Practice Exam V - BIOL 243

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Practice Exam V: BIOL 243

1. Which is not one of the locations you would find exteroceptors?

A. Nose
B. Ears
C. Eyes
D. Fingertips
2. Which type of receptor is sensitive to deep, continuous pressure?
A. Tactile/Merkel cells
B. Bulbous corpuscles
C. Nociceptors
D. Exteroceptors
3. Which cranial nerves have both sensory and motor functions?
A. Trigeminal, facial, vagus, glossopharyngeal
B. Trigeminal, vagus, hypoglossal, facial
C. Vagus, glossopharyngeal, abducens, facial
D. Vestibulocochlear, facial, trigeminal, hypoglossal
4. Which is an example of sensory adaptation?
A. If someone is having a heart attack, their left arm adapts and feels the
pain there, too
B. If one of the spinal nerves in a plexus is injured, the other nerves adapt
so you don’t have paralysis of the innervated limb
C. If you put on a hat, you become less aware that it’s on your head over
time because your receptor membranes become less responsive
D. All of these
5. What is the innermost layer of specialized connective tissue that
surrounds individual nerve fibers?
A. Perineurium
B. Endoneurium
C. Epineurium
D. Endothelium
6. True or False: Axonal regeneration can occur in both the PNS and CNS
7. What statement regarding rami is false?
A. Their purpose is to innervate specific body regions
B. Dorsal rami are longer than ventral rami
C. All ventral rami except T2-T12 form nerve plexuses
D. Each spinal nerve branches into a mixed rami
8. Which of the following is the correct combination of the five important
nerve branches of the brachial plexus?
A. Axillary, inguinal, median, ulnar, radial
B. Axillary, median, ulnar, radial, musculocutaneous
C. Axillary, sciatic, ulnar, radial, musculocutaneous
D. Axillary, inguinal, sciatic, ulnar, radial
9. Which nerve is the largest and thickest in the body?
A. Tibial
B. Common fibular
C. Posterior femoral
D. Sciatic
10. The ventral rami of which group of spinal nerves make up the brachial
A. C5-C8
B. T2-T12
C. C8-T1
D. C5-T1
11. Which spinal nerve is excluded from the participation in dermatomes?
A. T12
B. T1
C. C1
D. C2
12. Any nerve serving a muscle that produces movement at a joint also...
A. Innervates the corresponding limb
B. Innervates joint and the skin over joint
C. Innervates that given joint
D. Innervates the corresponding limb and skin near that limb
13. Which is an example of a learned reflex?
A. Pulling your hand away from a hot stove
B. Driving
C. Extending your right leg if your left foot steps on glass
D. Studying more if you do bad on an exam
14. True or false: The flexor and cross-extensor reflexes are polysynaptic
15. A doctor is giving a physical to a two-year old girl. The doctor lightly
strokes the bottom of the girl’s foot and her toes spread into a web-like
formation. Which of the following is true of this circumstance?
A. This is a normal response because the young girl’s nervous system is
not yet fully developed
B. This is an abnormal response known as Babinski’s sign
C. This is an abnormal response known as Kernig’s sign
D. The doctor should test the girl’s reflex one more time before making a
final decision
16. What impact does increasing age have on our developmental aspects of
the peripheral nervous system?
A. Sensory receptors atrophy and our reflexes slow down
B. Sensory receptors hypertrophy and our reflexes speed up
C. Muscle tone in the face and neck increase
D. Wrinkles form
17. Which situation would stimulate the withdrawal or flexor reflex?
A. If it’s really cold outside and you need to keep your hand warm
B. If you bite into a sandwich that triggers an allergic reaction
C. Putting your hand on a hot stove
D. Putting your hand into ice water for a very brief time
18. Which reflex is responsible for undoing or stopping the stretch reflex?
A. Cross-extensor reflex
B. Flexor reflex
C. Tendon reflex
D. Withdrawal reflex
19. Which combination of effects is a correct response of parasympathetic
nervous system stimulation?
A. A decrease in blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rates with a
dilation of the pupils and an increase in GI tract activity
B. An increase in blood pressure and heart rate and an increase in GI tract
C. Dilation of the pupils and a decrease in GI tract activity
D. A decrease in blood pressure, heart rate, respiration, and an increase
in GI tract activity with a constriction of the pupils
20. Which neurotransmitters are associated with the autonomic nervous
A. Acetylcholine only
B. Acetylcholine and norepinephrine
C. Dopamine and acetylcholine
D. Norepinephrine only

