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Journal of Hazardous Materials 260 (2013) 993–1000

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Pretreatment of 2,4-dinitroanisole (DNAN) producing wastewater

using a combined zero-valent iron (ZVI) reduction and Fenton
oxidation process
Jinyou Shen a,1 , Changjin Ou a,1 , Zongyuan Zhou a , Jun Chen b , Kexiong Fang b , Xiuyun Sun a ,
Jiansheng Li a , Lin Zhou c , Lianjun Wang a,∗
Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Chemical Pollution Control and Resources Reuse, School of Environmental and Biological Engineering, Nanjing University of
Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, Jiangsu Province, China
Hubei Dongfang Chemical Co. Ltd., Hubei 441404, China
School of Mechatronical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China

h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t

• ZVI-Fenton process was conducted

for DNAN producing wastewater pre-
• Transformation of nitro to amino
group by ZVI overcomes the oxidative
• Subsequent Fenton process is effi-
cient for the removal of aromatic
• ABR-MBBR process is efficient for the
polishing of ZVI-Fenton effluent.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A combined zero-valent iron (ZVI) reduction and Fenton oxidation process was tested for the pretreat-
Received 25 December 2012 ment of 2,4-dinitroanisole (DNAN) producing wastewater. Operating conditions were optimized and
Received in revised form 2 July 2013 overall performance of the combined process was evaluated. For ZVI process, almost complete reduc-
Accepted 3 July 2013
tion of nitroaromatic compounds was observed at empty bed contact time (EBCT) of 8 h. For Fenton
Available online 10 July 2013
process, the optimal pH, H2 O2 to Fe(II) molar ratio, H2 O2 dosage and hydraulic retention time (HRT)
were found to be 3.0, 15, 0.216 mol/L and 5 h, respectively. After pretreatment by the combined ZVI-
Fenton process under the optimal conditions, aromatic organic compound removal was as high as 77.2%,
2,4-Dinitroanisole (DNAN)
Zero-valent iron (ZVI)
while the majority of COD remained to be further treated by sequent biological process. The combined
Fenton process anaerobic-aerobic process consisted of an anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) and a moving-bed biofilm
Reduction reactor (MBBR) was operated for 3 months, fed with ZVI-Fenton effluent. The results revealed that the
Oxidation coupled ZVI-Fenton-ABR-MBBR system was significantly efficient in terms of correcting the effluent’s
main parameters of relevance, mainly aromatic compounds concentration, COD concentration, color and
acute toxicity. These results indicate that the combined ZVI-Fenton process offers bright prospects for
the pretreatment of wastewater containing nitroaromatic compounds.
© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

2,4-Dinitroanisole (DNAN) is an important industrial chemical

∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 258 431 5941; fax: +86 258 431 5941.
used extensively in the manufacture of explosives, dye intermedi-
E-mail addresses: (J. Shen),
ates and pesticides. Currently, it is being considered to replace TNT (L. Wang).
Both these authors contributed to the paper equally. (2,4,6-trinitrotoluene) in the production of munitions because of its

0304-3894/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
994 J. Shen et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 260 (2013) 993–1000

