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Calculate Current Ratio from the following information:

Particulars Rs Particulars Rs
Total Assets 5,0,000 Non-current Liabilities 10,000
Shareholders' Funds 30,000 Non Current Assets 2,5,000
2. Calculate Current Ratio from the following information:
Particulars Rs Particulars Rs
Total Assets 5,00,000 Non-current Liabilities 1,30,000
Fixed Tangible Assets 2,50,000 Non-current Investments 1,50,000
Shareholders' Funds 3,20,000
3. Calculate Current Ratio from the following information:
Particulars Rs Particulars Rs
Total Assets 4,00,000 Non-current Liabilities 40,000
Fixed Tangible Assets 2,70,000 Non-current Investments 55,000
Shareholders' Funds 3,00,000
5. Current Assets are Rs 7,50,000 and Working Capital is Rs 2,50,000. Calculate Current Ratio.
6. Working Capital Rs 1,80,000; Total Debts Rs 3,90,000; Long-Term Debts Rs 3,00,000.
Calculate Current Ratio.
7. Working Capital Rs 90,000; Total Debts Rs 50,000; Long-Term Debts Rs 35,000.
Calculate Current Ratio.
8. Trade Payables Rs 90,000, Working Capital Rs 3, 00,000, Other Current Liabilities Rs 10,000. Calculate
Current Ratio
9. Trade Payables Rs 50,000, Working Capital Rs 9,00,000, Current Liabilities Rs 3,00,000. Calculate
Current Ratio
10. From the fllowing data, calculate Current Ratio and Liquid Ratio:

Particulars Rs Particulars Rs
Liquid Assets 1,50,000 Prepaid Expenses 20,000
Inventories[ including loose tools Rs 60,000
70,000 Working Capital
11. Calculate Current Ratio from the following:
Working Capital is Rs 3,15,000 Current Assets Rs 4,20,000 and inventory Rs 2,00,000 [ including tools
Rs 52,500]
12. Current Ratio is 2.5, Working Capital is Rs 1,50,000. Calculate the amount of Current Assets and Current
13. Working Capital is Rs 9,00,000; Trade payables Rs 90,000; and Other Current Liabilities are Rs
2,10,000. Circulate Current Ratio.
14. Working Capital Rs 1,80,000; Total Debts Rs 3,90,000; Long-Term Debts Rs 3,00,000.
Calculate Current Ratio.
15. Current Assets are Rs 7,50,000 and Working Capital is Rs 2,50,000. Calculate Current Ratio.
16 Trade Payables Rs 50,000, Working Capital Rs9,00,000, Current Liabilities Rs 3,00,000. Calculate
Current Ratio.

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