21. How many cranial nerves attach to the forebrain?

A. Four

B. Five

C. Two

D. None of them attach to the forebrain.

22. Which of the cranial nerves is considered a brain tract?

A. Olfactory Nerves

B. Optic Nerves
C. Oculomotor Nerves

D. Trochlear Nerves

23. Which cranial nerve is the largest?

A. Trigeminal nerves

B. Trochlear Nerves

C. Glossopharyngeal Nerves

D. Olfactory Nerves

24. Which cranial nerve controls the eye muscle responsible for “side to side” or

abduction of the eye?

A. Trochlear Nerves

B. Abducens Nerves

C. Facial Nerve

D. Vestibulocochlear Nerve

25. Which is true regarding the Glossopharyngeal Nerves?

A. It means “mouth and pharynx”.

B. Its motor functions include chewing

C. It prevents saliva from becoming too acidic

D. Its sensory functions include conducting taste

26. Which cranial nerve carries impulses from the thoracic region and to the

abdominal viscera?

A. Most cranial nerves

B. Vagus Nerve

C. Accessory Nerve

D. Trochlear Nerves

27. Which cranial nerve runs under the tongue and innervates toungue muscles

for swallowing and speech?

A. Glossopharyngeal Nerve

B. Hypoglossal Nerve
C. Accessory Nerve

D. Facial Nerve

28. The spinal nerves supply all body parts except which of the following


A. Upper extremities

B. Lower extremities

C. The head and part of the neck

D. The head and all the neck

29. The (Ventral/Dorsal) roots innervate the skeletal muscles.

30. Which of the following roots extend as the cauda equina?

A. Lumbar and sacral

B. Ventral and cervical

C. Lumbar and Dorsal

D. None of these are correct

31. Why should a nurse be worried about a patient who has a severe spinal

injury between C3 and C5?

A. The patient will die soon due to lack of perfusion to his brain.

B. Because he damaged one plexus which contains several spinal nerves, he is

now paralyzed.

C. The phrenic nerve which receives fibers from C3 and-C5 controls the

diaphragm; aka breathing.

D. He is just really tired and needs to drink some coffee.

32. (intrafusal/extrafusal) muscle fibers lie within (intrafusal/extrafusal) muscle


33. Which of the following are true regarding the tendon reflex? Select all that


A. They are monosynaptic reflexes

B. It helps prevent damage due to excessive stretch

C. They are polysynaptic reflexes

D. Produces muscle tension in response to relaxation

34. Which of the following would stimulate the crossed extensor reflexes?

A. Stepping barefoot on broken glass

B. An infant pulling your hair

C. Touching a hot stove

D. A razor scooting chopping your ankle

35. What is unique about the flexor or withdrawal reflex?

A. It depends on your pain tolerance

B. It weakens your pain threshold

C. Your brain can override it

D. It is monosynaptic

36. Active muscles require more oxygen and glucose, so ANS nerves speed up

heart rate and open airways. This is an example of what functions?

A. Neurotransmitter effects
B. Somatic and autonomic functions

C. Efferent pathways

D. Somatic functions only

37. The (parasympathetic/ sympathetic) division promotes increased heart

rate, dry mouth, cold and sweaty skin, and dilated pupils.

38. What is the main difference between sympathetic and parasympathetic

divisions in terms of location of the ganglia?

A. Parasympathetic ganglia are located near the visceral effector organ;

sympathetic ganglia lie close to the spinal cord.

B. Sympathetic ganglia are located near the visceral effector organ;

Parasympathetic ganglia lie close to the spinal cord.

C. There are no key anatomical differences

D. The location of the ganglia is the same in every single person.

39. Why is the autonomic system so important?

A. It consists of sensory neurons

B. Redirects blood away from the areas that need it

C. It adjusts heart rate, blood pressure, and digestive processes

D. It innervates skeletal muscles and tendons

40. The (Somatic/ Autonomic) nervous system breaks off into two divisions

called sympathetic and parasympathetic

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