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What is a functional genetic polymorphism? Defining

classes of functionality

Paul R. Albert, PhD

Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (Neuroscience), University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ont.

In the human genome there are at least 3.1 million single nu- transcription, RNA splicing, stability or translation;4 or in
cleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), or about 1 SNP per kilobase inter genic regions of unknown function. 5 For example,
of sequence.1 There have been thousands of studies in mental 2 SNPs in the dopamine D2 receptor gene introns 5–6 alter its
health, including genome-wide association studies, attempt- splicing to favour the generation of the D2 long over short re-
ing to associate mental illness or various behavioural, imaging ceptor isoform and are associated with reductions in working
or biochemical endophenotypes with genetic polymorphisms memory and reduced frontostriatal activation in people with
or sequence variants (following recommendations of the schizophrenia and people who abuse cocaine.6–8 Individual
Human Genome Variation Society, “sequence variant” is a SNPs may have minimal functional impact but may be in
more inclusive term than “polymorphism.” However, a com- linkage disequilibrium with a set of polymorphisms that
mon problem has been a lack of consistent association with a form a haplotype associated with a functional outcome on
given polymorphism. For example, 5-HTTLPR is the most gene expression or function.9 Whereas a polymorphism may
studied functional polymorphism in psychiatry, yet contro- have a demonstrated effect on the function of a gene, there
versy remains as to the strength of association, with both posi- are varying degrees of demonstrating the function of a gen-
tive and negative findings having been reported.2 In psych- etic variant. These range from in vitro studies to studies that
iatry in particular, there remains a mismatch between seek to determine the functional impact of a given poly-
association of SNPs with disease and their functional role in morphism on gene expression in humans as the clearest indi-
disease. To begin to link SNP associations with potential func- cation of a “functional polymorphism.” Hence, for the pur-
tional roles, I propose a classification system that ranks the ex- poses of generating discussion on this issue, a potential
tent to which a given SNP has been demonstrated to have a classification system to rank the function of a polymorphism
functional role, with the highest rank being its role in the be- or sequence variant is presented.
haviours that result in mental illness. However, the proposed I propose 4 classes of genetic polymorphisms:
classification does not rank the magnitude of functional im- • Class 0: Function not determined. Either (A) no function is
pact of a polymorphism, and hence cannot predict the likeli- known, or (B) theoretical function is predicted but has not
hood of association of a given SNP with mental illness. been experimentally demonstrated.
To understand the mechanistic basis by which a poly- • Class 1: Functional in vitro. The functional effect of the
morphism is associated with a particular phenotype or be- polymorphism on a target DNA element or regulatory
havioural outcome, it is necessary to know whether that mechanism has been demonstrated using in vitro assays
polymorphism is functional (i.e., whether it alters the func- (e.g., gel shift, reporter assay, ligand binding); however,
tion of a gene or set of genes). In most cases, the function of the function of the polymorphism on endogenous gene
an associated polymorphism is not defined and must be sur- expression or in vivo is unknown.
mised or extrapolated as an effect on the gene that contains • Class 2: Functional in vivo. In addition to class 1 require-
this polymorphism. In rare cases, a polymorphism may be a ments, (A) function effect of the polymorphism on the
nonsynonymous coding region variation that alters the gene endogenous gene has been tested in model cellular sys-
product protein structure. Most common polymorphisms are tems (e.g., human transformed cell lines, human B lymph-
potential regulatory polymorphisms located in noncoding re- oblasts, primary cell cultures) using methods such as rela-
gions, including promoter/upstream, downstream and in- tive allelic expression and chromatin immunoprecipitation,
tron regions, that may affect transcription;3 in intron and un- and (B) in vitro function is correlated with a functional
translated regions transcribed as RNA that may affect change in human tissue.

Correspondence to: Dr. P.R. Albert, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (Neuroscience), University of Ottawa, 451 Smyth Rd., Ottawa ON
K1H 8M5;
J Psychiatry Neurosci 2011;36(6):363-5.
DOI: 10.1503/jpn.110137

