History Chunks FINAL

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Remember there are different actions you can practice.

1. Repeat

2. Say the opposite

3. Change tense

4. Say something true for you

5. Substitution

6. Synonyms

Historical (related to history, set in past times)

Historical dramas - repeat

I watch historical dramas on TV - repeat

I watch historical dramas on TV - change to a present perfect tense

You might say,

I’ve watched a lot historical dramas on TV (life experience)
I’ve been watching historical dramas on TV lately / recently

I watch historical dramas on TV - what about you?

In past times (in the past)

The lifestyle of people in past times - repeat

I am fascinated by the lifestyle of people in past times - repeat

I am fascinated by the lifestyle of people in past times - Say the opposite

You might say,

I am not fascinated by the lifestyle of people in past times
I am bored by the lifestyle of people in past times
I am uninterested in the lifestyle of people in past times

I am fascinated by the lifestyle of people in past times - Use a synonym of fascinated

You might say,

I am intrigued by the lifestyle of people in past times
I am captivated / engrossed by the lifestyle of people in past times

I am fascinated by the lifestyle of people in past times - what about you?

Copyright © 2021 KeithSpeakingAcademy

Facts and figures

All facts and figures - repeat

History at school was all facts and figures - repeat

History at school was all facts and figures - change to any tense

You might say

History at school is all facts and figures
History at school will be all facts and figures
History at school has always been all facts and figures

I didn’t like history at school, it was all facts and figures - what is true for you?

Get a taste for (to begin to like)

To get a taste for history - repeat

When I first travelled abroad I got a taste for history - repeat

When I first travelled abroad I got a taste for history - change to future tense

You might say

When I first travel abroad, I think I will get a taste for history (prediction)
When I first travel abroad, I think I’m going to get a taste for history

When I first travelled abroad I got a taste for history - Substitute foreign food for history

You should say

When I first travelled abroad I got a taste for foreign food

When I first travelled abroad I got a taste for history - what is true for you?

Finally Practice some more by saying out an answer to this question.

Remember don’t write it down, just speak it out!

Did you enjoy learning history as a child?

Copyright © 2021 KeithSpeakingAcademy

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