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Chemical Engineering Journal 168 (2011) 493–504

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A review of emerging adsorbents for nitrate removal from water

Amit Bhatnagar a,∗ , Mika Sillanpää b
LSRE–Laboratory of Separation and Reaction Engineering, Departamento de Engenharia Química, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FEUP),
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal
Faculty of Technology, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Patteristonkatu 1, FI-50100, Mikkeli, Finland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Nitrate, due to its high water solubility, is possibly the most widespread groundwater contaminant in
Received 21 November 2010 the world, imposing a serious threat to human health and contributing to eutrophication. Among several
Received in revised form 23 January 2011 treatment technologies applied for nitrate removal, adsorption has been explored widely and offers
Accepted 26 January 2011
satisfactory results especially with mineral-based and/or surface modified adsorbents. In this review, an
extensive list of various sorbents from the literature has been compiled and their adsorption capacities
for nitrate removal as available in the literature are presented along with highlighting and discussing the
Water treatment
key advancement on the preparation of novel adsorbents tested for nitrate removal.
Nitrate removal © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Sorption capacities

1. Introduction ication [6,7]. The presence of elevated concentrations of NO3 − in

potable water has become a serious concern worldwide over the
In many parts of the world, groundwater serves as the sole recent decades [8–12]. The increase in NO3 − levels can be linked
source of drinking water in rural communities and urban areas. to several kinds of human activities especially the intensive use
However, in recent years, increased industrial and agricultural of fertilizers in agriculture, which have led to the higher NO3 −
activities have resulted in the generation of toxic pollutants such contamination of ground and surface water sources [13]. Nitrate
as inorganic anions, metal ions, synthetic organic chemicals which does not readily bind to the soil causing it to be highly susceptible
have increased public concern about the quality of groundwaters. to leaching. Point and non-point sources of NO3 − contamination
Inorganic anions are of great importance since these are toxic and include agricultural and urban runoff, disposal of untreated sani-
harmful to humans and animals at very low concentrations (ppb). tary and industrial wastes in unsafe manner, leakage from septic
As there are usually no organoleptic changes in drinking water systems, landfill leachate, animal manure, NOx air stripping waste
due to the presence of trace levels of toxic inorganic anions, it from air pollution control devices.
is therefore possible that some of them may remain undetected, High NO3 − concentrations in drinking water sources can lead
thereby increasing the possible health risks [1]. A number of inor- to a potential risk to environment and public health. High NO3 −
ganic anions have been found in potentially harmful concentrations concentrations are known to stimulate heavy algal growth thus
in numerous drinking water sources [1–4]. Of these, nitrate (NO3 − ) promoting the eutrophication in water bodies. After ingestion of
is of prime concern on a global scale. Nitrate is a naturally occur- plants or water high in NO3 − , acute poisoning may occur within
ring ion in the nitrogen cycle that is the stable form of N for 30 min to 4 h in cattle. Thus, the problem occurs quickly and often
oxygenated systems. It can be reduced by microbial action into the cattle are observed to be normal one day and found dead the
nitrite (NO2 − ) or other forms. The NO2 − ion contains N in a rel- next day [14]. An early symptom is salivation followed by frequent
atively unstable oxidation state. Chemical and biological processes urination. Soon after, the cattle exhibit difficult breathing, increased
can further reduce nitrite to various compounds or oxidize it to respiratory rate, and dark brown or “chocolate” colored blood and
NO3 − . mucous membranes [15]. The animals then become weak, reluctant
Nitrate, due to its high water solubility [5], is possibly the most to move, and have convulsions before they die [15]. If pregnant cat-
widespread groundwater contaminant in the world, imposing a tle receive a dose that is not quite deadly, they may abort soon after
serious threat to drinking water supplies and promoting eutroph- recovering [15].
In humans, increasing NO3 − concentrations in drinking water
causes two adverse health effects: induction of “blue-baby syn-
∗ Corresponding author. drome” (methemoglobinemia), especially in infants, and the
E-mail addresses: amit, (A. Bhatnagar). potential formation of carcinogenic nitrosamines [6,7]. Recent

1385-8947/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
494 A. Bhatnagar, M. Sillanpää / Chemical Engineering Journal 168 (2011) 493–504

Fig. 1. Comparison of some nitrate removal technologies.

studies [16 and references therein] have shown that excess NO3 − process complexity to be used in in situ application for direct decon-
in drinking water may also be responsible for causing diverse kinds tamination of groundwater [37].
of cancers in humans. Ward et al. [17] reviewed the epidemiologic Zero-valent iron (ZVI) has been extensively studied for its ability
evidence for the linkages between drinking water NO3 − and the to reduce different contaminants including NO3 − in groundwater
risk of specific cancers, adverse reproductive outcomes, and other [21,38–42]. However, this technology has some limitations as dis-
health outcomes in the context of the current regulatory limit for cussed by various researchers in different articles. For example,
nitrate in drinking water. Nitrate contaminated water supplies have Cheng et al. [21] reported that the main disadvantages of NO3 −
also been linked to outbreaks of infectious diseases in humans [18]. reduction using ZVI are ammonium production and the pH con-
Literature survey revealed that NO3 − ion also causes diabetes [19] trol requirement (by initial pH reduction or use of buffer). When
and is a precursor of carcinogen. applying ZVI in an in situ remediation technique for NO3 − removal,
Keeping with the view that serious health problems are asso- these disadvantages are more critical [43]. Furthermore, biological
ciated with excess NO3 − concentrations in drinking water, various denitrification processes are difficult to apply to inorganic wastew-
environmental regulatory agencies including the U.S. Environmen- ater treatment because additional organic substrates are required
tal Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) have set a maximum contaminant to serve as electron donors [44]. Fig. 1 presents an overview of some
level (MCL) of 10 mg/L of NO3 − in drinking water [20]. Nitrate of the technologies used for NO3 − removal from water [45,46].
contaminated water must be treated properly to meet applicable
3. Removal of nitrate from water using adsorption process
2. Technologies for the removal of nitrate from water
Adsorption process is generally considered better in water treat-
The most commonly used treatment methods to remove/reduce ment because of convenience, ease of operation and simplicity of
NO3 − include chemical denitrification using zero-valent iron (Fe0 ) design. Further, this process can remove/minimize different types
[21–25], zero-valent magnesium (Mg0 ) [26], ion exchange (IX) of organic and inorganic pollutants from the water or wastewa-
[27–29], reverse osmosis (RO) [30], electrodialysis (ED) [31], cat- ter [47–59] and thus it has a wider applicability in water pollution
alytic denitrification [32] and biological denitrification [33]. World control [60]. Adsorption technology has been found successful in
Health Organization (WHO) has suggested biological denitrifica- removing different types of inorganic anions, e.g., fluoride [61–63],
tion and IX as nitrate removal methods, while IX, RO, and ED nitrate [64–66], bromate [67–69], perchlorate [70–72], from waters
are approved by US EPA as Best Available Technologies (BAT) to by using various materials as adsorbents. It should be noted here
treat NO3 − contaminated water [34,35]. However, current available that selection of appropriate material for the removal of specific
technologies for NO3 − removal have their own strength and limi- types of anions is important to achieve optimum removal rates.
tations and are found to be expensive, less effective and generate Various conventional and non-conventional materials from dif-
additional by-products. Nevertheless, these traditional technolo- ferent origins have been assessed for the removal of NO3 − from
gies do not solve the problem related to the excess of NO3 − in water, as will be discussed in the following sections in this paper.
the environment; in turn, they generate NO3 − concentrated waste However, no overview of the sorption potentials of the various con-
streams that pose a disposal problem due to the high saline con- ventional and non-conventional adsorbents examined so far for
tent [33,36]. BATs are relatively expensive [31] and moreover, cause nitrate removal has been published.
A. Bhatnagar, M. Sillanpää / Chemical Engineering Journal 168 (2011) 493–504 495

