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 Basics  -­‐  What  is  a  Hotbox  and  How  Does  it  Work?  
A   hotbox   is   a   tool   used   to   measure   heat   flow   of   a   material   or   system   under   controlled   conditions.                
For  more  information  on  the  fundamentals  of  thermal  properties  and  heat  flow,  please  see  a  "Primer  on  
Thermal  Properties".  Hotboxes  are  commonly  used  to  measure  the  steady  state  thermal  properties  of  
materials,   but   can   be   used   to   measure   transient   heat   flow   properties,   such   as   thermal   mass   or   heat  
storage,   if   designed   and   instrumented   correctly.   The   hotbox   described   in   this   article   is   designed   to  
capture   both   steady   state   and   transient   data.   The   operational   modes   of   the   NBRC   hotbox   are  
summarized  in  Table  1.  
Table  1  –  Heat  Transfer  Modes  
Measurement  Mode   Temperature  Gradient   Heat  Flux   Key  properties                            
to  be  measured  
Steady  State   Constant  Temperature   qin=qout   Thermal  Conductivity,  
Difference  Across           R-­‐value  
Test  Panel  
Transient   Variable   qin=heat  storage+qout   Heat  Capacity,  Thermal  
Lag,  Decrement  Factor  
Put   simply,   heat   flow   (flux,   q)   is   driven   by   temperature   difference   (gradient)   across   a   substance.   Heat  
energy  flows  from  high  to  low  temperature.    In  a  simple  hotbox,  a  temperature  difference  is  maintained  
across  a  test  panel,  and  the  resulting  heat  flow  is  measured.    A  summary  of  common  heat  flow  terms  is  
shown  in  Appendix  A.      
Parts  of  a  Hotbox  
A   hotbox   consists   of   several   parts   that   are   designed   to   accurately   control   temperature   and   precisely  
control  heat  flow  as  shown  in  Figure  1.    Hotboxes  are  designed  so  that  the  heat  flows  through  the  test  
panel  (one-­‐dimensional  heat  flow)  with  all  other  heat  flows  being  minimized.  Typically,  a  hotbox  consists  
of   a   controlled   temperature   enclosure,   a   sample   support   with   some   sort   of   surround,   a   metering  
chamber  with  temperature  control  and  a  climatic  chamber  with  temperature  control.    These  parts  are  
shown   in   Figure   2.   The   enclosure   is   designed   to   provide   a   uniform   temperature   around   the   hotbox            
(see  Figure  3).  In  many  cases,  the  temperature  of  the  enclosure  is  closely  matched  to  the  temperature  of  
the   climatic   chamber   to   minimize   heat   flow   through   the   walls   of   the   chamber.   In   a   very   simple  
configuration,   a   heating   strip   is   used   to   increase   the   temperature   of   the   metering   chamber.     The   energy  
required   to   maintain   a   constant   temperature   difference   across   the   test   panel   is   monitored   and                      
used   to   calculate   the   energy   passing   through   the   wall.   The   heat   flow   through   the   test   panel   is   not  
measured  directly.  Since  the  energy  flow  through  the  wall  is  not  measured  directly,  special  calibrations  
are  required  to  determine  the  flanking  loss  and  metering  wall  loss  shown  in  Figure  1.    This  type  of  hot  
box  works  best  for  highly  insulating  materials  where  very  small  heat  flows  are  expected  and  is  described  
in  ASTM  C1363.  

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Anderson, SC 29625
Figure  1  –  Basic  Hotbox  Configuration  


