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ICEA 5-61-402, NEMA WC 5 PART 6, PAGE 1

Part 6
e.1 TESTING A 2. When potenti~1 Icads are used, the distance
between...eac- potential eontact and the corre-
AII wires and cables shall be teste
sponding current contact shall be at least equal
Iactory to determine their compliance with the
to I ~ times the circumference of the specimen.
requirements given in Parts 2~ 3, 4, S, and 7.
When a Kelvin-type bridge is used, the yoke
When there is a conflict between the test methods
resistance (between reference standard and test
given in Part 6 and publications of other organi-
specirnen) shall be appreciably smaller than that
zations to Wl1iCñ reference is made, the require-
of either the reference standard or the test speci-
ments given in Part 6 shall amill'-,-
men unless a suitable lead cornpensation is used,
Tests shall consist of th;[ollowing, as required,
or it is known that the coil and lead ratios are
narnely, (1) teslS..-'ln-sam-ples-see 6.2 to 6.10,
sufficiently balanced so that variation in yoke
inclusive, and 6.14, (2) electrical tests on entire
resistance will not decrease the bridge accuracy
lengths of cornpleted cables=-see 6.1L t~ 6:.13, below that given in itern 4.
inclusive, and (3) conductor resistance tests-see
-3. The distance between potential electrodes
6.3-on samples or on entire lengths of cornpleted
.hall be measured to an aceuraey of :t 0.05
cables. percent. To assure thls accuracy in measuring the
The test methods described in Part 6 are nOI
)ength between potential contacts, the surface in
completely applicable to all types of wires and
contact with the test specimen shall be a substan-
cables, nor do they inelude every test applicable tially sharp knife edge.
to a particular type of wíre or cable. To determine 4. Resistance measurements shall be rnade
which tests are to be made, refer to the parts in to an accuracy of ± 0.15 percent. To assure a
this publication which set forth the requirements correct reading, the reference standard and the
to be met by the particular material or type of test specimen should be allowed to 'come to the
cable. same temperature as the surrounding medium.
(If the reference standard is made of manganin,
Tests shall be made on samples selected at it is possible oto obtain correct readings with the
random. Each test sample shall be taken from test specimen at reference temperatures other
the accessible end of different" coíls or reels, than room ternperature.) ~
Each coi! or reel selected and the corresponding 5. In all resístance measurements, the measuring
sample shalJ be identiñed. The number and current raises the temperature of the médium.
lengths of samples sh&n be as specified under Therefore, the magnitude of the current shall be
the individual tests. low and the time of its use short enough so Iha[
changes in resistance cannot be detected with ¡h!:
8.3 CONOUCTOR TEST METHOOS ~ ¡alvanometer.
When samples are measured, they shall be 6. In bridge measurements, the potential
selected in accordance with Table 6-1a. contact resistanee shall be as low as possible.
If low eontact resistanee cannot be achieved.
1.3.1 M.thod tor Olr.ct Curr.nt appropriate contact-resístance corrective círcuíts
RHlatane. O.termlnltlon shall be used. To elirninate errors due to contact
Measurements shall be made either on a sample potential, two readings, one direct and one with
It least 1 foot (30.S cm) long or on the entíre len¡th current reversed, shall be taken in dírect succes-
of completed cable. When the nominal resistanee
síon. Check tests may be made by turning the
specímen end for end and repeating the test. The
ís less than 1 ohm, the measurement shall be made
wíth a Kelvin-rype bridge or 1 potentiometer. When material used for the two potentiaJ ccntacts shall
the nominal resistance ís 1 ohm or more, the
be the same to minimize imbalanced eontact
measurernent shall be made with I Kelvin-type
potentials. Ir neeessary, the ecntact surfaces
shall be cleaned.
bridge, or a Wheatstone bridge, or 1potentícmeter.

- When measurements are made on a sample,
either as original measurements or for verifi- 1.3.2 M.thoda for Croll-Sectlonll
cation, the Iollowing precautions shall be taken:
l. Current contactsshall be made in such a MEASUREMENT
way as to assure essentially uniform eurrent The cross-sectional area shall be calculated
density among the wires. as follows:

Table 6-1
Faetors tor Converting Measured de Resistanee to 25°C (77 0F)
TC1'ftpcofll"rr, h4ulll~h'u" F"aclor M"hlpl)'lftl faC'lor
p.,rffi. e rOf COPOfT fOf Alul'Plinurn
O 1.107 1.110
5 1.084 1.085
10 1.061 1.063
15 1.040 1.041
20 1.020 1.020
25 I.CXXl I.CXXl
30 0.981 0.981
3S 0.963 0.962
40 0.945 0.944
45 0.928 0.927
SO 0.912 0.910
55 0.896 0.894
r-.... 60 0.881 0.878
65 0.866 0.863
70 0.852 0.849
75 0.838 0.835
80 0.825 0.821
85 0.812 0.808
90 0.800 0.796

The correction factors are based upon copper having 100 percent conduc-
tivity and aluminum having 61 percent conductivity. The factqrs are derived
from the formulae:

R, 259.5
R2 for copper
234.5 -+ T2

RI R2 2S3 for aluminum

228 + Tl

R, = Resistance at 25·C
R2 = Measured resistance at test tcmperature T 2'

For more accurate deterrnination of resistance, allowing for dífferent

conductivities, see "Copper Wire Tables," National Bureau of Standards
Handbook 100; or "Aluminum Wire Tables," National Bureau of Standards
Handbook 109. and ASTM B193. (This paragraph is approved by NEMA as
Authorized Engineering Information.)

Table 6-1a
Number of Samples
QlUntil)' of Compleled Cable Ordered Number
Iee t meters Simples
Less than 2000 Las than 610 o
2(;00.1 0000 61~3048 1
Each 10000 or frlction thereof from 10CXX}-SOOOO Each 3048 or fraction thereof from 3048-1 S l-4O I
Each additional 50000 er fraction thereof Each additional I S l-4O or fraction thereof I

ICEA S-61-402, NEMA WC 5 PART 6, PAGE 2A

be made on each of two coils or reels taken at

random. If the lot consists of 20 or more eoils
A=10-3! d1
i = 1 or reels, not less than 10 percent of the coils or
Where: I

reels shall be selected at random and at least one

A = cross-sectional area in kcrnil determination of the thickness shall be made on
di "" diameter of the ith wire in mils determined each coi! or reel so selected. In the case of
according to 6,3.3.1 multiple-conductor cables, the measurements
n = total nurnber of wires in conductor shall be made on the individual eonductors
before they are cabled. CROSs-$ECTlONAL AREA BY WEIGHT

The cross-sectional area shall be determíned 1.4.3 Mellur.",ent of Thlckne ••

in accordance with ASTM B263. The measurement of thickness for cables with
8.3.3 Methoda for DI.meter Detennln.tlon unbonded components shall be made with either
a micrometer or microscope but, for cables wíth DIAMETER BY MICAOMETEA MEASUAEMENT
bonded cornponents, shall be made only with a
Diameter measurements shall be made with a microscope. The micrometer and mieroscope
mlcrometer or other suitable instrument readable shall be capable of making measurements accur-
to at least 0.0001 inch. Round wires shall be ate to at least O.OOl inch.
measured al each end of the sample and near the
middle of the sample. The average of the three
measurernents shall be taken as the diameter. MICROMETER MEASUREMENTS
Stranded conductors shall be measured around
\\'hen a mícrorneter is used, the average thick-
the círcurnference of the conductor perpendicular
ness of the insulation shall be taken as cne-halr
to the axis of the conductor and on the extensions
of the difference between the mean of the maxi-
of a line through the cerner of the conductor and
mum and minimum díarneters over the insulation
through the cerner of two wires in the outer
at one point and the average díameter over the
layer which are ISO degrees aparto The average
conductor or any separator measured at the same
of three measurements shal! be taken as the
point. The mínimum thickness of the insulation
diarneter. shall be taken as the difference between a meas- DIAMETER BY TAPE MEASUREMENT urernent made over the conductor or any separa-
tor plus the thinnest insulation wall, and the
A diameter tape readable to at least O.OOS ínch díameter over the conductor or any separa-
shall be wrapped one turn (360 0) around the cir- tor. The first measurement shall be rnade ~dlE¡
eumference of the conductor, tightly and perpendi- slicing off the thícker side of the insulation, The
cular to the axis of the conductor. The average thickness of any separator shall not be included
diameter of the conductor shall be read directly in the thickness of insulation.
from the diameter tape. lf the wire or cable has a jacket, the jacket
shall be removed and the minimum and maxi-
mum thickness of the jacket determined directly


with a mícrcmeter. The average of these deter-
minations shall be taken as the average thick-
ness of the jacket.
&.4.1 aener.1
Physical and aging tests shall be those required
by Parts 3, 4, and 7. . ~ MICAOSCOPE MEASUAEMENTS
6.4.2 Number of Thlcknll' Me•• urement.
When the lot of wire to be inspected consists When a microscope is used, the maximum and
of two coils or reels, or less, at least one deter- minimum thickness shall be detennined from a
mination of the thickness shall be rnade on each specimen cut perpendicular to the of the
coi! or reel. When the lot consists of more than sample so as to expose the ful! cross-section.
two coi!s or reels and less than 20 coíls or reels, The average of these determinations shall be
at least one deterrnination of the thickness shall taken as the average thickness.
ICEA S-61-402, NEMA WC 5 PART 6, PAGE 3

