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International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 11, No.

9 (2001) 2411–2425
c World Scientific Publishing Company



Department of Mechanics, Royal Institute of Technology,
Stockholm, Sweden
Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics,
Int. J. Bifurcation Chaos 2001.11:2411-2425. Downloaded from
by DRESDEN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY on 04/05/16. For personal use only.

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,

Blacksburg, Virginia, USA
Department of Mechanics, Royal Institute of Technology,
Stockholm, Sweden

Received October 23, 2000; Revised December 18, 2000

This paper implements a center-manifold technique to arrive at a normal-form for the natural
dynamics of a passive, bipedal rigid-body mechanism in the vicinity of infinite foot width and
near-symmetric body geometry. In particular, numerical schemes are developed for finding
approximate forms of the relevant invariant manifolds and the near-singular dynamics on these
manifolds. The normal-form approximations are found to be highly accurate for relatively large
foot widths with a range of validity extending to widths on the order of the mechanisms’ height.

1. Introduction Historically, the original impetus to research on

passive, bipedal mechanisms are the pioneering ef-
In a series of papers the authors and their collabo-
forts by Tad McGeer [1990a, 1990b], which were
rators have studied the natural dynamics of bipedal
subsequently shouldered by Andy Ruina and his
five-link mechanisms exhibiting passive, gait-like
collaborators [Garcia et al., 1998b, 1998c; Garcia
motions down slight inclines (cf. [Dankowicz
et al., 1998a]. The inclusion of small amounts of
et al., 2001; Adolfsson et al., 1999] and [Piiroinen
continuous control on top of an otherwise passive
et al., 2000]). Here, the main emphasis is on rel-
periodic motion, as a means for stabilizing lateral
atively anthropomorphic, two-legged mechanisms
dynamics or for propulsion on horizontal ground,
whose characteristic dynamics, in the absence of
external actuation other than gravity, contain has been reported in work by [McGeer, 1993; Howell
regular and energy-efficient walking motions. The & Baillieul, 1998] and [Kuo, 1999]. Similarly, dis-
results obtained thus far show great promise crete impulsive control algorithms resulting in so-
in translating to low-cost control algorithms for called ballistic walking have appeared in the litera-
general-purpose legged robots (see, e.g. [Pratt & ture [Formal’sky, 1996; Mochon & McMahon, 1980].
Pratt, 1999]). Similarly, there is considerable over- The present group has continued to focus on
lap between the theoretical issues considered in this unactuated dynamics, with special emphasis on bi-
research and those underlying design of rehabilita- furcation and stability studies for gait motions in-
tive and prosthetic devices for locomotion-impaired volving both in-plane and out-of-plane degrees of
individuals. freedom. In particular, in [Piiroinen et al., 2000]

2412 P. T. Piiroinen et al.

the transition between periodic gaits for constrained is rotated relative to the plane representing the
two-dimensional walking mechanisms and similar ground (here spanned by the n1 and n2 basis vec-
motions for unconstrained, asymmetric walking tors and perpendicular to n3 ). Here, γ corresponds
mechanisms was investigated. It was found that to a plane inclination. Indeed, for γ ∈ (0, π/2),
the inclusion of additional degrees of freedom, the all parts of the mechanism will experience a force
breaking of configuration constraints, and the intro- component along the plane as well as perpendicular
duction of small (or large) measures of asymmetry to it, thus pulling the mechanism along down the
in body geometry could lead to dramatic changes incline.
to the existence and stability properties of gait mo- Since no other actuation is imposed on the
tions. In particular, it was suggested that a normal- model dynamics, these mechanisms are inherently
form approach could be employed to study mecha- passive and their dynamical behavior appropriately
nisms near the constrained, symmetric limit. The natural. As suggested in the references and in the
present paper presents a detailed analysis of the following sections, there are large ranges of param-
normal-form computations and its use in studying eter choices and regions of initial conditions in state
characteristically non-2D motions. space, for which the subsequent time evolution to a
The paper has the following outline. In Sec. 2 large extent resembles that of human gait.
Int. J. Bifurcation Chaos 2001.11:2411-2425. Downloaded from

we briefly reiterate the modeling assumptions un- To avoid repeating the model derivation de-
by DRESDEN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY on 04/05/16. For personal use only.

derlying the system kinematics and dynamics. Sec- scribed in detail in [Piiroinen et al., 2000], we limit
tion 3 develops the center-manifold methodology the discussion to highlighting the small changes in
and the perturbation approach used to arrive at a the variable definitions that distinguish the present
suitably low-order approximation of the system dy- setup from that in the reference.
namics. Section 4 develops the numerical algorithm
employed to find approximate forms for the coeffi- • The orientation of the torso relative to the in-
cient functions in the normal forms. It also stud- ertial reference frame is here given by the three
ies the degree of accuracy achieved by the center- simple rotations {n, t(1) , 3, q5 }, {t(1) , t(2) , 1, q4 }
manifold technique and the range of validity away and {t(2) , t, 2, q6 }, where the {a, b, i, θ} notation
from the singular limit. The paper concludes in indicates that the b reference basis is rotated rel-
Sec. 5 with a discussion on improvements to the ative to the a reference basis an angle θ about
numerical scheme and possible generalizations to the common i-direction (i.e. ai = bi ). This dif-
higher-dimensional center manifolds and the inclu- fers from the model described in [Adolfsson et al.,
sion of more problem parameters. 1999] and [Piiroinen et al., 2000] only in that the
order of the first two rotations has been reversed.
• The vector from the projection of the hip center
2. The Model on the ground to the point on the ground where
contact was last established with the jth toe on
The model mechanisms studied in this paper have
the ith foot is written as
been described in great detail in previous publica-
tions by members of this group (cf. [Adolfsson et al.,
1999] and [Piiroinen et al., 2000]). Specifically, we L̂i,j = t(1) (dfi,j + si,j,1 hi + dsi,j + si,j,2 0)T .
investigate the natural dynamics of rigid-body sys-
tems consisting of a torso free to move and rotate The position vector of the ground contact point is
in physical space, two upper legs with single rota- piecewise constant in the inertial reference frame.
tional degrees of freedom relative to the torso, and It follows that
two lower legs with single rotational degrees of free-
dom relative to the upper legs. In addition to linear q1 − (si,j,2 + hi + dsi,j ) sin(q5)
elastic elements in the knee joints and when mod- + (si,j,1 + dfi,j ) cos(q5) = constant
eling collisional interactions with the ground, the q2 + (si,j,1 + dfi,j ) sin(q5)
models include dissipative elements in the hip and
+ (si,j,2 + hi + dsi,j ) cos(q5) = constant
knee joints, and during ground contact. To balance
the overall loss of energy during a gait cycle, the
where hi is the distance from the torso center to
direction of gravity as described by the unit vector (2)
the ith leg in the t2 direction, dfi,j is the distance
γ = sin(γ)n1 − cos(γ)n3 , (1) from the center of mass of ith shank to the jth
Normal-Form Analysis for a Class of Passive Bipedal Walkers 2413
toe point in the t1 direction, and dsi,j is the dis-
tance from the center of mass of ith shank to the
jth toe in the t2 direction. Differentiating these
relations with respect to time and substituting
the kinematic differential equations, we obtain

