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Science of the Total Environment 642 (2018) 137–147

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Second-hand aerosol from tobacco and electronic cigarettes: Evaluation

of the smoker emission rates and doses and lung cancer risk of passive
smokers and vapers
Pasquale Avino a,b, Mauro Scungio c, Luca Stabile d, Gino Cortellessa d,
Giorgio Buonanno d,e,f, Maurizio Manigrasso g,⁎
Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Food Sciences (DiAAA), University of Molise, via F. De Sanctis, I-86100 Campobasso, Italy
Institute of Ecotoxicology & Environmental Sciences, Kolkata, India
Department of Economics, Engineering, Society and Business Organization, University of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy
Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, I-03043 Cassino, FR, Italy
Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
Department of Engineering, University “Parthenope”, I-80100 Naples, Italy
DIT, INAIL Settore Ricerca, Certificazione e Verifica, via R. Ferruzzi 38/40, I-00143 Rome, Italy


• Smokers present a 4.5-fold higher parti-

cle number emission rate than vapers.
• The dose received by passive smokers is
up to15-fold higher than passive vaper
• The maximum dose was received by
passive smokers and vapers at the 21st
• ELCR for passive smokers is 5 orders of
magnitude higher than the passive
vaper one.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Smoking activities still represent the main, and preventable, cause of lung cancer risk worldwide. For this reason,
Received 24 February 2018 a number of studies were carried out to deepen and better characterize the emission of cigarette-generated main-
Received in revised form 13 May 2018 stream aerosols in order to perform an a-priori evaluation of the particle doses and related lung cancer risks re-
Accepted 5 June 2018
ceived by active smokers. On the contrary, a gap of knowledge still exists in evaluating the dose and risk received
Available online 18 June 2018
by passive smokers in indoor private micro-environments (e.g. homes). For this purpose, in the present paper, an
Editor: Wei Huang experimental campaign was performed to evaluate the exposure to second-hand aerosol from conventional and
electronic cigarettes and to estimate the consequent dose received by passive smokers/vapers and the related
Keywords: lung cancer risk.
Second-hand smoke Measurements of exposure levels in terms of particle number, PM10 and black carbon concentrations, as well as
Ultrafine particles particle size distributions, were performed in a naturally ventilated indoor environment during smoking activi-
Cigarettes ties of tobacco and electronic cigarettes. The particle emission rates of smokers and vapers, for the different aero-
Electronic cigarettes sol metrics under investigation, were evaluated. Moreover, for a typical exposure scenario, the dose received by
the passive smokers/vapers in a naturally ventilated indoor micro-environment was estimated through a
Multiple-Path Particle Dosimetry (MPPD) model able to assess the particle dose received in the different tracts

⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M. Manigrasso).
0048-9697/© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
138 P. Avino et al. / Science of the Total Environment 642 (2018) 137–147

of the respiratory systems. Furthermore, on the basis of scientific literature data about mass fraction of carcino-
genic compounds contained in cigarette-emitted particles (i.e. Heavy Metals, Benzo-a-pyrene and nitrosamines)
and the estimated doses, the excess life cancer risk (ELCR) for passive smokers/vapers was evaluated. Cumulative
respiratory doses for passive smokers were up to 15-fold higher than for passive vapers. The ELCR for second-
hand smokers was five orders of magnitude larger than for second-hand vapers.
© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 1.2. Second-hand smokers and “vapers”