• Quantity of Completed Cable Ordered

Table 6-2
Number and Length of Samples

Size of Conductor Number

Length of Each
con- con-
of ductor ductor
feet rneters kcmil mm? Samples fm meten

Less than 2000 Less than 610 Less than 250 Less than 121 none
Less than 1000 Less Ihan 305 250 and larger 127 and larger none
2000-50000 610-15,240 Less than 250 Less than 127 1 6 1.8
1000-25000 305 - 7620 250 and larger 127 and larger 1 3 0.9
More than 25 000 More than 7620
Fir st 25000 First 7620 25 O and larger 127 and larger 3 0.9
Each additional 25 000 Each additional 7620 250 and larger 127 and larger 3 OS
More Ihan 50 000 More tha n 15 240
First 50000 Firsl 15 240 Less Ihan 250 Less Ihan 127 6 1.8
Each additional 50 000 Each additional 15 240 Less Ihan 250 Less Ihan 121 6 1.8

Table 6-3
Number and Length of Samples
Mínimum Length
of Each Sample
Quantity of Completed Cable Ordered Nominal Overall Diameter of Cable
oe cable cable
Ieet meters inches mm Samples feet meters
Less than 2000 Less than 610 Less than 1.0 Less than 25.4 none
Less than 1000 Less than 30S 1.0 and larger 25.4 and larger non e
2000-50000 610-15240 Less than 1.0 Less than 25.4 1 6
1000-25000 305-7620 1.0 and larger but 25.4 and larger but

less than 2.0 less than 50.8 3 0.9
2.0 and larger 50.8 and larger 2 0.6
More than SOOOO More than 15240
First 50000 Firsl15240 Less than 1.0 Less than 25.4 6 1.8
Each additional SOOOO Each additional 1S 240 Less than 1.0 Less than 25.4 6 1.8

More than 2S 000 More than 7620

Firsl25000 Firsl7620 1.0 and larger bUI 25.4 and larger bUI
less than 2.0 less than SO.8 3 0.9
Each additional 25000 Each additional 7620 Lüand larger but 2S.4 and larger but
less than 2.0 less than 50.8 3 0.9
More than 25000 More than 7620
First 25000 First 7620 2.0 and larger SO.g and larger 2 0.6
Each additional 25000 Each additional 7620 2.0 and larger SO.8 and larger 2 0.6

6_4.4 Sampllng of Insulatlon Table 6-4

for Physlcal and Aglng Tests
Total Number
Samples of insulated conductors for the un- of Test
aged and aged physical tests shall be selected Test Specimens
in accordance with Table 6-2. Determination of unaged propertíes-tensile
strength and ultimate elongation . 3t
6.4.5 Sampllng of ~t Accelerated aging tests
tor Physlcal and Aglng Tests Aír oven ...........•......•........... 3t
Oil immersion ....................•....• 3t
Samples of jacketed cable for the unaged and Heat Shock •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• l·
aged physical tests shall be selected in accordance Heat distortion .................•.•.•..•.• 3t
with Table 6-3. No tests shall be made on jackets Cold bend •.•.•.............•..•.•.•....• 1*

less than 30 mils (0.76 mm) in thickness. A Flame test. . 1-

Environmental cracking ......•......•••... See 6.9
Absorptíon coefficient. ...........••.....• See 6.9
8.4.6 Number of Test Speclmens Stripping . 1-

Wrap . 1·
From each of the samples selected in accor-
*For the heat-shock, cold-bend, flame, stripping, and wrap
dance with 6.4.4 and 6.4.5, test specimens shall tests, only one specimen shall be tested.
be prepared in accordance with Table 6-4.• tone test specimen out of three shall be tested and the other
two specimens held in reserve, except that when only one
. _sample. is .selecte<!,jn._ accordance with 6.4.4 and 6.4.5, all
• Editorially revised, . three test specimens shall be tested and the average of the
results reported. . . -- .
AUGUsr 1986 .

6.4.7 Slle 01Speclmens

Thetest specimens shall be prepared using
either ASTM 0412 Die B or E with specimen
tengtn not less than 6 inches (152 mm) or ASTM .
0412 Die e orD with specimen length not less
than 0.025 square inch (16 mrnr) after irregulari-
ties, corrugations, and reinforcing cords or wires
have been removed.

6.4.8 Preparatlon of Speclmens

than 4.S inches (114 mm). \ of Inlulatlon and Jacket
In the case of wire and cable smaller than síze The test specimen shall have no surface in-
6 AWG having an insulation thickness of 90 mils cisions and shall be as free as possible from
(2.29 mm) or less, the test specimen shall be other ímperfections. Where necessary, surface
permitted to be the entire section of the ínsula- irregularities such as corrugations due to strand-
tion. When the fulJ cross-section is used, the ing, etc., shall be removed so that the test speci-
specímens shalJ not be cut longitudinally. In the
men will be smooth and of uniform thickness.
case of wire and cable size 6 AWG and larger, or
in the case of wire and cable smaller than size 6.4.9 Speclmen far Accelerlted Aglng Test
6 AWG having an insulation thickness greater
than 90 mils (2.29 mm), specimens rectangular in sec- Specimens shalJ not be heated, immersed in
tion with cross-section not greater than 0.025 square water, nor subjected to any mechanica1 or chem-
inch (16 mm-) shalI be cut from the insulation. In ex- ical treatment not specifically described in this
treme cases, it may be necessary to use a segmental standard.
specimen. (This sentence is approved by NEMA as
Authorized Engineering Inforrnation.)
6.4.10 Calculailon of Area of Telt Speclmens
~ Where the total cross-section of the
Specimens for test on jacket eompounds shalJ insulation is used, the area shall be taken as {he
be taken from the completed wire or cable and difference between the area of the circle WhOSé

cut parallel to the axis of the wire or cable . The diameter ís the average outside diameter of the
test specimen shall be a segment cut with a sharp insulation and the area of the conductor. The
knife, or a shaped specimen cut out with a die, area of a stranded conductor shall be calculated
and shall have a cross-sectional area not greater from its maximum diameter,

ICEt\ S-61-402, NEMA WC 5 Part tl Page 5 where a slice cut from the in- Tensile Strength Test. The tensile
sulatí on by a kní íe he Id tangent to the wíre is used strength test shall be made with specimens pre-
and when the cross-section of the slíc e is the cross- pared in aeeordanee with 6.4.6 and 6.4.7. The
sec don of a segment of a circ le, tbe area shall be length of all of the specirnens for the test shall be
calculated as that of the segrnent of a círcle whose equal. Gauge rnarks shall be 2 inehes (51 rnm)
diarneter ís that of the insulation. The height of the when using 6 inch (152 rnrn) specimens and 1
segmem is [he wall of insulation on the side frorn inch (25 rnm) apart when using 4.5 ineh (114 mm)
which the slice ís taken, specimens except that 1 ineh (25 mrn) shall be
used for polyethylene regardless of speeimen
When the cross-sectíon of the s líce ís not a seg- length. Specirnens shall be placed in the jaws
ment of a círcle , the a re a shaU be calculated from of the testing maehine with a maximum distance
a dírect measurement of the volume or frorn the between jaws of 4 inehes (102 mm) exeept 2.5
specíííc gravíty and the weight of a known length of inches (63.5 mm) for polyethylene. The specimen
the specímen having a uniform cross-sectíon, shall be stretehed at the rate of 20 inehes (508 rnm)
per minute jaw speed until it breaks.
The values may be obtaíned from a table giving The tensile and elongation determinations for
the áreas of segments of a unit círcle for the rano eornpounds for whieh the compound rnanufae-
of the height of the segment to the di ame ter of the turer certifies that the base resin content is more
circ le, ,;: than 50 pereent by weight of high density poly-
ethylene (having a density of 0.926 Mg/rri' or When the conductor is large and the greater or total base polyethylene resin content
insula non thin and when a portion of a sector of a (having a density of 0.926 Mg/m! or greater),
circle has to be taken, the area shall be ca lculated shall be permitted to be tested at a jaw separado n
as the thickness times the width. rate of 2 inehes per rninute (51 mm per minute)
as an alternate to 20 inehes per minute (508 mrn
This applies either to a straíght test piece or te per rninute). Specimens shall break between the
one stamped out wirh a die and assumes triar cor- gauge marks and the tensile strength shall be
rugations have been removed. ,;: caleulated on the area of the unstretehed specirnen.
Specimen length, gauge rnark distance, and jaw
6.4. 10.4 When the conductor ís large and the
speed shall be reeorded with the results. Á
insu latí on thíck and when a portíon of a sector of a Elongation Test. Elongation at rup-
circle has te be taken, the ar ea sha ll be ca lculated ture shall be deterrníned símulraneousty with the test
as the proportional part of the are a of the total cross- for tensí Ie strength and on the sarne specírnen.
section. The elongation shall be taken as the dístanc e b7
tweea the gauge rnarks at rupture less the original The dímenstons of specímens to be gauge length rnarked on the specírnen, The pe.r-
aged sha 11 be determíned before the aging test. centage of elongation at rupture ís the e1ongation
dívíded by the original gauge length aod mulríplí ed
by 100. Specimen length. gauge rnark dístance and
jaw speed shall be reponed with the results,
6.4.11 Physical Test Procedures (See 6.4 for
Test Samples and specímens) 6.4.12 Aging Test Aging Test Specimens. Test spec- Test Temperature. Physical tests imens of similar size and shape shall be prepared
sha ll be made at a room ternperature not less than from each sample selected in accordance wi th 6.4.4
20·C (68"F) nor more than 28·C (82.4"F). The test and G. 4.5, three for the dererrnínanon of the iní tí al
spe cimens 5ha11 be kept at room ternperature for not or unaged propertí es, and three for each agí ng test
less than 30 minutes prior te the test. required for the ínsulatíon or jacket being teste d,
One specí men of each three sha ll be tested and the' Type of Testing Macrune. The other rwo he Id as spares except that, where only
testing machine shall be in accordance with 6.1 of one sample is se lecte d, all three specí rnens shall
ASTM D 412. be tested and the average of the results reponed.

