English and Social Studies Department Name: - Grade: Six Date: - Grammar Revision

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Anwar Al-Majd International School

Boys – Girls

English and Social Studies

Name: ________________ Grade: six
Grammar Revision

1. Circle the action verbs, then write it on the right

a) Holly works in the bakery.

b) The girls made cards for their grandparents.
c) My family went to Jeddah on vacation.
d) Sami listens to his favorite song.
e) Omar reads The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
f) Lean laughed at the video.
g) The dog barked excitedly.
h) Please close the drawer.

2. Circle the action verb and write the direct object in the space provided
a) Suzy is bouncing the ball.
b) Tracy cried when she received the award.
c) Dana edited the story.
d) I took her with me to the store. 
e) Mom drove my brother and me to the movies.
f) Will you buy me a new computer?
g) The student sat in his desk.
h) My brother picked up his backpack.
3. Underline the direct object. Circle the indirect object.

a) She gave them cookies to celebrate their birthdays.

b) The chef hosted a dinner for the family.
c) We fed the baby some cereal after his nap
d) The doctor gave the patient the bill for his services.
e) Bob sold us his car last week.
f) The construction worker built us a bridge.
g) Sylvie sent you the letter about the party.
h) The policeman gave my dad a ticket for going too fast.

4. Identify each underlined object as direct or indirect in each sentence

a) The teacher gave Emily an A on her exam.
b) John passed Tim the book
c) My brother bought me a bike
d) James brings his wife flowers every day.
e) Yousef wanted to buy his sister a storybook.
f) Nobody asked me this question before.
g) John told Peter a story
h) She gave her mother the phone. 

6. Write if the sentence is in the past, present or future

a) One day, I will live near a lake.

b) I will show you my project.
c) Our teacher reads a story every day
d) Yesterday, we walked to school.
e) He is painting a wall.
f) Natalie will eat her dessert after dinner.
g) Emma finished her sheet before me.
h) Most children like the new park.
7. Read the following sentences and choose the correct verb

a) Sally (run, runs) to the park every day.

b) The dogs (bark, barks) at strangers.
c) Ted and Mary (is, are) going to the movies.
d) The game (was, were) exciting.
e) My friends (worry, worries) too much.
f) My friends (worry, worries) too much.
g) Olivia (study, studies) every night.
h) I (brush/brushes) my teeth twice a day.

8. Underline the verb phrase in each sentence.

a) Sarah will wait for the taxi at the corner.

b) Ahmad always wants to play tennis.
c) I am becoming very tired of Chinese food.
d) Jasmine has received a coupon for a free pizza.
e) James had to run in order to catch his bus.
f) You can buy lunch with that money.
g) The three children are playing in the park.
h) Mrs. Foster is going to take all of us to the theater.

9. Underline the main verbs and circle the helping verbs

a) Mandy was singing for an hour.
b) Sami has eaten the chicken already.
c) We should not waste our time watching TV.
d) Sam and Dave will prepare a PowerPoint presentation for the class.
e) My sister has promised to come with us to the concert.
f) My car was stolen by a couple of kids
g) I can help you tonight in your school project
h) I have finished the quiz, and now I am going home.

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