1.1. Conventional and electronic cigarette emissions A further concern related to the e-cigarette consumption is repre-
sented by their influence on the indoor air quality and the consequent
Tobacco-cigarette smoke has been recognized to increase lung can- effects on passively exposed populations (hereinafter referred as
cer risk by a 5- to 10-fold factor in a dose dependent manner second-hand “vapers”). Great part of the studies addressing this issue
(Schwartz and Cote, 2016). In fact, the International Agency for concludes that harmful compounds are present in the aerosol emitted
Research on Cancer (2004) has identified N70 compounds in tobacco by e-cigs at lower concentrations than for tobacco cigarettes, but
smoke with sufficient evidence for carcinogenicity in either laboratory above background concentrations, so that a health risk may be envis-
animals or humans and sixteen of them have been classified as group aged for the exposed population (Hess et al., 2016). Saffari et al.
1 carcinogenic to humans. Some of these group 1 compounds, such as (2014) performed ambient air sampling in a test room in order to com-
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) are emitted by cigarette com- pare second hand exposure to e-cig aerosol and tobacco cigarette
bustion, others, namely tobacco-specific N-nitrosamines, are mainly smoke. They observed very lower particle-phase emissions from e-cigs
produced during the curing process of tobacco (International Agency than from tobacco cigarette. Black carbon and PAHs abundantly present
for Research on Cancer, 2004). in tobacco smoke were not detected in e-cig aerosols. Emission rates of
Electronic cigarettes (e-cigs) have been commercialized with the organic compounds and of inorganic elements were respectively N100
aim of eliminating the intake of such carcinogenic compounds. E-cigs times and 10 times lower for e-cigs than for tobacco cigarettes, with
are battery-operated devices, where the liquid contained in a vial is va- the exception of Ni and Ag, whose emission rates were higher for e-
porized over an electric heater and the resulting aerosol is inhaled cigs than for tobacco cigarettes. Similar studies and results were carried
through a mouthpiece. Therefore, e-cigs neither involve combustion out by other authors (McAuley et al., 2012; Schober et al., 2014; Schripp
nor use cured tobacco leaves. However, several recently published stud- et al., 2013). Moreover, Ballbè et al. (2014) reported nicotine concentra-
ies have pointed out their health effects and the presence of harmful tions higher in homes with e-cigarettes users than in nonsmoking con-
compounds in their aerosol, even if at lower levels than for tobacco cig- trol homes and nicotine concentration 5.7 times higher in homes with
arettes (Farsalinos et al., 2014; Goniewicz et al., 2014). Kosmider et al. tobacco cigarette smokers than in homes with e-cigarettes users. Uri-
(2014) found that e-cig vapors contain toxic and carcinogenic carbonyl nary and salivary cotinine concentrations were higher than for control
compounds at levels increasing with battery output voltage. Goniewicz homes. However, no statistically significant differences were observed
et al. (2014) reported the presence in e-cig aerosol of carbonyl com- between e-cig and tobacco cigarette exposed individuals, suggesting
pounds, among which formaldehyde, tobacco-specific N-nitrosamines similar nicotine uptake. In agreement with these findings, Flouris et al.
NNN and NNK and metals, such as Pb, Cd and Ni, at levels 9–450 times (2013) reported similar serum cotinine increments for passive exposure
lower than in cigarette smoke, to tobacco cigarette smoke and to e-cig aerosol. Moreover, Flouris et al.
Dosimetry studies on mainstream cigarette (Fuoco et al., 2017; (2012) showed that second hand exposure to e-cig aerosol does not af-
Stabile et al., 2017a) and e-cig aerosols have been carried out also fect complete blood count markers (blood sample collected 1 h after
reporting size segregated data per airway generation (Manigrasso passive smoking sessions). On the contrary, the authors observed in-
et al., 2015a) and as function of the age of the user (hereinafter referred creased white blood cell count, lymphocyte count and granulocyte
as “vaper”; (Manigrasso et al., 2017a)). On average, 6.25 × 1010 particles count in individual exposed to passive tobacco smoke.
are deposited in the human respiratory tree after a single puff of an e-
cigarette. This dose represents about 30% of the daily doses of a non- 1.3. Aims of the work
smoking individual (Buonanno et al., 2011a). Moreover, aerosol doses
are asymmetrically deposited in the lungs: in the right-upper lung Dosimetry studies on second-hand exposure to e-cigs aerosols are
lobe, they are about twice than in left-upper lobe and 20% greater in very sparse. Sosnowski and Kramek-Romanowska (2016) estimated
right-lower lobe than in the left-lower lobe (Manigrasso et al., 2015b). the regional deposition efficiency of secondary e-cig aerosols during
Azzopardi et al. (2016) studied the cytotoxic effect of tobacco ciga- passive vaping, based on the expected growth of the exhaled particles.
rette and e-cig aerosol on human bronchial epithelial cells, reporting Protano et al. (2016) and Protano et al. (2017) measured the temporal
the half-maximum effective concentration (EC50) for 60 min exposure. evolution in a test room of the number size distributions of aerosol
When expressed for deposited mass, e-cig aerosol was significantly emitted by tobacco cigarettes, e-cigs and by the newly released IQOS®
(94%) less cytotoxic than conventional cigarette aerosol (60 min depos- (an electronic heat-not-burn device) estimating the relevant aerosol
ited mass EC50 52.1 vs. 3.1 μg/cm2). However, it should be considered deposition doses. Anyway, to date, no study has been performed neither
that these cell viability data derive from in vitro acute exposure assess- on the distribution per airway generation nor on the size distribution of
ments. To date no data from chronic exposure studies are available. The the aerosol doses deposited in the respiratory tree, due to second hand
urgent need of such data has been pointed out by Ganapathy et al. vaping of e-cigs. Within this context, the purpose of this study is to:
(2017). They showed that e-cig aerosol extracts can cause significant i) measure the emission rate of smokers/vapers during smoking/vaping
levels of DNA damage, even if at levels lower than observed for main- activities, ii) estimate the size segregated and regional resolved aerosol
stream smoke extracts. The authors observed increased cellular Reactive doses deposited in the respiratory systems of individuals exposed to
Oxygen Species (ROS), and decreased total antioxidant capacity. More- second-hand aerosols emitted by e-cigs and tobacco cigarettes, iii) esti-
over, they observed decreased expression of proteins essential for DNA mate the related lung cancer risk of individuals exposed to second-hand
damage repair and pointed out that this could increase cancer risk. aerosols on the basis of carcinogenic compounds in cigarette- and e-
P. Avino et al. / Science of the Total Environment 642 (2018) 137–147 139