This review focuses on the potential of various adsorbents for carbon (AC) prepared from coconut shells and charcoal (CB) pre-
NO3 − removal from water and wastewater. A summary of rele- pared from bamboo [76]. The maximum removal of NO3 − by the
vant published data (in terms of adsorption capacities, applicable prepared adsorbents occurred at equilibrium pH 2–4, and was fit-
adsorption isotherm models and kinetic models) with some of the ted well with Langmuir model. The adsorption capacity for AC and
latest important findings, and a source of up-to-date literature is CB were reported as 2.66 × 10−1 mmol/g and 1.04 × 10−1 mmol/g,
presented and the results have been discussed. For information respectively.
pertaining to detailed experimental methodology and conditions, The adsorption effectiveness of bamboo powder charcoal (BPC)
readers are referred to the full articles listed in the References. in removing NO3 − from water has been investigated [77]. The BPC
was prepared by heating the bamboo powder in an electric furnace
3.1. Removal of nitrate from water by carbon based adsorbents at 900 ◦ C for 1 h. The calculated uptake values of BPC and com-
mercial activated carbon (CAC) at 10 ◦ C were 1.25 and 1.09 mg/g,
Activated carbon is generally considered as a universal adsor- respectively. The results show that the adsorption effectiveness of
bent for the removal of diverse types of aquatic pollutants BPC for NO3 − was higher than that of CAC regardless of the concen-
especially organic pollutants. However, it shows poor adsorption tration of NO3 − (0–10 mg/L), and temperature (10–20 ◦ C).
towards anionic pollutants. Only a few studies are available report- The adsorption of NO3 − including other inorganic anions
ing the sorption of NO3 − by activated carbon. Afkhami et al. [73] (bromate, chlorate, chloride, iodate, perchlorate, sulfate, and (di-
studied the effects of functional groups on the adsorption of NO3 − hydrogen) phosphate) was studied using activated carbon F400 at
and NO2 − by carbon cloth. The carbon cloths were chemically pH 4 and concentration range from 0.1 to 1.0 mM [78]. The adsorp-
etched in 4 M H2 SO4 solution after deionization cleaning proce- tion density of 0.29 mmol/g was observed for nitrate. Among all the
dure and used for the adsorption of NO3 − and NO2 − from water anions studied, only nitrate showed competitive adsorption with
samples at nearly neutral (pH ∼ 7) solutions. It was suggested [73] perchlorate. It was suggested that perchlorate and nitrate prefer the
that treatment of carbon cloth with acid produced positive sites same surface sites in the adsorption process. Iron oxide-dispersed
on the carbon cloth, by protonation of surface –OH groups caused activated carbon fibers were also used for NO3 − adsorption [79].
an increase in electrostatic adsorption of anions. The dramatic As revealed from the literature, surface modification of carbon-
increase in the adsorption of anions by treatment of C-cloth with based sorbents has found to increase sorption when compared to
acid was attributed to the strong electrostatic interaction between adsorbents without surface modification.
the negative charge of anions and positive charge of the surface. The
adsorption capacity of acid treated carbon cloth for NO3 − and NO2 − 3.2. Removal of nitrate from water by clay adsorbents
was 2.03 and 1.01 mmol/g, respectively. These values were much
higher than those obtained for distilled water treated carbon cloth Clays are hydrous aluminosilicates broadly defined as those
(0.38 and 0.05 mmol/g for NO3 − and NO2 − , respectively). The effect minerals that make up the colloid fraction (<2 ␮m) of soils, sedi-
of competing ions was found to be negligible on the adsorption. ments, rocks and water [80] and may be composed of mixtures of
Powdered activated carbon (PAC) and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) fine grained clay minerals and clay-sized crystals of other miner-
were used for the removal of NO3 − from aqueous solution [74]. The als such as quartz, carbonate and metal oxides [81]. Clays play an
NO3 − adsorption capacity of CNTs was found to be higher than PAC important role in the environment by acting as a natural scavenger
and decreased above pH 5. The equilibration time for maximum of pollutants by taking up cations and anions either through ion
NO3 − uptake was 60 min. Adsorption capacity of the PAC and CNTs exchange or adsorption or both [81]. Calcium bentonite was modi-
was found to be 10 and 25 mmol NO3 − /g adsorbent, respectively. fied by acid thermoactivation with HCl (2N) and H2 SO4 (2N and 4N),
Commercial granular activated carbon (GAC) (produced from and investigated for NO3 − removal from aqueous solutions [82].
coconut shells by steam activation) was chemically activated with Calcium montmorrillonite activated by HCl showed better NO3 −
ZnCl2 and examined for NO3 − removal [75]. The optimal condi- removal capacity, up to 22.28%. It was explained that an ionic inter-
tions were selected by studying the influence of process variables change took place between chlorine (due to the hydrochloric acid
such as chemical ratio and activation temperature. Experimental treatment) and nitrate ions. The ionic exchange was also confirmed
results reveal that chemical weight ratio of 200% and activation by the presence of KCl in the clay residue. The Brunauer-Emmet-
temperature of 500 ◦ C was found to be optimum for the maximum Teller (BET) area measurements showed no direct relation between
removal of nitrate from water. The lower adsorption of NO3 − with the surface area and the nitrate removal capacity. Nitrates adsorp-
GAC prepared at 400 ◦ C carbonization temperature was attributed tion in clays was further confirmed by using infrared spectroscopy.
to the inadequacy of heat energy generated at low carbonization Xi et al. [83] prepared the surfactant modified clay minerals and
temperature for any substantial evolution of volatile matters essen- evaluated them for NO3 − adsorption. It was found that untreated
tial for pore development. Furthermore, at 500 ◦ C, more volatile Queensland (QLD) bentonite did not remove NO3 − from the solu-
matters were released progressively during carbonization, thereby tion, and kaolinite also showed similar behavior for NO3 − removal.
resulting in the development of some new pores, and hence the However, halloysite was found to remove ca. 0.54 mg NO3 − per
adsorption of NO3 − increased progressively. The decrease in the gram of clay. As all these untreated clays showed poor adsorp-
adsorption of NO3 − with further increase in carbonization tempera- tion capacities for nitrate ions, these clays were modified with
ture to 600 ◦ C might be due to a sintering effect at high temperature, nonfunctional surfactant hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide
followed by shrinkage of the char, and realignment of the carbon (HDTMA) in 2 or 4 cation exchange capacity (CEC) and the removal
structure, which resulted in reduced pore areas as well as volume. capacities of these materials were found to greatly improve. Among
The comparison between untreated and ZnCl2 treated GAC indi- all these organoclays, HDTMA modified QLD-bentonite showed the
cated that treatment with ZnCl2 had significantly improved the best result: H-B-2CEC and H-B-4CEC could remove 12.83 mg and
adsorption efficacy of untreated GAC. The adsorption capacity of 14.76 mg NO3 − /g of organoclay, respectively. But HDTMA modified
untreated and ZnCl2 treated coconut GACs were found to be 1.7 and kaolinite and halloysite were found to remove less NO3 − compared
10.2 mg/g, respectively. The higher uptake of NO3 − in ZnCl2 treated to H-B samples (e.g., H-K-2CEC, H-H-2CEC and H-H-4CEC removed
GAC was attributed to the increased microporosity and formation 1.54, 1.78 and 1.93 mg NO3 − /g of clay, respectively). When the con-
of zinc oxide in macro- and mesopores in ZnCl2 treated GAC, which centration of HDTMA was increased to 4 CEC, the removal capacity
resulted in the enhanced NO3 − adsorption. The adsorption behav- was increased to 4.87 mg/g on H-K-4CEC. It was explained by the
ior of NO3 − was investigated from aqueous solution using activated fact that the CEC of QLD-bentonite (66.67 meq/100 g) was higher
496 A. Bhatnagar, M. Sillanpää / Chemical Engineering Journal 168 (2011) 493–504