insensitive properties [1]. The environmental risk associated with Table 1

Characteristics of DNAN producing industry wastewater.
the use of DNAN at large scale is still unclear, however, it is believed
to be metabolized to 2,4-dinitrophenol (2,4-DNP) in the body, a Parameter Value
chemical with high acute and chronic toxicity [2]. DNAN is usu- pH 7.2
ally produced using 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB), methanol COD (mg/L) 34000 ± 985
and sodium hydroxide as raw materials. In addition to DNAN, raw TOC (mg/L) 7151 ± 329
materials such as DNCB and methanol, byproducts such as DNP, are DNAN (mg/L) 123.1 ± 3.8
DNCB (mg/L) 249.3 ± 6.9
also the major constituents of DNAN producing wastewater. DNAN
DNP (mg/L) 110.4 ± 4.2
producing wastewater is always characterized by intense color, Salinity (%) 3.3
high toxicity, concentrated substrate and salt (usually exceeding Color (times) 700–1000
3 wt.%), poor decolorization. For the treatment of industrial efflu- EC50, 48 h (v/v) (%) 0.67
ent, biological treatment, which is environmental friendly and cost
effective, has turned out to be a favorable alternative. However, due
to the presence of nitro-aromatic compounds in DNAN producing product para-chloroaniline was more susceptible to oxidation by
wastewater, conventional biological processes do not provide sat- Fenton agent than para-chloronitrobenzene itself. A continual sys-
isfactory results. Some refractory organics still exist in the effluent, tem consisting of ZVI and Fenton reaction was also proposed by
resulting into intense color. Barreto-Rodrigues et al. [8] for the treatment of TNT industrial
Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) are interesting treatment wastewater. It was suggested that the sequential treatment using
options for recalcitrant organic compounds removal from waste- ZVI reduction followed by Fenton oxidation is a promising method
water, because of their great potential to oxidize, partially or totally, for nitroaromatic compounds degradation.
numerous recalcitrant organic compounds [3]. One of the most In this paper, the combination of reductive stage (ZVI) with
effective AOPs consists of the utilization of Fenton’s reagent, a oxidative process (Fenton) was investigated for pretreatment of
combination of H2 O2 and Fe2+ . In this process, H2 O2 decomposes DNAN producing wastewater. The main advantage of the combined
catalytically by means of Fe2+ at acid pH, giving rise to hydroxyl processes seemed to be associated with the primary conversion
radicals of nitroaromatic compounds in DNAN producing wastewater into
chemical species with a greater susceptibility to oxidative degra-
Fe2+ + H2 O2 −→ Fe3+ + HO• + OH− dation, consecutively promoted for the Fenton reaction. In order
to provide useful information to help design and plan full-scale
The application of Fenton’s reagent as an oxidant for wastewater technology implementation, bench-scale or pilot-scale treatability
treatment is attractive. However, due to the pronounced electron- studies aiming at real wastewater were necessary [17]. However,
withdrawing character of the nitro group and chloro group, the no report has ever been published regarding treatment of real
major constituents of DNAN producing wastewater, such as DNCB, DNAN producing wastewater. Thus, the objectives of this work
DNAN, DNP, harbor a highly electron deficient ␲-electron system were (1) to assess the feasibility of combined ZVI-Fenton process for
[4]. Electrophilic attack, which is usually the first step in oxida- the pretreatment of DNAN producing wastewater, (2) to optimize