ṡi,j,1 = −u1 + u6 (hi + si,j,2 + dsi,j )/ cos(q4 )

ṡi,j,2 = u3 sin(q4 ) − u2 cos(q4 )
− u6 (si,j,1 + dfi,j )/ cos(q4 ) .
As in [Piiroinen et al., 2000] and [Adolfsson
et al., 1999] we include the eight variables si,j,k ,
i, j, k = 1, 2, (although their definition differs
significantly) in our list of state variables with
evolution equations described by Eqs. (2) and Fig. 1. A bifurcation diagram for 2D walkers under variation
Int. J. Bifurcation Chaos 2001.11:2411-2425. Downloaded from

of γ. Solid curves represent asymptotically stable solutions.

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discrete jumps whenever contact is re-established

between the corresponding toe and the ground.
We symbolically represent the final set of gait patterns containing oscillations about an aver-
dynamical equations of motion as age heading straight down the incline (i.e. parallel
to the nominal plane) or on an angle relative to the
M (q)u̇(t) = h(u, q) ,
nominal plane.
where q, u ∈ R10 and M (q) is an invertible mass
matrix. Together with the kinematical equations of 2D walkers. These model mechanisms are con-
motion strained in such a way that all translations lie in the
nominal plane and all rotations are perpendicular to
q̇ = K(q)u , this plane, thus reducing the number of degrees of
freedom to seven. 2D walkers may physically be re-
Eqs. (2), and the discrete jumps in the si,j,k dynam- alized by introducing lateral constraints to limit the
ics, these constitute our dynamical system. out-of-plane dynamics. In the mathematical model-
ing, they may be arrived out without any reference
2.1. Going from 2D to 3D to an unconstrained model, by the introduction of
constraint forces on an unconstrained model, or by
For reference we here repeat the classification letting the toe width go to infinity (see [Piiroinen
scheme of our model mechanisms that was intro- et al., 2000] for a more detailed discussion).
duced in [Piiroinen et al., 2000]. These definitions
serve to highlight the transition between 2D-like 2D walkers can show a variety of different types
gait patterns and those inherently non-2D, some of gaits as we will see below. They will also be
of which are described in more detail below. For used as starting points for the numerical analysis
convenience in the discussion below, we refer to the in Sec. 4. A typical bifurcation diagram of a 2D
plane perpendicular to the incline and containing walker under varying slope γ can be seen in Fig. 1
the gravity vector as the nominal plane. Through- (cf. [Piiroinen et al., 2000]). The solid lines repre-
out this discussion, all walkers are assumed to have sent stable solutions and the dashed lines represent
symmetric geometric and inertial properties with unstable solutions. At the Roman numeral I we
respect to reflections in the sagittal plane. have a saddle node bifurcation where two branches
of symmetric period-one gaits are born, one unsta-
3D walkers. These model mechanisms exhibit ble and one stable. Here, a gait is symmetric if the
the full number of degrees of freedom as described right step is a mirror image of the left step when
above. A multitude of periodic gait patterns reflected in the nominal plane. Moreover, the pe-
have been reported in [Adolfsson et al., 1999] and riodicity refers to motion repeating itself after an
[Piiroinen et al., 2000]. Indeed, 3D walkers display even number of steps. Decreasing the slope angle
2414 P. T. Piiroinen et al.

slightly gives rise to a pitchfork bifurcation at II, For example, a previously asymmetric, limping gait
where two branches of stable asymmetric walking motion of an extended 2D walker may pick up an
are created and the stable symmetric gait turns un- oscillation in heading with an average heading on
stable. Further decreasing the slope angle, the sta- angle relative to the nominal plane. Of particular
ble limping gaits double their periods at the points concern in this paper is the limiting behavior of the
III, and the period-one gaits turn unstable. These 3D walkers for µ, ε  1. From the discussion in
branches collapse back to limping period-one gaits [Piiroinen et al., 2000], we expect that the dynamics
at IV. are predominantly a function of the instantaneous
heading angle, q5 , as ε → 0. Indeed this is sup-
Extended 2D walkers. As an intermediate stage ported by numerical evidence as further described
between 2D and 3D walkers, these mechanisms are below.
unconstrained 3D walkers with zero hip separa-
tions and symmetrically placed toe points about the
sagittal plane. They form a focal point for the re- 3. Mathematical Tools
maining discussion in this paper. Indeed, as shown
in [Piiroinen et al., 2000], the extended 2D walk- The backbone of the semi-analytical analysis pre-
ers can exhibit all the motions (whether gait-like sented below is a numerical integration scheme that
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by DRESDEN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY on 04/05/16. For personal use only.