than that of kaolinite and halloysite (9.78 and 10 meq/100 g, respec- of the temperature was also investigated for the sample calcined at
tively). Therefore, after modification with HDTMA, more surfactant 850 ◦ C by studying the sorption process at 10 and 40 ◦ C. The exper-
molecules were exchanged and attached on the surface of QLD imental sorption data were fitted to the Langmuir model. Sorption
bentonite than that of other two clays. capacities of the samples ranged from 61.7 g/kg (HT550 at 25 ◦ C) to
147.0 g/kg (HT850 at 40 ◦ C). The values for the removal efficiency
3.3. Removal of nitrate from water by layered-double ranged from 70.5% for HT550 at 25 ◦ C to 99.5% for HT850 at 40 ◦ C.
hydroxides/hydrotalcite-like compounds/hydroxyapetite as The sorption experiments showed that at higher calcination tem-
adsorbents perature (850 ◦ C), the removal of NO3 − was greater. The increase
in the temperature from 10 to 40 ◦ C for sample HT850 also tended
Hydrotalcite-like compounds, also known as layered double to increase the sorption of NO3 − from 63.3 g/kg to 147 g/kg and the
hydroxides (LDHs), constitute an important class of inorganic mate- corresponding removal efficiency ranged from 71.5 to 99.5%. The
rials with desirable properties to remove anionic pollutants from variation of amount adsorbed of NO3 − and removal efficiency with
water [15]. Zn-Al-Cl LDH was synthesized by co-precipitation the heat treatment applied to the hydrotalcite seemed to be related
method and was characterized using various instrumental tech- to the sorption mechanisms of the NO3 − ions; i.e., related to the
niques [15]. It was further tested towards NO3 − removal from access by the NO3 − anions to the recovered layered structure of the
water. The removal of NO3 − was found to be 85.5% under neu- calcined hydrotalcite once rehydrated, by occupying the locations
tral conditions, using 0.3 g of LDH in 100 mL of NO3 − solution of the carbonate anions initially present in the synthesized sample
having initial concentration of 10 mg/L. Adsorption kinetic study (HT). It was noted that for the calcined samples, and according to
revealed that the adsorption process followed first order kinetics. the characterization data discussed by the authors, a change in the
Adsorption data were fitted to Langmuir isotherm. The Langmuir hydrotalcite structure was observed, mainly due to the loss of CO2
sorption capacity was found to be 40.26 mg/g. The percentage and the formation of amorphous Mg1−x Alx O1+x/2 mixed oxide. The
removal was found to decrease gradually with increase in pH and re-hydration of this mixed oxide lead to the incorporation of NO3 −
the optimum pH was found to be 6. The presence of competitive in the interlayer space, so the sample recovered its original struc-
anions reduced the NO3 − adsorption in the order of carbon- ture. As the calcination temperature increased to 850 ◦ C, a greater
ate > phosphate > chloride > sulfate. The Zn-Al-Cl LDH exhibited low loss of CO2 occurred, thus increasing the amount of NO3 − adsorbed.
desorption and poor regeneration. The adsorption of NO3 − by various layered double hydroxides
LDHs with different kinds of metal ions (Mg-Al, Co-Fe, Ni-Fe, (LDHs), such as Mg-Al and Zn-Al, was investigated by Hosni et al.
and Mg-Fe) in the brucite layers were prepared by Tezuka et al. [87]. The samples were identified as [MII 3P10], where M represents
[84] and their anion exchange properties were studied by measure- the divalent cation used to prepare the materials. For example,
ments of distribution coefficient (Kd ) and ion exchange capacity. Mg3P10 stands for the precipitate prepared with Mg2+ as the diva-
The basal spacing of LDHs varied depending on the kind of metal lent cation and Mg/Al molar ratio of 3, at pH 10. The nature and
ions in the brucite layer. A relatively high Kd value for NO3 − ions content of divalent cations in LDHs showed a strong influence on
was observed on Ni-Fe type LDHs, and a markedly high Kd value the adsorption process. Calcined Mg-Al LDH with an Mg/Al molar
for the hydrothermally-treated Ni-Fe type LDHs (Ni-Fe (HT)), pre- ratio of 3.0 showed higher adsorption capacity compared to other
pared at 120 ◦ C. These high Kd values correlated with the basal calcined LDHs. The sorption capacity of Mg3P10-500 (activated by
spacing of 0.81 nm observed for this sample, where the inter- heating at 500 ◦ C) was found to be 35 mg/g, and that of Zn3P10-500
layer distance (0.33 nm) is suitable for the stable fixing of NO3 − was 20 mg/g. This difference in sorption capacity was explained
ions (ionic size = 0.33 nm). A chemical analysis study showed a by the fact that the nature of the divalent cation in LDH has a
Cl− /NO3 − ion-exchange mechanism for NO3 − adsorption on Ni- strong influence on the adsorption process. The removal of NO3 −
Fe (HT). The NO3 − uptake by Ni-Fe (HT) was nearly constant was found to take place via an adsorption process followed by a
(NO3 /Fe = 0.7) over a pH range between 5 and 10, which was also reconstruction of the calcined material. Authors concluded that
supported by the adsorption mechanism of Cl− /NO3 − ion exchange. the quantity of NO3 − removed (35 mg/g), which corresponds to
The Ni-Fe (HT) could remove NO3 − ions from seawater effectively 56 meq/100 g, was small and it was explained by the fact that
(NO3 − uptake = 168 ␮mol/g) even though seawater consisted large the CO3 2− coming from the dissolution of atmospheric CO2 dis-
amount of coexisting anions (2.3 mM of carbonate ions, 14 mM of placed NO3 − . The carbonate is attributed to their divalent character,
sulfate ions, 550 mM of chloride ions, etc.). their relative small ionic radius, and the strong hydrogen bond that
The selective adsorptive properties of Ni-Fe layered double occurred between NO3 − and the brucite-like sheets.
hydroxide (LDH (Ni-Fe)), containing Ni and Fe metal atoms in each A laboratory study was conducted to investigate the ability of
layer were studied for NO3 − removal from seawater [85]. LDH (Ni- Mg-Al-Cl hydrotalcite-like compound for the removal of NO3 − from
Fe) with Cl− in the interlayers was synthesized by co-precipitation synthetic NO3 − solution [88]. The removal of NO3 − was 87.6% under
at constant pH. It showed a higher Kd for NO3 − than for other neutral condition, using 0.3 g of adsorbent in 100 mL of nitrate
anions (HPO4 2− and SO4 2− ). The prepared LDH (Ni-Fe) was also solution having an initial concentration of 10 mg/L. The percent-
studied for its potential for NO3 − removal by batch method using age removal was found to gradually decrease (from 87.6% to 69.9%)
NO3 − enriched seawater (NO3 − concentration: 40 ␮mol/dm3 ). The with an increase in pH (from 6 to 12) and the optimum pH for
equilibrium was achieved in 4 h with adsorption data following removal of nitrate was 6. The equilibrium was established within
the Freundlich model. The maximum NO3 − uptake was found to 40 min. The effect of other anions was also studied and it was found
be 0.33 mmol/g when LDH (Ni-Fe) (0.10 g) was added to NO3 − that the anions reduced the NO3 − adsorption in the order of car-
enriched seawater (1 dm3 ), corresponding to the removal of 83% of bonate > phosphate > chloride > sulfate. A regeneration study of the
the NO3 − from seawater. The pH dependence of NO3 − adsorption material with 1–4% NaCl was also carried out and it was found
showed a maximum NO3 − uptake at around pH 8. Dissolutions of Ni that the Mg-Al-Cl hydrotalcite could not be easily regenerated and
and Fe from LDH (Ni-Fe) was less than 0.6% for Ni and less than 0.1% reused. The percentage regeneration was <2%. It was therefore con-
for Fe at pH 8, indicating that LDH (Ni-Fe) was sufficiently stable in cluded that once HTlc-nitrate is formed, it is difficult to regenerate.
seawater. The efficiency of hydroxyapatite (HAP) for NO3 − removal from syn-
The sorption of NO3 − on calcined hydrotalcite-type compounds thetic NO3 − solution was studied by the same workers [89]. The
at 550 ◦ C (HT550), 650 ◦ C (HT650), and 850 ◦ C (HT850) from water results of pH study revealed that there was an increase in the per-
at 25 ◦ C has been studied by Socías-Viciana et al. [86]. The influence centage removal for increase in pH from 2 to 6 but further increase
A. Bhatnagar, M. Sillanpää / Chemical Engineering Journal 168 (2011) 493–504 497