tion or aerobic biodegradation, becomes more difficult [5]. What is the operating conditions of ZVI reduction and Fenton oxidation
more, with increasing numbers of nitro and chloro groups, aromatic process, and (3) to identify intermediate products of the coupled
compounds become more resistant to mineralize through oxidative process and to ascertain the degradation pathway.
pathways but are subject to initial reductive transformation [6,7].
In efforts to develop an effective wastewater treatment sys-
2. Materials and methods
tem for chlorinated or nitroaromatic compounds, studies have
examined biological or chemical processes to reductively trans-
2.1. Materials
form the nitro functional groups or dechlorinate the compounds
to overcome the hindrance to oxidation [8]. Among the reductive
DNAN, DNCB and DNP were gift from Hubei Dongfang Chemical
transformation processes, anaerobic reduction and zero-valent iron
Co. Ltd. in Hubei Province, China. Ferrous sulphate (FeSO4 ·7H2 O)
reduction have turned out to be promising. However, anaerobic
(Lianxing Chemicals, China), hydrogen peroxide (Huanghai Chem-
reduction process is usually very slow [4,9], requiring an electron
icals, China, 30%) was used as received. All other chemicals were of
donor (organic cosubstrate) to create the necessary reductive con-
the highest purity available and were purchased from Sinopharm
ditions [10–12].
Chemical Reagent Co. Ltd. (Shanghai, China). Iron scrap, especially
Zero-valent iron (ZVI), as an inexpensive, reliable and moder-
turnings or shavings of 30CrMoSi steel was used in this study.
ately strong reducing agent, has been widely used to treat many
The iron shavings contained iron (>95%), carbon (0.30–0.35%), sil-
kinds of environmental contaminants, such as halogenated organic
ica (0.2–0.35%), chromium (1.40–1.70%), manganese (0.40–0.60%),
compounds, azo dyes, and nitroaromatics [4,13–16]. For the reduc-
Molybdenum (0.15–0.25%), aluminum (0.60–0.78%), and a few
tive transformation of these environmental contaminants, the ZVI
other trace elements.
process offers bright prospects, due to a number of advantages,
such as small footprint and excellent performance at much higher
loading rates than conventional anaerobic reductive processes. In 2.2. Characteristics of DNAN producing wastewater
addition, the ZVI process is also very stable, with no specialized pH
and/or temperature requirements and no need for any nutrient and During the experiment, raw wastewater taken from Hubei
alkalinity amendment [16]. However, a second treatment process, Dongfang Chemical Co. Ltd. was used. Details of DNAN produc-
such as oxidation/aerobic biodegradation, is necessary to further ing wastewater were included in Table 1. This wastewater was
degrade or mineralize the reduction products from ZVI effluent. characterized by its extremely high value of COD and salinity. The
In recent years, attention has been focused on studies using toxic compounds included DNAN, DNCB, and DNP. In addition, high
the combined ZVI and Fenton process for the treatment of concentration of methanol was the major constituents of DNAN
nitroaromatic compounds. Le et al. [12] described the effec- producing wastewater. EC50, 48 h (v/v) was as low as 0.67%, indicat-
tive degradation of para-chloronitrobenzene through a sequential ing the high toxic characteristic of DNAN producing wastewater.
treatment using ZVI reduction and Fenton oxidation. The reductive It was probably due to the presence of highly toxic compounds,
J. Shen et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 260 (2013) 993–1000 995

