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Ideas & Issues (PME)

Advanced Reading
Techniques to getting started
by MajGen W. F. Mullen III

eading is easily one of the most fellow students, but also many different
important activities that I do audiences since that time. The idea is to
>MajGen Mullen is the CG, Training
every single day, and it has and Education Command.
enable people to read more effectively in
been a lifelong habit for me. general but to also apply techniques for
It has gotten to the point where I do not given situations as you will see below.
feel comfortable being without a book
or article in the event I have some down reputation firmly based on its trimester The Challenge
time. In many ways, it is similar to how system that offers challenging courses In essence this is about modifying
important exercise is to me, yet the divi- each trimester. Of them, none is more reading habits by breaking old ones and
dends reading provides far outweigh challenging than the Strategy and Pol- forming new, more effective ones over
anything I could ever achieve with icy Course. The reading requirements time. This is necessary because most of
exercise. Why is that? It is because of at that time averaged about 600 pages a us were taught in elementary school in
the wisdom that I accumulate through week, and I welcomed the inundation in a way that has engendered bad habits.
reading has helped me countless times reading, writing, and discussing strategy Back then, the mechanics or reading
throughout my career to come up with and policy that the course represented. were more important than compre-
answers when faced with a challenge. I did not have much trouble with the hension and retention. This was good
It also gives me an almost deja-vu like reading load because of a previous tour. for starting out, but it is not what we
experience when facing these challenges When I was on I-I duty in Milwaukee, need for advanced-level reading skills.
because few of them are anything truly WI, from 1996 to 1999, I enrolled in Since there are not many reading skills
new. Our profession is based on the my alma mater, Marquette Univer- classes available, and not many people
competition of human wills with both sity, for a master’s in Political Science. take them because they believe they read
sides adapting as quickly as possible to I was also enrolled in the Command well enough already, few readers develop
stay ahead. What I have also seen over and Staff College Course and trying beyond what we were originally taught.
my career are those Marines who have to perform my duties as the I-I to the The result is that we tend to subvocal-
yet to figure out the true value of read- best of my ability, so organizing my ize—meaning that we say the words in
ing and, simply put, get left behind in a time and finding a way to read more our mind as we read them because we
cul-de-sac. These same Marines dispar- effectively was an imperative. I was able became too embarrassed to say them
age the value of reading and consider to come up with a system that worked aloud at some point. We also frequently
it to be too much work. Personally, I for me and used it again at Newport. re-read sentences trying to ensure that
think they could not be more wrong as As I did so, I saw that my fellow stu- we take in every word, and if the words
I consider it a matter of life and death. dents were having difficulty with the used are difficult, we get stuck on words
As former Secretary of Defense James reading load. They either nearly killed or phrases. When trying to read a great
N. Mattis once said, and I paraphrase, themselves trying to keep up or did not deal, especially for an assignment, we
the lack of competence in our profes- bother with the result that they did not have a tendency to push on from start
sion means we fill body bags until we fare well in the seminar room discus- to finish regardless of how receptive the
figure it out. sions or exams. When I approached the brain is being, with the end result that
I first presented the techniques writ- school administration and asked them we really are not taking much in. Read-
ten about in this article back in 2008. if they provided any advanced reading ing can also be tiring and frustrating.
When I arrived in Newport, RI, to instruction to the students, they gave Does this sound familiar to anyone?
attend the Naval War College, I was me a look that seemed to ask, “Why A poor reader will become bogged
excited about the opportunity to focus would we do that?” It was this incident down, spending a lot of time reading
only on my professional military educa- that generated the article I am currently small blocks of words. He or she will
tion and not have to worry about a day writing, which is based on the class I skip back often, losing the flow and
job. The Naval War College has a great developed and presented not only to my structure of the text, and confusing