cigarette-generated aerosols detected by previous papers (Farsalinos smoked conventional cigarettes as they usually do and were asked to
et al., 2015a; Gillman et al., 2016; Goniewicz et al., 2014; Mikheev vape the electronic cigarettes with a similar vaping behavior, i.e.
et al., 2016; Schober et al., 2014; Talih et al., 2015; Zhao et al., 2016). adopting the same vaping time and number of puffs of the smoking ses-
sion as well as trying to reproduce the same puff length and interpuff
2. Materials and methods time. The volunteers smoked/vaped sitting on a chair at a distance of
about 2 m from the instrumentations in order to allow the dispersion
2.1. Site description of the emitted particles in the room then avoiding a direct exposure of
the experimental apparatus that would have led to an overestimate of
The experimental analysis was performed on April–July 2017 at the the emission rate/factor. The smoking/vaping tests were performed
European Accredited (EA) Laboratory of Industrial Measurements considering 5-min measurements of background concentrations and
(LAMI), University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Italy in a naturally distributions followed by 60-min measurement including the
ventilated 40 m3 room. The ventilation conditions of the room were smoking/vaping session (roughly 5 min), and then further particle con-
held constant during the tests, indeed the doors and windows were centration and distribution decay useful for emission characterization.
kept close. The median air exchange rate (AER) of the test room was The sampling times of CPC and DustTrak were chosen equal to 1-s, but
evaluated on the basis of the CO2 decay curve (He et al., 2004) using a they were post-processed considering 1-min averaging time; for SMPS
non-dispersive infrared analyzer (Testo - Ambient CO2 probe). Such a sampling length of 135 s was adopted.
CO2 decay test was performed under the same ventilation conditions The authors highlight that two different vaping tests were per-
adopted in the smoking/vaping tests, i.e. doors and windows closed. formed per each volunteer in order to evaluate the exposure to both vol-
The median AER measured was equal to 0.21 h−1 which is typical of nat- atile and non-volatile fractions of the e-cigarette-generated particles.
urally ventilated buildings (d'Ambrosio Alfano et al., 2016; d'Ambrosio Indeed, since e-cigarettes emit aerosol mainly in the form of droplets,
Alfano et al., 2012; Stabile et al., 2017b; Stabile et al., 2016). due to the presence of solvents in e-liquids (i.e. propylene glycol and
glycerine), a significant volatile fraction is expected in comparison
2.2. Experimental apparatus with conventional cigarettes (Fuoco et al., 2014; Scungio et al., 2018).
Therefore, particle size number distributions were measured both
In order to measure particle size distributions and total concentra- with and without thermo-dilution. In particular, the tests with the
tions of the different airborne particle metrics in the room where thermo-dilution system were performed by connecting the SMPS and
smoking and vaping sessions were performed, the following instru- the CPC to the thermo-dilution system and thermo-conditioning (i.e.
ments were used: heating) the aerosol at 300 °C (with a dilution ratio of 1:40) to measure
only the non-volatile amount of the particles. More details on the parti-
- a butanol-based Condensation Particle Counter (CPC 3775, TSI Inc.) cle volatility characterization were reported in (Fuoco et al., 2014;
to measure the particle number concentration of particles N4 nm in Scungio et al., 2018).
diameter up to 1 × 107 part·cm−3 with 1-s sampling time; In order to check whether particle concentrations measured during
- a light-scattering laser photometer (DustTrak Aerosol Monitor 8534, vaping session with and without thermo-dilution were statistically sim-
TSI Inc.) to measure particle mass concentrations in terms of PM1, ilar or not, a statistical comparison of the particle concentration data
PM2.5, PM10 with 1-s sampling time; during the two vaping sessions was performed. In particular, a prelimi-
- a Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer spectrometer (SMPS 3936, TSI nary normality test (Shapiro-Wilk test) was carried out to evaluate the
Inc.) to measure the particle number distribution in the sub- statistical distribution of the data. Since the assumption of Gaussian dis-
micrometric particle range. In particular, the SMPS is made up of tribution was not met, a non-parametric test (Kruskal-Wallis test;
an Electrostatic Classifier (EC 3080, TSI Inc.), which classifies parti- (Kruskal and Wallis, 1952)) was adopted considering a significance
cles according to their electrical mobility diameter, (Avino and level of 99% (a p-value lower than 0.01).
Manigrasso, 2017; Manigrasso and Avino, 2012) and a further CPC On the basis of particle and BC concentrations, the emission rates
3775 to count the classified particles, thus providing particle number (ERs) and emission factors (EFs) in terms of particle number, PM10,
size distribution. In the experimental analysis a scan time of 135 s, an and BC content were calculated for each smoking and vaping session.
aerosol flow rate of 0.3 L min−1 and a sheath flow rate of 3 L min−1 Since the measurements were performed in a closed environment, the
were selected, then providing particle number size distributions in overall second-hand smoke, combination of exhaled mainstream
the 14–700 nm mobility diameter range; smoke and sidestream smoke (only for conventional cigarettes), was in-
- an Aethalometer (AE51, Magee Scientific), operating through light's volved in the emission rates and factors: therefore, the tests performed
absorption (attenuation) of optically-absorbing particles technique, allowed to obtain the overall emission of smokers and vapers. In partic-
to measure black carbon (BC) concentration with a time resolution ular, the ER was evaluated on the basis of the particle concentration
of 1 min; trends applying the equation derived by He et al. (2004) and previously
- a thermo-dilution system made up of a Rotating Disk Thermodiluter applied for several indoor sources (Buonanno et al., 2011b; Buonanno
(RDTD model 379020, Matter Engineering AG) and a Thermal Condi- et al., 2009b, 2011c; Fuoco et al., 2014; Stabile et al., 2014):
tioner Air Supply (model 379030, Matter Engineering AG).
C in −C in;0  
ER ¼ V þ AER þ k ∙C in −AER∙C in;0 ð1Þ
2.3. Methodology Δt

2.3.1. Second-hand smoke exposure and evaluation of the emission rates where Cin and Cin,0 represent the peak and initial indoor particle concen-
Second-hand smoke aerosol measurements, useful to calculate the trations, respectively, AER is the air exchange rate (as obtained through
emission rates/factors of smokers and vapers, were performed in the the CO2 decay test), AER þ k is the average total removal rate due to both
abovementioned 40-m3 room using the instrumentation described in particle exfiltration (related to the AER) and particle deposition (evalu-
the Section 2.2. 10 volunteers were involved in the survey: they were ated by means of the particle deposition rate, k), Δt is time difference be-
asked to perform three separated smoking/vaping sessions: smoking a tween initial and peak concentration, C in is the average indoor particle
conventional cigarette with a nicotine concentration equal to 0.8 mg concentration in the room, and V is the volume of the room. In the emis-
and vaping an e-cigarette. In particular, a new (unused) rechargeable sion rate model particle condensation, evaporation and coagulation
e-cig (made up of a tank system) filled with a mint-flavored liquid were considered negligible: in the Results and discussions section, it
with a nicotine concentration of 12 mg mL−1 was used. The volunteers will be shown that such approximation can be considered acceptable
140 P. Avino et al. / Science of the Total Environment 642 (2018) 137–147

for the tests performed. Emission rate data for each test reported in the - total cumulative particle number extra doses as functions of airway
Results and discussions section represent the median values of all the generation number after a given exposure time t
measurements. Emission factors (EFs) of each cigarette/e-cigarette
were then evaluated multiplying the smoker/vaper emission rates by
the corresponding smoking/vaping time. For e-cigarettes, emission X
rate data obtained without thermo-dilution system were discussed in ΔDdev
c−N ðt; GÞ ¼ ΔDdev
Tot−N ðt; GÞ ð3Þ
the results since no statistical differences with those obtained by t¼t0

thermo-diluting the aerosol were recognized.