or not) that are available to 2D walkers, but may allows simultaneous integration of the dynamical
also deviate from a 2D-like gait and include oscilla- system, the variational equations for stability anal-
tions in the out-of-plane degrees of freedom. Con- ysis and parameter continuation, and the treatment
sequently, a bifurcation diagram of 2D-like periodic of discontinuous jumps in state variable and the
dynamics of an extended 2D walker is identical to system Jacobian. For further detail, we refer to
that shown for the corresponding 2D walker, except [Adolfsson et al., 1999] and [Piiroinen et al., 2000]
that the stability characteristics may differ. Indeed, (in particular, the former rigorously derives the cor-
the difference may be significant, in that none of rections required to treat system discontinuities).
the stable gait motions of the 2D walker may retain Since we are primarily concerned with periodic
their stability when studying a related extended 2D orbits and their bifurcations, we rely on the concept
walker. of a Poincaré map that relates subsequent points of
intersection of an orbit with a predefined Poincaré
Consider a 3D walker with zero hip separation. section in state space
Let ε denote the inverse of the separation between
zn+1 = P(zn ) (3)
the toe points on either foot and let µ denote the
lateral shift (µ > 0 when the shift is outward) of where the state z contains all the generalized coor-
the toe line relative to the leg. Then, µ = 0 corre- dinates (modulo translations along the incline and
sponds to an extended 2D walker. Indeed, as ε → 0, rotations of the torso about the hip axis as described
we expect the stability properties of the 2D-like in [Piiroinen et al., 2000]), generalized speeds and
gaits of the extended 2D walker to approach those toe-contact variables si,j,k . There is a one-to-one
of the corresponding 2D walker (whereas they may correspondence between a periodic solution of the
differ markedly for ε large, as argued above). In time-continuous dynamical system and a fixed point
[Piiroinen et al., 2000] an energy-balance argument for this Poincaré map, i.e. such that P(z0 ) = z0 .
is employed to show that as ε → 0, one eigen- Similarly, the original periodic orbit is asymptot-
value corresponding to the instantaneous gait head- ically stable if all the eigenvalues of the Jacobian
ing must always approach 1, rendering the limit- ∂z P(z0 ) have magnitude less than 1, unstable if at
ing mechanism neutrally stable to perturbations in least one lies outside the unit circle, and linearly
heading. This is further supported by numerical indeterminate whenever an eigenvalue lands on the
evidence. Indeed, for the limiting mechanism, it unit circle.
is argued that for every periodic gait in the nomi-
nal plane, there exists a continuum of periodic gaits 3.1. Center-manifold and
that stay constrained to planes perpendicular to the normal-form analysis
incline and transversally intersecting the nominal
plane. In the remainder of this paper we restrict attention
For µ, ε 6= 0, the symmetry is broken, thus to the dynamics of a 3D walker with zero hip sepa-
introducing 3D components into all gait motions. ration and µ, ε  1. For a given periodic motion,
Normal-Form Analysis for a Class of Passive Bipedal Walkers 2415

recall that as ε → 0, one eigenvalue is expected Substituting Eqs. (5) and (6) into (4), we find that
to approach 1, such that the limiting mechanism
possesses a continuum of periodic motions locally h(c(q5,k , ε, µ), ε, µ) − P(h(q5,k , ε, µ), ε, µ) = 0 ,
uniquely identified by the (constant) value of the (7)
heading q5 , where q5 ∈ (−q5∗ , q5∗ ), q5∗ > 0. We can
reformulate this assertion in terms of the Poincaré which reiterates the invariance of Γε .
map construction alluded to in the previous section. In a regular perturbation analysis, the center-
In particular, we write manifold is analytic in the vicinity of the fixed point
for sufficiently small changes in the bifurcation pa-
zn+1 = P(zn , ε, µ) , (4)
rameter. In the present situation, however, the bi-
where zn and zn+1 are two subsequent intersections furcation parameter ε attains a singular limit when
of an orbit with the Poincaré section, and we have ε = 0. Guided by singular perturbation theory, we
explicitly included the dependence on ε and µ. It instead expect the presence of exponentially small
follows that one eigenvalue of ∂z P(z∗ (µ, ε), ε, µ), terms in ε in any expansion of Γε or c. As long as we
where z∗ (µ, ε) corresponds to a fixed point of P, remain close to ε = 0, however, a standard Taylor
approaches 1 as ε → 0. Moreover, every hyperbolic expansion should provide an adequate approxima-
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by DRESDEN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY on 04/05/16. For personal use only.