such as DNCB, DNAN and DNP, which hamper a direct biological The ZVI bed was a plug flow reactor with an empty bed volume
treatment. of 80 L, filled with 50 kg of iron shavings. 0.2 wt.% of copper was
applied to the iron surface by reductive precipitation. In order to
2.3. Experiment equipment and experimental procedure increase the flow velocity and improve the wastewater distribution
within the reactor, effluent was recirculated through a peristaltic
Before the combined process of ZVI reduction and Fenton oxida- pump with effluent recirculation ratio of 100%. For the purpose of
tion in our study could be operated, it was necessary to investigate ZVI bed washing, the patching was loosened by means of water and
the effectiveness of ZVI in DNAN producing wastewater pretreat- air in cross-current flow.
ment. DNAN, DNCB, DNP, TOC, COD concentrations, and EC50, 48 h The effluent of the ZVI bed was further treated in a column
(%, v/v) of the influent and effluent were monitored at empty shaped Fenton reactor. Solutions of H2 O2 and FeSO4 ·7H2 O were
bed contact time (EBCT) of 2–8 h. To improve the performance of pumped into the Fenton reactor using peristaltic pumps and the
the iron shavings, 0.2 wt.% of copper was applied to the iron sur- solution was mixed in the reactor using a mechanical stirrer.
face by reductive precipitation to form the so-called bimetallic ZVI The pH of the reaction mixture was controlled using H2 SO4 and
structures [16]. For the reduction of nitroaromatic compounds, the NaOH solution (0.1 mol/L). The effluent of Fenton reactor entered
Cu-doped iron shavings show good reactivity over a wide solu- a coagulation-sedimentation tank by gravity. 1 mol/L of Na2 CO3
tion pH [16]. Excellent reduction performance of DNCB at neutral was received in the coagulation-sedimentation tank, reaching the
pH condition by Cu-doped iron shavings was also observed in pH band of 7.5–8.0, for precipitation of Fe(II) and Fe(III) ions and
our previous study [18]. In order to simplify the operation, DNAN co-precipitation of by-product produced by the Fenton reaction.
producing wastewater entered ZVI system at natural pH, without 10 mg/L of Polyacrylamide (PAM) was added to improve settling
acidification. characteristics. The sludge was separated through sedimentation
The optimization of Fenton oxidation process was emphasized tank, with the supernatant followed for biotreatment.
in this study. Operation parameters, such as pH, H2 O2 to Fe(II) The biotreatment processes were designed in two parts: an
molar ratio, dosage of H2 O2 , and HRT were optimized. During pH anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) and an aerobic moving-bed biofilm
optimization, both H2 O2 and Fe(II) ions doses were kept constant reactor (MBBR). The ABR was a rectangular box with eight equal
(FeSO4 ·7H2 O 0.014 mol/L, H2 O2 0.216 mol/L), with pH varied in compartments by vertical baffles with 45◦ slanted edges. Poly-
range of 0.5–4.5 and HRT of 6 h. The H2 O2 to Fe(II) molar ratio hedral hollow ball fillers with 25 mm diameter were added into
optimization studies were carried out at HRT of 6 h, keeping the the MBBR as medium for biofilm development, occupying 50% of
FeSO4 ·7H2 O dosage constant at 0.014 mol/L, with the input H2 O2 to the reactor volume. In order to avoid nutrient limitations, NH4 Cl
Fe(II) molar ratio varied from 7.5:1 to 20:1. Doses of H2 O2 were var- and Na2 HPO4 ·12H2 O, were added into the influent of ABR to give
ied from 0.086 to 0.432 mol/L, under optimum H2 O2 to Fe(II) molar COD:N:P of 100:5:1. CaCl2 and MgSO4 were also added as nutrient.
ratio condition and HRT of 6 h. During HRT optimization, optimum Effluent of the ABR entered the MBBR through a gravity drain. Efflu-
H2 O2 and Fe(II) ions dosages were adopted and HRT was varied in ent of ABR was recirculated to the influent of ABR with recirculation
range of 2–7 h. The effluents of Fenton process were all analyzed ratio of 200%. Both ABR and MBBR were initially inoculated with
after coagulation process. sludge taken from a secondary sedimentation tank of a municipal
After optimization of ZVI-Fenton process, a bench-scale experi- wastewater treatment plant.
ment was utilized to investigate the performance of the combined
ZVI-Fenton process (Fig. 1). The setup consisted of a reservoir, 2.4. Analytical methods
a zero-valent iron (ZVI) reactor, a Fenton reactor, a coagulation-
sedimentation tank, an anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR), and an Before analysis, water samples were passed through a 0.22 ␮m
aerobic moving-bed biofilm reactor (MBBR). The flow rate was filter. COD, TOC, acute toxicity were determined according to our
10 L/h, with approximately 8 h HRT for the ZVI reactor, 5 h for Fen- previous study [18]. Before COD analysis, samples were heated
ton reactor, 7 h for coagulation-sedimentation tank, 5 d for ABR on the water bath at 80 ◦ C for 40 min to eliminate the residual
reactor and 3 d for MBBR reactor. The operation temperature during H2 O2 . DNAN, DNCB, DNP, and their degradation products in the
the test period varied between 25 and 32 ◦ C. supernatant were identified and quantified by HPLC (Waters 2996,