in pH beyond 6, no increase in removal was observed. The effect Surfactant modified zeolites with different coverage types were
of competing anions reduced the NO3 − adsorption in the order prepared by loading the cetylpyridinium bromide (CPB) onto the
of chloride > carbonate > sulfate > phosphate. It was suggested that surface of the natural zeolites (NZ) [95]. The adsorption behavior
OH− ions were exchanged by NO3 − ions. of NO3 − on SMZ was investigated. NZ and SMZ with monolayer
CPB coverage were found inefficient for the removal of NO3 − from
3.4. Removal of nitrate from water by zeolite adsorbents aqueous solution. However, SMZ with patchy bilayer or bilayer CPB
coverage was efficient in NO3 − removal, and the NO3 − adsorp-
Natural zeolites are hydrated aluminosilicate minerals of a tion capacity of SMZ increased with its CPB loading. Based on
porous structure with valuable physicochemical properties [90]. the Langmuir isotherm model, the predicted maximum monolayer
Zeolites have been widely used as adsorbents in separation and NO3 − adsorption capacity for SMZ7 (SMZ sample with CPB loading
purification processes and remain a promising technique in envi- amounts of 409 mmol/(kg NZ)) was found to be 9.36 mg/g. Anionic
ronmental cleaning processes [90]. Besides their natural form, exchange and electrostatic attraction were the main mechanisms
surface modified zeolites have also been tested for the removal of responsible for the adsorption of NO3 − onto SMZ7. The presence
water pollutants. Surface modifications of natural zeolite were per- of chloride, sulfate or bicarbonate ions in solution slightly reduced
formed by coating it with a chitosan layer [91]. The chitosan coated the NO3 − adsorption efficiency for CPB modified zeolite.
zeolite (Ch-Z) was protonated with either sulfuric or hydrochlo-
ric acid and tested for its suitability to capture NO3 − from water 3.5. Removal of nitrate from water by chitosan adsorbents
at 20 and 4 ◦ C. It was found that protonation with hydrochloric
acid resulted a higher maximum NO3 − exchange capacity when Chitin and chitosan-derivatives have gained wide attention as
compared to sulfuric acid. The surface characterization of the Ch-Z effective biosorbents due to low cost and high contents of amino
was performed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier and hydroxyl functional groups which show significant adsorp-
transform infrared spectrometry (FTIR), thermogravimetric analy- tion potential for the removal of various aquatic pollutants [96].
sis (TGA) and nitrogen adsorption tests. The results of these tests Chitosan hydrobeads were prepared by Chatterjee and Woo [97]
showed evidence of chitosan coating onto zeolite particles. Ch-Z has and examined for the adsorption of NO3 − . The maximum adsorp-
a comparable ion exchange capacity to other weak anion exchang- tion capacity was 92.1 mg/g at 30 ◦ C. Intraparticle diffusion was
ers with a NO3 − ion exchange capacity of 0.74 mmol NO3 − /g suggested to play a significant role at the initial stage of the adsorp-
(protonated with HCl). tion process. Nitrate adsorption was found to increase with a
Nitrate adsorption kinetics were determined in batch-wise decrease in the pH of the solution which was explained by the
experiments on a nonfunctional surfactant-modified zeolite fact that a decrease in the pH of the solution resulted in more
(SMZ), prepared by treatment of a clinoptilolite sample by protons being available to protonate the chitosan amine group.
HDTMABr (HDTMA+ being the hexadecyltrimethylammonium This resulted in an enhancement of NO3 − adsorption by the chi-
cation) [92]. The influence of various parameters, namely ini- tosan beads due to increased electrostatic interactions between the
tial NO3 − concentration (0.08–8.06 mmol/L), liquid/solid weight negatively charged NO3 − group and the positively charged amine
ratio (L/S = 5–50 mL/g) and presence of Cl− , SO4 2− and HCO3 − group. Above pH 6.4, an appreciable amount of NO3 − adsorption
competing anions (at the same equimolar concentration equal to by chitosan beads indicated the involvement of physical forces.
1.61 mmol/L) were studied. The equilibrium time for NO3 − uptake The equilibrium adsorption capacity decreased by increasing the
was short (0.5–1 h), with a maximal removal value (Rmax. ) at equi- temperature from 30 to 50 ◦ C which was explained due to either
librium. Rmax. was found to decrease significantly to 58% and 40%, the damage of active binding sites of the adsorbent or increasing
respectively, for higher concentrations (4.83 and 8.06 mmol/L). The tendency to desorb NO3 − ions from the interface to the solution.
final removal rate was ≥80%, with liquid/solid weight ratios ≤10, However, increase in temperature from 20 to 30 ◦ C reduced the
initial NO3 − concentrations in the range 0.08–2.42 mmol/L (corre- nitrate adsorption, which was attributed to an increase of the
sponding to 5–150 mg/L). The sorption equilibrium data were in mobility of the NO3 − ions and a swelling effect within the internal
good agreement with the Langmuir isotherm model. On the other structure of chitosan beads. Desorption of NO3 − from the loaded
hand, the Rmax. value decreased with the increase in adsorbent beads was accomplished by increasing the pH of the solution to the
mass. Under the studied experimental conditions, the presence alkaline range, and a desorption ratio of 87% was achieved around
of competing anions did not change the NO3 − Rmax. value, but pH 12.0.
slowed down the exchange kinetics and the increasing affinity The same authors [98] also reported the adsorption of NO3 −
order towards the SMZ was found as follows: Cl−  HCO3 − # onto chitosan beads modified via crosslinking with epichlorohy-
SO4 2− < NO3 − . Other studies have also examined the feasibility drin (ECH) and surface conditioning with sodium bisulfate. The
of zeolites for nitrate removal from water [93,94]. Experimental maximum adsorption capacity was found at a cross-linking ratio
results [93] showed that shallow-well water (with NO3 − concen- of 0.4 and a conditioning concentration of 0.1 mM NaHSO4 . It
tration of 74–288 mg/L), after 1 h. mixing with 5 g of 0.315 mm was reported that ECH mainly cross-links chitosan beads using
particle-sized zeolite and after 30 min. sedimentation, NO3 − con- the –OH group of chitosan and did not interact with the cationic
centration stayed the same without any reduction. However, the amine groups of chitosan during the cross-linking. The maximum
same shallow-well water (with 1–10 mg/L ammonium ion con- value for the equilibrium adsorption capacity of cross-linked chi-
centration) mixed with 5 g of 0.315–0.63 mm particle-sized zeolite tosan beads was found at a 0.4 cross-linking ratio, and further
showed ammonium ion removal efficiency of 72–86%, revealing increase in this ratio slightly reduced the uptake value. Thus, an
that zeolite particles were not found suitable for NO3 − sorption increase in the cross-linking ratio did not reduce the available
from water solutions, but 0.315–0.63 mm particle-sized zeolite adsorption sites but increased the steric hindrance for diffusion
could be a useful sorbent for NH4 + removal from water. Hexade- through the chitosan beads. The conditioning of chitosan beads
cyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (HDTMABr) surfactant modified with NaHSO4 increased its equilibrium adsorption capacity because
zeolite (SMZ) were prepared by Masukume et al. [94] and evalu- the amine groups of chitosan were protonated by the H+ pro-
ated as a potential adsorption media for NO3 − removal from water. duced from the dissociation of NaHSO4 during conditioning. The
It was found that surfactant modification of zeolite resulted in a maximum adsorption capacity was 104.0 mg/g for the conditioned
significant increase in the adsorption capacity (∼11.5 mg/g) of the cross-linked chitosan beads at pH 5, while it was 90.7 mg/g for
adsorbent. normal chitosan beads. The NO3 − adsorption was found to be
498 A. Bhatnagar, M. Sillanpää / Chemical Engineering Journal 168 (2011) 493–504