,;: These paragraphs are approved by NEMA as Authorízed Engineering Information •

.••.Editorial1y revised,
Part 6 Page 6 lCEA S-61-402, NEMA WC 5

In the case of wire and cable smaller than 6 AWG mination of physical propertíes, Physical tests on
havíng an insul atíon thickness less than 90 mils (2.92 both the aged and unaged specírnens shall be made
mm), the insulatíon shall be subjected to the aging at approxímate ly the same time •.
condition with the conductor removed and each end
of the specimen suitably plugged. Air Oyen Test. The test specírnens
shall be heared at the requíred ternperature for the
In the case of wire and cable síae 6 A WG and specified period in an oyen havtng torced círculatícn
larger or with an insulation thíckness of 90 mils of fresh aír, The oyen ternperarure shall be recorded
(2.29 mm) or greater, sarnples shall be cut from automatically on a chart, and controlled to a 1·C.
the Insulatíon wí th a cross-sec tion not greater than
0.025 square inch (16 mm2), Oil Immersíon Test for Polyvinyl
Chloride lnsulation and Jacket, The following test
Die-cut specí me ns shalI be smooth before beíng specimens shall be írnrnersed in ASTM Gil No. 2,
subiec te d te the acce.lerated aging tests wherever described in Table 1 of ASTM D 471, at 70·C ± 1°C
the thí c kness of the specimen will be 90 mils for 4 hours.
(2.29 mm) or greater before smoothing.
l. Insul ated conductors in sízes smaller than
Simultaneous aging of different compounds 6 AWG, except for the ends.
should be avoí ded, Some mígratíon of plasticizer 2. Dí e-cut specimens oí the ínsulatíon in sízes
is known to occur, (This paragraph ís approved by 6 A WG and larger,
NEMA as Authorized Engineering tníormatíon.) 3. Die-cut specimens of the jacket.
At the end of this time, the specímens sha 11 be
The test specírnens shall be suspended vertíca lly
removed from the oí l, blotted to rernove excess oí l
in such a manner that they are not ln contact wíth
and allowed te rest at room ternperature for a períod
each other or wíth the s íd es of the oyen.
of 16 to 96 hours, The tensí le strength and elongation
The aged specí mens shall have a rest períod of of the specímens shall then be determíned in ac -
not less than 16 hours nor more than 96 hours between cordance wíth 6.4.11 at the same time that me
the completion of the agíng tests and the deter- original properries are derermíned,

6.4.13 Heat Shock. Samples (se e 6.4.4 and 6.4.5) of polyvínyl chloride ínsulated conductor and jacketed
cable shall be tightly wound around a mandrel having a día meter in accordance with TabIes 6-4 and 6-5, The
samples shall be held fírrnly in place and subje cted te a temperature of 121"C i 1"C for 1 hour.

Table 6-4
Insulared Conductor

Conductor Siz e , Dí arneter of Mandrel as a Multiple of the

AWG or MCM Insulated Conductor Dí atneter Number of Turns
8 and smaller 1 6
6-2 2 6
1 2 1
1/0-4/0 2 1/2 (180-degree U bend)
250 and Iarger 5 1/2 (180-degree U bend)

Series lighting cables. sí zes 8. 6 and 4 AWG. shall be wound six turns around a mandrel which is two times
the ínsulated conductor día meter,

Table 6-5
Iacketed Cable

Outside Diameter of Wire or Cable Dí ameter of Mandrel as a Multiple of the Number of

inches D1D1 Outside Díarneter of Cable Adiacent Turru
0-0.750 0'19.05 3 6
0.751-1.500 19.08-38.10 8 180-degree bend
1. 501 and larger 38.13 and Iarger 12 180-degree bend
September 1973
IPCEA 5-61-402, NEMA WC 5 Pan 6 Page 7

6.4.14 Heat Distortion At me end of thís períod, the díal oí the gauge
shall be read for: Test Specimen
l. Tbe value of F for Insulated conductors 4/0 Polyvinyl Ch10ride Insulation AWG and smaller, and the thickness of the
on Conductors oí Sizes 4/0 AWGand Smaller. The insulation, T2' shall be calculated u fol lows,
initial diameter of a I-Inch (25.4 mm) specímen
of tbe ínsulated conductor shall be measured wíth a TZ = F - C
micrometer caliper having a fiat surface on both me 2
anvil and spíndle, Tbe diameter of the uninsulated
conductor shall be measured also, and tbe original 2. The value of T2 for ínsulated conductors
tlúekness of tbe insulation, TI, shall be calculated larger than 4/0 AWG and [ackets,
as follows.
The distortion shall be calculated as follows:
T = D- C
Distortion, percent = TI - T2 X 100

TI = Original thíckness of tbe insulation. Where-

D = lnitial diameter of the insulated conductor.
T2 = Tbickness oí the insulation after me heat
C = Díameter of the uninsulated conductor. distortion test,

6.4. 14. l. 2 Polyvinyl Ch10ride lnsulation F = Final outsíde diameter as read from the
on Conductors of 5izes Larger Than 4/0 AWG and gauge.
Polyvinyl Ch10ride and Polyetbylene Jackets. A
sarnple approxírnately 8 inehes (203 rnrn) long shall C = Diameter oí me unínsulated conductor.
be prepared to bave a tlúckness of 50 míls (1.27 mm)
:1: 10 míls and smooth surfaces, From this sarnple,

test specírnens (see 6.4.4 and 6.4.5) 1 ínch (25.4 mrn) The gauge loads for the heat distortion test shal1
lox:gand 9/16 ínch (14.3 mm) :i: 1/16 inch wide shal1 be as indicated in Table 6-6:
be prepared, Where the diameter of the cable does
not perrnít the preparation of a specimen 9/16 inch TabIe 6-6
(14. 3 mrn) wide, a molded sheet of the same corn-
pound may be used, Load on Gauge,
Tbe thíckness of the specímen, TI, .hall be Polyvínyl chlorlde ínsulated con-
measured with a Randall & Stickney. or equívalent, ductor stze, AWG
gauge havíng a 3/8-inch (9.5 mm) Ioot wlth no 18 300
loading other than the 85 grams oí the gauge. 16 400
14-8 500 Test Procedure, The following 6-1 150
steps shall be compíeted in 3 hOUES.A Randall & 1/0-4/0 1000
Stickney gauge, or the equívalent, with a Ioad as
índícated in Table 6-6 on the foot shall be placed Polyvinyl chloride insulated con-
in an oyen which is preheated to the specíñed tem-
ductcrs larger tban 4/0 AWG
perature, At the end oí 1 hour, the test specimen
and all pclyvínyl chlorlde and
shall be pla ced in the oyen, and both tbe gauge aud
polyethylene [ackets-estnoothed
the test specímen shall remata in the oyen for 1 hour,

aamplea ZOOO
At the end of this 1-hour period, the specímen shall
be placed dírectly under the foot of the gauge and
allowed te remaín in the oyen under load for 1 hour Polyvinyl chloride Insulated series
.1t the specíñed te mperature, llghting cable, all sizes 1000
September 1973
Part 6 Page 8 IPCEA S- 61-402, NEMA WC 5

6.4.15 Cold Bend Polyvinyl-chloride Insulation. The insulation shall not show any cracks when a sample of in-
sulated conductor whích has been subjected to the specified temperature for 1 hour is, upon removal from me
cooling chamber, immediately wound around a mandrel at least s1x adjacent tums for size¡ 3/0 AWG and
smaller or, for sizes larger than 3/0 AWG, bent 180 degrees around a rnandrel. The mandrel diameters $hall
be in accordance with Table 6-7. The bending shall be accomplíshed at an approxírnately uníform rate so tilat
the time consumed ís not more than 1 mínute,

TabIe 6-7
Polyvínyl-chloríde-Insulated Conductors

Conductor Size, Diameter of Mandrel

AWGorMCM ínches mm Number of.Tums

18 5/1S 7.9 6
16 5/16 7.9 S

14 1/2 12.7 6
12 9/16 14.3 6

10 5/8 15.9 6
8 3/4 19. O 6

6 1 1/4 31.8 6
4 1 3/8 34.9 6

2 1 9/1S 39.7 6
1 2 11/16 68.3 6

l/O 2 7/8 73. O 6

2/0 3 76.2 6

3/0 3 1/4 82.S 6

4/0 3 1/2 88.9 1/2 (180-deg¡ee U bend)

250-500 8 X cable diaroeter 1/2 (180-degree U bend)

Over 500 10 X cable diarneter 1/2 (180-degree U beod)

Series lighting cable, .111 sizes 5 X cable diarneter 1/2 (180-degree U bend) polyvinyl-chloride Jacket. The test specimen shali be subjected te the specified ternperature
for 1 hour and then bent 180 degrees around a mandrel having a diameter in accordance with Table 6-8 írn-
mediately upon its removal frorn the cooling charnber, The bend shall be made at a uniform rate, ano the
time required shall not exceed 1 rnínute,