2.3.2. Dose evaluation - ratio of conventional cigarette total cumulative particle number
Particle size distribution trends were used to estimate the dose re- extra dose to e-cig one, as function of time and airway generation
ceived by second-hand smokers and vapers in a 40-m3 room supplied number
by a natural ventilation system: the authors highlight that the measured
averaged air exchange rate (0.21 h−1) is typical of public and private
buildings not supplied by mechanical ventilation systems (d'Ambrosio
Rcig=e−cig ðt; GÞ ¼ ΔDcig e−cig
c−N ðt; GÞ=ΔDc−N ðt; GÞ ð4Þ
Alfano et al., 2012; Stabile et al., 2016; Stabile et al., 2015).
The overall doses (i.e. including volatile and non-volatile contribu-
tions) of aerosol deposited in the human respiratory tree were esti-
mated by means of the multiple-path particle dosimetry model - particle number extra dose per each particle diameter and airway
(MPPD v2.1, ARA 2009). The MPPD model was extensively described generation number calculated at the particle concentration peak in
in previous papers (Anjilvel and Asgharian, 1995; Asgharian et al., the room (tmax)
2001; Avino et al., 2013; Avino et al., 2015; Avino et al., 2016;
Ingebrethsen et al., 2011; Manigrasso et al., 2015c; Manigrasso et al.,
2017b; Manigrasso et al., 2017c; Sahu et al., 2013). It calculates the de- ΔD max −Ndev ðd; GÞ ¼ V T ∙ΔC N ðd; t max Þ∙F ðd; GÞ ð5Þ
position and the clearance of aerosols, from nanoparticles to coarse par-
ticles, in the respiratory system of humans and rats. It takes into account Particle surface area extra doses were evaluated on the basis of the
the deposition mechanisms of diffusion, sedimentation, impaction, and particle size number distributions (measured for vaping sessions with-
interception within the airway or airway bifurcation. The structure of out aerosol thermo-dilution) assuming that the particles were spherical.
the human airway system is described as a sequence of dichotomous In particular, particle surface area extra doses deposited in the alveolar
branching that starts from the trachea. The progressively bifurcating air- (referred to as δAlv) and tracheobronchial (referred to as δTB) regions
ways are classified by their generation number: the trachea is identified of the lung were calculated as cumulative surface area extra doses de-
as the first generation (Yeh and Schum, 1980). Particle number doses posited in the tracheobronchial (airway generations 1–16) and alveolar
are calculated as function of particle diameter and airway generation (airway generations 17–28) regions, respectively:
number. The 60th percentile stochastic lung morphometry was
adopted, together with the following settings: (i) a uniformly- X

expanding flow; (ii) an upright body orientation; and (iii) nasal breath- δAlv ¼ ΔDdev
c−SAlv ðt; G17−28 Þ ¼ ΔDdev
Tot−SAlv ðt; G17−28 Þ ð6Þ
ing with a 0.5 inspiratory fraction and no pause fraction. A Caucasian
adult male in the sitting-awake condition was considered with the fol-
lowing parameter based on the ICRP report (International Commission δTB ¼ ΔDdev ΔDdev
c−STB ðt; G1−16 Þ ¼ Tot−STB ðt; G1−16 Þ ð7Þ
on Radiological Protection, 1994): (i) a functional residual capacity t¼t0
(FRC) of 3300 mL; (ii) an upper respiratory tract (URT) volume equal
to 50 mL; (iii) a 12-min−1 breathing frequency; and (iv) an air volume The doses calculated through the Eqs. (2)–(7) were reported as me-
inhaled during a single breath (tidal volume, VT) of 0.75 L. dian values in the Results and discussions section. Such doses represent
Particle doses deposited into the human respiratory system the overall surface area doses (i.e. including volatile and non-volatile
were estimated as incremental doses over the relevant background contributions as obtained from the measurements without aerosol
values (i.e. the “extra dose”) calculated using incremental aerosol thermo-conditioning) of particles received by the exposed population.
concentrations over the background concentrations measured be- Moreover, in order to properly evaluate the surface area contribu-
fore the smoking/vaping sessions. The following extra dose values, tion to the lung cancer risk, the e-liquid solvent (i.e. the volatile fraction)
here reported in terms of particle number metrics (N), were presents in the aerosol emitted by vapers should not be considered. To
calculated: this purpose, the non-volatile surface area doses, referred to as δAlv_n-v
and δTB_n-v, were calculated multiplying the overall surface are doses
- total particle number extra doses deposited after a single respiratory
(δAlv and δTB) by the ratio between non-volatile surface area concentra-
act, as functions of airway generation number (G) and time (t)
tion (measured with thermo-dilution at 300 °C) and that measured
without aerosol thermo-conditioning.

ΔDdev 2.3.3. Lung cancer risk evaluation
Tot−N ðt; GÞ ¼ V T ∙ ΔC N ðdi ; t Þ∙F ðdi ; GÞ ð2Þ
1¼1 On the basis of the extra-dose values and the amount of carcinogenic
compounds carried by airborne particles, the excess lung cancer risk
where ΔCN(di,t) is the incremental aerosol number concentration as (ELCR) due to the exposure to second-hand smoke in a 40-m3
function of particle diameter (di) and time, F(di,G) is the particle deposi- naturally-ventilated room was evaluated. In particular the extra-ELCR,
tion fraction as function of particle diameter and airway generation i.e. the risk related to the extra-dose received by people exposed to
number (G), it was obtained by running the MPPD model separately second-hand smoke with respect to those not exposed, was calculated.
for each SMPS size channel (from 14 to 700 nm) considered to be com- The ELCR was evaluated through an ad-hoc model proposed by Sze-To
posed of a monodisperse aerosol. The super script “dev” refers to the cig- et al. (2012) able to take into account the contribution of the different
arette smoked, either electronic cigarette (e-cig) or tobacco cigarette aerosol metrics: sub-micron particles, expressed as particle surface
(cig), 107 is the number of SMPS size channels. area, and super-micron particles, expressed as PM10. Such model was
P. Avino et al. / Science of the Total Environment 642 (2018) 137–147 141