Fig. 1. Experiment installation: (1) reservoir; (2) zero-valent iron (ZVI) bed; (3) Fenton reactor; (4) coagulation-sedimentation tank; (5) anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR); (6)
moving-bed biofilm reactor (MBBR); (7) peristaltic pump; (8) air pump.
996 J. Shen et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 260 (2013) 993–1000

Fig. 3. Effect of pH on COD and TOC reduction during Fenton oxidation.

Fig. 2. Identification of intermediates in effluent of ZVI and Fenton by HPLC.

polymerization of 2,4-diaminoanisole occurred upon exposure to

Waters Incorporation, USA) through authentic standard and UV–vis oxygen. 2,4-Diaminoanisole could be removed through polymer-
light analysis. The HPLC analysis was conducted at room tempera- ization and subsequent capture in the floc. 2,4-Diaminophenol
ture using a Waters RP18 column (5 ␮m, 4.6 mm × 250 mm) and a could not be observed in the effluent of ZVI from HPLC as
UV–vis detector. The mobile phase was a mixture of 45% methanol well. Although no evidence could be found to link this phe-
and 55% water pumped at a flow rate of 1.00 mL/min. The analysis nomenon to polymerization of 2,4-diaminophenol, polymerization
was performed at 254 nm, with column temperature at 35 ◦ C. Aro- of amines with similar structure has been seen by other researchers.
matic compounds in the wastewater were evaluated by UV254 [19]. Yang et al. [21] showed that diaminotoluene in aerobic sedi-
Color was analyzed by dilution ratio method, according to China ment could form dimers and trimers. Another study showed a
NEPA standard methods (GB/T 11903-89). non-electroactive polymeric material was formed on the elec-
trode surface when 2,3-diaminophenol was exposed to platinum
3. Results and discussion electrodes [22]. Electrochemical copolymerization of aniline with
2,4-diaminophenol was also observed by Mu et al. [23]. So,
3.1. Characterization of ZVI reduction process polymerization of 2,4-diaminophenol might be the main reason
for the absence of 2,4-diaminophenol in HPLC. However, 2,4-
As shown in Table 2 and Fig. 2, in the effluent of the diaminochlorobenzene (DACB) was very stable in the effluent of
ZVI bed (EBCT = 8 h), both DNAN and DNCB were almost com- ZVI process, which was confirmed in our previous study [18].
pletely removed, with removal efficiency of 99.8% and 99.9%, Thus, to ensure high removal efficiency of DNCB, DNAN and DNP,
respectively. Only low concentration of DNP (2.3 ± 1.5 mg/L) was EBCT of 8 h was adopted for ZVI process.
found in the effluent of ZVI, with removal efficiency of 97.9%.
According to our previous study, DNCB could be reduced to 2,4- 3.2. Characterization and optimization of Fenton oxidation
diaminochlorobenzene (DACB) completely by iron shavings [18]. process
Complete reduction of DNAN to 2,4-diaminoanisole (DAAN) in abi-
otic iron reduction study was also observed by Ahn et al. [20]. The 3.2.1. Effect of pH
removal efficiency of DNP was not as high as DNAN and DNCB in An essential characteristic of the Fenton process is that pH in
the ZVI bed, probably due to the electron donating character of the acidic range. pH affects the activity of both the oxidant and the
the hydroxy group, which resulted into a less electron deficient ␲- substrate, the speciation of iron, and hydrogen peroxide decompo-
electron system on DNP. Thus, the competition of DNP for electron sition [24]. Fig. 3 showed the effect of pH on COD and TOC removal
donors was weakened. efficiencies. It was apparent from Fig. 3 that COD removal increased
It can be inferred that, in ZVI reduction process, DNAN, with pH increase, and maximum COD removal was observed at pH
DNCB and DNP could be reduced to 2,4-diaminoanisole (DAAN), of 3, after which the COD removal decreased. The effect of pH on
2,4-diaminochlorobenzene (DACB) and 2,4-diaminophenol (DAP), TOC removal efficiency was also obtained and it was observed to
respectively. However, as was indicated by the results of HPLC be similar to COD removal. In addition, TOC removal efficiency was
of ZVI effluent (Fig. 2b), among the three reductive products, a little lower than COD removal efficiency under the same operat-
only DACB was observed. As Platten III et al. [1] suggested, ing conditions. The reduction in COD and TOC removal efficiency

Table 2
Performance of ZVI-Fenton-ABR-MBBR process under optimal conditions.

COD (mg/L) TOC (mg/L) DNAN (mg/L) DNCB (mg/L) DNP (mg/L) EC50, 48 h (v/v) Color (times) UV254 a

Influent 34,000 ± 985 7151 ± 329 123.1 ± 3.8 249.3 ± 6.9 110.4 ± 4.2 0.67% 700–1000 0.798
EffZVI 28,380 ± 645 6364 ± 195 0.3 ± 0.5 0.2 ± 0.3 2.3 ± 1.5 45.2% 300–500 0.232
EffFenton 15,638 ± 2870 4327 ± 134 – – – 17.3% 70–100 0.182
EffABR 1200 ± 235 351.6 ± 45.8 – – – 63.8% 60–90 0.053
EffMBBR 79.6 ± 25.9 35.3 ± 5.7 – – – Not toxic 30–50 0.012

– undetectable
25 times diluted.
J. Shen et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 260 (2013) 993–1000 997

Fig. 5. Effect of Fenton reagents dosage on UV254 (the samples were determined 5
Fig. 4. Effect of H2 O2 to Fe(II) molar ratio on COD and TOC removal. times diluted) and color removal.