periodic solution of a 2D walker (see e.g. Fig. 1, tion to the nonlinear dynamics. In light of this, we
where the 2D walker has seven different periodic make the following ansatz
solutions at the inclination γ = 0.085) generates ∞
X εi µj
a curve Γ0 , parameterized by the heading q5 , such c(q5,k , ε, µ) = c[i,j] (q5,k )
that every point on Γ0 is a fixed point of P(·, 0, µ). i,j=0
All these fixed points have an eigenvalue equal to 1
and the corresponding eigenvector is tangent to the + exponentially small terms in ε
curve. In particular, Γ0 is parameterized in such
= c[0,0] (q5,k ) + c[1,0] (q5,k )ε + c[0,1] (q5,k )µ
a way that q5 = 0 correspond to the 2D periodic
motion. ε2
The ε = 0 limit is clearly a singular one. + c[1,1] (q5,k )εµ + c[2,0] (q5,k )
For example, ground reaction torques grow with-
out bounds as ε → 0 for a given ground penetra- µ2
+ c[0,2] (q5,k ) + ··· (8)
tion. Moreover, the out-of-plane stability character- 2
istics of the limiting mechanism are trivial, since the
growing toe separation increasingly acts as a con- for the center-manifold dynamics and, similarly,
straint on the out-of-plane dynamics. Nevertheless, ∞
X εi µj
for ε  1 but nonzero, we are inspired by center- h(q5 , ε, µ) = z[i,j] (q5 )
manifold theory to expect the persistence of an in- i,j=0
variant curve Γε near Γ0 . Indeed, for sufficiently
small ε and q5 in some interval about q5 = 0, Γε + exponentially small terms in ε
should still be parameterizable by q5 (and µ) and = z[0,0] (q5 ) + z[1,0] (q5 )ε + z[0,1] (q5 )µ
the corresponding Poincaré map should reduce to a
one-dimensional map on Γε : ε2
+ z[1,1] (q5 )εµ + z[2,0] (q5 )
q5,k+1 = c(q5,k , ε, µ) . (5) 2
Guided by these ideas we assume that for ev- + z[0,2] (q5 ) + ··· , (9)
ery branch Γ0 of periodic points of the Poincaré
map when ε = 0, there exists an invariant one- for Γε . Below we outline a method for numerically
dimensional manifold Γε of the form determining the functional form of the unknown co-
efficient functions c[i,j] and z[i,j] .
z = h(q5 , ε, µ) , (6)
For ε = 0 and all values of µ, c(q5 , 0, µ) should
such that reduce to q5 (at least for q5 ∈ (−q5∗ , q5∗ ), q5∗ > 0),
corresponding to the presence of a continuum of
h(q5 , 0, µ) = Γ0 , q5 ∈ (−q5∗ , q5∗ ) . periodic gaits parametrized solely by the constant
2416 P. T. Piiroinen et al.

heading angle. It follows that For simplicity of exposition, we introduce the

following short-hand notation. All explicit ref-
c[0,0] (q5 ) = q5 and c[0,j] (q5 ) = 0 , j ≥ 1.
erences to functional dependence on q5 will be
Similarly, by the invariance of the dynamical sys- omitted. Thus, z[i,j] denotes z[i,j] (q5 ) and so
tem under the reflection ε → −ε, we may con- on. Moreover, since the perturbation analysis
clude that c[i,·] (q5 ) = 0, odd i. In the dis- requires evaluation of a number of functions at
cussion below, we will explicitly make use of the point z = z[0,0] , ε = 0, µ = 0, these ar-
these relations only for terms of order three or guments will also generally be omitted. Thus,
higher in ε and µ (except for the statement we write P = P(z[0,0] (q5 ), 0, 0) and Pzε z1,0 =
about c[0,0] ). Lower-order terms that should van- Pzε (z[0,0] (q5 ), 0, 0)z[1,0] (q5 ).
ish by the above reasoning, will be retained as If we substitute Eqs. (8) and (9) into (7) and
checks on the success of the numerical algorithm. omit exponentially small terms in ε, we find

h(c(q5,k , ε, µ), ε, µ) = z[0,0] + [z0[0,0] c[1,0] + z[1,0] ]ε + [z0[0,0] c[0,1] + z[0,1] ]µ

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+ [z00[0,0] c2[1,0] + z0[0,0] c[2,0] + 2z0[1,0] c[1,0] + z[2,0] ]

+ [z00[0,0] c2[0,1] + z0[0,0] c[0,2] + 2z0[0,1] c[0,1] + z[0,2] ]

+ [z00[0,0] c[1,0] c[0,1] + z0[0,1] c[1,0] + z0[0,0] c[1,1] + z0[1,0] c[0,1] + z[1,1] ]εµ

 
2z0[1,1] c[1,0] + z0[2,0] c[0,1] + 2z00[1,0] c[1,0] c[0,1] + 2z0[1,0] c[1,1]
 
 
ε2 µ
 + z0[0,0] c[2,1] + z00[0,1] c2[1,0] + z0[0,1] c[2,0] + z00[0,0] c[0,1] c[2,0] 

  2
+ 2z00[0,0] c[1,0] c[1,1] + z000 2
[0,0] c[1,0] c[0,1] + z[2,1]

+ ··· ,

where 0 denotes differentiation with respect to q5 , for the left-hand side, and

P(z(q5 , ε, µ), ε, µ) = P + [Pz z[1,0] + Pε ]ε + [Pz z[0,1] + Pµ ]µ

+ [Pzz z[1,0] z[1,0] + 2Pzε z[1,0] + Pεε + Pz z[2,0] ]

+ [Pzz z[0,1] z[0,1] + 2Pzµ z[0,1] + Pµµ + Pz z[0,2] ]

+ [Pzz z[1,0] z[0,1] + Pzµ z[1,0] + Pzε z[0,1] + Pεµ + Pz z[1,1] ]εµ
 
Pzεε z[0,1] + Pzzz z[1,0] z[1,0] z[0,1] + Pzzµ z[1,0] z[1,0] + 2Pzzε z[1,0] z[0,1]
  2
 ε µ
 + 2Pzεµ z[1,0] + 2Pzε z[1,1] + 2Pzz z[1,0] z[1,1] 
 2
 
+ Pzµ z[2,0] + Pz z[2,1] + Pεεµ + Pzz z[2,0] z[0,1]

+ ···
Normal-Form Analysis for a Class of Passive Bipedal Walkers 2417

for the right-hand side. Identifying terms of the same order in ε and µ, we find

ε0 µ0 : z[0,0] = P (10)

ε1 µ0 : z[1,0] + z0[0,0] c[1,0] = Pε + Pz z[1,0] (11)

ε0 µ1 : z[0,1] + z0[0,0] c[0,1] = Pµ + Pz z[0,1] (12)

ε2 µ0 : z00[0,0] c2[1,0] + z0[0,0] c[2,0] + 2z0[1,0] c[1,0] + z[2,0]

= Pzz z[1,0] z[1,0] + 2Pzε z[1,0] + Pεε + Pz z[2,0] (13)

