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Robert Constantin Ionescu

26 years(1994-05-06), M

Driver's license: Yes
Phone: 0754594900


Actuarial Analyst
July.2020 - until now (6 months)
Job domain: Insurances - Financial Intermediaries
Company industry: Insurances - Financial Intermediaries
No. of employees: 400
Company description: Allianz has operations in over 70 countries. Has more than 85 million
customers worldwide and its services include property and casualty
insurance, life and health insurance and asset management.
Responsibilities: Importing and managing the facultative reinsurance databases using Excel
and SQL. Checking data accuracy and merging databases. Creating reporting
templates using mostly Excel and SQL, from time to time.
Data Analyst Executive
May.2019 - July.2020 (1 years, 2 months)
Job domain: IT Software
Company industry: Others
No. of employees: 2000
Company description: YouGov is an international data and analytics group founded in the UK in
They are considered the pioneer of online market research.
Responsibilities: Using Python to manipulate multiple databases; creating different
templates for data visualization that would be used for business analysis
and decisions making. Importing databases using a Python script and
analyzing different indicators using Excel.
Data Analyst
November.2017 - May.2019 (1 years, 6 months)
Job domain: IT Software
Company industry: Others
No. of employees: > 2000
Company description: Ipsos SA is a multinational market research company based on online
questionnaires. It is present in 47 countries and is the number three in
the world of market surveys based on questionnaires.
In Romania it has been present since 2000 with over 900 employees.
Responsibilities: Database processing, formatting and analysis.

This CV was downloaded date 12.01.2021. Last update: 12.01.2021

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Data processing in standard or client-requested formats. Weighting of
databases. I closely collaborated with the customer to understand his
needs regarding the content and formatting of the reporting templates
and continuously incorporating his feedback in my daily work.

Financial consultant
Bayer Credit , BUCHAREST
March.2017 - August.2017 (5 months)
Job domain: Internship
Company industry: Banking - Financial Services
No. of employees: 20
Company description: It is a financial consulting company that operates on the local market.
Responsibilities: Providing information and finding an appropriate financial package for
each client. Making the financial file and approving it. Maintaining a close
connection with the client and providing information throughout the
collaboration. Manually creating the database with my clients information.
Accomplishments: I added clients to the company's portfolio in a short period of time.

Academy of Economic Studies - Faculty of Cibernetics

October.2013 - June.2017

Diploma (type of studies): Bachelor Degree

Field of studies: Statistics
Other relevant information: I took part in Work & Travel student program in the USA.

Foreign languages:
Writing Reading Speaking
English Advanced Advanced Advanced
Driving licence Yes
Qualities: Analysis capacity, Persuasion abilities,
Continuous learner,
IT knowledge: Python Pandas
SPSS Dimension
Microsoft Office
Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Affter
Effects - medium
Other courses, British Council

Objective: Professional development with a young team oriented to

Job type: Part Time, Full Time,
Job level: 1 - 5 years of experience

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Salary expectations (EUR) 1500 EUR
Are you willing to travel: Yes, over 50% of my working time
Power ed byTCP
DF( www.tcpd
f .org)

This CV was downloaded date 12.01.2021. Last update: 12.01.2021

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