Table 6-8

Outside Diameter of Wire or Cable Díameter of Maodrel a.s a Multiple of the

ínches mm Outslde Díameter of Cable

0-0.800 0-20.32 8
0.801 and larger 20.35 and larger 10

January 1979
¡peEA $-61-402, NEMA wc 5 Part 6 Page 8A

6.4.16 ""ra? Test. The specírnen with the nylon- shall be suspended for 24 hours in a full-dr af; círcu-
cover ed insulated conductor shall be t aken from the latíng -aír oyen at a remper arure of 95.0·e = 2.0·e
completed cable and wrapped four tums around a (203.0°F :t 3. 6°F), afrer which the specimen and
smooth metal m andr el having a diameter 6 times mandrel shall be removed from the oven and cooled
that of the specimen. The ends of the specimen shall for 1 hour in a silica-g el desíccator or the e quíval ent
be secured to the mandrel so rhat four complete turns at 24.0·e :t o'e (75.2·F :t 5. 4·F). The specimen
of the specimen w íll be exposed to the aír between shall be straightened immediately upon removal from
the securing means. The specimen and mandrel the desíccator and inspected for surface cracks ••

• • Adcied 9-20-1978.
ICEA ~l-4Ol, NEMA WC 5 Pan 6 Page 9

6.5 Flamt Test. 10 ínches (254 mm) above the poiot at whích the
lnner blue cone of tbe test flame is to be applíed,
6. 5.1 '!'he test appararus shall consíst of me '!'he indicator shall be wrapped once around me
following: specimen, with the gummed side toward the con-
ductor. '!'he ends shall be pasted evenly together
1. Test chamber of sheet metal 12 inches and .hall projeet 3/4 ineh (19. O mm) from the
(305 mm) wide, 14 ínches (356 mrn) deep spec1men on the opposite side of me specimen to
and 24 ínches (610 mm) bigh, wbich 1s open mat to wbich the flame is to be applied. '!'he paper
at me top, and wbich is provided with means tab shall be moístened only to the extent necessary
for clampíng the test specimen at me upper to permít proper adhesíon, '!'he height of the flame
end and supporting it in a vertical position. with me burner vertical shall be adjusted to 5 ínches
(127 rnm) with an lnner blue cone 11/2 ínches
2. Means for adjusting tbe position of the test (38.1 mm) hígh,

3. A 4-pound (l. S-kg) weight (for 8 AWG and 6.5.3 The bumer, witb only the pilot llghted,
smaller sizes) to be attached to me lower shail'be placed in front of the sample so that the
end of me test specimen to keep it taut, vertical plane through the stem of the buraer ín-
eludes the axis oí the wire or cable, The angleblock
4. 11rrill bumer wim an attached pilot llght shall rest agaiost the jig, which .ball be adjusted so
and mounted on a 20- degree angle block. that there is a dístance oí 1 1/2 ínches (38.1 mm)
. '!'he bumer shall have a nominal bore of along the axis of the bumer stem between the tip of
3/8 inch (9.5 mm) and a length of apprcxí- the stem and tbe surface of the specimen. The
mately 4 inches (102 mm) above the prlmary valve supply1ng the gas to the burner 'proper shall
air ínlets, then be opened aod the flame automatically applíed
te the sample, Th1s valve shall be beld open for
s. An adjustable steel angle (j1&) attached te 15 seconds aod then closed for 15 seconds, This
the bottom of the chamber to ínsure the procesa .hall be repeated four times. During each
correct loeation of the burner with relation appllcation of the flame, the speclmen shall be ad-
to the test specímen, [usted, if necessary, 10 that the top of the ínner
blue cene touches the surface of the specimen. !f
6. Gas~A supply oí ordinary illuminating gas more than 25 pereent of the extended portioo oí the
at normal pressure. indicator is burned after the five applleatioos of the
flame, the wlre is coosidered to bave conveyeó
7. Wateh or clock with a haod whieh makes flame. The duratícn of burniog of the specímen aíte:
one complete revolutioo per mínute, tbe fifth' appllcation of the flame shall be ncted,
and any spec1men which continues te burn for more
8. índíc ators consisting of strips of 60- than 1 mínute shall be considered to have faüed thís
pound (27.2- kg) gummed kraft paper having test.
a nominal thíckness of 5 míls (O. 127 riim}..~.
and a width of V. inch (12.7 mrn)."
~ _
-..--...,..,---_ ..•.... _-~__
.•. ...""""'"

8'the paper used for the indícators is mown to .he trade as 6. 6 Physical Tests for Semieonducting Material
6O-pound stock and is material substantia.Jlythe same as that
described in Federal Specification UU-T-lll covering "Tape,
Intended for Extrusion
Paper, Gummed (Kraft),"t
6. 5. 2 '!'he test shall be made in a room wbich 6. 6. 1 Test Sample. One test sample shall be
11 generally free from drafts of air, although a ven- molded from each lot of semieonducting material
tilated hood may be used if air currents do not affeet intended for extl'Usion on the cable,
the ñame, One end of a test specimen having a
leogm of approximately 22 inches (559 rnm) shall be 6. 6. 2 Test Specimens. For each test, three
clamped in posítíon at the upper end of me chamber; test specimens, each approximately 6 ínches
for sízes 8 AWG and smaller, a 4- pound (1. s- kg) (152 rnm) long and not greater than 0.025 square
weight &hall be attached to the lower end of me test ínch (16 square mm) in cross-seetion, shall be cut
specírnen to keep 1t taut, A paper índícator shall be out of thc test sample with a die. Al1 three test
applied to the speclmen so mat me lower edge 1s speclmens shall be tested and me results averaged.

Á Editorially revísed,
ffms paragraph is approved by ~A as Autñorízed
En¡inccring Informalion.
ICEA 541-402, NEMA WC 5

h¿ middle 10 feet (3.05 meters) of the test

spe imen shall be immersed in tap water which is
ntained at the temperature specified in Pan 3
for a period of 14 days, keeping the 2Yz foot
conducted in accordance (0.76 meter) portion of each end above water as
using Specimen A. leakage insulation. A tightly fitting cover shall be
placed directly above the water surface, with suit-
6.7 Accelerated Water AbsorptiOD Tests able water-tight bushings for the ends oí the
specimen. The water level shall be kept constant.
6.7.1 General. No test sample shall be taken
The capacitance of the insulation shall be de-
for 5000 feet (1524 meters) or less. One test
termined at an average stress of 80 volts per mil
sample for each test shall be taken for the first
at approximately 60 hertz after 1, 7, and 14 days'
5001 to 20,000 feet (1524 to 6096 meters) of each
immersion. The increase in capacitance from ¡ to
cable construction and one additional sample for
14 days and from 7 to 14 days shall be expressed
each additional 100,000 feet (30,480 meters), The
as a percentage of the 1- and 7-day values,
gross length of each sample requíred by the
electrical method shall be 15 feet (4.57 meters)
The dielectric constant (specific inductive
and, by the gravimetric method, 11 inches (279
capacity) of the insulation at 60 hertz shall be
calculated as follows:
These tests shall not be made on cables which
have a no~cJiye separator betweenJhe cone.,
Dielectric O
ductor and insulation, insulations les s than 45 = 136(X) elogio _
~il~(l.14 ñiffi) thick, and ínsulations having a constant d
covering which cannot be removed without
damage to the insulation. \ Where:
C = Capacitance in microfarads oí the 10-foot
6.7.2 Electrical Method (EM-60). A 15-foot (3.05-meter) section.
(4.57-meter) test specimen of the insulated con- O = Diameter over the insulation.
ductor shall be used. d = Diameter under the insulation.


.•. Rescinded 5-12-1982.

lCEA S-61-402, NEMA WC 5

6.7.4 Díelectríc Strength Retention. Twenty The thickness of the tape shall be determined by
samples, each at least 5 feet (1.5 meters) long, means of a dial micrometer having a presser foot
shall be cut from a reel or coi! chosen at random. 0.25 inch (6.35 rnm) ± 0.01 inch in diameter and
The sample shall be either 14 AWG solid or 14 exerting a total force of 3.0±0.1 ounces (8S ± 3
A WG stranded, with a 45 mil (1.14 mm) wall of grams), the load being applied by means of a
insulation. weight. Five readings shall be taken at different
Ten identified samples shall be irnmersed, ex- points on the sample, and the average of these
cept for the ends, for 14 days in water at the readings shall be taken as the thickness of the
specified temperature. Immediately thereafter, all tape.
twenty samples shall be irnmersed, except for the
ends, in water at 200e to 300e for 1 hour. At 6.8.2 Metallic 8bielding Tape or 8teel Tape.
least 3 feet (0.9 meters) of each sample shall be Metallic shielding tape or steel tape shall be
immersed. removed from not less than 6 inches (152 mm) of
After the twenty samples have been immersed, the insulated conductor or assembled coreo The
an alternating current test voltage, starting at thickness of the tape shall be measured by means
zero, shall be applied across the insulation and of a micrometer caliper having flat surfaces on
increased at the rate of 500 volts per second until both the anvil and the end of spindle and
breakdown occurs. graduated to read directly at least to mils, and
The dielectric strength retention shall be cal- preferably to tenths of a mil. Five readings shall
culated as follows: be taken at different points on the sample, and
the average of these readings shall be taken as
Dielectric strength retention, = B x 100 the thickness of the tape.
percent A
6.8.3 Metallic Sbeatbs. The thickness of the
Where: sheath shall be detennined by measurements made
with a micrometer caIiper having a rounded anvil.
B = Average breakdown voltage of the ten The measurements shall be made directly on two
samples irnmersed for 14 days at the speci- specimens of the sheath removed from the cable,
fied temperature. one from each end of the reel length. At least Iive
A = Average breakdown voltage of the ten separate measurements, approximately equally
samples not immersed for 14 days at the spaced around the circumference, shall be made
specified temperature. on each specimen, and the average of all the
measurements on the two specimens shall be con-
6.8 Thickness of Coverings sidered as the average thickness oí the sheaih.
The minimum of all of the measurements ob-
6.8.1 Nonmetallic Tape. Nonmetallic tape
tained shall be considered as the mínimum
when not bonded to the underlying material, shall
thickness of the sheath.
be removed from not les s than 6 inches (152 mm)
of the insulated conductor or assembled coreo
Part 6 Page 12-16 ICEA ~l-tOl. NEMA WC 5