below pH of 3.0 might be attributed to scavenging of hydroxyl rad- degradation, degradation to the extent that toxicity was reduced;
ical with H+ ions [25,26]. Also above pH 3.0, the ferrous ion got ultimate degradation, complete to carbon dioxide, water and other
converted to ferric ion which then combined with hydroxyl radi- inorganics. As Bowers et al. [33] indicated, a primary or acceptable
cals to produce ferric hydroxide, which precipitated and settled degradation might occur in a relatively low consumption and be
down, thereby reducing the ferrous availability in the solution [25]. much more efficient than ultimate degradation. In this study, as
In addition, above pH 3, more hydrogen peroxide was decomposed the influent COD was rather high, dosage of Fenton reagents would
without improving oxidation. The results agreed with other studies be extremely high if ultimate degradation was achieved. Therefore,
on the oxidation of organic compounds in wastewaters that Fen- primary or acceptable degradation was adopted, with the effect of
ton reactions efficiently occurred between 2.9 and 3.5 pH range dosage on aromatic compounds removal and color removal empha-
[24,25,27,28]. sized. In addition, DACB, which was the main by-product from ZVI
process, was found to be very stable in biological process. Thus,
3.2.2. Effect of H2 O2 to Fe(II) molar ratio the effect of Fenton reagent dosage on DACB removal was also
In Fenton process, iron and hydrogen peroxide are two major investigated.
chemicals determining operation costs as well as efficacy. Deter- As was indicated by Fig. 5, at H2 O2 /Fe(II) molar ratio of 15:1,
mination of the favorable amount of the Fenton’s reagent is highly the aromatic compounds (indicated by UV254 ) removal efficiency
important. In order to investigate the optimum H2 O2 /Fe(II) molar increased rapidly with the increase of Fenton dosage. However,
ratio, six different H2 O2 /Fe(II) molar ratios from 7.5:1 to 20:1 further increase in H2 O2 dosage beyond 0.216 mol/L gave milder
were tested (Fig. 4). It was shown that COD removal efficien- increased removal efficiency of aromatic compounds. The color
cies increased with the increase of H2 O2 /Fe(II) molar ratio by the removal followed the same trends. After Fenton-coagulation pro-
H2 O2 /Fe(II) molar ratio of 15:1. COD removal efficiencies decreased cess, the effluent changes into light yellow from reddish brown. At
with further increase in H2 O2 /Fe(II) molar ratio over 15:1. The H2 O2 dosage of 0.216 mol/L, the color value of Fenton effluent was
effect of H2 O2 /Fe(II) molar ratio on TOC removal efficiency was only 72.5 times. Removal of DACB was also closely related to Fen-
also obtained and it was observed to be similar to that on COD ton reagents dosage. As was shown in Fig. 6, with the increase of
removal efficiency. However, at H2 O2 /Fe(II) molar ratio over 15:1, Fenton reagent dosage, removal of DACB increased. At H2 O2 dosage
TOC removal efficiency decreased slightly. of 0.216 mol/L, 87.8% of influent DACB was removed in the Fenton
Sludge settling characteristic was excellent at the H2 O2 /Fe(II)
molar ratio of 15:1, but became poor above the H2 O2 /Fe(II) molar
ratio of 17.5:1. It seemed that excessive hydrogen peroxide, when
decomposed, would produce oxygen bubbles that made sludge
settling difficult [24,29]. In addition, residual H2 O2 might inhibit
downstream biological treatment. When H2 O2 /Fe(II) molar ratio
was below 15:1, residual ferrous iron was observed, with the efflu-
ent bluish green. Also, excess iron salt contributed to an increase in
effluent TDS and electrical conductivity, as well as in the amount
of iron sludge that required further treatment [30,31].
Therefore, H2 O2 /Fe(II) molar ratio of 15:1 was chosen for further

3.2.3. Effect of Fenton reagents dosage

Dosage of Fenton reagents determines not only the operation
costs but also the efficiency of organics removal for the Fenton
process [31]. The dosage differs depending on whether the Fenton
process has a role of pretreatment or ultimate pretreatment. Three
types of degradation of organic materials were described by Lyman
et al. [32] as: primary degradation, a structural change in the parent
compound where biodegradability might be improved; acceptable Fig. 6. Effect of Fenton reagents dosage on DACB removal.
998 J. Shen et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 260 (2013) 993–1000

Fig. 7. Effect of HRT on COD and TOC removal during Fenton oxidation.