© 2011 Canadian Medical Association

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• Class 3: Functional phenocopy. In addition to class 1 re- their function in regulation of transcription. However, many
quirements, (A) function has been demonstrated in vivo consensus elements are degenerate, and most sequence vari-
using model organisms such as knockin mice, and (B) ants fall within a “consensus” DNA element that has not
function is correlated with a functional change in human been validated for its function. Hence, the function of a spe-
tissue. cific transcription factor at the “element” and the effect of the
Note that within each class, the degree of functional impact polymorphism on this function must be experimentally
may vary. Hence, the class ranking does not indicate the demonstrated. A variety of in vitro methods can be used for
magnitude of functional impact of the polymorphism; rather, known DNA elements, including electrophoretic mobility
it indicates only the degree to which the impact has been shift and super-shift assay, chromatin immunoprecipitation
investigated. Furthermore, the class of a polymorphism does assays to demonstrate binding of the transcription factor, and
not imply its importance in a given population: a polymorph- reporter assays or reverse transcription polymerase chain re-
ism may have a large impact on function in vivo, but be action to demonstrate transcription regulation and allele-
exceedingly rare and not useful as a marker in the general specific differences in transcription factor binding or activity
population, as is the case for TPH2 G1463A.10,11 in cell lines.3,15 For unknown DNA elements, screening ap-
proaches, such as yeast one-hybrid or expression cloning, can
Class 0 (no function demonstrated) be used to identify the transcription factor involved and
show the effect of the polymorphism.15 Without identification
For most polymorphisms, the specific functional effect of the of the specific transcription factor involved, simply showing
polymorphism on gene expression has not been determined. a small 50% effect on transcription by reporter assay is in-
For example, if the SNP is not located in a region of predicted sufficient to define a functional polymorphism. To achieve
or known functional interest, “function” can only be inferred class 1, the transcription factor affected needs to be identified,
from the gene location. In some cases (0B), the polymorphism and the effect of the polymorphism on this transcription fac-
may lie in a region of functional interest, such as a coding re- tor’s actions, as well as on basal transcription of the target
gion or promoter region. It may even be a region with strong gene, should be demonstrated. Furthermore, demonstration
interspecies homology or known function. However, if no that alteration of the transcription factor phenocopies the ef-
data are presented supporting the proposed function, the fect of the polymorphism in vivo would place this in a higher
polymorphism is still nonfunctional. For example, a poly- class: class 3.
morphism located in a consensus sequence for a DNA bind-
ing protein may be predicted to disrupt that site, but often Class 2 (functional in vivo)
consensus sites lack demonstrated function. It has been
found that many polymorphisms in promoter regions that Class 2 requires that, in addition to in vitro studies (class 1),
may “disrupt” a putative consensus DNA element do not ac- the expression of the endogenous gene is shown to be af-
tually influence gene function. In genes differentially ex- fected by the functional polymorphism. For example, the
pressed in people with schizophrenia, 25%–35% of “pro- 5-HTTLPR polymorphism was originally shown to alter sero-
moter” polymorphisms demonstrated in vitro “functionality” tonin transporter expression in transformed B lymphoblasts
of a greater than 50% effect on transcription, as detected from humans in an allele-specific manner.16 However, studies
using a reporter assay.12,13 However, as discussed below, this of serotonin transporter expression in the brain do not reveal
level of functionality remains insufficient to ascertain a func- allele-specific alterations in its apparent level of expression.
tional polymorphism. Hence, a more stringent criterion is the demonstration of al-
tered expression in brain tissue. For example, the HTR1A
Class 1 (functional in vitro) C(-1019)G allele has been shown to have an association with
higher levels of 5-HT1A autoreceptors, consistent with its
Many so-called functional polymorphisms fall into this class. disruption of repressor function in raphe cells.17 However,
For polymorphisms in coding regions, a change in a single positron emission tomography studies are limited in their
amino acid is not sufficient to determine functionality. Large ability to determine precise receptor expression levels, and
deletions or premature termination of the coding sequence allele-specific expression in human cells remains to be
are admittedly very likely to be functional, but it remains crit- demonstrated.
ical to determine whether the truncated fragment is itself To attain class 2 designation, demonstration of in vivo ac-
functional (e.g., as a dominant negative). Hence, without de- tivity is critical since a polymorphism may show activity in
termination of the protein function, even coding polymorph- in vitro assays but may not have a great impact on gene ex-
isms should be designated as class 0. For example, a 4-bp pression in vivo. For example, we found a polymorphism in
deletion in DISC1 that induces a frame-shift mutation and the dopamine D2 receptor gene that attenuates the binding
was linked with schizophrenia in a family should be func- and repression of the D2 receptor gene by transcription factor
tional, yet it has been subsequently found to be present only CC2D1A/Freud-1, which recognizes a site incorporating this
in control individuals in a subsequent association study.14 polymorphism. Although we found that Freud-1 strongly
For most polymorphisms located in noncoding regions, a regulates the expression of endogenous D2 receptors in cell
variety of approaches, including bioinformatic search for lo- lines,18 preliminary results suggest that the polymorphism
cation in consensus DNA elements, can be used to elucidate itself may not have a great impact on D2 receptor gene

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Classes of polymorphism functionality

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