MA113 Calculus and Analytical Geometry

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Course Description

MA113 Calculus and Analytical Geometry

This syllabus provides information about various aspects of the course including topics covered and
course policies. In particular, it states the course grading and attendance policies. Although this
document is not a contract, you should treat it like one. Therefore, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR
KNOWING ITS CONTENT. In addition, I reserve the right to make changes to this syllabus during the
quarter. If I do make changes, you will be notified in a timely fashion.

Course Details
Course Description:
Vectors and parametric equations in three dimensions. Functions of several variables, partial derivatives,
maxima and minima of functions of several variables, multiple integrals, and other coordinate systems.
Application of partial derivatives and multiple integrals.

Course Text: Thomas’ Calculus - Early Transcendental Fourteenth Edition - Hass, Heil, Weir.
Course Requirements: Maple 2017
Course Prerequisites: MA112, i.e., mastery of algebra, trigonometry, calculus I, and calculus II

Course Objectives:
1. Introduce students to multivariable differential and integral calculus, and more vector
techniques, especially in three dimensions; see topics 1, 2, and 3 below in Course Topics for
specific topics.
2. Introduce students to the application of multivariable calculus in science and engineering; see
topics 2 and 3 below in Course Topics.
3. Develop student mathematical modeling and problem solving skills.
4. Develop student ability to use a computer algebra system (CAS) to aid in the analysis of
quantitative problems.
5. Develop student ability to communicate mathematically.
6. Introduce applications of mathematics, especially to science and engineering.

Course Topics
Vectors in Three Dimensions, Vector-valued functions: Space coordinates and vectors in space,
Dot product and projection, Cross products, Lines and planes in space, Vector-valued functions,
Differentiation/Integration of vector-valued functions, Curvature, arc length, unit tangent and normal
vectors, components of acceleration
Multivariable Differential Calculus: Functions of several variables, Partial derivatives, Chain rule,
Directional derivatives, gradients, Tangent planes and normal lines, Lagrange multipliers

Multivariable Integral Calculus: Double integrals, evaluation, Polar coordinates, change of

coordinates, Triple integrals, evaluation, Cylindrical and spherical coordinates, integration in these
coordinate systems

Applications: Velocity and acceleration problems, projectile motion, Unconstrained and constrained
multivariable max/min problems, Volume, surface area, Mass, moments, moment of inertia

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