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Anderson, SC 29625


Figure  2  –  Parts  of  a  Hotbox  

Figure  3  –  Hotbox  Enclosure  


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Anderson, SC 29625
The  limitation  of  the  conventional  hot  box  is  that  only  steady  state  heat  flow  can  be  measured  because  
no   provision   is   made   to   measure   the   heat   stored   in   the   test   wall.   In   actual   use,   wall   systems   are  
subjected   to   constant   temperature   variations,   both   inside   and   outside.   Steady   state   is   rarely,   if   ever,  
reached.  Therefore,  steady  state  predictions  can  never  accurately  predict  the  behavior  of  a  wall.  At  best,  
they  give  some  comparative  indications,  but  ignore  the  contributions  of  heat  storage  in  the  wall.  
The   Center's   hotbox   has   a   more   sophisticated   and   robust   design   than   the   typical   hotbox   described  
previously.   The   hotbox   has   been   adapted   to   measure   the   heat   flow   through   masonry   as   described   in        
EN  1934  (Thermal  performance  of  buildings  –  Determination  of  thermal  resistance  by  hot  box  method  
using   heat   flow   meter   -­‐   Masonry)   and   ISO   8301   (Thermal   insulation   -­‐-­‐   Determination   of   steady-­‐state  
thermal  resistance  and  related  properties  -­‐-­‐  Heat  flow  meter  apparatus).    In  the  Center's  hotbox,  a  test  
panel   with   dimensions   of   up   to   8'x6'   can   be   tested   with   a   variety   of   through   wall   thicknesses.   The  
temperature   of   the   climatic   and   metering   chambers   can   be   independently   controlled   over   a   wide  
dynamic   range.     Most   importantly,   the   heat   flow   of   the   wall   can   be   measured   directly   using   heat   flux  
meters   (HFMs)   so   that   both   steady   state   and   dynamic   data   can   be   captured   which   allows   us   to  
accurately  determine  the  true  thermal  performance  of  a  wall  system.      
Control  of  Temperature  and  Flow  within  the  Climatic  and  Metering  Boxes  
A   cross   section   of   the   Center's   hotbox   is   shown   in   Figure   4.     In   this   system   two   identical   chillers   that   are  
shown   in   Figure   5,   supply   heated   or   cooled   liquid   to   the   liquid   to   air   heat   exchangers   shown   in   Figure   6.    
The   Julabo   FP51SL   chillers   that   are   capable   of   operating   from   -­‐60°C   (-­‐76°F)   to   +200°C   (392°F)   utilizing  
50/50   mixture   of   ethylene   glycol   and   water.   The   chillers   are   digitally   controlled   and   monitor   the  
following  parameters:  
• Fluid  Flow  Rate  
• Fluid  Exit  Temp  
• Fluid  Return  Temp  
• Internal  Fluid  Temp  
• External  Air  Temperature  (remote  sensor  located  in  baffle  air  stream)  
• %  Working  capacity  being  utilized.  
The   use   of   chillers   allows   for   much   greater   flexibility   and   more   accurate   control   than   simple   heating  
A   fan   array,   also   shown   in   Figure   6,   circulates   the   heat   from   the   heat   exchangers.   A   baffle   is   also  
suspended   between   the   test   panel   and   the   heat   exchanger/fan   array   as   shown   in   Figure   7   to   provide  
laminar  flow  across  the  test  panel.    The  temperature  difference  across  the  test  panel  is  controlled  by  the  
energy   supplied   to   the   heat   exchanger   and   the   flow   from   the   fans   which   transfer   the   energy   to                        
the   surface   of   the   wall.    The   sample   support   and   surround   are   shown   in   Figure   8.     The   insulation   around  
the  test  panel  (surround)  is  used  to  minimize  heat  flow  out  of  the  edges  of  the  test  panel.  


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Anderson, SC 29625
Figure  4  –  Cross  Section  of  Hotbox  


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Anderson, SC 29625
Figure  5  –  Chiller  for  Temperature  Control  

Figure  6  –  Heat  Exchanger  with  Fan  Array    
(Cover  removed  and  showing  fan  array  on  left,  with  cover  in  place  on  right)  