Specimens oí tbe sheatb shall be free from ex- Test Spec1meo. 'I1le number ánd
ternal mechaníc al ínjury, DOt less than 3 incbes lengtb of samples shall be selected in accordance
(76.2 mm) long. with the ends cut perpendicular wlth 6.4.5. Three test specimens approxímately
to the axís, and shall be taken before the cable 15 1.5 inch (38.1 mm) long, 0.5 incb (12. 7 mm) wide
shipped. and 0.125 incb (3. 18 mm) tbick from each sample
shall be molded from material taken from tbe corn-
pleted cable. Tbe temperature oí the molded specc
lmens shall be lowered at any suitable rate, A sUt
made wlth a razor biade. approximately 0.75 inch
(19. O mm) long and from 0.020 te 0.025 incb
(0.51 te 0.64 mm) deep, shall be centrally located
6. 8.4 Jute Beddings and Servings. Tbe tbickness
on one of tbe 1.5 inch X 0.5 inch (38.1 X 12.7 mm)
of jute bedding under the armor sball be determined
by the use oí a díarneter tape and shall be considered
as 1/2 of tbe difference in tbe measurements under
~ and over the servíng. '!'he measurement in each case
shall be the average oí five readings taken at dif-
ferent points along tbe serving.

6. 8.5 '!'hermoplastic Coverlngs Over Metallic Test Procedure. Tbe specimens shall
Sbeaths. Tbe mínimum thickness of the coverlng be bent wim the slít on the outside and placed in a
shall be determined by direct measurement with a test tube 200 millimeters long and 32 millimeters
micrometer, a steel scale witb pocket glass, or a 10 outside díarneter, Tbe cracking agent (lgepal
mícrorneter rnicroscope on a ring of coverlng re- CO-630 made by the GAF Corporation. or its equív-
moved from the cable. alent) shall be added to completely cover tbe specí-
men, Tbe test mbe, suitably closed by means such
u foí'l-covered cork, shall be placed 1n an oven at
50·C:: r'c for 48 hours, At the end of dlis períod,
the specimens shall be removed, allowed te ccol to
room temperanire, and inspected for cracking.
6. 8. 6 Thermoplastic Coverlngs Over Metallic
Armor, The mirúmum and maximum tbickness of
the coverlng shall be determined directly with a
micrometer, a steel scale witb pocket glass. or a
mícrorneter microscope on a rlng of coveríng re-
moved from the cable. The average of these de-
terminations shall be taken as tbe average tbickness
oí the jacket. 6.9.2 Absorption Coefficient TeSt. Tbe numbez
and length of sarnples shall be selected in accord=
ance w1th 6. 4.5. Tbree test spec1mens ahall be
takeo from each aample. One test .pec1meo out of
Úllee aha1l be tened and me otber two specimena
beld in reserve, except tbat wbeo oo1y one sample
6.9 Additional Tests 11 .elected in accordance w1tb 6.4.5, all three test
.peclmecs shall be tened and me average oí the
6.9.1 Environmenul Cracl<inj. Except as resultl repoeted, Tbe a~n coefflclent oí poly-
otherwíse specífíed in 6.9:-1. 1 and 6. ~.1. 2. _tbe edlyleDe cornpounés Ihall be determined in accoré-
test shall be rnade in accordance with ÁSTM D 1693. ance wlth ASTM D 8349.
\... -
ICEA 5-61-402, NEMA WC 5 Pan 6 Page 17

6.9.3 Tests for Discharge-resisting Jackets Tbe umple shall be mounted with me apex of
me u above and in contact wi~h a smooth metal
plate 100 with tbe legs of the U perpendicular to General. Thesamples shaU be taken the plate, After not less than 30 rnínutes nor more
from the ccmpleted cable. No sample ,hall be taken than 45 mínutes following the bendíng, a source of
from the fint 5000 feet (1524 meten). One sample SO-hertz altematíng-current potential of 125 volts
shall be taken from the first 5001 to 20, 000 feet per mil of nominal insulation thickness shall be ap-
(1524 to 6096 meten) of each cable corstructíon and plied between me conductor and the metal plate,
one additional sample for each addltiooal 100.000 Tlús potential shall be maintained continuously ter
feet (30,480 meten), at least 6 hours. This test shall be made at room
temperature, Specific Surface Resistivity¿ A sam-

,pIe of the completed cable of suitable length shall
be ímmersed, except .for the eods, In water at room
temperarure for 48 hours, At the end of this period,
the sample shaU be removed from the water. The
excess surface moísture shall be wiped off wlth
blotting paper and the sample aUowed to remain at
room temperature for 10 mínutes, Two l-loch-
(25.4-mm-) wíde foil electrodes .hall be wound
8.9.4 Volum. Reslstlvlty
around the cable surface wlth a 6-loch (152-mm)
spacíng, A 250-500 volt direct-current potentíal Sampl.
shall be applied betveen me two electrodes and the
resístance shall be measured in accordance with Oue sample sh&ll be tUen from each lot or
ASTM D 257. The specífíc surface resistivity shall from each 2$00> feet of c:ompleted cable, which-
be calculated by the following formula:

P = 0.524 RD The sample shall be cut in half Iongítudinally

and the conductor removed. Four sílver-painted
Wbere- eleetrodes ¡hall be applied to the conductor
stress control layer. The two potentíal electrodes
P = Specific suríace resístívíty, shall be at least 2 inches (50.8 mm) aparto A
eurrent electrode shall be placed at least 1 inch
(25.4 mm) beyood each potentiaJ eleetrode. When
R = Surface resístance In megohms per 6-1nch
a high de¡r~ of accuracy is not required, this
test may be made with onJy two electrodes spaced
at least 2 ínches (50.8 mm) apart .•
D = Cable díameter in ínches. Tbc power ol tbe test circuit shalI Dot exceed
100 milIiwatts. The test !hall be madc at th~
S. 9. 34 U-bend Discharge. A sample of the specified temperature witb either alternatin,- or
completed cable sha ll be bent, 10 the form of a U. dírect-eurrent volta.¡e.
180 degrees around a mandrel havlog a díameter In The volume resistivity shall be ealculated as fol:
accordance with Table 6-9. Iows:
Table 6-9
Dia meter of Mandrel as a • p - Volume resístívíty in ohm-rneters.

Conductor SUe. Multlple of the OutIide R. ~ Measured resistanee in ohms.
AWG or Jccmil Diameter of Cable • D •• Diameter ~ the 'conductor stress control
8-2 6 layer in inches.
1-3/0 8 d - Díameter over the conductor in ínches,
4/0-500 10 L - Distante between potential electrodes in
Over 500 12 inches.
Pan 6 Page 18 leFA 5-61-402, NEMA wc 5 INSULATION SHIELD .A Eaeh strip shal1 be peeled from the cable at a
constant speed not exceeding 1/2 ínch (12.7 mm)
per second for a distante of not less than 10 inches
Four silver-painted annular-ring eleetrodes
(254 mrn),
shall be applied to the surface of the shield layer
The two potential electrodes shall be at least 2
inehes (50.8 mm) apart. A current e1eetrode shall The angle of pull shall be rnaíntaíned as close as
be plaeed at least 1 ineh (25.4 mm) beyond eaeh possíble to 90 degr ees throcghout the test.
potential electrode, When a high degree of
accuracy is not required, this test may be made The tension necessary to remove the strip shall
with only two eleetrodes spaeed at least 2 inehes be monitored eontinuously and the mínimum value
(50.8 mm) apart..A shall be recorded.
The power of the test eircuit shall not exeeed
6.10 Retests
100 milliwatts. The test shall be made at the spec-
iñed¡ temperature with either alternating or diree
6.10.1 Physical and Agíng Properties and Insu G

current voltage.
lation and Jacket Tlúeknesses. (See 6.4 and the
The volumn resistivity shall be ealculated as
exceptions given in 6.10.2.)