applied in our previous papers to evaluate the overall lung cancer risk of different compounds and no age-dependent effect: therefore, the life-
Italian population (Buonanno et al., 2015; Buonanno et al., 2017), as time risk is just linearly proportional to the amount of particles depos-
well as to estimate the risk at a receptor site of a waste-to-energy ited and their toxicity. Further limitations and assumptions of the risk
plant (Scungio et al., 2016) and that characteristics of active smokers model are hereinafter reported.
and vapers (Scungio et al., 2018; Stabile et al., 2017a). The extra-ELCR The mass fraction of carcinogenic compounds carried by the parti-
lifetime (assumed as 70 years) risk due to the exposure to a single cles emitted by smokers and vapers was evaluated on the basis of scien-
smoking/vaping activity per day was evaluated as: tific literature data reported in an our previous papers (and summarized
in Table 1) where the ELCRs due to direct inhalation of mainstream cig-
SFm   arette and e-cigarette aerosols were calculated (Scungio et al., 2018;
ELCRextra smoking ¼ ∙ c ∙ðδ þ δTB Þ þ δPM10 ð8Þ
BW f Alv Stabile et al., 2017a): i.e. the relative amount of carcinogenic com-
pounds (mi/PM10) carried by particles of second-hand smoke was con-
ELCRextra vaping ¼ ∙ c ∙ðδ þ δTB n−v Þ þ δPM10 ð9Þ sidered equal to that typical of the mainstream aerosol, therefore the
BW f Alv n−v
SFm values characteristics of mainstream aerosols were adopted.
where BW is the average body weight of the population (70 kg), δAlv and In Table 1 SFm of cigarette- and e-cigarette-generated particles and
δTB are the alveolar and tracheobronchial particle surface area dose re- the relative contribution of each compound to such SFm, are also re-
ceived by the exposed people for a single smoking session, δAlv_n-v and ported as obtained by our previous studies evaluating cigarette- and
δTB_n-v are the non-volatile amount of alveolar and tracheobronchial e-cigarette generated lung cancer risk (Scungio et al., 2018; Stabile
particle surface area dose received by the exposed people for a single et al., 2017a). Such data represents the most probable SFm (and relative
vaping session, δPM10 is the PM10 extra doses received by the exposed contribution) values as obtained considering the typical mass fraction of
people for a single smoking/vaping session, SFm is the inhalation slope chemical compounds obtained from scientific literature data for the cig-
factor of the mixture composed by n carcinogenic pollutants on PM10 arette and e-cigarette (with nicotine) investigated. SFm value of conven-
P tional cigarettes (1.31 × 10−3 kg d mg−1, representing the median value
evaluated as ni SFi ∙ PM
, SFi is the inhalation slope factor used to describe
of the data obtained for different brands reported in Stabile et al. (2017a))
the lifetime cancer potency of the i-th pollutant (i.e. the percent increase
resulted much higher than e-cigarette one (1.85 × 10−6 kg d mg−1) and
in the risk of getting cancer associated with exposure to a unit concentra-
larger than those typical of cooking-generated particulate matters (Sze-
tion of a chemical every day for a lifetime, here assumed equal to
To et al., 2012). Particle toxicity data reported in Table 1 clearly highlight
70 years), mi is the mass concentration of the i-th pollutant present on
that the median SFm for conventional cigarettes is mainly due to the
the PM10 mass, cf is the conversion coefficient (6.6 × 10−13 mg nm−2),
tobacco-specific nitrosamines (NNK and NNN), whereas a lower contri-
obtained by Sze-To et al. (2012), representing the equivalent toxicity of
bution is due to BaP and heavy metals (As, Cd, Ni). SFm for e-cigarette-
the particle surface area metric expressed as particle mass. The SFs of
generated particles is mainly due to Cd, As, and NNK. The authors point
the carcinogenic chemicals investigated in the present paper were ob-
out that (i) detailed discussions on the toxicity of particles, (ii) data anal-
tained from the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
ysis, (iii) type of cigarettes/e-cigarettes investigated, (iv) scientific refer-
(2009): in particular, SF values for PAHs (expressed as benzo-a-pyrene,
ences for chemical characterization of the emitter aerosols are reported
BaP), As, Cd, Ni, 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone
in abovementioned previous papers (Scungio et al., 2018; Stabile et al.,
(hereinafter reported as NNK), and N′-nitrosonornicotine (hereinafter
reported as NNN) are equal to 3.9, 15.1, 6.3, 0.91, 22.1, and
1.40 kg day mg−1, respectively.
3. Results and discussions
Once the lifetime ELCRextra was estimated, the extra-ELCR corre-
sponding to a specific exposure scenario (in terms of number of ciga-
3.1. Emission factor of smokers and vapers
rettes and years of exposure) was evaluated as:

Y In Fig. 1, an illustrative example of typical trends measured in the

ELCRextra scenario ¼ ELCRextra ∙N cig ∙ ð10Þ test room during cigarette and e-cigarette smoking experiments is re-
ported. In particular, total particle number (measured without
where Ncig is the number of cigarettes/e-cigarettes which people is pas- thermo-dilution), PM10 and Black Carbon concentration trends are re-
sively exposed to in indoor on daily-basis, and Y is the number of year of ported for one of the volunteers under examination. During cigarette-
exposure. The authors point out that the contribution of the PM10 dose smoking test, all of the three aerosol metrics clearly increased in con-
(δPM10) in Eqs. (8)–(9) was ignored since previous papers showed that centration over the relevant background concentration levels. During
such contribution is negligible (Buonanno et al., 2015; Buonanno et al., e-cigarette-smoking test, no increase in PM10 and BC concentrations
2017; Scungio et al., 2016; Stabile et al., 2017a; Sze-To et al., 2012). with respect to the background was measured, whereas a detectable in-
Moreover, the authors also highlight that the Eqs. (8)–(10) were ob- crease, even if much lower than typical of the conventional cigarettes,
tained by Sze-To et al. (2012) considering no synergic effects of the was observed for particle number concentrations.

Table 1
Typical carcinogenic compound concentrations in mainstream aerosol emitted by conventional and electronic cigarettes and corresponding slope factors of the mixture (SFm) as obtained
by Stabile et al. (2017a) and Scungio et al. (2018).