strongly pH dependent, and the maximum NO3 − removal was capacity. The maximum adsorption capacity of RWR and MWR
found at pH 3. The high adsorption capacities in acidic solu- were 0.02 mmol/g and 2.08 mmol/g, respectively.
tions (pH 3–5) were due to the strong electrostatic interactions Almond shell activated carbon impregnated by Zn◦ and ZnSO4
between adsorption sites and NO3 − . The mean adsorption energies were used as adsorbent with a particle size of 10–20 mesh for
obtained from the Dubinin-Radushkevich (D-R) model indicated NO3 − removal by Rezaee et al. [104]. Experimental data showed
that physical electrostatic forces were involved in the adsorption that modified activated carbon by Zn◦ and ZnSO4 was more effec-
process. The feasibility of NO3 − removal by cross-linked chitosan tive than virgin almond activated carbon for NO3 − removal. It was
gel beads was also investigated by Jaafari et al. [99–100]. Pro- postulated that after modification of activated carbon, macrop-
tonated cross-linked chitosan gel beads were prepared [99] and ores were filled by Zn◦ and ZnSO4 and micropores were formed.
examined for NO3 − removal. The sorption capacity was found Furthermore, zinc present at carbon surface as ZnO increased pos-
to be dependent on pH and was maximal at pH of between 3 itive charge of activated carbon which resulted increased NO3 −
and 5. Chloride and sulfate did not show interference but fluo- adsorption. The maximum NO3 − removal was 64–80% and 5–42%
ride slightly lowered the NO3 − sorption. Increasing pH to 12 with for modified activated carbon and virgin activated carbon, respec-
NaOH allowed desorption of NO3 − without losing the effectiveness tively. Maximum removal was ca. 16–17 mg NO3 − per g activated
of the sorbent. The same workers extended their study to simu- carbon for impregnated activated carbon.
late and design the operation of a fixed bed adsorber [100]. It was The effectiveness of wheat straw charcoal (WSC) and mustard
reported by the authors that daily water required for 5–10 people straw charcoal (MSC) as adsorbents for the removal of NO3 − -N from
could be produced with an adsorber of 0.2 m diameter and 1.5 m water has been investigated [105]. Wheat straw charcoal and mus-
length. tard straw charcoal were prepared by taking clean and air dried
(for 24 h) straw which was sieved (sieve size was ASTM—7–10) and
3.6. Removal of nitrate from water by agricultural wastes as were heated in a muffle furnace at 300 ◦ C for 1 h and 30 min. Then
adsorbents the charcoal was washed by using double distilled water to remove
any color due to the presence of carbon particles. Commercial acti-
The use of agricultural waste materials is an attractive option vated carbon (CAC) from Eureka Forbes Limited was used as a
as it combines the reuse of waste materials in the remediation of standard for comparison. The calculated values of amount adsorbed
water and wastewaters. Different agricultural wastes have been of WSC, MSC and CAC at 15 ◦ C were 1.10, 1.30 and 1.22 mg/g,
studied for the removal of NO3 − from aqueous solutions. Orlando respectively, which showed that the adsorption effectiveness of
et al. [101] investigated the feasibility of lignocellulosic agricultural MSC was higher than that of WSC and CAC used in this experi-
waste materials (LCM), sugarcane bagasse (BG) and rice hull (RH) ment.
after converting them into weak base anion exchangers and further The nitrate removal was evaluated using a fixed-bed column
evaluated their potential for NO3 − removal from water. Pure cellu- packed with amine-crosslinked wheat straw (AC-WS) [106]. Solid-
lose (PC) and pure alkaline lignin (PL) were also used as reference state 13 C NMR and zeta potential analysis validated the existence
materials to elucidate possible reactivity in LCM. Epoxy and amino of crosslinked amine groups in AC-WS. Raman shift of the nitrate
groups were introduced into BG, RH, PC and PL substrates after peaks suggested the electrostatic attraction between the adsorbed
the reaction with epichlorohydrin and dimethylamine in the pres- ions and positively charged amine sites. The column sorption
ence of pyridine and an organic solvent N,N-dimethylformamide capacity of the AC-WS for nitrate was 87.27 mg/g in comparison
(DMF). It was found that amino group incorporation into cellulose with the raw WS of 0.57 mg/g. Nitrate sorption in column was
decreased with the presence of water in the reaction mixture and affected by bed height, influent nitrate concentration, flow rate and
increased with the reaction time and presence of a catalyst (pyri- pH, and of all these, influent pH demonstrated significant effect on
dine). The highest maximum NO3 − exchange capacity and yields the performance of the column. HCl solution (0.1 mol/L) demon-
of the prepared exchangers was obtained from PL (1.8 mmol/g and strated its high desorption rate for the regeneration of AC-WS. In
412.5%), followed by BG (1.41 mmol/g and 300%), PC (1.34 mmol/g addition, the sorption-desorption process indicated the excellent
and 166%) and RH (1.32 mmol/g and 180%). The proposed synthetic regeneration capacity of AC-WS with little loss (5.2%) in its initial
procedure was found effective in modifying PL, PC and LCM result- sorption capacity when repeatedly used.
ing in a higher yield and NO3 − removal capacity. A new inorganic/sugar beet pulp composite material was pre-
Anionic sorbent using wheat straw was prepared and examined pared from sugar beet pulp (SBP) after loading with zirconium(IV)
for NO3 − removal from aqueous solution by Wang et al. [102]. The ions [107]. The prepared anion exchanger material was exam-
oven-dried and sieved (150–250 ␮m) raw wheat straw (RWS) was ined for its ability to remove sulfate and NO3 − from water. The
crosslinked with epichlorohydrin and dimethylamine. The results effect of contact time, anions concentration, temperature, and pH
indicated that the yield of the prepared anionic sorbent, the total on the adsorption capacity of Zr(IV)-loaded SBP was studied. The
exchange capacity, and the maximum adsorption capacity were maximum adsorption capacity of Zr(IV)-loaded SBP was about
350%, 2.57 mEq/g, and 2.08 mmol/g, respectively. In the presence of 114 mg/g and 63 mg/g for sulfate and NO3 − , respectively. In addi-
a mixed ion solution, the preferential adsorption of the anions was tion, the effect of the regeneration of the Zr-loaded SBP after anion
in the following order, SO4 2− > H2 PO4 − > NO3 − > NO2 − . The capac- removal was also studied. The results of anion adsorption tests and
ity of NO3 − adsorption was reduced by 50%. Desorption and reuse energy dispersed X-ray (EDX)-SEM showed that zirconium ions
experiments showed that about 90% of the adsorbed NO3 − ions were strongly bound to the carboxylate groups of SBP constituents,
could be desorbed from modified wheat straw (MWS) anionic sor- especially pectins, and were not leached as a result of regeneration.
bent using 30 mL of 0.1 M NaOH. Activated carbon was prepared from sugar beet bagasse by
In another study [103], the raw wheat residue (RWR) was chemical activation using ZnCl2 and the prepared activated car-
modified by epichlorohydrin in the presence of pyridine and the bon was used to remove NO3 − from aqueous solutions [108]. The
adsorption kinetics were investigated in batch experiments. The maximum specific surface area of the activated carbon was about
significant increase in the zeta potential (from −35 mV to 40 mV) 1826 m2 /g at 700 ◦ C and at an impregnation ratio of 3:1. It was
and total exchange capacity (TEC) (from 0.25 mEq/g to 2.57 mEq/g) discussed by the authors that increasing the carbonization temper-
of modified wheat residue (MWR) was observed after chemical ature increased the evolution of volatile matters from the precursor,
treatment which greatly enhanced the anion adsorption capacity. leading to the increase in the pore development, and creating new
The results showed that the MWR had greater anion adsorbing pores. Maximum removal (41.2%) was achieved at pH 3. The maxi-
A. Bhatnagar, M. Sillanpää / Chemical Engineering Journal 168 (2011) 493–504 499

