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 Certificate
 Acknowledgement
 Introduction
 Experiment
 Aim
 Requirements
 Procedure
 Observation
 Results
 Precautions
 Conclusion
 Bibliography
Antibiotics are Chemicals that kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria and are used to

treat bacterial infections. They are produced in nature by soil bacteria and fungi.

This gives the microbes an advantage when completing for food and water and

Other limited resources in a particular habitat, as the antibiotics kills offs their

Competition. Only substances that target bacteria are called antibiotics.

History of Antibiotics
 Over 2,500 Years ago, Chinese medicine used

plants with antibiotics properties.

 In 19th scientists observed that Bacillus could

Inhibit the growth of another’s.

 Alexander Fleming discovered Penicillin in 1928.

 Penicillin has antibacterial activity against a wide

range of bacteria.
How do antibiotics work?
 Antibiotics Work by affecting things that bacterial cell
Have but human cells don’t.

 Antibiotics work by blocking vital processes in bacteria.

 They kill the bacteria or stop it from spreading.
 This helps the body’s natural immune system to fight the


Why are antibiotics important ?

 Antibiotics are important to treat infections and have saved countless lives.
 However, anytime antibiotics are used, they can caused side effects and

Contribute to antibiotics resistance.

 When antibiotics are needed, the benefits usually outweigh the risks of

Side effects.

 Its works faster on bacterial or fungi attacks.

Although there are well over 100 antibiotics there
are mainly 7 types of antibiotics they are:-

Antibiotics Example
 Penicillin’s Amoxicillin
 Cephalosporin Cephalexin
 Macrolides Erythromycin
 Fluoroquinolones Ofloxacin
 Sulfonamides Bactrim
 Tetracycline’s Tetracycline
 Aminoglycoside Gentamicin

Antibiotics resistance
Bacteria are termed drug-resistance when they are no longer

Inhibited by an antibiotic to which they were previously sensitive.

The emergence and spread of antibacterial-resistance bacteria

has continued to grow due to both the over-use and misuse.

How is resistance spread?

Antibiotic resistance can either be inherent or acquired.
Some bacteria are naturally resistance to some antibiotics
due to their physiological characteristics. This is inherent
resistance. Acquired resistance occurs when a bacterium
that was originally sensitive to an antibiotic develops resistance.
For example resistance genes can be transferred from one plasmid
Or chromosome, or resistance can occur due to a random spontaneous
Chromosomal mutation.
Aim: - Study of the Effect of Antibiotics on

Materials Required:-
Potato, agar, dextrose, beef, peptone, NaCl, Sodium bicarbonate, distilled
Water, five different types of antibiotics (such as penicillin, streptomycin,
Aureomycin, terramycyin and Chloromycetin), syringe, oven sterilized
petridishes, flasks, beakers, pipettes, garden soil, glass marker pen etc.

A. Preparation of culture medium
1. Potato dextrose Agar(pda) Medium
 Take 200g of peeled potato chips. Boil them with 500ml of water in a

beaker for 15minutes.

 Squeeze the potato pulp thus obtained through a muslin cloth and keep

it in a flask.

 Take 20g of agar in a beaker and warm it with 500ml of water.

 Mix both the solution of potato and agar and add 20g dextrose to it.

 Thus one litre of PDA medium is prepared.

 Autoclave the medium at 15 pounds pressure for 15 minutes.
2. Meat Extract Agar medium
i. Weigh 3g beef extract, 10g peptone, 5g NaCl and mix these in 1 litre

distilled water.

ii. Heat the mixture through filter paper and adjust the PH to 7.2 to 7.6 by

adding a bit of sodium bicarbonate.

iii. Now, add 20g agar to the broth and autoclave the medium at 15 pounds

Pressure for 15 minutes.

b. Effect of antibiotics on soil microorganisms

i. Take 2g of soil and dissolve it in 10ml of water in a beaker.

ii. Take 6oven sterilized petridishes and pour 1ml of soil suspension in each of

Plates. Now pour 1ml of the five antibiotics separately in five petridishes

With the help of syringe, and mark them with marker pen. Leave the sixth

Petridis without antibiotic to serve as control.

iii. Pour PDA or meat extract agar in each of the petridishes

And mix It.


The effect of different antibiotics on the microorganisms can be assessed by counting

The number and size of the colonies growing in the petridishes.

 Do not expose the culture of the petridish to the atmosphere.
 Sterilise the petridishes properly the oven before use.
 Use proper kind of stains for different types of microorganisms.

Penicillin and Terramycin was most effective antibiotics against
microorganism in soil.

I feel proud to present my investigatory project in Biology on the ‘‘STUDY OF

EFFECT OF ANTIBIOTICS ON MICROORGANISM”. This project would not have been

Feasible without the proper rigorous guidance of biology teacher Mr. SSJ PASHA

Who guided me throughout this project in every possible way. An investigatory

Project involves various difficult lab experiments, which have to obtain the

Observations and conclude the reports on a meaningful note. Thereby, I would like

to thanks Mr. SSJ PASHA for guiding me on a systematic basis and ensuring that

it proves to be the best. I hope that it proves to be best. I hope that this project will

to be proves to be a breeding ground for the next generation of students and will

guide them in every possible way.

This is to certify that Amisha Das, a student of class XI Science

Roll no: - 33 has successfully completed the investigatory project

on the topic ‘‘Study of Effect of Antibiotics on Microorganisms”

under the guidance of Mr. SSJ PASHA during the session 2022 – 2023.

Teacher’s signature Principal signature

Kendriya Vidyalaya
Investigatory Project

Name: - Amisha Das

Class: - Xi “A”
Roll No: - 33
Sub:- Biology
Guided by:- S.S.J PASHA Sir

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