Concentrations of chemical compounds in the mainstream aerosol PM10


Conventional cigarettes (ng cig−1) 10–14 3–9 40–123 0–0.54 93–136 139–240 4.77–8.51 × 103 mg m−3a
Electronic-cigarettes (ng puff−1) NLOD 0.13 0.64 0.40–1.23 0.06–0.18 0.01–0.22 3.03–8.06 × 106 ng puff−1

Relative contribution of chemical compounds to the SFm SFm (kg d mg−1)


Conventional cigarettes 2% 3% 13% 0% 74% 8% 1.31 × 10−3

Electronic-cigarettes 0% 20% 42% 8% 28% 2% 1.85 × 10−6
PM10 concentration data were converted in mg cig−1 on the basis of the puff volume data and number of puff per cigarette reported in Stabile et al. (2017a).
142 P. Avino et al. / Science of the Total Environment 642 (2018) 137–147

Fig. 1. Example of total particle number, PM10 and Black Carbon (BC) concentrations measured in the test room during cigarette and e-cigarette smoking/vaping experiments.

In Fig. 2 particle size distribution temporal evolutions corresponding not recognized during electronic cigarette vaping tests, whereas high
to the trends reported in Fig. 1 are shown. During cigarette test the in- peaks during cigarette smoking tests were recognized: as an example,
crease of particle number concentration is due to the emission of the peaks of PM10 and BC concentrations up to 1 mg m−3 and 20 μg m−3, re-
smoking activity of particles with a mode of roughly 100 nm. On the spectively, were measured. Tests performed using the thermo-dilution
contrary, electronic cigarette vapers emit particles (measured without systems at 300 °C during e-cigarette vaping sessions, showed a not sig-
thermo-dilution) sized with a mode of about 30 nm. For all the tests, nificant reduction of particle number concentrations, whereas the mode
no noticeable coagulation processes were recognized during the of about 30 nm measured without thermo-dilution shifted down to
decay, since no particle size increase was measured, then showing 24 nm (Scungio et al., 2018), due to the elimination of the volatile ma-
that the dilution process is faster than the coagulation one. The particle terial. As a consequence, a reduction of total surface area concentration
number distribution mode of the second-hand aerosol here reported of about 10% was observed. Therefore, the surface area dose of non-
are coherent with the particle number distribution mode of the main- volatile particles received by second-hand vapers (δAlv_n-v + δTB_n-v) is
stream aerosol (roughly 30 nm) measured by Scungio et al. (2018) equal to 0.9-fold the overall surface dose including both volatile and
when using the same electronic cigarette liquid and model. The authors non-volatile materials (δAlv + δTB).
point out that different electronic cigarette types and/or liquids may re- In Table 2 the median emission rates and emission factors, calcu-
sult in different modes of the mainstream aerosols: they were found to lated on the basis of the concentration trends and smoking/vaping be-
range from 24 to 36 nm (Schober et al., 2014), to N100 nm (Fuoco et al., haviors, are also reported: median particle number emission rates
2014; Ingebrethsen et al., 2012). equal to 4.31 × 1011 and 9.62 × 1010 part·min−1 were measured for
In Table 2 the ranges of peak concentrations measured during ciga- smokers and vapers, respectively. Median smoker emission rate is
rette and e-cigarette (without thermo-dilution) smoking tests were re- higher than or comparable to other typical indoor sources as laser
ported for all the aerosol metrics under investigation. Such data clearly printers (Scungio et al., 2017), 3-D printers (Stabile et al., 2017c), but
confirm the abovementioned information described in the illustrative lower than the other main indoor combustion sources, i.e. cooking ac-
trends of Fig. 1: indeed, higher peaks in terms of number concentrations tivities (Stabile et al., 2014) and incense and candle burning processes
were measured during cigarette smoking tests (even higher than 1 (Stabile et al., 2012). On the contrary, median PM10 and BC emission
× 105 part cm−3) in comparison with electronic cigarette vaping tests rates (roughly 5 mg min−1 and 66 μg min−1) are even higher than
(about 3 × 104 part cm−3). Peak concentrations of PM10 and BC were such other indoor combustion sources (Buonanno et al., 2009b;

Fig. 2. Example of particle number distributions measured in the room during the cigarette (a) and e-cigarette without thermo-conditioning (b) smoking experiments whose total
concentration trends are reported in Fig. 1.
P. Avino et al. / Science of the Total Environment 642 (2018) 137–147 143

Table 2 (including smoking sessions) received by second-hand smokers was

Ranges of peak concentrations, median emission rates and median emission factors in about 10-fold higher than for e-cig: 1.0 × 1010 particles (3.2 × 109 par-
terms of number, PM10 and black carbon measured for smokers and vapers. For vapers
data without thermos-dilution were considered. Emission factors of the e-cigarettes/
ticles and 7.9 × 109 particles deposited in the tracheobronchial and al-
vapers are referred to the typical smoking behavior of a conventional cigarette. veolar regions, respectively). The corresponding median particle
surface area doses deposited in the alveolar and tracheobronchial re-
Cigarettes/smokers e-Cigarettes/vapers
gions resulted equal to 485 and 3.6 mm2 (non-volatile contribution
Peak N_peak 7.29 × 10 –1.26 × 2.36 × 104–3.11 × only) for second-hand smokers and vapers, respectively.
concentrations (part·cm−3) 105 104
In Fig. 5 the ratio of extra doses received by smokers and vapers as
PM10_peak (mg 0.271–0.983 bLOD
m−3) function of the airway generation (Rcig/e−cig(t, G)) is reported. The figure
BC_peak (μg m−3) 3.53–21.1 bLOD clearly highlights that the highest Rcig/e−cig(t, G) values (about 15) were
Emission rates ER_N 4.31 × 1011 9.62 × 1010 found at the 2nd and 27th airway generations.
(part·min−1) In Fig. 6 the particle number extra dose for each particle diameter and
ER_PM10 (mg 4.92 Negligible
airway generation number calculated at the particle concentration peak
ER_BC (μg min−1) 66.2 Negligible in the test room, (ΔDcig e−cig
max−N(d, G), and ΔDmax−N(d, G)) are shown for
Emission factors EF_N (part·cig−1) 2.80 × 1012 5.51 × 1011 smokers and vapers. The maximum doses were estimated at the 22nd
EF_PM10 (mg 32.0 Negligible airway generation for 82 nm particles (ΔDcig 4
max−N(82,22)=6.6 × 10 par-
ticles) for passive smokers and at the 21st airway generation for 29 nm
EF_BC (μg cig−1) 430 Negligible e−cig
particles (ΔDmax−N (29, 21) = 1.2 × 104 particles) for passive vapers.