mum adsorption capacity increased from 9.14 to 27.55 mg/g as the by blocking the available adsorption sites for nitrate in untreated
temperature increased from 25 to 45 ◦ C. red mud. The equilibrium time of nitrate sorption was 60 min. The
Kinetic and thermodynamic studies were carried out for the mechanism for NO3 − removal was explained by considering the
adsorption of NO3 − from aqueous solutions onto modified beet chemical nature of red mud and the interaction between metal
residue and for desorption from the sorbent to the solution in batch oxides surface and NO3 − ions. Other industrial wastes (e.g., slag, fly
experiments [109]. The beet residue was modified by epichlorohy- ash) have been examined with other adsorbents and their results
drin in the presence of pyridine. The experiments were conducted have been discussed under Section 3.8.
in the presence and absence of ultrasound. It was found that
more than 90% of NO3 − was removed in <2 min from the solu-
tion. Results indicated that the adsorption of NO3 − in the presence 3.8. Removal of nitrate from water by miscellaneous adsorbents
of ultrasound was higher at lower temperature (10 ◦ C) and it was
lower at higher temperatures with respect to the control method Sepiolite activated by HCl, slag and powdered activated carbon
(without ultrasound). The maximum capacity was higher in con- were tested as adsorbents for NO3 − removal [111]. The equilib-
trol method (57.12–85.9 mg/g) than in the presence of ultrasound rium time was found to be 30, 45, 5 min for sepiolite, powdered
(48.4–86.16 mg/g). This behavior could be explained by the acous- activated carbon and activated sepiolite, respectively. The most
tic cavitation (formation, growth, and collapse of the cavity). The effective pH for nitrate removal was 2 for powdered activated car-
critical conditions produced during the cavitation could reduce the bon, however, pH did not affect nitrate removal significantly for
sorbed species from the sorbent and lead to the lower amount of other adsorbents. Sepiolite activated by HCl showed the highest
NO3 − uptake. In the case of desorption study, the amount of des- potential (38.16 mg/g) for NO3 − removal which was explained due
orption was higher in the presence of ultrasound than in its absence to increase in surface area after activation as the proton (H+ ) of the
at different applied temperatures. acids was replaced by part of the Mg2+ ions located in the octa-
hedral sheet during acid activation. Furthermore, more carbonates
in sepiolite were partially decomposed leading to new pores and
3.7. Removal of nitrate from water by industrial wastes as fresh surfaces.
adsorbents In order to increase the positive charge on the surface, sepiolite
was modified by treatment with nonfunctional surfactant dode-
Only a few industrial wastes have been tested as adsorbents cylethyldimethylammonium (DEDMA) bromide [112]. After mod-
for NO3 − removal. Cengeloglu et al. [110] reported the removal of ification, it was found that maximum NO3 − adsorption occurred at
NO3 − from aqueous solution by using the original (water washed pH 2.0. The results indicated that the surfactant-modified sepiolite
and dried) and activated (water washed and HCl treated) red mud. was more effective (453 mmol/kg) than the unmodified sepiolite
The NO3 − adsorption capacity of activated red mud was found to (408 mmol/kg) for NO3 − removal. Dried chinese reed (Miscant-
be higher than that of the original form and decreased above pH hus sinensis), a fast growing plant, was used as a model biomass
7. Adsorption capacity of the original and activated red mud was for the development of anion exchangers using a quaternization
found to be 1.859 and 5.858 mmol NO3 − /g red mud, respectively. agent, N-(3-chloro-2-hydroxypropyl)trimethylammonium chlo-
The increase in sorption capacity in red mud after acid treatment ride (CHMAC), and a cross-linking agent, epichlorohydrin by
was attributed to the leaching out of the sodalite compounds dur- Namasivayam et al. [113]. The adsorption capacity of the cross-
ing acid treatment, which are expected to hinder the adsorption linked and quaternized chinese reed for NO3 − was found to be