ε0 µ2 : z00[0,0] c2[0,1] + z0[0,0] c[0,2] + 2z0[0,1] c[0,1] + z[0,2]

= Pzz z[0,1] z[0,1] + 2Pzµ z[0,1] + Pµµ + Pz z[0,2] (14)

ε1 µ1 : z00[0,0] c[1,0] c[0,1] + z0[0,1] c[1,0] + z0[0,0] c[1,1] + z0[1,0] c[0,1] + z[1,1]
Int. J. Bifurcation Chaos 2001.11:2411-2425. Downloaded from
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= Pzz z[1,0] z[0,1] + Pzµ z[1,0] + Pzε z[0,1] + Pεµ + Pz z[1,1] (15)

ε2 µ1 : 2z0[1,1] c[1,0] + z0[2,0] c[0,1] + 2z00[1,0] c[1,0] c[0,1] + 2z0[1,0] c[1,1] + z0[0,0] c[2,1] + z00[0,1] c2[1,0]

+ z0[0,1] c[2,0] + z00[0,0] c[0,1] c[2,0] + 2z00[0,0] c[1,0] c[1,1] + z000 2

[0,0] c[1,0] c[0,1] + z[2,1]

= Pzεε z[0,1] + Pzzz z[1,0] z[1,0] z[0,1] + Pzzµ z[1,0] z[1,0] + 2Pzzε z[1,0] z[0,1] + 2Pzεµ z[1,0]
+ 2Pzε z[1,1] + 2Pzz z[1,0] z[1,1] + Pzµ z[2,0] + Pz z[2,1] + Pεεµ + Pzz z[2,0] z[0,1] . (16)

From Eq. (10), we find and similarly by multiplying (12) with ϕ∗ from the
left we get
z[0,0] (q5 ) = P(z[0,0] (q5 ), 0, 0) , (17) c[0,1] = ϕ∗ Pµ . (19)

on an open interval of q5 = 0. Differentiating this We can now substitute Eqs. (18) and (19) into
identity with respect to q5 , then yields Eqs. (11) and (12) to solve for the functions z[1,0]
and z[0,1] . To guarantee unique solutions, we im-
z0[0,0] = Pz z0[0, 0] , pose the additional constraints

ϕ∗ z[i,j] = 0 , i, j = 0, 1, 2, . . . ,
from which we conclude that z0[0,0] is a right eigen-
vector of Pz corresponding to the eigenvalue λ = 1. where i and j are not simultaneously equal to 0,
Denote this eigenvector by ϕ (again omitting the from which it follows that z[1,0] and z[0,1] satisfy
explicit q5 dependence) and choose the correspond-
! !
ing left eigenvector ϕ∗ , such that (I − Pz ) Pε − c[1,0] ϕ
z[1,0] = (20)
ϕ∗ 0
ϕ∗ = ϕ∗ Pz
and ! !
ϕ∗ ϕ = 1 . (I − Pz ) Pµ − c[0,1] ϕ
z[0,1] = , (21)
ϕ∗ 0
Multiplying (11) with ϕ∗ from the left we get
which we can solve numerically. Continuing in this
ϕ∗ (z[1,0] + z0[0,0] c[1,0] ) = ϕ∗ (Pε + Pz z[1,0] ) ⇔ fashion, one finds that the coefficient functions z[i,j]
ϕ∗ z[1,0] + ϕ∗ ϕc[1,0] = ϕ∗ Pε + ϕ∗ z[1,0] ⇔ (18) and c[i,j] must satisfy the equations

c[1,0] = ϕ∗ Pε Abk = ck (22)

2418 P. T. Piiroinen et al.

where !
(I − Pz ) ϕ
A= ,
ϕ∗ 0

b1 = (z[2,0] c[2,0] )T , b2 = (z[0,2] c[0,2] )T ,

b3 = (z[1,1] c[1,1] )T , b4 = (z[2,1] c[2,1] )T ,

Pzz z[1,0] z[1,0] + 2Pzε z[1,0] + Pεε − z00[0,0] c2[1,0] − 2z0[1,0] c[1,0]
c1 = ,
Pzz z[0,1] z[0,1] + 2Pzµ z[0,1] + Pµµ − z00[0,0] c2[0,1] − 2z0[0,1] c[0,1]
c2 = ,
 
Pzz z[1,0] z[0,1] + Pzµ z[1,0] + Pzε z[0,1] + Pεµ
 
 
c3 =  − z00[0,0] c[1,0] c[0,1] + z0[0,1] c[1,0] + z0[1,0] c[0,1] 
Int. J. Bifurcation Chaos 2001.11:2411-2425. Downloaded from

 ,
by DRESDEN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY on 04/05/16. For personal use only.

 
and  
Pzεε z[0,1] + Pzzz z[1,0] z[1,0] z[0,1] + Pzzµ z[1,0] z[1,0] + 2Pzzε z[1,0] z[0,1]
 
 
 + 2Pzεµ z[1,0] + 2Pzε z[1,1] + 2Pzz z[1,0] z[1,1] + Pzµ z[2,0] 
 
 
 
 + Pεεµ + Pzz z[2,0] z[0,1] − 2z0[1,1] c[1,0] − z0[2,0] c[0,1] 
c4 = 
 .
 − 2z00[1,0] c[1,0] c[0,1] − 2z0[1,0] c[1,1] − z00[0,1] c2[1,0] − z0[0,1] c[2,0] 
 
 

 − z00[0,0] c[0,1] c[2,0] − 2z00[0,0] c[1,0] c[1,1] − z000 2
[0,0] c[1,0] c[0,1]

 

