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No Perlakuan berat(g) obat   norit   panjang   % norit

usus (cm)
      jam vol(ml) jam vol(ml) norit total  
1 N 19.05 10.54 0.19 11.39 0.19 32 60 53.33
2 N 23.5 11.05 0.24 11.58 0.24 25 59 42.37
3 N 26.75 11 0.27 11.45 0.27 48 59 81.35
4 N 19.27 11.04 0.19 11.49 0.19 34 45 75.55
5 Bisacodyl 10 23.32 10.49 0.23 11.34 0.23 31 56 55.36
6 Bisacodyl 10 19.78 10.52 0.2 11.37 0.2 22 58 39.29
7 Bisacodyl 10 22.97 11.08 0.23 12.02 0.23 16.5 44,5 37.08
8 Bisacodyl 10 22.56 10.56 0.23 11.41 0.23 39 48 81.25
9 MgSO4 21.28 0 0.21 0 0.21 0 0 0
10 MgSO4 18.83 11.04 0.19 12.09 0.19 33 53 62.26
11 MgSO4 17.13 10.57 0.17 11.42 0.17 31 48 64.58
12 MgSO4 22.54 10.55 0.23 11.4 0.23 32 52 61.53

Jenis perlakuan Statistic Std.

Persen_norit N Mean 63.1500 9.18895
95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound 33.9067
for Mean Upper Bound 92.3933
5% Trimmed Mean 63.2933
Median 64.4400
Variance 337.747
Std. Deviation 18.3778
Minimum 42.37
Maximum 81.35
Range 38.98
Interquartile Range 34.79
Skewness -.213 1.014
Kurtosis -3.883 2.619
Bisacodyl10 Mean 53.2450 10.1849
95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound 20.8319
for Mean Upper Bound 85.6581
5% Trimmed Mean 52.5872
Median 47.3250
Variance 414.934
Std. Deviation 20.3699
Minimum 37.08
Maximum 81.25
Range 44.17
Interquartile Range 37.15
Skewness 1.186 1.014
Kurtosis .465 2.619
MgSO4 Mean 62.7900 .91947
95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound 58.8338
for Mean Upper Bound 66.7462
5% Trimmed Mean .
Median 62.2600
Variance 2.536
Std. Deviation 1.59258
Minimum 61.53
Maximum 64.58
Range 3.05
Interquartile Range .
Skewness 1.332 1.225
Kurtosis . .

Tests of Normality
Jenis perlakuan Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
Persen_norit N .250 4 . .917 4 .522
Bisacodyl10 .253 4 . .876 4 .323
MgSO4 .297 3 . .917 3 .442
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Test of Homogeneity of Variances

Levene df1 df2 Sig.
4.112 2 8 .059

Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
Between Groups 242.235 2 121.117 .428 .666
Within Groups 2263.116 8 282.889
Total 2505.351 10

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