Fig. 8. Evolution of UV–vis spectra during ZVI-Fenton process.

oxidation process. Further increase of dosage gave milder increased
removal efficiency for DACB.
compounds, decreased from 0.798 to 0.182, with the removal effi-
Inferring these results, Fenton reagents dosage could be chosen
ciency of 77.2%. The high removal efficiency of aromatic compouds
as follows: H2 O2 dosage of 0.216 mol/L (H2 O2 /Fe(II) molar ratio of
also indicated excellent pretreatment performance of ZVI-Fenton
15:1). At this dosage, effluent of Fenton process mainly consisted of
coupled process. The EC50, 48 h (v/v) values of ZVI influent was only
methanol and formic acid, which were amenable for the biological
0.67%, which indicated that the DNAN producing wastewater was
highly toxic and was much resistant to mineralization by biological
process. After pretreatment by ZVI (EBCT = 8 h), the biological tox-
3.2.4. Effect of HRTs icity was greatly lowered as revealed by the EC50 value increasing
It is very important to determine the appropriate HRT for the from 0.67% to 45.2%, probably due to almost complete conversion
reactor because the performance of Fenton process is associated of DNAN, DNCB and DNP into their corresponding aminoaromatic
with HRT obviously. The efficiency would decrease and the con- compounds [6]. The reduction of biological toxicity reflected the
struction cost would increase if HRT was too long. Thus, the effect improvement of biodegradability [36], so that the results of the
of HRTs on Fenton process was tested to determine an experi- reduced biological toxicity demonstrated the effectiveness of ZVI in
mental condition for further research. In Fig. 7, the variations of the biodegradability improvement of the tested DNAN producing
the COD and TOC concentrations at different HRTs were shown. wastewater. However, EC50 value decreased to 17.3% after Fenton
The results demonstrated that organic materials removal increased process, probably due to the residual hydroxyl radicals produced
with the increase of HRT in the range of 2–5 h. At HRT of 5 h, in Fenton process.
COD removal increased to 44.2%, while TOC removal increased to The spectrophotometric results also demonstrated effective
32.0%. No insignificant improvement of COD and TOC removal was degradation of the chromophorous group. After pretreatment by
observed with further increase in HRT beyond the range of 2–5 h. ZVI, the characteristic absorbance peak of aromatic compounds,
In most literature for Fenton oxidation, contact time of 0.5–3 h has at approximately 260 nm and 360 nm, decreased. While simul-
been reported [24,27,34,35], however, the contact time of 5 h in taneously an absorbance peak at about 215 nm and 290 nm was
this study was a bit long, probably due to the high influent COD formed. The Fenton treatment promoted the removal of all the
and high dosage of iron and hydrogen peroxide. Therefore, in the absorbed species at 215 nm, 290 nm (Fig. 8), indicating complete
subsequent stage of the research, HRT of 5 h was chosen as the removal of the aromatic compounds. It was found that color of
optimal parameter for further investigation. ZVI influent turned from yellow to reddish brown after ZVI pro-
cess, while the color of reddish brown turned to light yellow after
3.3. Performance of ZVI-Fenton-ABR-MBBR process Fenton process. The significant transformation of the color also
demonstrated the high removal of aromatic compounds by com-
The coupled ZVI-Fenton-ABR-MBBR process was operated for 3 bined ZVI-Fenton process. The HPLC analysis revealed the removal
months. As was described previously, for ZVI process, EBCT of 8 h of the aromatic compounds as well. After ZVI treatment, the inter-
was adopted. For Fenton process, pH of 3.0, H2 O2 to Fe(II) molar mediate detectable by HPLC was DACB only (Fig. 2b). However,
ratio of 15:1, H2 O2 dosage of 0.216 mol/L, HRT of 5 h, were favor- concentration of DACB decreased significantly after Fenton oxida-
able for the organic removal. Under these optimal conditions, the tion process (Fig. 2c), meanwhile the chromatographic peak shifted
ZVI-Fenton pretreatment process was operated and the pretreated to lower retention times, indicating the formation of less aromatic
effluent was fed into the ABR-MBBR process. Table 2 reveals the and more polar compounds during the Fenton process.
performance of ZVI-Fenton-ABR-MBBR process under optimal con- Effluent of ZVI-Fenton process was fed into the ABR-MBBR
ditions, in terms of organic compounds, color, UV254 , acute toxicity. biological process for further treatment. After the acclimation
Although COD removal and TOC removal was not high phase of the ABR-MBBR (about 40 d), steady state was achieved.
(54.0 ± 8.4% and 39.5 ± 1.9% respectively), ZVI-Fenton coupled pro- For biological treatment process, only results under steady state
cess exhibited excellent performance on aromatic compounds were included in Table 2. As was indicated previously, aromatic
removal, toxicity and color reduction. DNAN, DNCB, DNP were compounds, such as DNAN, DNCB, DNP, and their degradation by-
almost completely removed by ZVI process. In Fenton effluent, the products, could be effectively removed in the ZVI-Fenton process.
color decreased from 300–500 times in influent to 70–100 times, Methanol, its oxidative product formic acid, and residual aromatic
while UV254 values, which indicated the concentration of aromatic compounds contributed to the COD of bioprocess influent. Thus
J. Shen et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 260 (2013) 993–1000 999