In the next section a numerical procedure is imple- corresponding to the continuum of periodic orbits
mented to perform these computations and evaluate walking down the incline with constant headings q5
the success of the approximation. and uncoupled in-plane and out-of-plane dynamics
that emanate from a given reference 2D-gait solu-
tion at q5 = 0. Indeed, for ε = 0, we may introduce
4. Results arbitrary values of µ with no change in this contin-
4.1. Numerical techniques uum of solutions. Thus, every point in a µ versus
q5 diagram can be put in correspondence with a pe-
We recognize that the perturbation technique de- riodic orbit when ε = 0. As soon as we introduce a
scribed in the previous section requires the evalua- nonzero ε, however, the situation changes dramati-
tion of mixed derivatives of the Poincaré map with cally. Numerically, we find that, for a given ε, only
respect to the state variables and the parameters a single curve of points in the µ − q5 diagram re-
in the singular limit when ε → 0. Below we im- tains a correlation with periodic gaits (cf. [Piiroinen
plement standard two-point, three-point, and four- et al., 2000]).
point formulae for this evaluation, keeping in mind Consider the stable, asymmetric, period-one
that taking ε too small makes any computations 2D gait on the upper branch in Fig. 1 for slope
prohibitively slow. As a comparison for the param- γ = 0.075. Let z∗ (q5 , ε, µ(q5 )) denote the fixed
eter choices quoted below, we note that the total point in the Poincaré section such that z∗ (0, ε, 0)
length of the legs of the mechanism is ≈ 0.7 meters. coincides with this 2D gait. Here, µ is explicitly
To zeroth order in the perturbation analysis represented as a function of q5 to agree with the
we require a numerical approximation for z[0,0] (q5 ) observation in the previous paragraph. Through
Normal-Form Analysis for a Class of Passive Bipedal Walkers 2419

We now proceed to compute the coefficient

functions c[1,0] and c[0,1] from Eqs. (18) and (19).
As a side product of the continuation methods used
to compute z∗ (q5 , ε, µ(q5 )) we also obtain the Jaco-
bian Pz (z∗ (q5 , ε, µ), ε, µ). This allows us to com-
pute the appropriately normalized left and right
eigenvectors ϕ∗ (q5 , ε) and ϕε (q5 , ε), such that the
corresponding eigenvalue approaches 1 as ε → 0. It
remains to numerically estimate Pε and Pµ . Here
we use the following two-point schemes

Pε (z∗ (q5 , ε, µ(q5 )), ε, 0)

= [P(z∗ (q5 , ε, µ(q5 )), ε + h, 0)
Fig. 2. The projection of the fixed points z∗ (q5 (µ), ε, µ), − P(z∗ (q5 , ε, µ(q5 )), ε − h, 0)]
Int. J. Bifurcation Chaos 2001.11:2411-2425. Downloaded from

over a range of µ values, on the q5 − q9 plane. In order from

by DRESDEN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY on 04/05/16. For personal use only.

above, the curves correspond to ε = 0.1, ε = 0.05, ε = 0.025, Pµ (z∗ (q5 , ε, µ(q5 )), ε, 0)
and the estimated ε = 0 limit.
= [P(z∗ (q5 , ε, µ(q5 )), ε, h)
parameter continuation we can trace the function
z∗ (q5 , ε, µ(q5 )) for fixed values of ε and varying − P(z∗ (q5 , ε, µ(q5 )), ε, −h)] .
q5 . As an example, Fig. 2 shows the projection of
z∗ (q5 , ε, µ(q5 )) on the q5 −q9 plane, for ε = 0.1 (up- As an aside, we note that a symmetrical pertur-
per curve), 0.05 (second curve from top), and 0.025 bation of ε with ±h is not a symmetric perturba-
(second curve from bottom), corresponding to toe tion ∆toe of the length of the toe line other than
widths of 10, 20 and 40 meters. A careful numerical when the length of the toe lines are infinite (ε = 0).
analysis suggests that the limit Indeed,

lim z∗ (q5 , ε, µ(q5 )) 1 1

ε→0+ ε= ⇒ ε+h = ⇒
toe toe − ∆toe
exists. A convenient assumption is then that the
limit corresponds to z[0,0] (q5 ), i.e. z∗ (q5 , ε, µ(q5 )) is 1 1 htoe2
∆toe = toe − = toe − = .
a continuous function of ε at ε = 0. We have in- ε+h 1 1 + htoe
cluded an approximation of this limit in Fig. 2 (solid toe
line) using extrapolation of the convergence pattern
observed from the three other curves. In the anal- In Figs. 3(a) and 3(b) we have plotted
ysis below, we will consistently use z∗ (q5 , ε, µ(q5 )) c[1,0] (q5 , ε) and c[0,1] (q5 , ε) for the three different
as a replacement for z[0,0] (q5 ), perform the neces- values of ε. Indeed, as ε → 0, these curves ap-
sary computations for ε = 0.1, 0.05, and 0.025, pear to converge to the zero function at a rate pro-
and subsequently estimate the limits as ε → 0. portional to ε−1 , i.e. limε→0+ c[1,0] (q5 , ε) = 0 for
As discussed in previous sections, we have re- q5 ≥ 0. This is in agreement with the assertions
tained coefficient functions in our perturbation ex- regarding c[0,j](q5 ) and c[1,·] (q5 ) that were made in
pansions that we know should be identically equal Sec. 3.1.
to zero. These will be used to confirm observa- We proceed to compute higher-order coeffi-
tions of convergence in the numerical computations cients as outlined in Sec. 3.1. For the deriva-
below. tives Pεε and Pµµ we use three-point schemes, for

 
∗ ∗
∗ 1  P(z (q5 , ε, µ(q5 )), ε + h, 0) − 2P(z (q5 , ε, µ(q5 )), ε, 0) 
Pεε (z (q5 , ε, µ(q5 )), ε, 0) = 2 . (23)
h + P(z∗ (q5 , ε, µ(q5 )), ε − h, 0)
2420 P. T. Piiroinen et al.

(a) (b)
Int. J. Bifurcation Chaos 2001.11:2411-2425. Downloaded from
by DRESDEN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY on 04/05/16. For personal use only.

