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2.5 page 12, exercises 1 and 2

S = Sam, T = Tom, A = Arabella

T: How much do you like your job, Sam?

S: I love it! The best part is working with you, of course.
T: Of course! But some people have really interesting and unusual jobs. You’ll never
guess what Arabella does ...
S: Tell me! …
T: Ssh! I’m in the movie theater with Arabella Fellini. Hello, Arabella!
A: Hi, Tom.
T: Arabella, you’re a very lucky woman.
A: I know. I really love my job.
T: So, tell us what you do, exactly? It’s something to do with newspapers and
magazines, isn’t it?
A: Sure! Well, basically I go to the movies. That’s my hobby – but it’s my job, too! I
watch movies.
T: And then you write about them for newspapers and magazines – is that right?
A: Yes, that’s right.
T: Wow! What a great job.
A: It’s a fantastic job!
T: I can see why! So, do you go to the movies every night?
A: Not every night, no. I go maybe three times a week.
T: You must see a lot of movies in a year!
A: I sure do!
T: And what kind of movies do you like best?
A: Well, I like all kinds of movies. But I love good horror movies.
T: Oh, me too! Who do you go with? Do you go alone, because it’s your job? Or do you
take a friend with you?
A: Well, I often go with my brother, Luke. Luke loves movies – and he knows a lot
about them. And after you see a movie, it’s good to talk about it and hear another
person’s ideas.

A2 Elementary 1 Personal Best A2 © Richmond 2018


T: Yeah, I know what you mean. So, Arabella, do you have another job? Or is this your
only one?
A: I do have another job, yes. I watch TV. Then I write about the shows I watch for the
T: No way! I want your job!

A2 Elementary 2 Personal Best A2 © Richmond 2018

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