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Does internet access increase sociability?

1. NAME:
2. Age Group:
 Less than 10
 11-20
 21-30
 31-40
 41-50
 More than 50

3. Gender:
 Male
 Female
 Transgender

4. How often do you use the Internet?

 Everyday
 More than once a day
 Once a day
 Once a month
 Less than once a month
5. On average, how many hours per day do you spend on the Internet?
 Less than 1 hr a day
 1-2 hrs
 2-3 hrs
 3-4 hrs
 More than 4 hours a day
6. What do you like doing most online?
 Chat rooms
 File Sharing
 Blogs
 Shopping
 Music
 Social Networking
 Web Browsing
 Gaming
 Others
7. How familiar are you with social media platforms?
(Scale) 1-10
8. How often do you use social media platforms?
 Everyday
 More than once a day
 Once a week
 Once a month
 Less than once a month
9. Which social media platforms do you use often?
 Facebook
 Instagram
 Whatsapp
 Linkedin
 Reddit
 Telegram
 Others
10. Where do you use the Internet?
 Home
 Library
 School
 Mobile Phone
 Café
 Friends or Family
 Other
11. If you use the Internet at home, what room do you use it in?
 Living room
 Dining Room
 Bedroom
 Other
12. What is the main way of communication with your offline friends?
 Voice Call
 Instant Messaging
 Video Call
 Chat Rooms
 Email
 Gaming Site
13. How many online contacts do you have that you have not met in the real world?
 Not met anyone
 1-10
 10-20
 More than 20
14. Have you ever met someone in the real world you have only met online?
 Yes
 No
15. If you have answered 'yes' to Q14, did you take someone with you?
 Yes
 No
16. How did you meet your online contacts?
 Chat rooms
 Sharing Contact list
 Through Friends
 Gaming Sites
 Blogs
 Social Networking
17. Do you use a webcam?
 Yes
 No
18. What do you use a webcam for?
 Video Call with friends/ family
 Office Meetings
 Security Reasons
 Academic Purposes
19. Have you received lessons on how to use the Internet?
 Yes
 No
20. Have you received lessons on how to stay safe on the Internet?
 Yes
 No
21. If 'yes' to Q19, did you find the lessons useful?
 Yes
 No
22. For what purpose do you use social media platforms?
 Have Conversations
 Share and Receive Information
 Create web content
 Academics
 Job
23. For what purpose do you use social media platforms?
 Social Purposes
 Business
 Academics
 Leisure time browsing
24. Facebook is the most reliable platform to socialize?
 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Neutral
 Agree
 Strongly Agree
25. Instagram is the most Reliable platform to socialize?
 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Neutral
 Agree
 Strongly Agree
26. Twitter is the most reliable platform to socialize?
 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Neutral
 Agree
 Strongly Agree
27. How important is privacy for you?
 Very important
 Important
 Neutral
 Not Important
28. How aware are you about the benefits of social media platforms?
 Always Updated
 Intermediately updated
 Not bothered

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