Marine Corps Gazette Blog • April 2019 B1

Ideas & Issues (PME)

his or her overall understanding of the cartoon character Charlie Brown said, the unconscious mind does not know
subject. This irregular eye movement “the more I know, the more I know the difference between imagination and
makes reading tiring. Poor readers tend
how much more there is to know.” Our reality. It pretty much does what it is
to dislike reading, and they may find it
harder to concentrate, and understand
profession is constantly changing, and convinced to do through creating inter-
written information.1
we have to fight to keep up. One way est, which generates focus. Dreading
to do that is to look at what happened the task at hand (“assigned” reading)
To compound the overall reading chal- in the past because as Mark Twain once kills interest, but this act is a choice
lenge, our attitude toward reading— said, “History does not repeat itself, but also. Thinking is 12 percent logic and
especially in a school environment—is it sure does rhyme a lot.” Everything 88 percent emotion. Without engag-
generally poor. We are only reading be- we could ever want to know is avail- ing positive emotion, there is no real
cause we have to and generally resent the able to us if we want it. This has been learning occurring and, if you are not
number of pages assigned and, in some referred to as the 5000-year-old mind. learning something every day, then you
cases, the topics. In our careers, many We can take advantage of all the lessons are falling behind in the race of life. In
are frustrated because time at PME learned throughout recorded history other words, expect to learn and you
school is thought to be a “break” from instead of learning them the hard way: will indeed learn.
the operational forces and the reading first hand. This is even more important
load seems too much like work. Also, in our profession where the cost of a Types of Reading
as stated in the beginning, some get lack of competence has so much more I am not sure that people realize
overwhelmed when they see the amount serious consequences than any other that there are different types of reading
of reading required and just decide not profession in the world. and they are done for different reasons.
to do it. I would also add that many are Our attitude about reading, or any- Some probably unconsciously realize
out of the habit of effective reading, if thing else, is a matter of choice. We de- this, but in order to get to more effective
they ever had good reading habits to cide every day what our attitude is going reading, you must first know why you
begin with. This is because there are to be regarding the activities we will are reading something before you start
many other more interactive forms of conduct. We need to look for the good and use the appropriate technique. The
entertainment available which means and focus on the benefits we will receive first general type is simple reading. It is
there are too many alternatives compet- instead of dwelling on any negative as- slow, with every word covered and gen-
ing for the time available for reading. pects. We should each also be life-long erally not too much thought involved.
Many also do not think of reading as a users of our brains. Like our bodies, It is that reading done for day to day
“leisure activity” as it is too much like our brains were made to be used and “normal” activities like newspapers or
work. How often have we heard the the more we use them, the better they Internet articles. The next type is skim-
lament that we read more than enough are. I liken reading to PT for the brain. ming. It is much faster and is seeking a
at work? Of the alternatives to read- How often have you been drained and general overview of the reading mate-
ing, TV is the biggest time killer, but physically tired after you have worked rial at hand. It generally covers a lot of
Internet surfing, blogging, and email your way through a particularly chal- ground quickly and is used to check
are overtaking TV. While these are lenging article or section in a book? We into a book you might want to read.
certainly more intellectually engaging also need to understand that studies on The next type is entertainment reading.
activities than watching TV, they are an senior citizens found those who were For this type, speed is irrelevant in that
easy way to waste a great deal of time still “sharp” never stopped exercising you are only seeking enjoyment. I refer
for not a whole lot of gain. Since much their brains. They kept participating to this type of reading as brain candy—
of what passes online for information is in activities that served to maintain the who cares how fast you are reading. The
of questionable validity and credibility, synaptic connections in their brains in- next is power reading. It is moving fast
spending time doing these things can stead of letting them atrophy by settling and is more than just hitting the wave
actually be quite counterproductive. for easy, comfortable activities that did tops, but it is not in depth reading. This
not challenge them. This is indeed a is used when mass reading is required
Overcoming the Challenge case of “use it or lose it!” for school or job-related activities. The
To get to more advanced levels of Another factor in overcoming the last is analytical reading or reading for
skill in reading, we must first change challenge to reading and learning is that absolute understanding. It is detailed
our attitude about reading. Instead of we all have two different minds. One note taking with some referring to it as
resenting reading as too much work, is our conscious, logical, “day” mind, “owning” a book. This technique is use
or because it is required, look at it as while the other is our unconscious, day for professional development books or
an opportunity to get better – you dreaming, or when asleep, dreaming articles, technical manuals, or informa-
are honing your intellectual edge. We mind. The most productive learning tion you know you will be tested on in
all need to be in a life-long pursuit of occurs when both minds are used detail.
knowledge, especially about the profes- together; getting ourselves interested
sion of arms, because none of us will brings both together in focus. We do Prepare to read – READ!
ever be smart enough. As the “Peanuts” this through conscious choice because One of the things that most people