If any test specírnen fails to meet the requíre-

.A P = ments of any of the following tests, either before or
Where- after aging. that test shall be repeated on two ad-
ditional specírnens taken from the same sample.
.A P =
Volume resistivity in ohm-rneters
R = Measured resistanee in ohm. 6.4.3 Measurement of Thickness
.A D = Diameter over the insulation 6.4.11. 3 Tensile Strength
shield layer in inehes. Elongadon
d - Diameter .over the insulation in inehes. 6.4.12 Aging
L - Distance between the po ten ti al eleetrodes 6.4.14 Heat Distortion
in inehes. 6.6 Physical Tests for Semicondueting
Material Intended for ExtrUSion

6.9.5 Stripping Test for Cables with Extruded Failure of eíther of the additional specimens
Thermoplastic Insulation Shields. Test sarnpl es and shall índícate failure of the sample to conform to
specírnens shal1 be selected in accordance with Ta- this s tan da.r el.
ble 6-3 and 6.4.6. The test specimen shall be ap-
proxtmately 15 ínches long, and all coverings over
If the thickness of the insulation or of the jacket
the extruded insulation shield shall be removed.
of any eoil or reel is found to be less than the speci-
. \ fied value, that coíl or reel shall be eonsidered as
Startíng at one end, two par allel longttudínal
not conforming to thís standard, and a thickness
cuts 1/2 inch (12.7 mrn) apan and not Iess than 12
measurement on each of the remaining coils or reels
ínches (305 mm) long shall be made through the in-
shall be made,
sulatíon shield. The specimen shall be rotated 180
degrees and two id entíca 1eu ts shall be m ad e startíng
from the same end , Each 1/2-inch (12.7 mm) strip When ten or more samples are selected from any
shall be peeled baek from the cut end for a dístance single lot, all eoils 01 reels shall be conSidered as
of 2 inches (50.8 mm). not conforming to this standard if more than 10 per-
eent of the sarnples fail te meet the requirements
The specimen shall be rnounted horizon rally in a for physícal and agíng properties and thíckness, lf
resnng maehine and secured at eaeh end, The 2- 10 percent or fail, each coil or ree! shall be
ínch (50.8 mm) end of the peeled strip shall be tested and shall be judged upon the results of such
gripped in the testing rnachí ne in such a manner that individual tests. Where the nurnber oí sarnples
it can be pul1ed at an angle of 90 degrees to the selected in any single lot ís less than ten, all coí ls
cable axís. or reels shall be considered as not conforming te

A Editorially revised.
ICEA 5-61-402, NEMA WC S Part 6 Page IBA

this standard if more than 20 pereent of the samples lf any sample íails 10 pass any of
taB. If 20 pereent or less fail, each coíl, reel, or these teSts, the length of cable from wruch me
length shall be tested and shall be judged upon the sample was taken shall be considered as not meeting
results of such individual tests, the requírements of the test which lt failed. and
another sample shal.l be taken from each of me Th'O
6.10.2 Tests on Samplesy Exeept Physi.caland other lengths of cable in the lot of cable under test
Aging Properties and Insulation and Jacket Tbick- If elther of the second sample$ falls te pass me test,
nesses. (See 6.10.1) me lot oí cable shall be considered as not meeting
tbe requírements of tbis standard. If both sucb second
6. 10. 2. 1 lf all of me samples pass a11 oí the samples pass the test, the lot of cable (except me
following tests, the lot of eabley~~E..E:ey represent lengtb represented by the ñrn sample) shaJ1 be COIl=
sñiU-be considered as meeting the requirements of sidered te meet the requiremena oí tbis standard.
this standard.,

6.4.13 Heat Shoek -

. 6.4.15 Cold Bend ----
"'6.5 Flame Test
6.7 Aeeelerated Water Absorption Failure oí any umple shall not pre-
6.8 Thickness of Coverings _ _ elude resampllng and retesting the length of cable
6.9 AdditionaJ Tests from wmch the original sample was taken.
"'6.14 Flexibility of Corrugated Armor

A Editcrially revised,
ICEA 5-61-402, NEMA WC 5 Part 6 Page 19


6.11 Voltage Tests Trus test shall not apply to.

(a) Multíconductor cables other than assemblies
6.11.1 General. These tests consíst of voltage of single-conductor cables.
tests on each length of cornpleted cable. Except for (b) Cables •••.ith insulation shie1d.
me dírect-cunenr spark test and the alternating- (e) cables with metallíc sheath or arrnor,
eunent spark test, me voluge shall -be applíed (d) Assemblies containing uninsulated conduc-
berween the conductor or conducton and me metal •. torso
licsheath, rnetallíc ,hield, metallicarmor, or water, (e) Cables rated above 2000 voUs.
and the rate of Increase from the initlally applted
voltage 10 the specífíed testvoltage Ihall be approx- 6.11. 4a. 2 Test Apparatus,. Test appararus shall
lmately uniform and ,hall be not more than 100 pee- consíst of:
cent in 10 seconds nor lesa than 100 pereent in 60 (a) A souree of lingle-phase alternatíng-current
seconds. potential capable of maíntaíníng the requír ed
6.11.2 Alternadng-current Voltage Test. This voltag e under all normal leakag e curr ent
test shall be made wi m an alternadng potentí al from con ditíors,
a transformer and generator of ample capacíry but, (b) An e1ectrode capable of maíntaíníng contact,
in no case, Iess than 5 kílovoltarnperes, The fre- throughout la length, with me periphery of
quency of me test voltage shall be nominalIy be- the cable under test.
(e) A means of measuríng voltage between elec-
tween 25 and 60 hertz and shall bave a wave shape
trcde and ground.
approximaring a sine wave as closely as possible,
(d) A mear. oí indicating a fault (failule).
The initially applied altemating-current test
voltage shall be not greater than the rated alter- 6.11. 4a.. 3 Telt Procedure. One side of the pele
nating-current voltage of me cable under test.
tendal souree lhall be connected 10 the electrode
and the other lide of the potennal source ,hall be
The duration of me alternating-current voltage
connected to ground. The conductorts) in the cable
test shall be 5 rnínutes,
shall be tested to assure contínuíty when grounded at
.one or both ends. All ground connectíons sball be
6.11.3 [irect-current Voltage Test. 1bis test
bonded ~ommon). The fault índícator shall be con-
ís applicable to cables wí thout insulation shield
nected 10 indieate abnormal current between elec-
rated up through 5000 volts and to all cables rated
uode and ground.
5001 volts and above and shall be madé after the
Arter the specíñed voltage is applied, the endre
insulation resístance test described in 6.12. The
lengm of cable ,hall be passed through the electtode
equipment fOI me dírect-current voltage test shall
in a manner and at a speed such that every secnon
consist of a battery, generator or suí table rectifying
of cable surface w1ll have mainta.ined electrode
equipment and shall be of ample c apacíty,
contact for oot less than 18 positive and negative
voltage creats.
The initially applied dírect-current voltage shall
The maximum apeed of me cable under test may
be not greater than 3. O times me rated alternating-
be determined in either U. S. customary units or in
current voltage of the cable.
metric equivalents la fol1owI: t

The duration of 'me dírect-current voltage test

(a) U. S. CUl10mary Unia Formula Icr Determin-
shall be 15 rnínutes for cables with Insulatíon shield
ing Maximum Spud of cable
and 5 rnínutes for cables without insulation shíeld,
MS :: 5/9 X F X EL
6. 11.4a Alternating-current Spark Telt

• 6.u. 41. 1 Applleatioo.

11ús telt shall apply to
cable and aaaernblles oí aingle-
condactor cables rated O through 2000 volts,

t TbJI paragrapb 11 approved by NEMA Al Autbor1z.ed ~1o~

MS :: Maxlmum apeed in feet per mínute,
F = Frcquency 10 HerCt.
EL :: Electrode lengm Úl inchea.

Part 6 Page 20 lCEA 5-61-402, NEMA WC 5

(b) Equivalent Metric Formula for Determining 6.11.6 Cables With Metallic Sheath. Metalllc
Maximum Speed oí Cable Shield or Metallic Armor. All cables of this type
shall be tested with the metallic sheath, shield or
MS = 1/150 X F X EL armor grounded, without immersion in water, at me
teSt voltage specified. For cables having a metallic
Where- sheath, shield or armor over the individual con-
MS = Maximum speed in meten per rnínute, ductor (s), the test voltage shall be applied between
F = Frequ ency in Hertz, the ~nsulated conductcrts) and ground, For rnultíple-
EL = Electrode length in míklímerers, - conductor cables with nonshielded individual con-
ductors having a metallic sheath, shield or armor
over the cable assembly, the test voltage .hall 00
applied berween each insulated conductor and all
6.11.4a.4 Faílure, Any indication by the
other conductors and ground.
fault indicator shall constitute a failure.

