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Video 1 (The English Teacher)

1. What is Robert’s occupation?

2. Why does Jin Ying want to learn English?

Because he is having an exam in two weeks

3. When should we say “Pardon?”

when we want somebody to repeat something

4. Why has Robert decided not to accept the money?

because it just a short lesson

5. What was the last thing Jin Ying said to Robert before his test?
Jin Ying said "I will not let you down" to Robert

6. Why does Robert look sad throughout the story?

because he missed his wife

7. What was the real message in the video sent by Jin Ying?
Jin Ying wanted to admit and apologize to Robert for causing the
death of his wife

8. What can you learn from the story?

9. How do you feel about the ending?

10. Predict what will happen if Robert meets Jin Ying again after he watches the video.
Video 2 (Umbrella)

1. What is the name of the orphanage?

2. Why did the girl look grumpy throughout her journey to the orphanage?

3. What did the boy do that upset the girl?

4. What is the significance of the umbrella to the boy?

5. Who is the grandfather?

6. What is the name of the store that belongs to the grandfather?

7. What is the important message that you can get from the story?
Provide synonym for the following words:

1. Occupation:
2. Lesson:
3. Bride:
4. Test:
5. Lost:
6. Friend:
7. Orphanage:
8. Grumpy:
9. Significance:
10. Shop:

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