(c) (d)
Fig. 3. The functions (a) c[1,0] (q5 , ε), (b) c[0,1] (q5 , ε), (c) c[1,1] (q5 , ε), (d) c[0,2] (q5 , ε) for ε = 0.1 “O,” ε = 0.05 “,” and
ε = 0.25 “O”. The solid curves indicate the estimated ε = 0 limit.

Terms like Pzz z[1,0] z[0,1] and Pzµ z[1,0] are calculated with the schemes

Pzz (z∗ (q5 , ε, µ(q5 )), 0, 0)z[1,0] (q5 )z[0,1] (q5 )

 
Pz (z∗ (q5 , ε, µ(q5 )) + h1 z[1,0] (q5 ) + h2 z[0,1] (q5 ), ε, 0)
 
 − Pz (z∗ (q5 , ε, µ(q5 )) − h1 z[1,0] (q5 ) + h2 z[0,1] (q5 ), ε, 0) 
1  
=  
 
4h1 h2  − Pz (z∗ (q5 , ε, µ(q5 )) + h1 z[1,0] (q5 ) − h2 z[0,1] (q5 ), ε, 0) 
 
+ Pz (z∗ (q5 , ε, µ(q5 )) − h1 z[1,0] (q5 ) − h2 z[0,1] (q5 ), ε, 0)
 
P(z∗ (q5 , ε, µ(q5 )) + h1 z[1,0] (q5 ), ε, h2 )
 
 − P(z∗ (q5 ε, µ(q5 )) − h1 z[1,0] (q5 ), ε, h2 ) 
1  
Pzµ (z∗ (q5 , ε, µ(q5 )), ε, 0)z[1,0] (q5 ) =  .
 ∗ 
4h1 h2  − P(z (q5 , ε, µ(q5 )) + h1 z[1,0] (q5 ), ε, −h2 ) 
 
+ P(z∗ (q5 , ε, µ(q5 )) − h1 z[1,0] (q5 ), ε, −h2 )
Normal-Form Analysis for a Class of Passive Bipedal Walkers 2421

Fig. 5. The function c[2,1] (q5 , ε) for ε = 0.1 “O”, ε = 0.05

Int. J. Bifurcation Chaos 2001.11:2411-2425. Downloaded from

Fig. 4. The function c[2,0] (q5 , ε) for ε = 0.1 “O”, ε = 0.05 “”. The solid curve indicates the estimated ε = 0 limit. The
by DRESDEN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY on 04/05/16. For personal use only.

“”, and ε = 0.025 “O”. The solid curve indicates the esti- polynomial approximation made in [Piiroinen et al., 2000] is
mated ε = 0 limit. The polynomial approximation made in included and marked with (“x”).
[Piiroinen et al., 2000] is included and marked with (“x”).

discrepancy in the case of c[2,1] . Figures 2 and 6(a)–

Rather than compute Pzz and Pzµ and then project 6(f) show the projection of z0,0 , z1,0 , z0,1 , z2,0 , z0,2 ,
them onto subspaces spanned by z[1,0] and z[0,1] , for z1,1 and z2,1 on the q9 state variable. Note, for ex-
example, we use the directional derivative interpre- ample, that z[0,1] and z[0,2] both limit on the zero
tation of the projections. This significantly reduces function (this is true for all their components). This
the numerical complexity of the computations. is consistent with the assertion that, in the limit
Using this methodology we estimate c[1,1] (q5 ) ε → 0, the value of µ has no effect on the dynam-
and c[0,2] (q5 ), which by the reasoning in Sec. 3.1 ics. It is worthwhile to add a cautionary note to
should vanish identically. Indeed, this is confirmed extrapolate highly oscillatory data as in the projec-
in Figs. 3(c) and 3(d) where the convergence again tion of z[2,0] , where the limit estimate is close to the
goes as ε−1 for c[1,1] and ε−2 for c[0,2] . zero function, but for which other projections differ
markedly from the zero function.
4.2. Estimation of the center We now investigate the agreement between pre-
manifold and fixed points dictions based on the center-manifold approxima-
tion and direct numerical simulations for nonzero ε.
The first nonzero coefficient in the center-manifold In particular, let ε = 1/15, µ = 0.004 and consider
dynamics is c[2,0] . Figure 4 shows the results of the initial conditions (except for the value of q5 ) that
perturbation computations for c[2,0] (q5 , ε) as well as coincide with those of the asymmetric, stable gait at
the estimate of the limiting function c[2,0] (q5 ) (solid γ = 0.075, as discussed previously. Finally, consider
line). Similarly, in Fig. 5 we have plotted c[2,1] (q5 , ε) different initial headings, q5 = 0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and
for two different lengths of the toe lines (ε = 0.1 and 0.5 and study the subsequent transient dynamics.
ε = 0.05), and our estimate. Guided by the experi- Figure 7(a) shows the projected state space orbits
ence from the calculation of c[1,0] (q5 ), c[0,1] (q5 ), and on the q5 − q9 plane (points). It is clear that the dy-
c[1,1] (q5 ), it is assumed that c[2,1] (q5 , ε) converges to namics quickly relax onto a manifold parametrized
c[2,1] (q5 ) at a rate proportional ε−1 . Figures 4 and 5 by q5 . Included is the predicted center manifold us-
also include the polynomial approximation (marked ing the Taylor expansion (9). Figure 7(b) through
with “x”) derived in [Piiroinen et al., 2000]. While 7(d) show blowups of the transient dynamics for
the match between the polynomial approximation q5 initially equal to 0, 0.2 and 0.5. Similarly,
and the curves derived through the perturbation Fig. 8 shows the change in heading ∆q5 as a
technique closely agree for c[2,0] , there is a larger function of q5 as predicted by the center-manifold
2422 P. T. Piiroinen et al.

(a) (b)
Int. J. Bifurcation Chaos 2001.11:2411-2425. Downloaded from
by DRESDEN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY on 04/05/16. For personal use only.