6.11.7 Voltage Tests After Installation. If vote-

6.11.4b DiIect-current Spark Test. This test is age tests are made after Installatíon, tbey shall be
applicable to single-conductor cables and assemblies made immediately. The test voltage shall be a
oí insulated single-conductor cables without insu- dírect-current voltage as given in Table 6-10 or
lation shield, and wíthout metall1c sheath or metalllc 6-11 and shall be applied in accordance with 6.11.1
arrnor, rated O through 2000 volts. The equipment and 6.11.3.
for the direct-current spark test Ihall consíst of a
dírect-current sparker of ample voltage and a suít-
Table 6-10
able electrode. The sparker shall be capable of
a-c Test Voltage After lnItallation for
maíntaíníng the specified test voltage under all
Polyethylene-insu!ated Power Cables
normal conditions of leakage current, The voltage
shall be applied between the outside surface of the Rated
cable and the conductores) for not less than 0.05 OIcuit Vol- Conductor Test VOI~e, kV
second, The conductores) shall be grounded. tage, Phaae síz e, 100 Perceat 33 P~ent
The e1ectrode shall make contact with the entíre to~ AWG or lIIIUlation Insulation
exposed surface of a single-conductor cable and of Yola kc:mil. Level Leve!
an assembly of twisted single-conductor cables. 2001-5000 8-1000 25 25
Where an assembly oí twisted single-conductor 5001-8000 6-1000 35 35
cables is subjected to the direct-current spark test. 8001-15000 2-1000 55 65
the individual conductors shall be similarly tested 15001-25000 1-1000 80 100
prior to assembly. 25001-28000 1-1000 85

6.11.5 Cables Witbout MetaIlic Sbeatb,

28001-35000 1/0-1000 100 ...
e ••

Metallic Shield, or Metallic Armor. Except for

the direct current spark test (see 6.11.4b) and TabIe 6-11
the a1ternating current spark test (see 6.II.4a), O-C Test Voltage Aíte:lnstallation for
single-conductor cables of this type which are The:moplastic-iDsulated Series Cables
twisted together into an assembly of two or more
Circuit Voltage, Conduc101'S1ze, Test Voltage,
conductors without an overall jacket or covering
Yola AWG kV
shall be immersed in water for at least 1 hour
and tested while stilJ immersed; all other single- POL YVlNYL-CHLORIDE-INSULA TEn CABLES
conductor and multiple-conductor cables of this 0-5000 8-4 25. O
type shall be immersed in water for at least 6 POLYETHYLENE-lNSULA TED CABLES
hours and tested while still immersed. Each 2001-3000 10-4 25
insulated conductor shall be tested against all 3001-6000 8-4 25
other conductors connected to the grounded 6001-9000 45
water tank. A
• Editorially revised.
September 1973
¡PCEA S-61-402, NEMA WC 5 Part 6 page 21

6.12 Insulation Resistance . factor given in Table 6-12, using the coefficient
(see 6.12.3) for the particular grade of insulation
6.12.1 Test Apparatus. The test apparatus shall and ternperamre in question. The ternperature of
consíst of a source of constant potentíal of from 100 the water shall be not less than 10·C (50"F) nor
to 500 volts and such other apparatus as is listed in more than 29.4"C (S5·F).
ASTM D 257 (see Appendíx E).

6.12.3 Determinadon oí Temperature Correction

Factors for lnsulation Resistance, Three samples, .
6.12.2 Test Procedure, The insu1ation resíst- preferably of 14 AWG solid wire with a 45~mil
ance shall be measured after the completed cable (1. 14-mm) wall of insulation, shall be selected as
alternating - current voltage tests or before any representatíve of the ínsulatíon under consí deratíon,
dírect -current voltage tests specified in 6.11. Where The sarnples shall be of sufficient length to yíeld
the voltage tests are made on wíre or cable ím- insulation resistance values under 25000 megohms
mersec in water, the insulation resistance shall be at the lowest water bath temperature.
measured while the cable is still Imrnersed, Sing1e-
conductor cables shall be tested between the con- The three samples shall be immersed in a water
ductor and metallic sheath or water. Multiple- bath equípped with heatíng, cooling and circulating
conductor cables wi th nonshielded conductors shall facilities, with the ends of the samples extended at
be tested between each conductor and a11 other con- least 2 feet (O. p meter) above the surfa ce of the
duc tors and sheath or water. Multíple-conductor water and properly prepared for mínimum leakage.
cables with shielded conductors shall be tested be- The samples shall be left in the water at room tern-
tween the conductor and shield. The conductor perature for 16 hours before adjusting the bath rem-
under test shall be connected to the negative ter- perature to 10·e or before transferríng the samples
minal of the test e quípment and readings sha11 be to a lO·C test temperature bath,
taken after an electrification of 1 mínu te,

Each coí l, reel or length of wíre or cable shall The resísrance of the conductor shall be measured
have an insulation resístance ín megohms-1000 feet at suitable íntervals until it remaíns unchanged for
at a temperature of 15.6"C (60"F) of not less than at least 5 mínutes, The insulation will then be at the
the value of R calculated as follows. ternperature of the bath as read on the bath ther-
morneter, lnsulation resistance shall then be meas-
ured in accordance with 6.12.2.
R = K 10g 10 d

Each of the three samples shall be exposed to

successíve water temperatures of 10·C, 16·C, 22cC.
Where- 2SoC, and 35"C and, rerurning. 2S·C. 22·C, 16°C
and lO·C. lnsulatíon resístance readíngs shall be
R = lnsulatíon resístance ín megohms-1000 feet, taken at each ternperarure after equí líbríurn has
been establíshed,
K = Constant for the grade of insulation. (See
Pan 3,)
The two sets of readings taken at the same tern-
D = Diameter over the insulation. perature shall be averaged and, together with the
reading at 35·C, ploned on semí-Icg paper. The
d = Diameter under the insulation. insulation resístance value at 15.6·C (60·F) shall
be read frorn the plot,

• lf the temperawre at the time oí measurement

differs from 15. 6"C (60"F), the insulation resistance
shali be corrected to that at 15.6'C (60'F) by mul-
tiplying the measured value by the proper correction
Tbe O.5s·e (1°F) coefficient shall be calculated
by dividing the insulation resistance at 15. 6·C (60·F)
by that at 16. r'c (61"F),
Septernber 1973
Part 6 Page 22 IPCEA S-61-402, NEMA WC 5

Table 6-12
Temperature Correction FactoIS for lnSUlatiOD R.esistance to 15o~C (60°F)

Temperature Coefticient for 17

r e 1.03 1.04 1.05 l.()6 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12

50 10.0 0.75 0.68 0.62 0.56 0.51 0.46 0.42 0.38 0.35 0.32

51 10.6 0.77 0.70 0.65 0.59 0.54 0.50 0.46 0.42 0.39 0.36
S2 11.1 0.79 0.73 0.68 0.63 0.58 0.54 0.50 0.47 0.43 0.40
53 11.7 0.82 0.76 0.71 0.67 0.62 0.58 0.55 0.51 0.48 0.45
'54 12.2 0.84 0.79 0.75 0.70 0.67 0.63 0.60 0.56 0.54 0.51
55 12.8 0.87 0.82 0.78 0.75 0.71 0.68 0.6S 0.62 0.60 0.57
56 13.3 0.89 0.86 0.82 0.76 0.76 0.74 0.71 0.69 0.66 0.64
57 13.9 0.92 0.89 0.87 0.84 0.82 0.80 0.78 0.76 0.73 0.71
58 14.4 0.94 0.93 0.91 0.90 0.88 0.86 0.85 0.83 0.82 0.80
59 15.0 0.97 0.96 0.96 0.95 0.94 0.93 0.92 0.91 0.90 0.89
60 15.6 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

61 16.1 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12
62 16.7 1.06 1.08 1.10' 1.13 1.15 1.17 1.19 1.21 1.24 1.27
63 17.2 1.09 1.13 1.16 1.19 1.23 1.26 1.30 1.34 1.38 1.42
64 17.8 1.13 1.17 1.22 1.26 1.31 1.36 1.41 1.47 1.53 1.58
65 18.3 1.16 1.22 1.28 1.34 1.40 1.47 1.54 1.62 1.70 1.78

66 18.9 1.20 l.2í 1.35 1.42 1.SO 1.59 1.69 1.78 1.88 1.98
67 19.4 1.23 1.32 1.41 1.51 1.62 1.72 1.84 1.96 2.09 2.21
68 20.0 1.27 1.37 1.48 1.60 1.72 1.85 1.99 2.15 2.31 2.48
69 20.6 1.31 1.43 1.55 1.69 1.84 2.00 2.18 2.36 2.57 2.77
70 21.1 1.35 1.48 1.63 1.79 1.97 2.17 2.38 2.60 2.85 3.10

71 21.7 1.39 1.54 1.72 1.90 2.11 2.34 2.59 2.87 3.17 3.46
72 22.2 1.43 1.60 1.80 2.02 2.26 2.53 2.82 3.15 3.52 3.90
73 22.8 1.47 1.67 1.89 2.14 2.42 2.72 3.08 3.46 3.90 4.37
74 23.3 1.52 1.74 1.98 2.27 2.58 2.94- 3.35 3.81 4.31 4.88
75 23.9 1.56 1.80 2.08 2.40 2.76 3.18 3.65 4.19 4.78 5.47

76 24.4 1.61 l.B7 2.19 2.54 2.96 3.43 3.98 4.61 5.30 6.12
77 25.0 1.66 1.95 2.30 2.70 3.17 3.70 4..34 5.08 5.88 6.85
25.6 1.71 2.02 2.41 2.86 3.39 4.00 4..73 5.59 6.51 7.68
79 26.1 1.76 2.11 2.53 3.03 3.62 4.33 5.16 6.14 7.27 8.59
80 26.7 1.81 2.19 2.66 3.21 3.87 4.67 5.61 6.72 8.07 9.65

81 27.2 1.87 2.28 2.80 3.40 4.15 5.04 6.12 7.4..'3 8.98 10.80
82 27.8 1.92 2.37 2.94 3.60 4.43 5.45 6.69 8.18 9.92 12.10
83 28.3 1.98 2.47 3.08 3.82 4.72 5.89 7.28 9.00 11.00 13.60
84 28.9 2.04 2.57 3.23 4.05 5.04 6.35 7.92 9.90 12.2 15.2
85 29.4 2.10 2.67 3.40 4.30 5.42 6.84 8.67 10.8 13.5 rz,o
ICEA 5-61...01, NEMA WC !I PART 6, PAGE l3