B2 Marine Corps Gazette Blog • April 2019

miss when it comes to reading is that to be a different activity that is short More Effective Reading
to become really good at it, we need in duration like a short walk in fresh One of the first aspects of reading
to find the optimal reading time when air or a brief, mindless computer game faster and more effectively is the idea of
our brain is most alert and focused. (solitaire for instance). We should avoid reading at the speed of thought. How
As humans, we all have different bio- TV though as you can get caught up fast does the brain recognize a word? If
rhythms. You can get a great deal more for too long and before you know it, it is familiar, it is near instantaneous.
accomplished, and retain more, when too much time has gone by. If it is late, Subvocalization is forcing you to move
the brain is fresh and focused rather go to sleep and wake up early to finish at the speed of speech; while it is still
than tired and/or distracted. We need because you are likely thinking more fast, the time difference between say-
to zero in on those optimal times and about going to sleep than what you are ing the words in your head and just
make the most of them to be effective reading, and your brain will be more knowing the words as you move along
readers. Now, some of us may not have receptive once it has had some rest. accumulates over the course of an article
a great deal of choice because of our You should also focus on trying to or a book. If the brain recognizes a word
schedules, but that does not mean we control the environment around you. instantaneously, it can recognize a series
should not try to find and use those Find a quiet place so that you can con- of them in very short order also, but the
optimal times. When I was on I-I duty, centrate. Avoid interruptions as much as key is that your eyes have to be mov-
my children were young and wanted possible and turn off the TV (you will ing. You also have to find a way to keep
attention when I came home from work look at it much more than you think you yourself from subvocalizing because it
or class. I found that the best time for will). Music and smells can be subtly is the habit you have grown up with
me was early in the morning when no distracting also because they have a ten- and one that you are comfortable with.
one in the house was awake. I was fresh dency to queue memories, which leads While some subvocalization may help
(relatively speaking) and focused, so I to your mind wandering. Something with comprehension and retention, it
was able to read much more effectively else that you can control is avoiding always comes at the expense of speed.
than at night after the kids went to bed. procrastination because it compresses Personally, when I first started trying to
Another consideration is to feed your the time available for you to conduct break the subvocalization habit, I had
brain, but do not choke it. What we the type of reading you need to do. Plan to hum to myself.
eat and when makes a big difference. ahead to avoid conflicts or things you One of the most important factors in
Reading when we are hungry can be know will distract you. Also, knocking being able to read faster is your vocabu-
very distracting as any little smell of things out before they really need to be lary. The more words you “recognize”
food will cause our brains to divert our done results in a good feeling and time quickly, the faster you go. You must
thinking toward how hungry we are and available for things you would rather be realize though that some reading will
how good the food smells. Snacking to doing. be tough because of the words, or the
keep up energy and alert levels is a good The final consideration here is that way the author uses words. Use context
practice as our brains use up a great deal you need to know why you are reading to discern the meaning of the words,
of glucose when we are actively using what you are reading. In an academic but if you are trying to cover a lot of
them. Some foods contribute to better, environment, the readings all have a ground in a short amount of time, press
more focused thinking, but beware of purpose. Read through the syllabus and, on and avoid getting stuck in the mud.
excessive amounts of sugar or caffeine as in particular, the questions or learning You should also not worry about reading
they can be distinctly unhelpful. Heavy objectives for that set of readings. Have every word since you will never remem-
meals with rich foods are not helpful the syllabus open to the questions or ber everything in a book, even if you
either. Have you ever seen picture of objectives while you read so you can take detailed notes. More importantly,
lions after a successful hunt? They are embed potential answers in your head as how many words do you need to read
passed out. you go along—or write them down for in a sentence to understand what the
Something else to consider is that ease of reference during seminar discus- sentence is about? You are looking for
when the brain is not focused and sion. You also need to discriminate the the main points. What is the gist of
begins to wander, we need to take a information you are consuming as not what the author is trying to get across to
brain break. This may seem like com- all of it is valuable or pertinent to what you? If you can start with “recognizing”
mon sense, but many of us get obsessive you truly need to know. This is perhaps words, you can then move to recogniz-
with reading and push on regardless the most difficult skill to develop, but ing blocks of words because the human
of how much we are actually taking over time your intuition will let you eye is able to pick up a couple of words
in. If the brain is not receptive, or is know whether what you are reading is in each glance. Initially, trying to use
wandering, you are only going through valuable or not. Pre-screening what you this technique will be difficult because
the motions. Recognize when you are will read and going off recommenda- we originally learned to go from word
not focused and do something else, like tions from people you respect will help to word. It will feel uncomfortable, but
taking a short, ten to fifteen minute you stay on a good path until you get you can push yourself by practicing on
break. This length is ideal for getting to the point where you become very the less pertinent course readings to en-
the brain refocused, but the break needs discriminating yourself. able yourself to go from block of words