100 Clemson Research Blvd
Anderson, SC 29625

Figure  7  –  Air  Baffle  


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Anderson, SC 29625
Figure  8  –  Test  Panel  with  Surround  
Hot  Box  Instrumentation  
There   are   a   large   number   of   measurement   sensors   in   the   hotbox   to   capture   all   of   the   thermal  
performance  data.  The  sensor  inputs  are  summarized  in  Table  2.    There  are  100  thermocouples  placed  
through  the  hotbox.    Type  T  thermocouples  are  used  since  they  give  a  very  good  voltage  response  over  
the  working  temperature  range.    A  fine  gauge  thermocouple  wire  was  used  to  improve  response  time  of  
the   thermocouples.   All   of   the   thermocouple   inputs   are   connected   to   National   Instruments   data  
acquisition  cards  designed  for  thermocouple  inputs  (see  footnotes  to  Table  2).    For  example,  each  baffle  
has  18  thermocouples  (see  Figure  7)  to  measure  the  temperature  of  the  air  flowing  between  the  baffle  
and   the   test   panel.   Each   side   of   the   test   panel   is   also   heavily   instrumented.   Typical   test   panel  
instrumentation  is  shown  in  Figure  9,  and  twelve  thermocouples  are  attached  to  the  surface  of  each  side  
of  the  test  panel  and  are  also  shown  in  Figure  9.  In  addition  to  these  thermocouples,  there  can  be  an  
additional  16  thermocouples  associated  with  the  heat  flux  sensors.    Finally,  the  humidity,  pressure,  and  
airflow  are  also  measured  in  the  airstream  between  the  baffle  and  the  test  panel.      
Table  2  –  List  of  Sensors  
Number   Sensor  Description   Location  
18   Type  T  Thermocouples   Metering  Baffle  Airstream  
18   Type  T  Thermocouples1   Climatic  Baffle  Airstream  
12   Type  T  Thermocouples   Metering  Surface  of  Test  Panel  


100 Clemson Research Blvd
Anderson, SC 29625
12   Type  T  Thermocouples1   Climatic  Surface  of  Test  Panel  
16   Type  T  Thermocouples1   Metering  Surface  of  Test  Panel  –  
Associated  with  Heat  Flux  Pads  
16   Type  T  Thermocouples1   Climatic  Surface  of  Test  Panel  -­‐  
Associated  with  Heat  Flux  Pads  
4   Type  T  Thermocouples1   Temperature  Measurement  of  
Chiller  Fluid  Before  and  After  
Heat  Exchanger  
4   Type  T  Thermocouples1   Temperature  Measurement  in  
1   PX2650  pressure  transducer  (0"-­‐2"  WC)2   Metering  Side  Pressure  
1   PX2650  pressure  transducer  (0"-­‐2"  WC)  2   Climatic  Side  Pressure  
1   Omega  HX94B  Humidity  Probe2   Metering  Side  Humidity  
1   Omega  HX94B  Humidity  Probe2   Climatic  Side  Humidity  
1   Dwyer  VTT-­‐V-­‐D-­‐R-­‐2  Air  Velocity  Transmitter2   Metering  Air  Stream  
1   Dwyer  VTT-­‐V-­‐D-­‐R-­‐2  Air  Velocity  Transmitter2   Climatic  Air  Stream  
3   TSI  8475-­‐12  Low  Speed  Air  Velocity   Air  Cavity  in  Veneer  
Transmitter2   Construction  
4   ITI  Model  A-­‐LT-­‐12  Epoxy/Glass  Heat  Flux   Test  Panel  Surface  
Transducer  (.120"  x  12"  x  12")3  
8   ITI  Model  A-­‐LT-­‐4  Epoxy/Glass  Heat  Flux   Test  Panel  Surface  
Transducer  (.120"  x  4"  x  4")  
12   ITI  Model  B-­‐LT-­‐2  Epoxy/Glass  Heat  Flux   Test  Panel  Surface  
Transducer  (.120"  x  2"  x  2")3  
National  Instruments  NI-­‐PXIe-­‐4353  (Qty  4)  -­‐  32  Channel  Thermocouple  Input  with  CJC  and  
Isolation  Block.  (128  TC  inputs)  
National  Instruments  NI-­‐PXIe-­‐6366  Analog  Input.  Used  for  various  Analog  signal  inputs  
National  Instruments  NI  PXIe-­‐4497  High-­‐Channel-­‐Count  Dynamic  Signal  Analyzer.  Used  for  Heat  
Flux  Sensor  Inputs  (16  total  inputs)  
Heat  flow  meters  (HFM)  are  attached  directly  to  the  surface  of  both  sides  of  the  test  panel  to  measure  
the   amount   of   energy   moving   through   the   wall.     The   ability   to   directly   and   continuously   measure   the  
heat  flow  into  the  test  panel,  and  the  resulting  heat  flow  exiting  the  wall  allows  us  to  determine  the  heat  
storage   characteristics   of   the   test   panel.     Typically,   2   large   HFMs   (12”x12”)   are   attached   to   both   sides   of  
the  test  panel.    In  addition  to  the  four  large  HFMs,  eight  medium  (4”x4”)  HFMs  and  twelve  small  (2”x2”)  
HFMs   can   be   added   to   measure   local   heat   flow.   These   additional   HFMs   will   be   used   to   investigate  
thermal   bridging   effects   of   various   wall   elements.     Each   HFM   needs   two   thermocouples   where   one   of  
the  thermocouples  is  placed  adjacent  to  the  HFM,  and  the  other  is  placed  in  the  same  position  on  the  
other   side   of   the   test   panel.   These   thermocouples   are   used   to   determine   the   temperature   gradient   that  
the   HFM   experiences.   One   side   of   a   test   panel   with   the   two   large   HFMs,   eight   medium   HFMs   and  
associated  thermocouples  is  shown  in  Figure  10.      
Finally,   three   low   velocity   air   flow   sensors   have   been   incorporated   to   measure   airflow   with   the   test  
panel   when   an   air   cavity   is   present.   These   sensors   can   measure   down   to   XXX   m/s   and   are  
omnidirectional  which  means  that  they  can  measure  the  airflow  in  any  direction  and  do  not  have  to  be  