6.13 Partlal Dtscharge Test Proeedure greater than 14 times the cable diarneter with
sufficient tensión so it conforms closely to the
Refer to ICEA Publication T-24-380 .• periphery of the cylinder, straightened, and then
bent 180 degrees in the reverse direction cornple-
6.14 Metbod for F1tx.IbWty Test for CondnuousJy ting one cycle. The rate of bend shall be such
Corru,ated Armor that the test is cornpleted within 1 minute. The
A suitable length of armo red cable with jacket test is perforrned at room ternperature.
removed, if any, shall be bent in a "U" bend
around a rnandrel having a diameter equal to not 6.15 Á

• Editorially revised .
.A Rescinded 7-11-19S4. Delete paaes 25 and 26.
August 1974
lPCEA S-61-402, NEMA WC 5 Pan 6 Page 25

charge transfer of 20 pieocoulombs is ímpressed 6.13. 5 Test Procedure. The pardal- discba.rge
across the far ead of me cable, one of me follow- test shall be made prior te the alternatíng-current
ing primary display deflectíon requirements will be voltage test.
met: AJJ alternating-current test volt.age havíng a fre-
queney between 49 and 61 bera sball be applied
(a) CRT trace, not less than 1 ceatírneter, between the conductor and the metallie component
of !he insulation shield. !he appUed voltage shall
(b) X-Y recorder, not less than 2 centírneters, be raísed sufficiently to índícate detector response
to partíal discharge but shall not exeeed the alter-
(e) Charge transfer meter, not les.s than 20 per- nating-current test voltage. Tbe voltage shall tben
eent of full scale, be lowered at arate not more than 2000 volts per
second te determine the partial-discharge exti.nctioll
Wben tbese or otber supplementary measurlng level (see 6.13. 2.1).
devices are used, tbeir indicated values of charge If the existence of dischargesis not evident after
transfer shall not differ from one anotber by more the voltage has been raised to a value 20 percent
than 15 percent, lt shall then be determined that a above the specified minimum exnncdon vaíue, me
response is obtainable wben a charge transfer of cable shall be considered te have met the requíre-
5 pícocoulornbs ís impressed across tbe far end of ments for tbis test.
the cable witbout changing tbe ampllfier gain. Tbe applied voltage shall not be maintained for
more than 3 minutes during any single test.
Wben the output pulse heíght versus" tbe charge
transfer is plotted, the pulse heigbt shall not depart 6.13.6 System Response Verification
from linearity by more tban :!: 10 percent of tbe
readíng, Pulse Generator. A twO-PUlsé [;(\,_f1°
erator (see Hg. 6-4) shall be used te calíbrate me
Unless the calibrating capacitor is rated for use partial-disCharge measuring device for pulse resolu-
at tbe test voltages involved, the primary calibration tion time and superposition cbaracterístícs, 'rhe
círcuít shall be disconnected before the power supply pulse generator shall have these characterístícs :
is energized. The amplifier gain shall not be re-
adjusted after this has been done unless a means ís (a) Produces identical variably tírne-spaced
provided for the eontinuous display of a suitable 4o-picocoulomb d1scharges (pulses).
calíbratíng signal througbout the test. In any evento (b) Time spacíng variable from 1 to 100 mícro-
the primary display sensitivity shall not be redueed seconds.
below 20 picocoulombs per centimeter. (e) Maximum rise time of pulses-20 n&.l1CT'

seconds (rtse time from 10 percent oí [~~L

Provision for the continuous display oí a cali- value te 90 percent of peak value),
(d) output impedaDce-HOO ohms:!: 20 percent.
brating signal tbroughout the test shall be by mears
This device incorporates a stable mgger point
(d) The calibrating capacitor wmch is full- developed by a 12-volt zener diode which trlggers
voltage rated and forms part of the primary a small silieon rectifier (SCR). Thus, the first of me
calibration circuir which need noto in th1s two pulses will occur at the same poínt on each
case, be disconnected before the power successive positive half cycle of the 115-volt ~,,!~.,\'
supply ís energízed, or source, A 200O-ohm variable resístor controls me
chargíng rate of fue O.1-microfarad capacítor, '!"he
(e) A secondary calíbratíng pulse w1úch is in- rate at w1úch tbis capacitor charges, in turn,detel:""
jected across the detection impedance by mines me interval between the change in state of
means of a capacítor havíng a capacítance the ñrst ninnel dio de and that of the second nmnel
not greater than 2000 picofarads. In this diode. Each time one oí me tunnel diodes changes
case, the ampli nide oí secondary pulse re- state, there is an extremely rapió voltage rise of
sponse shall be precalibrated against the pn- about 400 m111ivolts. and with a 10O-plcofarad
mary calibrating circuit before the Iatter output capacítor, a 40-picocoulomb charge ís de-
círcuít ís dísconnected and the power &Upply livered into a low impedance load (me partial g

ís energized. discharge detector). 11le 6. 2-volt zener diode 1s

PART 6, PAGE l6 ICEA ~l-<tOl, NEMA WC 5

used only to limit the current applied to the tunnel VeriÍícation Requirements. Neg-
díode, and the neon lamp across the output shunts ative superposition shall non exceed 15 percent,
large statíc charges which might remain on the Pulse resolution time shall occur berween 4 and G
detector power separation capacitor, thus preventing mícroseconds separation.
failure of the tunnel díodes, The output can be
selected te be 4, lO, 20, or 40 picocoulombs ac- 6.14 Metbod for FJexibility Test for Contínuously
cording te whích output capacítor ís used, Corrugated Armor •
The open-circuit output oí the generalOr shall be A suitable length of armored cable with jacket
measured using a suitable laboratory model oscillo- removed, if any, shall be bent in a "U" bend
scope havíng an input capacítance of 47 ± 3 pico- around a mandrel having a diameter equal to not
farads. A decade resístance box shall beconnected greater than 14 times the cable diameter with
across the output terminal and Its value adjusted sufficient tension so it conforms closely to the
until the output voltage ís reduced to half value, periphery of the cylinder, straightened, and then
The resulting resistance shall be 1400 ohms :1: 20 bent 180 degrees in the reverse direction comple-
percent and ís the output impedance. ting one cycJe. The rate of bend shall be such .
The generator shall be terrnínated in its output that the test is completed within ] minute. The
írnpedance with the same oscilloscope as above test is performed at room temperature.
connected in paralte l, Tbe oscilloscope sball be
adjusted to 0.02 rnícrosecond per centimeter and
6.15 Metbod for Determining Permittivity (S.J.C.)
0.1 volt per centírneter, Tbe time from 10 percent
.nd Dielectric Strengtb of Extruded Nonconduc-
of peak to 90 percent of peak shall be considered
ting Polymeric Stress Control Layers. e The test
the ríse time. Rise time characterístícs of the oscí.l-
specimen shaJl be an 18 inch (45.7 mm) length of
loscope rnust be short, or they will interfere wi th
conductor over which .015 •. 030 inch (.038 -
the accuracy of the measurement. .
J176 mm) of nonconducting stress control material Auxiliary Oscilloscope. An aux- has been extruded.
iliary oscilloscope havíng a time base of at least The central 12 inch (30.5 mm) length shaIl be
5 mícroseconds per centírneter shall be used to shielded using a silver-painted electrode or equiv-
determine pulse separation time. alent applied to the surface of the stress control
6,13,6,3 Verification Procedure. lnitially, The capacity C, in picofarads, shall be measured
and at least once ayear thereafter, the pulse gen- at the required temperature using a suitable
erator described in shall be connected to bridge and a 60 Hz potential. The specimen shall
íniect pulses direct1y into the partíal- díscharge be held at the required temperature for at least
measuring device through the terminals to which 15 minutes prior to measurement.
cables being tested for partial discbarges would The geometric capacitance Co, in picofarads,
normally be connected, The auxiliary oscilloscope shall be calculated for the 12 inch (30.5 mm)
shall be connected in parallel with the input to the specimen as íollows: C¿ = 7 .354/10g10(D/ d)
par ti al- díscharge measuring devíce, No cables shall The ratio oí measured capacitance divided by
be connecte d, the geometric capacitance, C/Ca, shall be the
Pulse spacing shall be adíusted to rnaxírnum and perminivity (S.LC.) of the stress control material.
synchronízed to give a stationary display on the FoJlowing the capacitance measurement and
parrial-díscharge .measunng device oscilloscope. while the specimen is held at the required ternper-
The amplifier gain on the measuríng devíce shall ature, a 60 Hz alternating current potentíal shall
be adjusted to give a display beight of 1 centírneter be applied between the conductor and the grounded
for the 40-picocoulomb pulses. pulse spacing sball shield (painted electrode) with an increasing rate
be varied wi thout readiustrnent of amplifier gaín of rise not in excess oí 100 volts per second until
and a graph ploned of pulse heíght versus pulse dielectric failure occurs. The dielectric withstand
separation time. The auxiliary oscilloscope shall stress, in volts per mil- shall be calculated as
be used te determine pulse separation within :!: 10 follows:
percent, Data points sball be plotted at l-micra- s= 2 V /(D·d) 1000
second intervals up to 10- microsecond separation; D and d in inches
at lO-microsecond intervals up te 50-microsecond V in volts, actual breakdown leve!
separation; at 100-microseconds; and at the point
oí máximum negative superposition. • S (V Imil) shall be expressed as MV 1m by dividing by 25.4 .

• Added ~·12·1982.

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