ABR-MBBR bioprocess was designed to degrade Methanol, formic 4. Conclusions

acid and residual aromatic compounds. The performance of the
ABR-MBBR process was investigated in terms of the effluent COD The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of
and TOC, the effluent color, and acute toxicity in effluent. coupled ZVI-Fenton system for the pretreatment of DNAN produc-
Based on the data presented in Table 2, it could be inferred that ing wastewater. The following conclusions were derived:
the ABR-MBBR coupled process used in this study exhibited excel-
lent polishing performance. The good quality of the effluent from (1) For ZVI process, almost complete reduction of nitroaromatic
bioprocess was indicated by low residual COD and TOC concentra- compounds was observed at EBCT of 8 h. For Fenton process,
tions. Under steady state, the average effluent COD and TOC was the optimal pH, H2 O2 to Fe2+ molar ratio, H2 O2 dosage, HRT
as low as 79.6 ± 25.9 mg/L, and 35.3 ± 5.7 mg/L, respectively. Color were found to be 3.0, 15, 0.216 mol/L and 5 h, respectively.
value of MBBR effluent was as low as 30–50 times. Low UV254 value (2) The combined process of ZVI reduction and Fenton oxida-
in effluent of MBBR also revealed the high removal of aromatic tion was significantly efficient for the pretreatment of DNAN
compounds. producing wastewater. Reductive transformation of the nitro
Based on the EC50 data presented in Table 2, the ABR-MBBR functional groups by ZVI overcame the hindrance to subsequent
process used in this study was effective for detoxification of the Fenton oxidation.
ZVI-Fenton effluent. After the ABR process, the EC50, 48 h (v/v) val- (3) After ZVI-Fenton pretreatment, the effluent could be well
ues increased from 17.3% to 63.8%, whereas the samples taken at polished by ABR-MBBR coupled bioprocess. The present find-
the end of the MBBR were not toxic, since all Zebrafish subjected to ings indicate that the coupled ZVI-Fenton-ABR-MBBR system
the undiluted effluents of the MBBR survived. Thus, an EC50 value offers bright prospects for the treatment of nitroaromatic
for the MBBR effluent could not be ascertained. These results con- compounds-containing wastewater.
firmed the complete elimination of acute toxicity in the coupled
ABR and MBBR process.

3.4. Implication This research is financed by Innovation Program of Foun-

dation Product, Major Project of Water Pollution Control and
Since conventional biological treatment is not effective in Management Technology of P. R. China (No. 2012ZX07101-003-
polishing high strength wastewater containing nitroaromatic com- 001), National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 50978136
pounds, such as DNAN producing wastewater. The goal of this and 51208258), Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province
research is to look into the effectiveness of ZVI-Fenton cou- (No. BK2011717), China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (No.
pled process as a pretreatment method for DNAN producing 2011M500927), Jiangsu Planned Projects for Postdoctoral Research
wastewater. Funds (No. 1101014C), Fundamental Research Funds for the Central
The first step in the coupled ZVI-Fenton process involving the Universities (No. 30920130122007) and Zijing Intelligent Program
reduction of nitroaromatic compounds into their corresponding (No. 2013-ZJ-02-19).
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