Beowulf One Pager

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Beowulf One Pager

What to Do

Choose a topic that you think is important to the study of Beowulf (hero archetype, hero’s
quest, good versus evil, comitas, Lof, Christian/Pagan, fate, etc). Use that topic to guide your
creativity. The theme (and other elements) of your topic must be visible in your one-pager.

Be sure to put the title of the text somewhere on your page.

Include no less than THREE notable quotes, phrases or passages that are important to the
understanding of the epic. Include quotation marks and a citation.*

Draw/Create/Paste no less than THREE images that stand out and represent themes,
characters, conflict and/or the setting of the book.

Write THREE personal statements or connections about what you have read. These are not
simple opinions or book review type statements. (ex: “I could relate to the main character
feeling lost in the book because it reminded me of when I got to high school and didn’t know
where everything was.”)

Write and answer TWO Level 2, Level 3, or Level 4 questions.*

Level Two questions can be answered after interpreting or analyzing text. They are inference-
based. The answer is an INFERENCE.

If it's a Level Two question, you apply your skills and concepts already known to what you
learned from the text in order to understand what is being implied.

Level Three questions go beyond the text, yet must show an understanding of the ideas in the
text. These questions typically require reasoning, complexity, and/or planning.

If it's a level three question, you explain/justify your thinking and provide supporting evidence
for reasoning or conclusions you make. Questions may involve abstract theme identification,
inferences between or across passages, application of prior knowledge, or text support for
analytical judgment about a text.

Level Four questions or tasks go well beyond the text. These tasks require an investigation, time
to think and process multiple conditions of the problem. If it's a level four task, you take
information from at least one passage and are asked to apply this information to a new task. You
are expected to make connections - relate ideas within or among the content area
When you finish, your audience should be able to understand something about the literature from
reviewing what you wrote/illustrated.

Include a “border” that reflects the unit of learning or theme. This can include words,
pictures, symbols, or quotes from the text. Fill the paper to the edges.

*I will tell you which types of questions I want you to focus on.

Oral Presentation: During your oral presentation, make sure that you respond, especially, to any
historical context and personal connections that you discover about yourself, your
environment, the world around you, or your future.

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