(c) (d)

(e) (f)
Fig. 6. The projection onto the state variable q9 of the functions (a) z[1,0] (q5 ), (b) z[0,1] (q5 ), (c) z[2,0] (q5 ), (d) z[1,1] (q5 ),
(e) z[0,2] (q5 ), (f) z[2,1] (q5 ) for the walkers with toe width 10 (“· · · ”), 20 (“−−”), 40 meters (“− · −”). Again, solid curves
correspond to the estimated ε = 0 limit.

computation (solid), the polynomial approximation the present paper) to locate the branch of periodic
from [Piiroinen et al., 2000] (dashed), and the nu- solutions emanating from the asymmetric, stable
merical simulations (points). The agreement is ex- 2D gait referred to repeatedly above. Similarly, the
cellent — to within 10−5 in the location of the man- continuation algorithm is used to follow this branch
ifold, and to within 10−8 in the manifold dynamics. of solutions for variations in µ for fixed ε. Since
Finally, we examine the range of validity in ε we have only computed c[2,0] (q5 ) and c[2,1] (q5 ) in
of the normal-form approximation as compared to the normal-form analysis we will include the poly-
the actual dynamics. In particular, we use the for- nomial approximations of c[2,2] (q5 ) and c[4,0] (q5 ) to
mula for the center-manifold dynamics (as obtained the normal-form solution. The latter term will al-
by the polynomial approximation in [Piiroinen low an ε bias in the location of periodic solutions,
et al., 2000] or using the perturbation technique in which would not be possible otherwise.
Normal-Form Analysis for a Class of Passive Bipedal Walkers 2423

(a) (b)
Int. J. Bifurcation Chaos 2001.11:2411-2425. Downloaded from
by DRESDEN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY on 04/05/16. For personal use only.

(c) (d)
Fig. 7. Transient dynamics for a walker with ε = 1/15, µ = 0.004, inclination γ = 0.075, and initial conditions perturbed off
an asymptotically stable 2D gait, as described in the text, projected on the q5 − q9 plane. The solid line shows the approximate
center manifold.

Figure 9 includes predictions of fixed-point loci above computations are subject to cancellation
for ε = 0.5 (two-meter-wide feet), ε = 1, and errors as the step size h becomes too small. There
ε = 2. The combined perturbation-technique and is a delicate balance between taking too large
polynomial-approximation derived curves agree rea- values for h, resulting in large truncation errors
sonably well with the actual solution for ε = 0.5 and (of order O(h2 )) or too small values of h for
ε = 1. For ε = 2, any similarities between the actual which cancellation drastically reduces the valid-
solution and the approximations are gone. ity of the approximation procedure. It is likely
We conclude with a few remarks on the origins that this is the cause of some of the oscillations
of numerical errors in the approximations of the co- observed in the numerical estimates of z[i,j] as
efficient functions c[i,j] (q5 ), z[i,j] (q5 ), namely errors shown in Figs. 6(a), 6(c) and 6(f). We note, how-
due to ever, that the sensitivity to the size of h varies
• Finite step size in numerical integration of the between different components of the coefficient
differential equations. We have used Matlab’s c
functions. The different choices of h used in the
differential-equation solvers ode15s and ode113 numerical calculations reported here were arrived
with a relative and absolute accuracy of 10−8 . at through trial and error. In subsequent work, it
• Finite differences to estimate partial derivatives. might be valuable to develop an automated pro-
All finite-difference schemes employed in the cedure for optimizing the value of h.
2424 P. T. Piiroinen et al.

(a) (b)
Int. J. Bifurcation Chaos 2001.11:2411-2425. Downloaded from
by DRESDEN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY on 04/05/16. For personal use only.

(c) (d)
Fig. 8. Transient dynamics for a walker with ε = 1/15, µ = 0.004, inclination γ = 0.075, and initial conditions perturbed off
an asymptotically stable 2D gait, as described in the text, showing the change ∆q5 versus the instantantaneous value of q5 .
The solid curve corresponds to the dynamics predicted by the truncated normal form. Similarly, the dashed curve shows the
prediction of the polynomial approximation (see [Piiroinen et al., 2000]).

5. Discussion
In this paper, extensions of center-manifold the-
ory to near-singularly perturbed dynamical systems
have been combined with numerical computations
to arrive at approximate functional forms for invari-
ant manifolds and the slow dynamics on these mani-
folds for bipedal, passive walkers with large toe sep-
aration and nearly symmetric foot geometries. The
method has been used to correlate theoretical pre-
dictions about periodic motion for 3D walkers with
motions arrived at through parameter continua-
tion and direct numerical simulation of the differen-
tial equations. Moreover, it has further illustrated
the relation between characteristically 2D-like gait
Fig. 9. Bifurcation branches of periodic solutions for motions, as exhibited by 2D walkers or extended
ε = 0, 5, ε = 1 and ε = 2, emanating from asymptotically 2D walkers and some characteristically non-2D
stable 2D gait under variations in µ. Here, solid curves are
obtained through parameter continuation, while circles (poly-
gait motions.
nomial approximation) and triangles (polynomial approxima- We note that the normal-form dynamics de-
tion only for c[2,2] (q5 ) and c[4,0] (q5 )) are predictions from the rived here are one-dimensional in nature, corre-
truncated normal form. sponding to a single eigenvalue on the unit circle. A
Normal-Form Analysis for a Class of Passive Bipedal Walkers 2425

natural extension would be to study the appropriate Acknowledgment

normal forms in the vicinity of bifurcation points
in the 2D gait dynamics, in which case the cen- We gratefully acknowledge the Swedish Founda-
ter manifolds would be higher-dimensional, and the tion for Strategic Research (SSF) for their financial
subsequent dynamics correspondingly richer. For support of this work.
example, [Piiroinen et al., 2000] report finding Hopf
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