Marine Corps Gazette Blog • April 2019 B3

Ideas & Issues (PME)

to block of words. Top speed readers go tion. You can also vary your speed inside As for the actual mechanics of read-
sentence to sentence, line to line, para- of the reading. If you already know a ing, I always have between fifteen to
graph to paragraph and some can go portion, or it is not all that pertinent twenty books going at one time. All
page to page, but the amount of practice to what you need to know, speed up. If are on differing topics and some are
required is high and I personally believe you are moving fast, but hit an area that difficult. For those books I have to
that comprehension and retention fall is tough or needs more attention, slow be in exactly the right frame of mind
off sharply. This is why the value of true down some, but get back up to speed to continue reading them, so it takes
“speed” reading is questionable to me. as quickly as possible. In essence, use me a long time to get through them.
It is a neat gimmick to sell an approach, whatever technique fits best but keep I find this to be particularly the case
but if we do not really understand and practicing and enforcing better reading with philosophy. I want to understand
retain much of what we are reading, it habits overall. this topic better, but really struggle with
is a waste of time. most of what I have read to date about
As stated above, your eyes need to Reading A LOT? philosophy. Some books are light and as
keep moving across the page, so you For every time someone asked me I said before, I refer to them as “brain
need to develop a way to keep your eyes how I read as much as I do, I can say candy” because they are entertaining
moving constantly. Our eyes have a ten- that it did not happen overnight, that and easy to read. I find historical fiction
dency to get “caught” on things and is for sure. I will also say that there are is especially so for me. Of the books I
this tendency needs to be overcome. many recommendations out there for am working on, several are always au-
There are several methods available to how you should go about developing dio books which I get from the Navy
enable this such as hand, finger or pen and implementing a personal study General Library Program (both audio
sweeping across the page with your eyes plan. Some encourage reading one and e-books, all free). I listen to them
following along. Unfortunately, I find book at a time and going in depth on while driving, exercising, or working
that I start looking at the instrument it by taking notes and re-reading it if at mundane tasks around the house. I
used instead of the actual words, so necessary. I have found that I do not bought a waterproof iPod shuffle and
these methods are less helpful to me. have the patience for that. I also be- listen to books as I swim which has
Another method is to divide each line lieve that one book is only one person’s turned one of the most boring activities
in a paragraph into three “blocks,” then view regarding the subject. I try to read on the face of the earth into something
sweep your eye across each line hitting as much as I can and cast my net as much better.
the three block per line. Each block will widely as possible to help me better un- As for actually reading books, I use
take in several words or about one-third derstand myself and the human beings every opportunity available to crack
of each line. You must train yourself to I live and work with every day. Despite one open. My Kindle helps because I
move line by line, hitting three blocks saying this, my reading is not the aim- can carry so many with me in a small
on each as you progress down each page less path that some take. Over time, I package, but I always have regular
to force your eyes to keep moving and have developed many different reading books going too. At work, I blocked
