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There was a young man named John, he is a student and still studying
at the University. He want to be a pilot someday and because of his dream he need
to study harder than anyone. And because of that, he experienced pressure in his
life while studying.

And because he experiencing pressure while studying he never enjoy

his studies, then that time there's a big question in his mind, " How can I enjoy my
studies while achieving my goal? ", So he decided to come to his mom to ask his

Then when he is in the front of his mom he asked, " Mom can I ask
something? " And his mom replied, " Yes son anything ", Then he answered back,
" Mom how can I enjoy my studies while achieving my goal? " And this is what
he's mom replied, " Son how can I answer that, if even me is not happy. " Then
John felt so sad but he's mom said, " Son I don't know what will be my answer for
your question but i know this guy can answer your question ", then John replied, "
who is this guy mom? " His mom answered back, " this guy he is the richest man
living in our town " John said, " then where he is mom? " He's mom replied, " he is
living in the end of our town, you can go to his house but you need to pass three
mountains, 2 rivers and 10 kilometers walking then you can reach his house. "
Then when John heard that he think two times if he will continue to go there or he
will let his question still be question in his mind. Then he decided to go!

Then he started his journey to reach the house of the rich man, He
passed the three mountains and after a couple of hours he also passed the 2 rivers
then again after a couple of hours he also passed the 10 kilometers walking and
finally he reached the house of the rich man.
When he get there he never waste every single minute so he knocked
to the door, then the rich man came out and John never waste a time again and he
ask he's question to the rich man, " How can I enjoy my studies while achieving
my goal? " Then the rich man offered, " let's go come inside " then that time the
rich man get a spoon out from his pocket then he put water in the spoon, then he
said to John, " John go and imagine that you are in the field trip and enjoy but you
need to keep this spoon with water, if the water poured out to the spoon you need
to leave my house. " Then John do it but because of what the rich man said about
the spoon with water he much focused in the spoon with a water then he back to
front of the rich man and the rich man ask him, " Do you enjoy it? " Then John
replied, " No Sir " Then the rich man offered another chance to John rich man said,
" okay go again imagine that you are in the field trip but now without a spoon just
enjoy it. " Then John also do it, then after a couple of hours John came back again
in the front of the rich man then the rich man ask him again with the same
question, " Do you enjoy it? " Then John replied " Yes ".
Then rich man said: that will be the answer for your question for how to enjoy your
studies while achieving your goals in life.

What does it means? You don't need to focus so much for your goal, because while
you are more focused on your goals the more pressure you will get, just enjoy the
experiences that you are experiencing.

Did you know that this story representing our life as a student's? John is
representing us, as a student's sometimes we are experiencing pressure in studies
and like what John experience in the story we are all limited as a student's
sometimes we seek to ask help to others and that's why John asked his mom and
his mom representing our family, friends and love ones but even you love them
they are also limited as a human so expect that they didn't know everything.
And did you remember the three mountains 2 rivers and 10 kilometers walking?
They are consider as a process in our lives. First the Mountains we all know that in
the mountains they are wild animals like snake and lions and for sure John
encountered them while he climbing the mountains, same to us mountains is like
the heaviest and most difficult problems that we have in life that make us hopeless
and broken our hearts.

In addition the Rivers While John passing the rivers first, the flow of the water is
normal but suddenly the water has roar and have a big waves that to point John
being scared and lost his breath, at this time it is representing those times that we
encountered a problems then we think that we already overcomer it, but your
wrong! you're put your guard down that's why we think that the problem was gone.
And lastly the 10 kilometers walking when John is walking the weather is so hot.
At this point it's a challenge for you if you can stay or not, if you are truly firm at
your beliefs and it is the way to see how committed you are. And the challenge of
the spoon with a water, that challenge representing you and your dream. Did you
notice that John is so focused on the spoon? So the outcome is he did not enjoy the
view inside the house of the rich man. And the rich man representing God. That he
is the only one can answer your questions in life. God can give you hope, wisdom
and a committed heart. Before we end this story, please be inform that you don't
need to pressure yourself, just enjoy your life until you have it. God is always
willing to help us, God has a best and perfect plan for you!
Like what the Bible says, " God will not allow you to have a problem that you
cannot win " Just fight and continue to chase yor dream with God!

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