning of the coalition

governments at the

b) National parties forced to forni alliances with the

regional parties to form a governnlent at
the centre.

c) This led to a new culture of power sharing and respect

for the auton01ÄIY
of the state

d) A major judgement of the Supreme Court made it difficult for

the Centre to dismiss the
state governments.

e) Thus. federal power sharing is now lÄ101•e

effective than prior to that of 1990.

6. What is decentralization?

Ans. When the power is taken away from the central and the state governments and given to
local government it is called decentralization.

7. What is the rationale behind decentralization?

Ans. a) There are a large number of issues and problems which are best settled at the local

b) People have better knowledge of problems in there localities.

c) It helps to inculcate a habit of democratic participation.

8. Mention in brief the steps taken in 1992 to strengthen the local governments.

Ans. a) It is constitutionallymandatory to hold regular elections.

b) Seats are reserved for the scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, and other backward classes.

c) At least one-third of all positions are resetA women.

d) In each state ,separate state election
commissions have been established
to conduct

e) The state governments are required

to share powers and revenue with the local

9. Describe in brief the structure of the local governinentat the rural level.

Ans. a) village panchayat at the village level. It consists of several ward menibers and the
head of the panchayat is called the sarpanch.

b) Melnbers of the gram panchayat are directly elected by the people. It works under the
overall supervision of the grani sabha.

c) A few grani panchayats are grouped together to forni a panchayatsamiti or block or

nunanclal. Its nrmbers are elected by all the panchayat noenlbersin that area.

d) All the panchayat samitis in a district constitute the Zillaparishad. Most of its Inembers are

e) MP's and the MLA's of that district are the membersof the zillaparishad.The head of the
zillaparishaclis called the chairperson.

10. Describe in brief the structure of the local governinent in the urban areas.

Ans. a) Municipalities are set up in the towns. Big cities are constituted into Inunicipal

b) Both are controlled by elected bodies of consisting of people's representatives.

c) Chairperson is the head of the municipality. In a municipal cotporation such an officer is

called the mayor.

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