Stabile et al., 2012). In Table 2 emission factors are also summarized, for 3.3. Extra-ELCR
each cigarette the smokers emit (as median value) 2.80 × 1012 particles,
32.0 mg of PM10, 430 μg of BC, whereas for each e-cigarette, the vapers Based on the median particle extra-dose values received for each
emit 5.51 × 1011 particles and negligible PM10 and BC amounts. The au- smoking/vaping activity and the corresponding particle toxicity (SFm
thors, once again, point out that the emission factors of the e-cigarettes values, see Section 2.3.3), the median extra-risk for passive smokers/
are referred to the typical smoking behavior of a conventional cigarette vapers in a naturally ventilated 40-m3 room was evaluated. The risk
(i.e. roughly 5 min). due to the exposure to a single daily smoking/vaping session for an entire
year (365 days per year) resulted equal to 8.56 × 10−5 and 8.97 × 10−10
3.2. Aerosol deposition extra-doses in the respiratory system for exposure to smoking and vaping activities, respectively. The extra-
risk due to the exposure to electronic cigarette second hand smoke is sig-
In Fig. 3 the total particle number extra doses ΔDe−cig
Tot−N(t, G) and nificantly lower than the cigarette one (five order of magnitude), this is
Tot−N(t, G) for e-cigarettes (corresponding to the measurements due to both the lower toxicity of the particles emitted (median SFm
without thermo-dilution) and tobacco-cigarettes, respectively, are values three order of magnitude lower than cigarette ones) and the
reported. Maximum median extra doses for e-cigarettes were lower indoor concentrations during vaping activities resulting in surface
reached at the 21st airway generation (3.4 × 105 particles) and area doses two order of magnitude lower than the cigarette-related ones.
about 52 min were necessary for ΔDe−cigTot−N(t, G) to decay to the back- In particular, the exposure to a single daily smoking session for an entire
ground value. Maximum median total extra doses (ΔDcig Tot−N ) were year is greater than the maximum tolerable risk defined by the US EPA
reached at the 21st airway also for the tobacco-cigarette (2.3 × 106 (10−5, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1991). In order to compare
particles), even if, after about 52 min, the extra dose ΔDcig Tot_N was the extra-risk due to the second-hand smoke with different exposure
still larger than 50% of the maximum value. patterns, in terms of years of exposure and number of cigarettes/e-
Fig. 4 shows the total median cumulative extra dose ΔDcig c−N(t, G) cigarettes, in Fig. 7 the ELCR received by people exposed to cigarette
and ΔD e−cig
c−N (t, G) for e-cigarettes and tobacco-cigarettes, respec- and e-cigarette aerosols in naturally ventilated buildings as function of
tively. The total median extra dose due to 1-h exposure (including exposure scenario (i.e. years of exposure and number of cigarettes/e-
vaping sessions) was about 1.1 × 109 particles with 3.3 × 108 parti- cigarettes, ELCRextra-scenario) is reported. Indeed, quantifying the actual
cles and 8.1 × 108 particles deposited in the tracheobronchial (air- exposure to second-hand smoke is not a trivial aspect since, differently
way generations 1–16) and alveolar (airway generations 17–28) from active smokers, no statistics are available. To this purpose in Fig. 7
regions, respectively. The median extra dose due to 1-h exposure a parametric evaluation of the extra-risk was provided. For example, an

a) b)

Fig. 3. Temporal trend of total particle number extra doses (ΔDdev

Tot−N(t,G), dev = cig, e-cig) deposited into the respiratory tree, estimated for each single respiratory act, as functions of
airway generation number (G) and time (t), over 1 h time exposure, including 5 min smoking/vaping sessions and post-smoking/vaping exposures: a) ΔDTot−N (t, G) for tobacco
cigarette, b) ΔDe−cig
Tot−N(t,G)) for e-cig.
144 P. Avino et al. / Science of the Total Environment 642 (2018) 137–147

Fig. 4. Total cumulative particle number extra doses deposited into the respiratory tree (ΔDdev
c−N(t,G) dev = cig, e-cig), estimated for each single respiratory act, as functions of airway
generation number (G), after a given exposure time (t), over 1 h time exposure, including 5 min smoking/vaping sessions and post-smoking/vaping exposures. a) ΔDcig c−N(t, G) for
tobacco cigarette, b) ΔDc−N (t,G) for e-cig.