Fig. 2. List of different adsorbents used for the removal of nitrate from water.
500 A. Bhatnagar, M. Sillanpää / Chemical Engineering Journal 168 (2011) 493–504

Table 1
Adsorption capacities and other parameters for the removal of nitrate by different sorbents.

S. no. Adsorbent Amount adsorbed Concentration range Contact time Temperature pH Ref.

1. H2 SO4 treated carbon cloth 2.03 mmol/g 115 mg/L 60 min 25 C ∼7.0 [73]
2. Powdered activated carbon 10 mmol/g – 60 min 25 ◦ C <5.0 [74]
3. Carbon nanotubes 25 mmol/g – 60 min 25 ◦ C <5.0 [74]
4. Untreated coconut granular activated 1.7 mg/g 5–200 mg/L 2h 25 ◦ C 5.5 [75]
5. ZnCl2 treated coconut granular 10.2 mg/g 5–200 mg/L 2h 25 ◦ C 5.5 [75]
activated carbon
6. Coconut shell activated carbon 2.66 × 10−1 mmol/g – – 303 K 2–4 [76]
7. Bamboo charcoal 1.04 × 10−1 mmol/g – – 303 K 2–4 [76]
8. Bamboo powder charcoal 1.25 mg/g 0–10 mg/L 120 h 10 ◦ C – [77]
9. Halloysite 0.54 mg/g 100 mg/L 17 h Room temperature 5.4 [83]
10. HDTMA modified QLD-bentonite 12.83–14.76 mg/g 100 mg/L 17 h Room temperature 5.4 [83]
11. Calcined hydrotalcite-type compounds 61.7–147.0 g/kg 12.7–236 mg/L 24 h 25 ◦ C – [86]
12. Layered double hydroxides 20–35 mg/g 0–1000 mg/L 4h 21 ◦ C ∼8.5 [87]
13. Chitosan coated zeolite 0.6–0.74 mmol/g 10–3100 mg/L 72 h 4 ◦ C and 20 ◦ C – [91]
14. Chitosan hydrobeads 92.1 mg/g 1–1000 mg/L 1440 min 30 ◦ C 5.0 [97]
15. Chitosan beads 90.7 mg/g 25–1000 mg/L 24 h 30 ◦ C 5.0 [98]
16. Conditioned cross-linked chitosan 104.0 mg/g 25–1000 mg/L 24 h 30 ◦ C 5.0 [98]
17. Pure alkaline lignin 1.8 mmol/g 1–30 mg/L 48 h 30 ◦ C – [101]
18. Sugarcane bagasse 1.41 mmol/g 1–30 mg/L 48 h 30 ◦ C – [101]
19. Pure cellulose 1.34 mmol/g 1–30 mg/L 48 h 30 ◦ C – [101]
20. Rice hull 1.32 mmol/g 1–30 mg/L 48 h 30 ◦ C – [101]
21. Raw wheat residue 0.02 mmol/g 50–500 mg/L 150 min 23 ± 2 ◦ C 6.8 [103]
22. Modified wheat residue 2.08 mmol/g 50–500 mg/L 150 min 23 ± 2 ◦ C 6.8 [103]
23. Impregnated almond shell activated 16–17 mg/g 10–50 mg/L 120 min 20 ◦ C 6.2 [104]
24. Wheat straw charcoal 1.10 mg/g 0–25 mg/L 10 min 15 ◦ C – [105]
25. Mustard straw charcoal 1.30 mg/g 0–25 mg/L 10 min 15 ◦ C – [105]
26. Commercial activated carbon 1.22 mg/g 0–25 mg/L 10 min 15 ◦ C – [105]
27. Zr(IV)-loaded sugar beet pulp 63 mg/g – 24 h 25 ◦ C 6.0 [107]
28. Chemically modified sugar beet 9.14–27.55 mg/g 10–200 mg/L – 25–45 ◦ C 6.58 [108]
29. Original and activated red mud 1.859 and 5.858 mmol/g 5–250 mg/L 60 min Room temperature 6.0 [110]
30. Sepiolite activated by HCl 38.16 mg/g 100 mg/L 5 min – – [111]
31. Unmodified sepiolite 408 mmol/kg – – – – [112]
32. Surfactant-modified sepiolite 453 mmol/kg – – – 2.0 [112]
33. Cross-linked and quaternized chinese 7.55 mg/g 10–40 mg/dm3 10 min 25 ◦ C 5.8 [113]
34. Ammonium-functionalized 46.0 mg/g 100–700 mg/L 60 min 5 ◦C <8.0 [114]
mesostructured silica

7.55 mg of anion per g of the anion exchanger. The pH effect and whereas phosphate removal was maximized at 4 < pH < 6. Max-
desorption studies confirm that removal of NO3 − occurred through imum removal of 71% and 88% was obtained for NO3 − and
ion exchange on the quaternized biomass. The presence of sul- phosphate, respectively, using an adsorbent dose of 10 g/L. Des-
fate, fluoride, phosphate, and perchlorate considerably lowered the orption of both anions was rapidly achieved within 10 min, using
uptake of nitrate. 0.01 M NaOH. Regeneration tests showed that the adsorbent
Adsorption of NO3 − and monovalent phosphate anions from retained its capacity after five adsorption–desorption cycles.
aqueous solutions on ammonium-functionalized mesoporous Ammonium-functionalized MCM-41, MCM-48 and SBA-15
MCM-48 silica was investigated [114]. The adsorbent was prepared mesoporous silica materials were synthesized via post-synthesis
via a post-synthesis grafting method, using aminopropyltri- grafting [115] and their efficiency to remove NO3 − and phos-
ethoxysilane, followed by acidification in HCl solution to convert phate anions in aqueous solutions was investigated. The adsorbents
the attached surface amino groups to ammonium moieties. The showed high adsorption capacities reaching 46.5 mg NO3 − /g and
adsorbent was determined to be effective for the removal of 55.9 mg H2 PO4 − /g under the operating conditions explored. The
both anions. The removal of NO3 − was maximum at pH <8, mesoporous silica functionalized via post-synthesis grafting meth-

Table 2
Kinetic studies of nitrate on different adsorbents.