100 Clemson Research Blvd
Anderson, SC 29625
precisely  oriented  like  other  air  velocity  sensors.  This  is  especially  important  for  the  measurement  of  the  
minute  flows  that  we  have  observed  in  these  cavities.      

Figure  9  –  Schematic  of  Test  Panel  Instrumentation  


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Anderson, SC 29625
Figure  10  –  Typical  Test  Panel  Instrumentation  
This   article   serves   as   a   brief   overview   of   the   parts   of   the   Hotbox   at   the   NBRC.     Further   articles   will  
discuss  validation,  and  operation  of  the  hotbox.    These  articles  will  present  actual  data  collected  from  
the  hotbox.    Articles  on  data  processing  will  also  be  produced  prior  to  the  release  of  research  findings  
from  the  hotbox.    A  literature  review  of  hotbox  literature  will  also  be  distributed.  


100 Clemson Research Blvd
Anderson, SC 29625
Appendix  A  –  Thermal  Properties  
Term   Symbol   Definition   Metric   Imperial  
Units   Units  
Heat  Flow   Q   The  quantity  of  heat  energy   W   Btu/h  
transferred  in  a  unit  of  time  
Heat  Flux   q   The  rate  of  heat  flow  through  a  surface   W/m2   Btu/h  ft2  
of  unit  area  perpendicular  to  the  
direction  of  heat  flow  
Temperature   ΔT   Temperature  difference                                     °C  or  K   °F  
Gradient   across  a  surface  
Thermal   C   Heat  flux  per  unit  of                           W/m2  K   Btu/h  ft2  F  
Conductance   temperature  difference    
Thermal   k   The  time  rate  of  steady  state  heat  flow   W/m  K   Btu  in./h  ft2  F  
Conductivity   through  a  unit  area  of  material  induced  
by  a  temperature  gradient  
Thermal   R   Reciprocal  of  thermal  conductance   K  m2/W   h  ft  F/Btu  
Specific  Heat  or   Cp   The  quantity  of  heat  energy  required   J/kg  K   Btu/lb  F  
Heat  Capacity   to  change  the  temperature  of  a  unit  
mass  of  a  substance  by  one  degree  
Density   ρ     Kg/m3   Lbs/ft3  


100 Clemson Research Blvd
Anderson, SC 29625

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