exposure of 20 years to about 10 cigarettes/e-cigarettes per day (roughly consolidated particle mass balance equations as applied by Scungio
the smoking period and number of cigarettes considered for the typical et al. (2017).
Italian smoking population in our previous studies, (Scungio et al.,
2018; Stabile et al., 2017a)) resulted in an overall risk of roughly 2
× 10−2 and 2 × 10−7 for exposure to smoking and vaping activity, re- 3.4. Limitations of the study
spectively. The corresponding risk values for smokers and vapers were
evaluated equal to 2–5 × 10−1 and 5–6 × 10−4 (Scungio et al., 2018; The authors highlight that in the present study different tasks re-
Stabile et al., 2017a). The authors point out that such different risk be- lated to the cigarette and e-cigarette particle emission were analyzed:
tween active and passive smokers/vapers is due to the different doses a) characterization of the particle and black carbon emission of vapers
they receive since the same toxicity of the particles was assumed. Due and smokers (emission factors/rates), b) estimate of the dose and lung
to the smaller dose received by passive vapers, as reported in Fig. 7, cancer risk received by passive smokers/vapers for a certain exposure
whatever the exposure scenario the ELCR is lower than the 10−5. scenario. Both the tasks were performed on the basis of the measure-
The authors point out that the evaluation of the dose and of the lung ment of different aerosol metrics in a 40-m3 naturally ventilated room
cancer risk of second-hand smokers and vapers was here proposed for a where smoking and vaping activities were performed.
certain exposure scenario (naturally ventilated rooms of 40 m3) which Emission factors/rates were commonly obtained adopting a particle
could be considered roughly similar to the actual exposure scenario in mass balance equation: thus, the uncertainty of the emission rate/factor
Italy. Nonetheless, different exposure scenarios could be easily tested data is due to both the uncertainty of the instruments (assessed in our
on the basis of the emission rate/factor data here presented and previous studies (Buonanno et al., 2009a, 2010)) and the uncertainty
of the model itself. Indeed, the mass balance equation here applied
(Section 2.3.1) is based on simplified hypotheses, such as negligible par-
ticle condensation, evaporation and coagulation, and on average values
of particle concentration decay (dilution and deposition) whose contri-
bution to the uncertainty budget is not easily quantifiable and should be
addressed in future researchers.
The estimate of the dose received by passive smokers and vapers is
based on the dosimetry model MPPD (described in the Section 2.3.2)
which is intended to describe the deposition in each generation of the
respiratory system. The authors highlight that the estimated dose
value strongly depends on the smoking/vaping behaviors: in the pres-
ent paper similar smoking and vaping behaviors were adopted. This is
a source of uncertainty in the dose evaluation since the use of electronic
cigarettes should contribute to new vaping behaviors. Nonetheless, it
represents the only approach currently suitable to compare cigarette
and e-cigarette effect. Moreover, the uncertainty of the dose values is
also strongly influenced by the MPPD model assumptions (Asgharian
et al., 2014) and an exhaustive uncertainty budget is currently missing
in the scientific literature.
Consequently, the lung cancer risk assessment is also influenced by
Fig. 5. Ratio of conventional cigarette total cumulative particle number extra dose to the e- the dose estimate, indeed the ELCR depends on the dose received by
cig one (Rcig/e−cig(t,G)), as function of time (t) and airway generation number (G), over 1 h the exposed population and the toxicity of the inhaled particles. The
time exposure, including 5 min smoking/vaping sessions and post-smoking/vaping
exposures (the surface represents the ratio of the two surfaces of Fig. 4a and b). Ratio of
toxicity contribution to the uncertainty budget is mainly related to the
extra doses received by smokers and vapers (Rcig/e−cig(t, G)), as function of time (t) and carcinogenic compound concentrations: this is a key aspect since the lit-
airway generation number (G). erature is characterized by inconsistent and contradictory data and a
P. Avino et al. / Science of the Total Environment 642 (2018) 137–147 145

Fig. 6. Particle number extra dose per each particle diameter and airway generation number calculated on the particle concentration peak in the test room, a) ΔDcig
max−N(d,G) for tobacco
cigarette, b) ΔDe−cig
max−N(d,G) for e-cig.

harmonized measurement methodology is still missing (Allen et al., the basis of their measurements, the order of magnitude of the risk.
2016; Jensen et al., 2015). Moreover, most of the data are related to Moreover, even if the unknown uncertainty could undermine the esti-
mainstream aerosols, therefore a proper evaluation of the mass fraction mated absolute ELCR value, the model allows to compare different ex-
of carcinogenic compounds on particle mass concentration for second- posure scenarios providing good estimates of the relative differences
hand aerosols can be hardly provided. To this end, in the present among them.
study, the carcinogenic compound concentrations of the aerosol emit-
ted by the smokers/vapers were considered similar to that of the main- 4. Conclusion
stream aerosol: this assumption represents a main limitation of the
study which should be deepened in future studies. A further limitation This study analyzed the aerosol emissions of smoker and vaper
in the ELCR estimate is due to representativeness of the heavy metal volunteers in a naturally-ventilated 40-m3 test room. Based on it,
concentrations considered in the study: indeed, the metal emissions the particle dose deposited in the respiratory tree of passively ex-
are highly dependent on the type of atomizer used (Farsalinos et al., posed individuals was calculated by MPPD model and utilized to es-
2015b), therefore a larger number of data should be considered to timate the lung cancer risks of second-hand smokers. Particle
take into account the different atomizer materials typically used. number concentrations and size distributions, PM10 and Black Car-
Finally, besides the abovementioned uncertainty source due to the bon were measured and the relevant emission rates were calculated.
data used in the calculation, the limits/uncertainties of the model itself The median emission rates of smokers and vapers in terms of particle
should be considered. As an example, the model is not able to take number were 4.3 × 1011 part·min−1 (2.80 × 1012 part·cig−1) and
into account non-linear effects of the age, previous smoking/vaping his- 9.62 × 1010 part·min−1 (5.51 × 1011 part·cig−1), respectively. Signifi-
tory of the exposed persons, possible synergic effects due to exposures cant PM10 (4.92 mg min−1; 32.0 mg cig−1) and BC (66.2 μg min−1;
to other chemicals, effect of preexisting pathologies, or the particle as- 430 μg cig−1) emissions were estimated for tobacco cigarette smokers,
sumption rate. Nonetheless, despite such limitations, the ELCR model whereas the relevant vaper emissions were negligible. After 1 h expo-
here used is the most suitable model currently available as it is easily ac- sure time, the extra doses received by second-hand smokers and vapers
cessible also by engineers and air quality experts who can provide, on in terms of particle number/surface area in the lung (sum of alveolar

Fig. 7. ELCR received by people exposed to cigarette and e-cigarette aerosols in naturally ventilated buildings as function of exposure scenario, i.e. years of exposure and number of
146 P. Avino et al. / Science of the Total Environment 642 (2018) 137–147

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