not catch on individual words. It helps lists—all books I need to get to that I off my lunch period to eat at my desk
to close your eyes and visualize yourself have come across in bibliographies of and read with the door closed, which I
doing the three blocks per line tech- books I found particularly interesting, find to be a great break in the middle
nique with an imaginary book and use books that have been referred to in other of the day. I am not always successful
this as your practice technique to break good books, or books that have been in keeping this period sacrosanct, but
out of the old habit of going from word recommended to me by people I respect. I do it fairly often. I also read at night
to word and to build to the new habit I will look at others if they are related to before I go to sleep and on weekends
of going from block of words to block a topic I am interested in, but I do not around other things I am doing. At the
of words. read everything I pick up as we all need beginning of each week, I read from all
Another consideration is that you can to be discriminating. There is just too of the books I am working through as
also vary your speed according to your much out there to read to waste time I am willing or able to do; then about
need. Comprehension and retention are on poor books or books by people who Thursday, I zero in on the three I will
more important than speed, but you are just not credible with the subject finish that week. When I have finished
do not need 100 percent of either in they are writing about. Never worry them (and started new ones to replace
an academic environment because the about discarding a book you do not find them), I go back to reading from all I
lectures and discussion in seminar aid credible or just cannot get interested in. have in progress. I have been using this
in comprehension and retention. If you Trying to press on and finish a book just method for many years and it has taken
have a lot to read in limited time, speed because you started it is a waste of time. me from finishing about one a week to
up as some of it will sink in and it is Move on to something else that inter- three a week now. One key point here
better than not going over the material ests you more. Keep that interest alive though, this is not about keeping score
at all. If the reading is tough and you re- and well, not smothered because you with how many books I read, it is about
ally need to know it cold, slow down to are being obsessive compulsive about taking in as much information as I can
better enable understanding and reten- finishing a book! to continually build my knowledge and

B4 Marine Corps Gazette Blog • April 2019

experience that when combined give me in personal PME changes when they and the benefits of doing so will more
the wisdom I need to deal with every notice its utility to everyday life (more than pay off the amount of effort re-
adaptable to various assignments, rapid
day challenges. It has worked very well quired pursuing it. You will never be
decision making from a deeper pool of
for me to date. knowledge, great likelihood of synthe-
sorry you did so.
sis, better articulation when speaking,
Parting thought etc.).
Reading is much too important to Note
be taken on cavalierly or ignored for I could not have said it better or more 1. D.B. Rao, Reading Skills for College Stud-
the most part. As one very smart young succinctly if I tried. Of all the forms of ies, (New Dehli, India: Discovery Publishing
Major passed along to me in an e-mail conditioning we put ourselves through House, 2009).
exchange recently: to ensure we can answer the call when
It seems that people’s paradigms it comes, the mental aspect is the most
about accumulating knowledge, pur- important. Working at developing that
suing curiosity, and seeing the utility 5,000-year-old mind is a lifelong task

Marine Corps Gazette Blog • April 2019 B5

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