S. no. Adsorbent Applicable kinetic model Reference

1. Carbon cloth First-order [73]

2. Untreated coconut granular activated carbon Pseudo-second-order [75]
3. ZnCl2 treated coconut granular activated carbon Pseudo-second-order [75]
4. Chitosan hydrobeads Pseudo-second-order [97]
5. Modified wheat straw First-order [102]
6. Raw wheat residue Pseudo-second-order [103]
7. Modified wheat residue Pseudo-second-order [103]
8. Zr(IV)-loaded sugar beet pulp Pseudo-first-order [107]
9. Chemically modified sugar beet bagasse Pseudo-second-order [108]
10. Modified beet residue Pseudo-second-order [109]
11. HCl activated sepiolite Second-order [111]
A. Bhatnagar, M. Sillanpää / Chemical Engineering Journal 168 (2011) 493–504 501

Table 3
Adsorption isotherm studies of nitrate on different adsorbents.

S. no. Adsorbent Applicable isotherm model Reference

1. Carbon cloth Langmuir [73]

2. Powdered activated carbon Freundlich [74]
3. Carbon nanotubes Freundlich [74]
4. Untreated coconut granular activated carbon Langmuir [75]
5. ZnCl2 treated coconut granular activated carbon Langmuir [75]
6. Bamboo powder charcoal Langmuir [77]
7. Calcined hydrotalcite-type compounds Langmuir [86]
8. Layered double hydroxides Langmuir [87]
9. Chitosan hydrobeads Langmuir [97]
10. Chitosan beads Langmuir [98]
11. Conditioned cross-linked chitosan beads Langmuir [98]
12. Pure alkaline lignin Langmuir [101]
13. Sugarcane bagasse Langmuir [101]
14. Pure cellulose Langmuir [101]
15. Rice hull Langmuir [101]
16. Modified wheat straw Freundlich [102]
17. Raw wheat residue Freundlich [103]
18. Modified wheat residue Freundlich [103]
19. Wheat straw charcoal Langmuir [105]
20. Mustard straw charcoal Langmuir [105]
21. Commercial activated carbon Langmuir [105]
22. Zr(IV)-loaded sugar beet pulp Langmuir [107]
23. Chemically modified sugar beet bagasse Langmuir [108]
24. Modified beet residue Langmuir [109]
25. Original and activated red mud Langmuir [110]
26. HCl activated sepiolite Freundlich [111]

ods exhibited higher performances in terms of percentage pollutant Six species of trees in the Cedar and Bald Cypress families
removal and adsorption capacities. were selected and samples of heartwood, sapwood and bark were
Nitrate removal from paper mill industry wastewater was obtained [117]. The wood samples were pretreated with a weak
studied [116] with fly-ash, raw and heat-activated sepiolite as acid solution (pH 3) and distilled water (control). During the
adsorbents. Equilibrium time was found to be 1 h for both adsor- experiment, liquid absorbed, tannin leaching, tissue density and
bents. It was observed that pH played an important role in the sorption of NO3 − from solution data were recorded. Samples that
NO3 − adsorption process, both ionizing the compounds and mod- proved most effective for NO3 − removal were also evaluated for
ifying sorbent surfaces. It was noticed that heat-activated sepiolite re-release of sorbed NO3 − back into water. Nitrate removal from
was more effective than raw sepiolite and fly-ash to remove water solutions were most effective with incense cedar bark (22%
NO3 − . removal/water pre-treatment, 28% removal/acid pre-treatment)

Table 4
Thermodynamic studies of nitrate sorption on different adsorbents.

Adsorbent Temperature (◦ C) G (kJ/mol) H (kJ/mol) S (kJ/mol·K) Reference

Zn/Al chloride layered double 20 −0.987 to −1.789 13.832 to 16.392 0.0672 to 0.07346 [15]
hydroxide 25 −1.560 to −2.294
30 −2.133 to −2.798
35 −2.706 to −3.303
40 −3.280 to −3.808
45 −3.853 to −4.313
50 −4.426 to −4.817

ZnCl2 treated coconut granular activated carbon 10 −4.01 −32.33 [75]

25 −3.05 −13.16 −33.93
45 −2.75 −32.4

Thermally activated Mg/Al chloride hydrotalcite-like 20 −0.987 to −1.789 10.361 to 12.912 0.055 to 0.069 [88]
compound 25 −1.560 to −2.294
30 −2.133 to −2.798
35 −2.706 to −3.303
40 −3.280 to −3.808
45 −3.853 to −4.313
50 −4.426 to −4817

Surfactant modified zeolite 15 −19.6 [95]

25 −19.9 −13.7 20.5
35 −20.0

Chitosan hydrobeads 20 −16.343 47.92 [97]

30 −17.006 −2.302 48.53
40 −17.313 47.96
50 −17.846 48.12

Sugar beet bagasse carbon 25 −20.75 [108]

35 −24.18 133.62 0.516
45 −31.15
502 A. Bhatnagar, M. Sillanpää / Chemical Engineering Journal 168 (2011) 493–504

and Port-Orford cedar bark (33% removal/water pretreatment, 30% tions. Thus, the selection of the appropriate technology/sorbent
removal/acid pre-treatment). media can be tedious. Besides these, some other issues, such
The NO3 − adsorption onto a cement paste, a cured mixture of as assessment of efficacy of sorbents for NO3 − removal under
cement and water, has been observed and is well described by multi-component pollutants, mechanistic modeling to correctly
a linear isotherm with the coefficient of 43.6 L/kg [118]. Cement understand the sorption mechanisms, investigation of these mate-
paste column was used by Park et al. [119] to remove some anions rials with real industrial effluents, and continuous flow studies
including NO3 − . Recently, the feasibility of nano-alumina for NO3 − should also be conducted in detail. Last but not the least, it would be
removal from aqueous solutions has been explored [120]. The max- worthwhile to investigate the reusability of the spent adsorbents
imum sorption capacity of nano-alumina for NO3 − removal was as only a few studies are available in literature. More research is
found to be ca. 4.0 mg/g. Maximum NO3 − removal occurred at equi- needed in the field of regeneration and finally for the environmen-
librium pH ∼ 4.4. Nitrate sorption was affected by the presence of tally safe disposal of NO3 − -laden adsorbents.
chloride, sulfate and carbonate anions.
Fig. 2 summarises various sorbents which have been used so Acknowledgments
far for the removal of nitrate. Furthermore, a summary of adsorp-
tion capacities of various adsorbents for nitrate removal from We wish to thank all the anonymous reviewers whose com-
water has been presented in Table 1. A perusal of Table 1 reveals ments/suggestions have significantly improved the quality of
that hydrotalcite-type compounds/layered double hydroxides and this manuscript. Amit Bhatnagar acknowledges his post-doctoral
chemically modified adsorbents have been found promising for scholarship (FCT-DFRH-SFRH/BPD/62889/2009) supported by the
enhanced removal of nitrate from water. Tables 2–4 represent Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT).
kinetic studies, adsorption isotherms and thermodynamic stud-
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